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Callie's Gift

Page 20

by T. J. Jones

  "No, I'm going to be a normal college girl. No more parties at Billy's, no more drugs. Ozzy and I will go out on the weekends, I'm even going to a fundraiser next week, can you believe that shit? So, if you even catch me looking at a joint, kick my ass, okay?"

  "With pleasure! Nat, this sounds like a good idea to me. It might not be for all the right reasons, but if you and Ozzy are ever going to really work out, you have to be sober long enough to figure out if you even like each other, right?"

  "Callie, I'm honestly kind of excited about it. Oz and I might end up together, and maybe I'll really learn something in school."

  "Sometimes I wonder, but I think that's why we're here Nat!" They talked until late into the evening. At ten, Callie got a text emoji from Jenny. She smiled and sent a heart back to her.

  Callie's mood had improved considerably, thanks to her roommate's return to normalcy. She didn't even blow up when Danielle joined her at the table next to the hot dog vendor. She didn't smile either. Neither woman looked up as they unwrapped their sandwiches. Callie spread hers out, and like always, proceeded to rearrange the contents. She flipped the three pickles onto Danielle's paper plate. The tall woman smiled slightly but didn't say anything. After a bit they both glanced up, simultaneously. Callie spoke first.

  "So, why would you ruin Travis's career, I asked myself. Orders from the Queen bitch, or just to be sure you got another shot at sleeping with me? Should I be flattered?"

  "Take it whichever way that will piss you off the least, please."

  "I really care about her, you know that."

  "And I really care about you. I'm told Jenny and Travis will have a long and happy life together."

  "You're told? So, you didn't see it yourself?"

  "I don't have those abilities. I would have to sleep with her to even get a hint of her future."

  "Really? Your fucking restraint is admirable!" Danielle choked on her sandwich, trying to hold back a laugh.

  "I was told keeping you here in town was crucial to the Sisters. And I like having you around, is that so bad?"

  "I'm just sick of being lied to. If Chester hadn't seen you here that day, I never would have given him flunking out a second thought. I would have just presumed he hated it bad enough to bomb a couple tests. How many other lies are there."

  "None. Oh wait, I get lied to almost daily, so that might not be true."

  "I'm not amused, Danielle. Tell enough small lies and pretty soon no one can trust you. What happens when it's life and death? What if I can't believe you when the guns are going off?"

  "Is that something you've seen?"

  "It's coming, and you and I are in the middle of it. See! I can't tell you everything I think I know, because I can't trust you, or Teresa. I trust her even less than you." They sat in silence for a full minute. Danielle stood suddenly.

  "I'll be in touch Callie. Be careful okay? I'm on your side. I know it may not always seem that way, but I am. Your right, something is coming, but I will be there for you."

  "I know that. I've dreamt about it almost every night for a year. I really can't see beyond you and I running away from a shooting. Something about twins, it isn't clear." Danielle turned to walk away, and Callie called out to her. "Hey, I do trust you, at least twice as much as that bitch Teresa."

  "Well, that's better than not at all. I'll see you soon Callie. Lunch is on me next time."


  Callie spent the next three weeks studying. Besides her own classes, she helped Natalie with hers. The girl was very bright and Callie wondered what she could have accomplished had her home life been more stable, and the drugs less available. But she was serious about cleaning up her act and Callie tried to help her as much as she could. Staying busy made the time pass faster. Jenny texted daily, and they talked every few days. She did say that she had hung out with Travis, but not much more. Callie had decided to stay in the Cities until Thanksgiving. If Jenny started drifting away from her, and towards Travis, so be it. She would accept that as best she could. If, by Christmas break, it didn't appear like that was going to happen, then she would give in to her desire for the girl. Surrender was a better word. She would give in, and run to Jenny, consequences be damned. She was daydreaming about the possible outcomes of that, smiling, when Natalie suddenly snapped her fingers in front of her face.

  "Hey Callie, Jesus, go jump that girlfriend of yours already. You walk around here looking like a love-sick puppy."

  "I'm just waiting for the right time. By Christmas things will be decided." Callie paused, staring straight ahead. "By Christmas, it's happening just before Christmas."

  "Well okay then. But if it was me, I'd go for it right now. She might not wait."

  "That's the chance I have to take, but that's not what I'm talking about. I have to make a call. I'll be right back." Callie ran out into the cold night air, phone in hand. It was pitch black except for the light above the door. As she pulled her phone out, two young men strolled into sight. She knew immediately they weren't the same two that had nearly accosted her previously, but they changed directions slightly and she knew they intended to talk to her. Harmless flirting perhaps, but she wasn't in the mood. "Just keep moving boys." She said loudly. They shifted direction again, never acknowledging her, and followed the path out of sight. She dialed Danielle's number, bouncing her legs slightly to keep warm.

  "Hey Cal, looking for a date?"

  "Quit, I'm trying to save some lives. This isn't very specific, but whatever it is, it's happening at Christmas. Right before Christmas I think. Last day of school is the twenty-first, could be then."

  "You're positive?"

  "Hell no, I'm not positive! You know how this shit works. Sometimes I see actual events. I said the words, by Christmas it will be decided, and it just hit me. I'm as sure as I can be."

  "Okay, can I share this with the powers that be?"

  "I figured you would anyway, but thanks for asking."

  "Going home for Thanksgiving?"

  "Yeah, you?" Callie paused, she had no idea if Danielle even had a family. "I mean, I'd invite you to my folk's place for dinner, but if I bring an Amazon Princess like you home, there are going to be a lot of questions."

  "Do you really think of me that way?"

  "Danielle, everybody that sees you thinks of you that way."

  "Thanks, I guess. And thanks for the call, Callie. I hope you are starting to trust me again."

  "Right up until the next time I catch you lying to me."

  "Okay, I deserve that. Goodnight."

  "Night Dani." Callie hurried back inside, slapping her arms for warmth. She thought she smelled a trace of pot as she entered the room. She glared at her roommate and pointed a finger at her. Natalie burst out laughing, remnants of smoke escaping her mouth.

  "Sorry, I found one little joint in my purse. It'll help me sleep."


  Callie stopped at the Walmart as soon as she reached town. Jenny was working in the electronics department, stocking printer ink, when Callie walked up behind her smiling. Jenny let out a little gasp when she saw her. She grabbed her hand and looked around. "Come with me Miss, I'll show you where the rest room is." Callie followed her into the large bathroom, slightly mystified. An elderly woman smiled at them, finished washing her hands, then walked out. As soon as she disappeared Jenny grabbed Callie and pulled her into an embrace, kissing her repeatedly, quickly at first, then more deeply. The door squeaked and a young girl walked in. She giggled loudly and hurried into one of the stalls.

  "Wow, Jen. I missed you too, but aren't you worried about getting caught not working?"

  "Worth it! God, I missed you." Another older woman walked into the bathroom.

  "Me too. But let's not get you fired. Do you have your car, or should I pick you up?"

  "Travis dropped me off. I told him you'd pick me up. He really is fun, I can see why you guys hung out in high school. So, I'm done at midnight, want to go to Perkins after?"

  Callie dro
pped her things at home and spent an hour talking to her parents. Her father told her stories about the coffee group at the hardware, including the fact that even Richie had found a job.

  "I hope your planning on coming back for a while next summer Callie."

  "No promises Dad. That's kind of up in the air. But I need a job, and you always pay me more than I'm worth, so I'll probably be back."

  "An assistant manager at the store would make even more, you know."

  "Ha, Dad, I get the point. But I'm not ready to bail on the U quite yet."

  "I saw that friend of yours, Jenny, the other day in the store. The Weaver kid was with her, said he hung it up. Came back to help his Dad on the farm."

  Callie sat in front of the Walmart, waiting for Jenny. From the sound of things, Jenny and Travis had been spending a lot of time together. She cursed herself for being jealous. She had been telling herself for months that Jenny was straight, and that she needed a man in her life. Travis was a man, and a good one. Danielle said that they were going to have a happy life together. But the Danielle and Teresa seemed to lie as much as they told the truth. Who knew what outcome they had seen, or if it could be changed.

  Would Jenny be better off with Travis? For everyone's talk of acceptance, gay couples still stood out. She knew she had no choice, but it seemed like Jenny did. But there was all that kissing. It didn't seem like Jenny was concerned in the least about her gender, or the consequences of being with another girl. Being kissed like that by Jenny was what she had wanted for a very long time, so why this fear? Was Greg Johnson still poking around in her subconscious, waiting until the last possible moment to destroy Callie's happiness? Would Jenny learn somehow what had happened? Callie tapped her fingers on the steering wheel, thinking. Even if it were possible, did she deserve to be happy with Jenny?

  Jenny was going to want her to stay over. Callie had told herself that she would let things happen, that fate could decide if she were to be with Jenny. But could she share a bed with the girl? Jenny seemed to want their relationship to move forward, but Callie had to admit to herself that she was scared. This was Jenny. What if they crossed that line, and things didn't work? What if she chose Travis instead? Could she survive that? Could their friendship? Callie decided she needed time, a few weeks to prepare herself. She would stick with her plan to finish the semester at school and the business with the Sisters. By then the relationship between Travis and Jenny would become clear. If it appeared that Danielle was right about them, she would step back. Callie smiled, watching Jenny's red hair bounce with each stride she took, walking to Callie's car. It seemed like a good plan, but turning down the redhead was not going to be easy.

  "What do you mean you're not staying over? I haven't seen you in three weeks!" Jenny's voice carried across the restaurant.

  "Jenny, everybody in here doesn't need to know our business." Callie looked around, frowning.

  "Callie, I thought this would be the night, or the weekend, you know." Jenny blushed and finally lowered her voice. "I thought this was the night we would finally make love."

  "Jenny, God!"

  "Don't act so shocked. We're consenting adults Callie. I love you and I want to be with you. I keep throwing myself at you and you keep avoiding it."

  "I want us to be together too, but honestly, I'm scared Jen. This is a big step. What if we end up not getting along, what if you don't like being with a girl, what if, I'm not the one for you?"

  "What if you think too much? You're the last person I ever thought would be scared."

  "I know, me too. Just give me a little more time okay? I'm sorry, but I keep thinking you're going to change your mind. That would kill me Jen." Jenny smiled suddenly.

  "Okay, how about Christmas, that would be a great present for both of us! I'll get some mistletoe and we'll do the deed on Christmas, and no chickening out, darn it! Will you be convinced I'm gay for you by then?" Callie saw half a dozen customers turn their heads and look their way, smiling. She laughed loudly. It seemed like an odd thing to plan, but it gave her some time, and a lot of hope.

  "You are such a child."

  "But you are staying over tonight, okay? That's part of the deal. I won't attack you, I promise. We'll saving the good stuff until Christmas. I just want you close to me, okay?"

  "I can never say no to you, Jenny."

  Chapter 22

  Callie walked slowly along the display case in the jewelry store. She had managed to keep her feelings in check for the last three weeks. She'd spent a few nights at Jenny's house, over Thanksgiving, and again two weeks later, when she was home. Jenny had wrapped her in hugs and snuggled against her as they slept. It was the best kind of torture, and she was cautiously optimistic. Travis was around a lot. He went to the movies and dinner with them. Callie did her best not to wonder what they did together when she was at school. Jenny teased her about their Christmas gift to each other. She claimed all she wanted to unwrap at Christmas was Callie, but the blonde hoped to surprise her with something special. She picked out a blue sapphire and diamond necklace that cost a summer's wages at the hardware store. She had it wrapped with a small blue ribbon, then tore it off because the color brought back too many memories.

  Finals week. Unlike everyone around her, Callie wasn't stressed about her grades. School was the least of her worries. Danielle was a bundle of nerves, waiting for whatever calamitous event was to come. Callie hadn't been dreaming about that, at least not the tortured dreams where she and Danielle were struggling in the alleyway. Her dreams centered around Travis and Jenny, locked in an embrace in Jenny's front room. Callie had learned to tell the difference between her regular dreams and prescience, and this seemed like the latter. But Jenny's texts came every day, with no hint of trouble. She knew the girl wasn't capable of subterfuge, if she were suddenly interested in Travis, she would tell Callie. She tried to push it from her mind.

  Natalie had been working hard at school. With Callie's help, she was doing well on her finals. Oz had also settled down, it seemed. He was the new face of the young Republicans, and he appeared in the newspaper regularly. Callie had seen Nat also, standing beside him in a white flowered dress and listed as his fiancé. Ozzy appeared considerably different, dressed in a suit, without a joint or beer in his hand. Callie still didn't care for him. She wondered about Eliot, if any of his injuries had been serious. She knew something was off about him, but she just couldn't make the connection.

  The Sisters had been quiet. Since their meeting, Teresa and the group had stayed out of her head. She knew she would feel them if they tried. Her abilities were improving steadily. It frustrated her that she couldn't see what was coming, only that it was. Danielle found her Friday afternoon. Finals were over, everyone was leaving. Callie wanted to go home too. She wanted to forget the Sisters and school for the next three weeks, possibly longer if she and Jenny worked things out. But she knew something was going to happen, something violent, and she couldn't leave until it did. She knew Danielle would play a part in that, but what or how, was totally hidden from her.

  "Anymore thoughts on tonight?" Danielle asked her, as they walked into the food court. They took a table near the window. It was cold outside, getting colder as the sun slid behind the skyline. The hotdog stand was closed for the season and Callie stared at it mournfully.

  "No, everybody's leaving for winter break. Is it possible we're wrong about this?"

  "Something is going to happen Callie. You can't have dreamt this for the last year if it's not very important. The Sisters all agree, but their thoughts are vague on it as well. We just have to wait and hope I can handle it when it happens." Callie frowned at her.

  "What do you mean, handle it?"

  "Look at me, do you think I train six to eight hours a day just to stay fit? I have physical skills, combat skills, that's my main contribution to the group."

  "I saw some guys the other night outside the apartment, looked like they might harass me. I sent them away, like it was nothing."
br />   "Might be another sign your growing stronger, or might be just some decent guys that can take a hint. Controlling someone's behavior is usually beyond our capabilities. Maybe you can do it, but I wouldn't depend on it. That's why I'm here to take care of you if need be. Try not to make my job impossible, okay?" Callie smiled at her.

  "So, you've been my body guard all this time?"

  "You'd be an incredible asset to the group Callie. The more we know, the more we can do to prevent tragedy from happening."

  "Maybe. Are you always so hands on with the people you protect?"

  "Are you flirting with me again?"

  "No, not flirting. Just trying to sort out the truth, it's really hard with you people."

  "Callie, what is going on with that roommate of yours, doesn't she date that young lawyer that they're pushing to run for congress?"

  "Yeah, Ozzy. He's a tool."

  "Well, they're having a student rally in front of the Law building and he's giving a speech, trying to start his campaign. It starts at six and it's on the other side of the campus." She stood quickly. "Seems like the place, since you're connected to them."

  "Natalie's going to be there too. She mentioned it earlier."


  Eliot Nucci starred hard at his brother. "Eddie, I'm going to go see her, I don't care what you think. She cares about me. That jerk Oz has her fooled into thinking he's a big deal. I just want to see her, talk to her if there's a chance. I can make her realize she should be with me."

  "You're going to end up getting your ass kicked again. Take the Glock with you. You have the right to protect yourself if those goons come after you. I still think I should go with you."

  "Mom always said I needed you to clean up my messes. I'm a grownup for Christs sakes, I can take care of myself. And I'm going to take care of some other dickheads while I'm at it."

  "What's that supposed to mean Eliot? Don't do anything stupid. You're always doing something idiotic. Mom was right, I'll have to clean up this mess for you."


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