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Amber- Shadow Witch

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by D. R. Rosier

  Amber: Shadow Witch

  Ashley’s Daughters Book 2

  Author: D. R. Rosier

  Copyright 2015. This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  About the Author

  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Non-erotic Fantasy title:

  Book Description


  Ashley’s Daughters is a trilogy, one book dedicated to each daughter. This second book is about the middle daughter or oldest twin, Amber. This trilogy happens in the same universe as Jezebel’s Tale and Ashley’s Tale, starting about twenty seven years after Demon’s world: Ashley’s Tale Book 2 ends. Does this mean you need to have read the previous two multi-book stories? No, not at all, this trilogy will stand on its own. Of course, if you haven’t read the first book of this trilogy, Dawn: Dragon’s Honor – Ashley’s Daughters book 1, then you should read that first.

  In some ways the world is completely different now, but of course, some things never change. I hope you enjoy the book, and please take a moment to review it on Amazon and/or Goodreads after you finish.

  Timeline note: This book starts around the time Dawn is returning from the dragon world for the first time, about a third of the way through book 1.

  Chapter 1

  My nipples were tight but not in a good way. It was absolutely freezing. My family believed I was an analyst with the CIA, or at least, they were supposed to. I’d never wished that was the truth until now, but the reality was I was an operative, but it was also more complicated than that. There was more to it, and my family didn’t have a clue. I’ll get into that more later though.

  I was in northern Canada trying to infiltrate the estate of a Janice Holbrook. We believed she had infiltrated the company of a government contractor, and was preparing to sell secure U.S. secrets to other countries. I knew she had, but I needed proof. I’d managed to track her into this forsaken frozen wilderness and was going over my options now.

  I was freezing, but it was my own fault, when she’d stopped moving I took a portal up here without thinking. Okay, so not my smartest move being in tennis shoes, Capri jeans, and a fairly thin shirt surrounded by snow. I could kick in the door, subdue her, and then rummage around her mind for where the evidence was, but on the off chance she wasn’t guilty I knew it would cause a shit storm back at the office when I was debriefed.

  I moved as stealthily as possible in snow and made my way around the house. I could feel her inside with someone else who didn’t feel human, possibly a demon. Was it her partner, or someone she was going to sell to? I was doing the best I could hiding my aura from him which wasn’t a simple thing. All my magic was held tightly inside, one gossamer spell cast on me had the effect of hiding my aura. But it was a tentative thing, any magic would destroy my cloaking spell.

  I looked through the window and, well they appeared to be quite distracted with each other. I opened my senses a little, I didn’t dare reach out to feel their emotions, but I could use them passively and could feel the lust pour off both of them.

  I could also see Janice’s document bag with the corner of a tablet sticking out. I decided to wait a few minutes, and even though I froze my ass off, it was worth it when he picked her up and started for the stairs. It was frustrating, because I knew a bunch a different ways to stay warm with my magic, not to mention demon fire, but I couldn’t use them, at least not without him feeling it.

  I waited a little longer until I was sure they were completely absorbed in each other, then headed for the back door. I grinned when the back door was unlocked, I guess people that live in the middle of nowhere aren’t very security conscious. I stepped as lightly as I could through the kitchen and into the living room, but it probably wasn’t necessary, I could hear them just fine upstairs, Janice was a screamer.

  I searched the bag quickly, and didn’t find any of the proof I needed. I grabbed the tablet but couldn’t get in, it was protected by a five digit code. I could feel the sympathetic connection to Janice and took a chance, reaching through it and into her for the password right when she got particularly loud.

  I snickered under my breath as I typed in the password and opened the tablet. Janice was a very organized person, it didn’t take me long to find the files containing diagrams and blueprints for some of the newest toys in the U.S.’s toy box. That meant I got to apprehend her, and bring her to one of those offsite CIA prisons that don’t exist for questioning.

  I snuck up the stairs quietly and made my way outside their door. I considered interrupting them for a minute, but decided to let them finish. Besides, if I did my inner succubus would get a nice energy snack out of it, if not the physical pleasure itself. It was just rude to do anything less, wasn’t it?

  Chapter 2

  Bill Smith was my section chief. No, I didn’t think that was his real name, but I didn’t know what it was. Regardless, he didn’t look very happy as he held my report and debriefed me.

  Bill raised an eyebrow, “You let them finish?”

  I shrugged, “Seemed like the right thing to do at the time. I was hungry, plus I pulled enough life energy to make them both pass out.”

  It was true, I was horny as hell when it happened. Luckily one of the agents at the jail was… very discrete. Let’s just say it wasn’t the first time I’d shown up with a prisoner in tow all hot and bothered, and very ready for physical pleasure.

  Bill coughed, “I see, and what possessed you to run off after her in the first place, I told you not to move until you had proof.”

  I shrugged, “I was looking for the proof, if I hadn’t found it on the tablet I would have retreated and moved to a surveillance posture. How else was I going to get that proof?”

  Sure, there was a risk I’d be spotted or made, but risk was part of this business. Plus I was disguised, my normally long and straight shiny black raven hair was reddish blonde. My skin wasn’t as dark as usual either, the tanned soft skin I had naturally was much paler right now, with a smattering of freckles around my nose. Disguise was something I never had a problem with.

  To make my point I closed my eyes, restoring my natural features and looks, when I opened them he didn’t look all that impressed. Oh well.

  Bill sighed and looked at me sternly. He really didn’t do it very well though, he was a human in his mid forties, still in decent shape with salt and pepper hair, hazel eyes and average height. I thought he was cute, though I’d never think of hitting on him or sleeping with him. Okay, I’d never actually sleep with him. It would be a bad idea, but on the other side of the coin he just didn’t scare me, not even a little bit.

  It was his management style to be tough, but I was a part witch, succubus, and angel. I could feel how much he approved of me under that glower, it just ruined the game completely. The guy was a total teddy bear, he was in the wrong business.

  I waited patiently for him
to browbeat me enough, then left the office feeling good about the day. Of course, now I had to deal with my other direct report. The truth was, I was a double agent, that’s what my family didn’t know, the secret I kept closest. Only one person was aware of the truth of what I did.

  No, I wasn’t a traitor, I didn’t spy for another country or organization. I spied for Cat, the oldest, wisest, and arguably the most powerful witch in existence. When the supernaturals first came out over fifty years ago, Cat was satisfied that the U.S. was grateful, that the president would protect us. Things had slowly changed however.

  Most everyone in the world knows my mother fought the demons, even invaded their world temporarily to put an end to their incursions. What most people don’t know however was she was also fighting a war against bigots that had risen to the highest offices of the government at the same time. It was bad, but she won that battle as well, even earned the admiration of America.

  Once again, the witches and other supernaturals had a government that they could depend on to treat them equally. Oh, there was still prejudice, there always would be. But not at that level or power. That was twenty seven years ago. Now, when the CIA recruited me out of college, so did Cat. I didn’t give her state secrets, I didn’t sell her sensitive documents. No, my job was to make sure what happened to my mother never happens again.

  My second job is to identify government officials that are rabid bigots of the other races. That’s all I do for Cat, and is the reason I put up with the crap and mistrust from some human agents. Obviously I can’t completely stamp out prejudice or bigotry, I’m powerful but not a miracle worker, but I can make sure the ones that think a witch burning might be the answer don’t gain any more government power.

  Sometimes it sucks keeping it a secret, especially from my sisters, Dawn and Cassandra, but I do what I have to. I’m the only one suited for this kind of work out of the three of us anyway.

  Cat and I were exceedingly careful about it, if we ever met in person we were simply friends. She was the old wise family friend that had taken a liking to my grandmother, and now two new generations of witches. No, the only reporting was done via telepathic contact or memory packages where it could never be overheard, found, or intercepted by anyone.

  Even more than that, I never questioned anyone about it, or even hinted at an ulterior motive. No, I simply collected hair from every government official and politician I could get close enough to. That was enough to get the information I needed. I didn’t even have to dig very deep, those that were full of fear and hate of the unknown and didn’t trust supernaturals didn’t hide it very deeply in their minds.

  In other words, it stood out in their minds, in all that they did and thought.

  So far in the last few years I’ve met a lot of prejudiced, or just plain confused people. But I’ve only met three that were bigoted enough that we had to… take steps to keep them out of politics. So far thankfully enough, the solutions hadn’t been lethal.

  There was some selfishness involved of course, the last thing the witches needed was witch hunts to start up. But it wasn’t quite as one sided as all that. The world needed us, humanity would have been beat back into the dark ages and the population severely culled over fifty years ago if not for the supernaturals that shared the world.

  And just over twenty five years ago it had been us who prevented the world from being enslaved by demon rule. The truth was neither the supernaturals nor the world itself could afford such bigotry, not to the extent it would put us all at risk of destruction.

  Sure, prejudice was rampant, there was a lot of mistrust, but at the end of the day we all did the best we could to make it work. Some few were so far gone they couldn’t see that, so they needed to be kept out of power. A little bit now would prevent another full blown confrontation later, or at least, that was the theory.

  I knew for a fact I wasn’t the only one on this little side mission in life, I couldn’t be. But I had no idea who else was, we all reported to Cat and no one knew who the others were.

  Regardless, I sent a message just telling Cat I didn’t have anything new. She let me know there was someone she wanted me to check out, and I rearranged tonight’s feeding plans in my mind to accommodate.

  I couldn’t portal out of the building, well I could but I’d get yelled at later for it. The CIA was very serious about logging comings and goings, so I left the building like a good girl before opening a portal to my condo in Chicago. I’d considered moving closer to Langley, but decided it didn’t matter, the commute was more than fast enough…

  I lived alone in my condo, I knew my neighbors by sight, but didn’t really know them. Relationships were hard for me. Not only did I have to deal with the succubus part of things, which made things complicated enough, I was also an agent. That led to even more complications. If I had a lover I’d have to hide most things about myself, not to mention they would have to accept I couldn’t do monogamy. It was… difficult, my lack of lovers was not for lack of trying.

  My sister Dawn did better that way, I’d never tell her this but I’m a little jealous of her life. She has open relationships, lovers, and a trusting heart that I can’t afford. Sure, I always tell her she’s too trusting, but what I really mean is I wish I could be that way. I can’t, I’ve seen the world how it truly is.

  Sure, I have that understanding guy at the CIA station, but to call him a lover would be a stretch. We didn’t talk to each other, we weren’t friends, he was just a relief valve of sorts. It wasn’t that I didn’t want more, it’s just between the CIA and being a succubus it wasn’t very likely.

  Enough feeling sorry for myself, I enjoyed life well enough and what I did was important. I jumped in the shower and got dressed after a quick meal. My walk in closet was very large and packed tight full of clothes, not because I was a clothes whore, simply because I needed multiple wardrobes for my different looks.

  I changed my hair to a strawberry blonde, pumped up my normal C cups to a D, threw on a pair of white short jean shorts and a red clingy shirt that defined all my curves. I was twenty three years old but still looked barely legal, it was the age slowing thing that hits at about sixteen or seventeen for the supernatural races. I knew I’d eventually like it, but I hated always being carded at the same time.

  I put in small diamond stud earrings, something my persona could afford, and took a minute to paint my nails red and put on lip gloss. I smiled at myself in the mirror and was pleased with the results, I looked like a freshman in college that was perhaps a little too eager to go wild and part her first time away from home…

  Chapter 3

  Carl Dunhurst was who Cat wanted me to look into. I did a little research on him simply using a web search, no government assets. He was a respected Dean of a smaller university in Oregon which I’d already known from Cat’s package, it was why I was dressed the way I was. He was considering running for state senator, and one of his platforms was putting controls on supernaturals, even to the point of segregation.

  I wasn’t very surprised by this, I’d seen it before. People love a good sob story, and there were enough supernaturals who were bad, just like enough humans were, to make us all look like monsters. They also conveniently didn’t mention all the free healing, increased health and longevity, fire fighters, and all the other obvious positives to embracing the different races.

  Cat wanted me to get a handle on him, see if he was rabid about things, or simply making campaign promises to get elected. Sure, he might have been that way in the media, but truth in politics is the only real myth in this new world. It was always good to catch this kind of thing early, at the state level almost no one would notice if he had to be convinced to drop out of politics

  The real reason I was dressed how I was however, was his son Bryce. He was twenty years old, a junior in college and in a fraternity. I got on the website and confirmed Cat’s information, there was a party there tonight. I couldn’t help but notice he was built very well, had a strong ja
w, gray eyes and black hair. It was getting late here, but with the two hour difference it was only nine on the west coast. I opened a portal to the campus in an out of the way place and stepped through.

  I became the girl I was dressed as, young, innocent, and very curious. I walked over to the frat house and right through the door. The music was loud, but not to the point talking was an impossibility. I took a look around the place and definitely got noticed. When I got to the kitchen door I was barely inside when a young man handed me a drink.

  Call me paranoid, but I used magic to check it for drugs. Just beer so I smiled shyly, thanked him and took a sip.

  “What’s your name honey?” he asked with a smile.

  Of course, I couldn’t use my real one.

  “Brandi,” I reached out and touched his arm, “You?”

  He replied, “Paul, it’s nice to meet you, haven’t seen you at one of these before.”

  He seemed really sweet, it was a shame I was here on a mission, I’d have enjoyed letting him talk me out of my clothes. As it was I let him down gently by asking where the restroom was and made my escape. I was a succubus surrounded by horny teens and through the early twenties, it was time for subtlety.

  A general hunt was easy for a succubus, all she had to do was wait to get picked up. Sometimes it helped to put out a light blanket of succubus energy, and maybe some pheromones to override a male’s fear of rejection. We were very attractive after all, some men would hold back because of that assuming we were out of their league.

  That approach however was very… unsubtle. Like putting out a wide net and just catching what came along, assuming of course we weren’t out of the first responder’s league and threw them back out. I know that sounds a little mercenary, but it was just the bald truth. My problem was I had one target to attract out of a room full of horny males and not a little competition. Sure, they were just human, but the young women in here were quite attractive and desirable.


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