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Amber- Shadow Witch

Page 4

by D. R. Rosier

  This was going to be a great first date, what did I do when the dragon left? Follow him? Leave Terry hanging? I decided not to make a decision either way until the dragon left, maybe he would leave DNA behind that I could grab and use to track him. I was reluctant to bail on my date, so much for having my priorities straight. Then again, caution was the watchword; if I followed he might detect me. I didn’t really want to start a fight with a dragon in the streets of D.C. Of course, that was assuming it would turn into a fight, maybe I was too much of a pessimist.

  “Right this way,” said a young woman who must have been the hostess.

  I took a moment to send the information to my family, except Dawn that is. Dawn may have been in a perfect position to get information from Rafe, but the reverse was true as well. I didn’t really know all that much, only that one dragon was here, but I figured better safe than sorry. I didn’t ask for help, just figured if something happened to me…

  For now I put the dragon out of my mind and followed the hostess. I was a bit suspicious, because normally you’d need reservations to get in this place, especially on a Friday night. I had to admit Terry was very smooth, he totally played me. I just can’t figure out how that’s possible, Italian was my idea.

  It was also possibly my pessimistic mistrust that always looked for the other ball had moved past that into a neurosis.

  The food was excellent and Terry was exceptional company. I even forgot to be pessimistic for a while and found myself having a good time. When the dessert came out though, he turned a little serious but couched it in a joke.

  He asked, “So, what changed your mind? Couldn’t resist me anymore?”

  My first thought was because my life is pathetic, and I’m jealous of my sister. There was no way I was saying that though. I knew it was possible to have good relationships even being a succubus. My mother was one such example, so was my grandmother. Pathetic life wasn’t right though, too encompassing, my love life was pathetic, the rest of it was actually pretty damn good. I loved my job, family, and friends.

  I knew though it would be harder for me. If I found someone to handle the succubus side, they’d also have to handle the secrets. In a way, the secret part was worse, as it put up a wall and stifled communication. There weren’t very many happy marriages in the spy industry, even among normal humans.

  So I reverted to basic interrogation one oh one. Answering a question with a question.

  I smiled, “Why were you so determined about it?”

  He gave me a look that said he clearly saw through me, but he answered my question anyway.

  “Because you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever had the honor to meet, and I want to know everything there is to know about you.”

  It sounded like a line, but his voice had been a little intense, and my empathy told me he was telling the truth. I felt a little tingle between my legs that had nothing to do with my magic, I’d had that wrapped up tight all evening. I opened my mouth to reply, but the dragon chose that moment to stand and leave. Shit, really?

  I was having a moment here damn it!

  “Thank you,” I paused a moment and added awkwardly, “Hold that thought,” as I stood and walked toward the bathroom.

  I didn’t want to do any magic in front of Terry, he was a spy after all and might pick up on it and ask me about it. We hadn’t planned on letting the government know about dragons, yet anyway, and I really didn’t want to lie to him… Hopefully he would just think this was nerves.

  As I passed the dragon’s table I let out a web of magic to search for DNA. I almost sighed with relief as I found a hair on the chair with non-human DNA that had to be dragon. I pulled the hair behind me with magic, only getting out the baggie when I hit the restroom. I put the hair in, checked myself in the mirror and tweaked a few things.

  I took a deep breath and headed back out into the restaurant. I was amused at the thought I’d be less nervous about tracking the dragon then opening up to Terry. When I sat back down I couldn’t help but notice his posture was a little closed off and I winced a little, feeling guilty. He’d basically told me I was amazing, and I’d ran away.

  Good job Amber, I thought sarcastically.

  I reached over and took his hand and looked in his eyes, “Sorry about that, it wasn’t what you think, just bad timing. I’ve always liked you Terry, and been tempted to say yes from the first time you asked me to go out.”

  He narrowed his eyes, “So what changed?”

  I shrugged, “I guess the idea of empty relationships instead of the chance at someone as wonderful as you finally outweighs the fear of dating someone I work with.”

  Empty relationships sounded so much nicer than a series of never ending one night stands didn’t it? Almost like I wasn’t a genetic slut or something.

  His body relaxed and he smirked at me, “So you think I’m wonderful, tell me more?”

  A snort escaped that settled into a light laugh, “A little odd. Oddly wonderful,” I said with faux seriousness while fighting down my laughter.

  He looked at me like I’d shot his dog but I could see the corners of his mouth betraying him as he fought back a smile.

  His sense of humor was really odd, I guess mine was too since he could make me laugh so easily. Somehow, it was laid back and irreverent at the same time. He was always calm, and in control. Maybe because of what he did in field support, once he held the lives of agents in his hands everything else in life probably lost most of its stress factor.

  Another thing I liked, I’d never once felt fear from him.

  We continued to keep it light, banter and just small talk, though I could sense he had a lot of questions for me he was obviously taking it slow. We finished our desserts and he walked me out to the car.

  He took my hand and asked, “Would you like to see my place? Share a drink?”

  My stomach roiled with desire, as well as other parts of me, “I’d love to.”

  He opened my door and closed it after I got in. I still had doubts about the wisdom of this, but I didn’t care. I was taking the chance and if it blew up on me I’d just own it. The ride was relaxing, and the seats very comfortable. I didn’t ride in cars very often, if it was too far to walk I usually just used a portal, but this was one of the nicer ones I thought.

  He lived about twenty minutes outside the city. I figured that meant that he was all ready to go when he called me earlier. Sometimes I think too much. I firmly suppressed the urge to try and figure out how he arranged the dinner and suckered me in. The house was a one story ranch in the suburbs. It seemed a little big for one person, maybe he inherited it?

  “You live alone?” I asked curiously.

  He raised an eyebrow, “Except for my cat, yes. I bought the house from my parents when they retired to Florida. I have other family down there as well, various cousins and aunts.”

  As he turned the car off I asked curiously, “What’s the cat’s name?”

  He flushed a little, “She’s really mean to strangers, I call her Queen B.”

  I snorted in disbelief, “You named your cat queen bitch?”

  He cleared his throat, how cute. I’d never seen him nervous before. He opened the car door in lieu of an answer, and I waited for him to come around and let me out. He was definitely going all out on the gentleman part.

  He took my hand and walked me to the door, I couldn’t help but notice the bulge in his pants when he unlocked the door and I smiled.


  I nodded.

  He waved into the living room, “Make yourself at home.”

  I walked over and sat on the couch. It didn’t take long for the cat to make herself known. She may have hated strangers, but no cat hates a witch. By the time Terry got back from the kitchen with some drinks she was in my lap purring up a storm in welcome.

  He faltered for a second when he saw, but recovered nicely, “So, some of the witch stereotypes are true?”

  I laughed, “Yes and no. In truth it’s all
animals who see us as protectors, allies, and friends. It’s not just a cat thing.”

  He sat down beside me and handed me a drink. I took a couple of sips and smiled. It was a good scotch whiskey. I found it a little amusing, he was treating me like a human woman, but then I also kind of liked it. The tight feeling in my stomach and the warm tingling between my legs made my anticipation grow. Finally the moment came and he leaned in for kiss.

  I released the tight hold I had on the succubus magic, not doing anything specific with it, just letting it out. The kiss immediately became more intense and we both moaned lightly. He slipped his tongue between my lips and I surrendered to my lust, affection, and need of him.

  I don’t remember moving, but I found myself straddling him, grinding against him, as his hands left trails of fire everywhere they touched. Our breath became heavy and I found myself dry humping him like some teenager, our kisses were intense as if we were trying to devour each other. Our kiss broke and I could see my desperate need echoed in his eyes.

  He said hoarsely with hooded eyes filled with desire, “Bedroom.”

  I replied breathily, “Too far,” as I undid his pants and fished his hard length out.

  He gasped at my touch as I stroked him lightly with my fingertips. I felt his hands reach down and pull the bottom of my dress up. His hooded eyes widened when he discovered I wasn’t wearing anything else.

  I rubbed my body against him and gasped as he buried his face in my cleavage. His breath, lips, and tongue teased my sensitive flesh and I felt him push the straps of my dress off my arms and pull down. I lined him up with my stroking hand and dropped, my tight hot slick passage taking him in one fast movement.

  He whispered my name, “Amber, god you feel better than I’d ever dreamed.”

  He took a nipple into his mouth and sucked gently while flicking his tongue around it.

  My core tightened around him and rippled up and down his length as only a succubus could. I pulled his head harder into my breast as I started to grind our bodies together in slow circles, milking his length in perfect synchronicity to the swirling action.

  His last words were stuck in my head, and it was driving me crazy, in a good way. He dreamed of this, of me? He filled me so well too, easily coming into the very high end of average that way. He drew a gasp of pleasure from me when my nipple popped from his mouth, as he immediately teased the same breast with his hands while he paid proper attention with his mouth on my other.

  I sped up a bit, moving a little faster, grinding in circles, raising slightly while milking him and dropping back down, engulfing him in my wet hot silken pleasure. My head went back and my eyes closed as I lost myself in the intense pleasure of our joining. His emotions of lust mixed with the way he truly felt about me drove me higher than I’d been in a long time. I arched my back, pushing my breasts even harder into his face while grinding my pelvis faster against him in wanton abandon.

  My silken passage gripped his length tightly as I gasped as I went over the edge, my core tightening even further as my body desperately milked him for his seed as my body rippled up and down his length hungrily. I could feel through the magic he was trying to hold out, but I wanted to feel it.

  I whispered breathily through the orgasmic bliss, “Fill me, I want to feel you fill me.”

  Apparently my breathy plea was too much for him, he bit down on my nipple raising my pleasure even farther as he arched his back and pushed up hard against me. I felt him expand, then shoot his seed within me. I fed off of him sparingly despite needing to feed well, I wanted him again. I was in an orgasmic after bliss, completely happy with him still inside, when I felt a surge of guilt.

  I looked down in surprise and kissed him, “What’s wrong?”

  He looked sheepish, “I let myself lose control, I didn’t even think about protection.”

  I smiled and kissed him, my voice came out assuring, “Don’t worry about that. As a succubus I can’t get pregnant unless I will it be so.”

  I couldn’t imagine he’d be worried about disease, that hadn’t been an issue in over fifty years since the angels took over health care.

  I smiled naughtily, “Plus, the fact I can make you lose control is a good thing as far as I’m concerned.”

  He looked relieved, and claimed me for a kiss. I got my wish and had him again, and again that night, we even eventually made it into his bed. At the end of the night, I was cuddled into him and tired. This was when I usually tiptoed to the bathroom with my clothes and took a portal home.

  Not tonight, after all, I’d decided to take a chance. I kissed his chest and laid my head on him. I felt… warm and safe in his arms, as I drifted off to a deep and sated sleep.

  Chapter 6

  We slept a little late that Saturday morning. My fault really, for draining him and all. I really hope he understood what he was getting into. Only being intimate with him wasn’t something I could survive on, even if I simply fed on lust and skimmed people, he wouldn’t always be available after that for sex. There was no awkwardness that next morning, he cooked me breakfast, and then bent me over the table and took me hard and fast, just as I like it. We were both a little reluctant when I left, but I had other stuff to do this weekend.

  I took a shower, put on some jean shorts and a t-shirt, grabbed my dragon hair and took a portal to one of the state parks near D.C.. The way hair worked to connect to a person, and their minds, was through sympathetic magic. Blood, or even skin cells would work. Mainly we used hair simply because it was easier to work with.

  The way it worked was my magic would follow the sympathetic connection to the owner of the hair, a magical connection would come into being, and then I could follow that connection and dive into the person’s mind. I could also do other spells through it, such as influencing spells, or even cause harm, though I never have done that.

  The reason I was out here on my own in a forest was because of the dragon’s natural shield. I had no doubt I could connect with the hair and track him down simply through the sympathetic connection. But would his shield block the magic I sent into the connection and keep me out of his mind, or even worse, would he be able to feel the magic, block it, then trace it back somehow?

  I wasn’t sure, so it seemed like some precautions were called for, such as no one else being around to get hurt in the crossfire.

  Sure, that wasn’t an issue with humans, demons, angels, or the animal shifters living on this earth, but the dragons were from a much stronger magical world. It wouldn’t do to underestimate them. I took the time to set up additional enchantments around me to protect from fire, he’d been a red dragon. I layered two shields for that, the top one would transmute the heat into life energy and actually feed me, making me stronger.

  The problem was I could only transmute and absorb so much at a time. The second shield would deflect the fire that got through. I was probably about as prepared as I could get. Hopefully this would all be a moot point. I took out the baggie, opened it, and put a finger in. I immediately got the sense he was still in D.C.. I took a deep breath, wondered if I was an idiot, and followed the sympathetic thread back with my magic.

  At first everything seemed to be fine. I felt his emotions, mostly annoyance and arrogance, but then when I tried to access his thoughts I felt a surge of anger. Apparently this wasn’t going to be easy, no mind reading. At least not without a fight to get past his natural shields. I felt the dragon moving toward me, rather quickly. It took a few minutes, when he was close I looked up and saw him in the sky. He was surrounded by that flight magic I was familiar with from Dawn’s memories, but he wasn’t in the shape of a dragon.

  He landed about twenty feet away from me, wariness in his expression.

  “Hello dragon.”

  He frowned, “How do you know me witch?”

  I shrugged, “I don’t really, I ate at the same restaurant last night, I am Dawn’s sister, Amber. May I have your name?”

  “Allindris. What do you want?”
r />   I raised an eyebrow, “Al, isn’t that my question? My sister protected your world as asked, why are you here on ours?”

  Okay, my approach would never work on a human, but from what I got from Dawn dragons seemed very straight forward and seemed loath to lie. Granted, it was a long shot.

  He frowned, “Your magic here is weak, but yet you are effective in some things. There are those on my world who wish to know if you are a threat or a possible ally.”

  I nodded, “That seems reasonable, are you the only one? And have you come to any conclusions?”

  He shook his head, “You do not need to know that, but be assured there are enough here to discover the truth. As for conclusions, we are still deciding. Most humans on this world are helpless, and although there are powerful sciences they can wield, they would be worthless on my world. The other races give me pause.”

  I sighed, “We have no wish to fight you. Is this world as uncomfortable to you as yours is to us? I can’t imagine why either of us would bother the other.”

  He replied, “It is, and there is nothing here we would want. But you may want our stronger magics. We allied with humans before who became greedy for our blood, the power of our magic. Do not tell me that does not tempt you.”

  I shook my head, “Power is a draw. I’d be foolish to deny it. But there is a price to be weighed. Witches by our nature are nurturers. The cost would be too high to make your world our enemy. We are already the most powerful of the races on this world, and we are its defenders. Power for power’s sake is not enough for us to risk war with you and yours.”

  He looked skeptical, “Can you prove this?”

  I shrugged, “By action? We have the power to rule this world, yet we don’t. We guide at times, protect from outside influence and invasion, but we leave the normal humans in charge. We simply don’t desire to rule.”


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