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Embracing Carly

Page 10

by Tianna Xander

  How could he? They’d destroyed the facility. Any records kept there, had either been removed by her captors or destroyed with the compound. She sat on the bed next to him. Placing her hand on his back, she moved her hand in slow circles. “What’s wrong?”

  “I should have come for you sooner.”

  Carly closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It would be so easy to blame all of this on him. He was willing, almost eager, to take responsibility for everything that had happened. Still, she wasn’t Robert. She could never blame someone else for her troubles just because it was convenient.

  “If you would have come for me sooner, you wouldn’t have had the personnel you did today.” She cast a glance his way. “Would you?”

  He shook his head. “No. But I still should have come for you sooner.”

  “You could have done what, Bastien? They could have captured you.” She rested her hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes. “How would that have helped me? How would it have helped the others held there?”

  Carly took a long, hard look at him. Did he feel more for her than he let on?

  By all indications, he let on that he felt a lot. He was always calling her baby or some other endearment.

  Taking a chance, she wrapped her arm around his waist and rested her head on his shoulder.

  What the heck? I’m not going to have much time with him. I might as well make the best of what time I do have.

  “I... I think I’ve fallen in love with you, Bastien.”

  He stiffened beside her, but remained noticeably quiet.

  Tears filled Carly’s eyes, and she reached up to wipe them away. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I just said that. I’m sure it’s the last thing you wanted to hear,” she said, trying to laugh it off and failing miserably. She buried her head in her hands. “God, I’m such an idiot.”

  Bastien snorted. “You’re an idiot? I’m the one who has gotten you into this mess.”

  All of this shouldering of the blame was getting them nowhere. Carly took a deep breath. “Look, I’ll try to stop apologizing all of the time, if you can stop trying to take all the blame. Deal?”

  Chapter Twenty-two

  ROBERT SAT OUTSIDE the Sinclair Estate in his blue sports car, waiting for a chance to get to his wife. “I’ll get you, Charlene.” Snarling, he slapped the steering wheel as he stared through the windshield at the closed wrought-iron gates.

  “Hey!” He raised his hand to block the bright light shining in his face. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “License and registration, please.”

  “Kiss my ass, man. You’re not a cop,” Robert said to the security guard just outside his door.

  Another, bigger, man joined him, stepping up just behind and to the left of the man. A third walked lazily around the back of the car and up the right side, stopping just outside the passenger side door.

  Robert swallowed. These men were every bit as big as he was. He glanced down to their belts. And they were a hell of a lot better armed.

  “What’s your business here, sir?” the ringleader asked.

  “I—I’m just waiting to see my wife. She works here.” He couldn’t help giving the three of them a fierce scowl. She was his, damn it. What business was she of theirs? “She moved in with that bastard Sinclair almost three months ago.”

  The leader lowered his flashlight and grinned at the others. “So you don’t like Mr. Sinclair? Interesting.” After replacing the long metal light in its holster, he reached up and scratched his jaw. “How would you like to get back at them and make a few extra dollars at the same time?”

  The temptation of getting his hands on Charlene, and some extra cash to boot, was too much to resist. Robert chuckled. “I’d love to, if the price is right.”

  The man studied him for a minute, his eyes raking over the car before he grinned. “How does ten-thousand dollars sound to you?”

  “Sounds like a deal to me. Just tell me what you want me to do.”

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Carly sat on the easy chair in the hotel room watching the news, a brush clutched in her hand and her mouth agape, as the grimly smiling anchorwoman pointed to Carly’s picture on the screen. Bastien’s picture, posted next to hers, had the caption of SUSPECTED RAPIST under it in bold letters.

  The Anchorwoman looked directly into the camera. “Now, in the national news. Suspected rapist and serial killer, Bastien Sinclair, may have kidnapped his latest victim, Charlene McGowen from Haskel’s Food and Drug where she works as a photo technician.

  She was last seen in the suspect’s company when he allegedly picked her up from work to take her to her second job. Her husband, Robert McGowen, believes his wife to be in deadly peril. If you’ve seen either of these people, please notify the local authorities.”

  “Oh, no!” Carly clicked off the TV and turned to face Bastien.

  He stood in the bathroom doorway, a towel wrapped around his waist. “We can’t stay here.” He tossed her bag toward her. “Go get dressed. The desk clerk is probably phoning the police as we speak.”

  Carly caught the small bag and headed for the bathroom. She tried to ignore the fact that Bastien had thrown off his towel and started dressing in front of her.

  “Where are we going now?” Carly asked as they drove down the highway.

  “To meet a friend of mine, he owns a house in the north. We’re going to meet him at a motel and borrow his car. Another friend of his is going to take the truck in case the police have tracked us this far. Dimitri has thought of everything.”

  Bastien suppressed the urge to smile. Dimitri knew all about dodging the authorities. It had been one of his specialties when he was a member of an elite Soviet team sent to gather intelligence in the United States almost forty-years ago.

  “Oh.” Carly glanced at the speedometer, then checked her seatbelt. “I guess I’d better get some sleep then. I must be rested in case you need me to drive.” She leaned back against the headrest and closed her eyes.

  Bastien drove as fast as he dared, hoping they wouldn’t draw any undue attention. The last thing he wanted was to get stopped by the police. He would use deadly force to keep Carly safe, and he didn’t want to hurt any police officers.

  The driveway into the motel parking lot was rough, waking Carly from her long nap. “Are we there yet?”

  Bastien grinned, thinking of what their children would sound like on long trips. “Yeah, we’re there.” He pointed. “I see Dimitri and his friend over there next to the small motorhome.”

  Carly squinted through the windshield. “If you say so.” She closed her eyes. “I’m so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open.”

  He patted her hand. “I’m sorry, baby. You’ll get to lie down again soon.” He brought the truck to a halt next to the class C motorhome and got out. “Dimitri,” he said, offering his hand.

  Dimitri grinned. “Old friend.” He waved toward his companion. “May I introduce you to another of my old friends?”

  Bastien nodded to the man.

  “Nikolai, this is my good friend, Bastien. He is the one I have been telling you about.”

  Nikolai lowered his head. “I am honored to be in your presence, sir. You have saved my brother’s life and I will be forever grateful.”

  Bastien raised a brow. “Brother?”

  Dimitri shrugged. “Shall we say we were in the service together?”

  Bastien nodded, understanding. “Ah, I see.”

  “Get your things and put them in the camper.”

  “I thought you were renting us a room, Dimitri?”

  “We have changed your plans for you. Nikolai will take your truck to the south, while we will drive toward my home in the north. You will need assistance with the drive. You are tired, yes?”

  Bastien couldn’t argue with that. He was so tired he could barely see straight. “Yes, old friend, I’m exhausted.”

  “Then get into the back of the vehicle with your ma—” Bastien stopped
him with a look. “Just get into the back and we will be on our way.”

  Following orders, he led Carly into the vehicle and back to the small bedroom.

  “Well,” Bastien whispered, lying down beside Carly on the double bed. “I guess we have no choice but to share the bed. Do you mind?”

  Carly shook her head, then rested it on his shoulder. “No. I don’t mind. What about you?”

  Bastien rolled up onto his side and wrapped his arms around her. He buried his face in her neck and inhaled deeply, reveling in her unique scent. “Of course not,” he said, laying his hand over her curved stomach. “It’s just another reason to get closer to you, sweetheart.” He grinned when he lifted his head and saw her look. “What big eyes you have, my sweet.”

  Carly snuggled closer and grinned. “Am I the big bad wolf, now?” The smile slowly faded from her face when she must have realized what she said.

  “Hmm... Something like that.” He reached up with his hand and gently stroked her hair. “Go to sleep, now. Dimitri will need to rest in a couple of hours. If his place is very far, it will soon be our turn to drive.”

  “You mean your turn to drive, don’t you? I don’t think you’ve ever gotten into a car with a woman behind the wheel.” She pinched his side. “Come on, you’re a big boy. You can admit it.”

  “I take offense to that, madam. I have most certainly been carted around by members of the fairer sex.”

  Carly snorted. “Yeah, right. I bet it was your mother.”

  “Be quiet and go to sleep, Carly.”

  “Bastien,” Carly licked her lips. “I—I have to say this. I need to know exactly where we stand. Maybe if this turns out okay...” She sighed and met his gaze. “I know I said this before, but I—I think I love you.” She stared at him, her head still resting on his arm.

  Bastien took a deep breath and released it slowly. His arm tightened around her waist. “I love you, too, Carly. Now go to sleep.” He kissed the top of her head, settling her more comfortably in his arms. “We need to talk the next time we’re alone.”

  Carly nodded. “Yes, we do. I have some things to tell you. Things you need to know.”

  “Me too.” Secrets. How he hated them. Bastien just hoped she loved him enough to deal with the knowledge of what he really was.

  Five hours after climbing into the back of the motorhome, Bastien woke to the sound of gas being pumped. Making his way to the front, he waited for Dimitri to slide back behind the wheel. “How long before we get there?”

  Dimitri glanced at him and grinned. “About another hour. Surely you can wait that long to be alone with her again?”

  Bastien ignored his friend’s smart-assed comment. “Good. Do you need me to drive? You must be getting tired.”

  “No. I’m fine.” Dimitri glanced in the rearview mirror, lowering his voice to a mere whisper. “Go back to your mate. She needs your help more than I do, at the moment.”

  Bastien glanced back toward the bedroom.

  Curled into a ball and sweating, she moaned. “Bastien.”

  “I’m right here, baby,” he said, climbing out of the front seat to go sit beside her on the bed. “What’s wrong?”

  Tears streamed down her cheeks. “I guess I get to tell you my secret first.” She convulsed as another wave of pain hit her hard. “I’m sorry, Bastien. I can’t... I can’t stop it.”

  SHE STOPPED TALKING then as the pain overtook her. Carly’s fingernails grew out, then her hands changed to paws. Her head reshaped, then grew a muzzle and her legs shortened, became more muscular. After what seemed like forever, a beautiful red wolf lay on the bed before Bastien.

  Carly rested her head on her paws, crying inside. Her thoughts were a jumble and difficult for him to follow.

  How could he ever love her like this when she didn’t even like herself? How could anyone? Her life had never been normal. She had stopped wishing for normal years ago. Now she was little more than an old-time circus freak.

  Her luck was so bad, she wasn’t even allowed to choose when, and how she would tell Bastien her secret. It had taken the choice from her and she’d shown him instead. Would she never catch a break?

  Bastien reached out and stroked her head. Scratching her behind the ears, he smiled.

  Why wasn’t he running from her? She was a monster, something from a horror movie!

  “Is this your secret?”

  She whimpered, pushing her head into his hand. Yes. They did this to me while they kept me prisoner. They called themselves scientists.

  “Luke told me as much. He found some records that told of their experiments on you and a woman named Cassandra.” He lowered himself next to her, wrapping his arm around her chest.

  Did you expect me to run, baby?

  She jerked her head up, surprised that he had spoken directly into her mind.

  Yes, I expected you to run, screaming. I know I would have. She put her head back down. Well, I might have before this anyway. I’m not sure anything could scare me now.

  Bastien pulled her closer. “I bet I can surprise you, sweetheart,” whispered in her ear.

  Carly buried her nose in his hair, breathing deeply. You smell so good. I can’t believe you are taking this so well.

  “What if I told you there is a way to control the urge to change?”

  How do you know? She sat up and moved away from him. You aren’t behind all of this, are you?

  Bastien bit his tongue, hurt by her lack of trust. A part of him realized she had no real reason to believe in him. They hadn’t known each other that long, and she couldn’t know that nature meant for them to be together.

  Her lupine instincts probably wouldn’t function as they should for a few more years. If they ever worked the way they should. She had been born human, after all.

  Hell, he had never thought it possible to change someone before now. How many of their kind had mated with humans only to dilute the blood? How many human-were hybrids never shifted because their shifter blood had been diluted too much, yet still could not seek the help of human medical professionals for fear of exposing their race?

  “Of course I’m not behind what happened to you, Carly. Think! If I was, would I have ordered that compound destroyed? Would I be running with you, trying to keep you out of their clutches? Better yet, would the others have manipulated the police and media into saying I’m a serial rapist? Do you really think I’m capable of something like that?” He decided he was angry at her lack of trust. She’d just said she loved him. Love and trust should come hand in hand.

  She bowed her head. I—I’m sorry. I guess I’m not thinking straight.

  “Of course, you can’t think straight. Look what you’ve been through these past few days.” Laying his head on her shoulder, he nuzzled her neck, and whispered, “Do you think this changes what’s between us? Is that what is bothering you, Carly?”

  How can it not change what we have? I’m a freak, for God’s sake!

  “Is that what you think?” He stared at her. “Can’t you think of this as a gift?”

  She laughed. Yeah, sure, why not? This is one helluva gift. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.

  The vehicle came to a halt and Dimitri walked around the outside of the camper and opened the outer door. “My, what a surprise, Bastien.” Grinning, he eyed Carly. “Where is your lady friend?”

  “Shut up, Dimitri. Just take her into the house and get her settled. I have some thinking to do.”

  “As you wish, old friend.”

  Bastien pushed past Dimitri and stalked around the back of the house. His mate thought they were all freaks. Freaks! How could he tell her what he was, knowing that she would despise him for it?

  Lowering himself onto a concrete bench in the garden, he rested his head in his hands.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Dimitri scowled at Carly. “What did you say to him?” He gestured and cursed at her in another language that was probably Russian.

  Carly yelped, more from fear
than pain, when he grabbed her by the scruff of the neck.

  “He risked his life for you, you stupid woman. Do you think he would do what he did for just anyone? He could be with his father, nursing the old man’s wounds. Instead, he chose to run with you, to protect you. And look at how you repay him for it.” He released her neck and pointed to the door. “Get out of this camper, woman. The door to the house is open. Go inside and wait for your mate.”

  Carly’s mind reeled. How did this man know who she was? It wasn’t as if she was wearing a nametag. Although, it looked like he was. A small gold tag winked at her from the vee of his partially unbuttoned shirt. The thick chain around his neck looked suspiciously like a dog’s choker collar.

  And what did he mean by wait for her mate? Was Robert coming here? It would be more than a cold dog day in hell before she waited anywhere for him. Carly stood, wriggled out of her clothes and grabbed her bag in her teeth.

  “I can get your bag. Just leave it.”

  She growled at Dimitri. I don’t think so, mister. She pushed past him and bolted up the driveway and into the woods.

  “Shit!” She heard him curse behind her. Followed by the melodic rhythm of Dimitri’s native language, Carly bolted into the trees.


  The jerk could call Bastien all he wanted. If either of them thought she was waiting around long enough for Robert to show up, they were both a burger shy of a kid’s meal. Darting through the trees and brush, Carly reveled in the strength and agility of her animal side. She had much more endurance as a wolf than she had ever had as a human, and her speed was mind boggling.

  She kept running south, not even sure how she knew which way she was going. Somehow, she just knew the path that would take her the furthest away from them the fastest.

  Carly ran forever before she finally got winded. At least it felt that way. Stopping to rest, she plopped down in a pile of leaves and closed her eyes... just for a bit.


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