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Embracing Carly

Page 23

by Tianna Xander

  The other man fell on the ground in a heap, still clutching his stomach. He raised himself to his hands and knees, retching. His stomach discarded the last meal he’d eaten as tremors overtook him.

  Richard slammed the door and hurried back to the driver’s side. Climbing into the truck, he locked the door and waited for Test Subject Three-hundred-and-fifteen to discover his new abilities.

  Chapter Forty

  Carly wouldn’t take no for an answer. She’d been kidnapped, for crying out loud. Twice! Not to mention turned into a werewolf, then poked, prodded, starved and deprived of her privacy. The least the man could do was leave her alone long enough to take a bath.

  “I mean it, Bastien. Go get everyone something to eat.” She pointed to the door adjoining the two rooms. “Randy is over there keeping watch and I’m hungry.” She fisted her hands on her hips. “Do you think I’ve spent the last few days at an all-inclusive resort or something? They didn’t feed us much. They wanted to keep us weak. We’re both hungry.” Her stomach picked just the right time to growl its protest, helping to back up her claim for the need of sustenance. “Will you please just go?” She glared pointedly at the door to the adjoining room. “Randy is right next door. You did say he’s Special Forces, didn’t you?”

  Bastien nodded. “Yes, but—”

  “No buts. I want some damn privacy. Is that so much to ask?” She crossed her arms over her chest and pasted a stubborn look on her face. “Please! I need to be alone. Just for a minute.” Her voice rose shrilly, then cracked. After her outburst, Carly buried her face in her hands, mortified that she could be such a baby.

  Bastien laid a gentle hand on her arm. “You have a reason to be upset. I understand, I really do, it still won’t convince me to—”

  “Get out!” Carly didn’t even realize she was going to do it until after she had screamed at him. Why couldn’t he understand her need to be alone, if only for a little while? She needed to sort out everything that had happened to her over the last few days without someone’s constant presence.

  “You have to understand. I’ve been nothing more than a goldfish in a bowl for the last few weeks, first the glass cell, then riding through the wilderness with you and Dimitri, then back to a glass cell. For the last two weeks, my whole life has been on display for you or someone else to watch. Can’t you see I just need a little time to myself?” Tears streamed down her face as she paced in front of him. She reached up to swipe them away, irritated that she’d been reduced to tears again.

  “How many people get to watch me do my most private things, Bastien?” she asked, gesturing toward the Jacuzzi in the corner of the room. “Will I be on display to you or someone else the rest of my life? If so, kill me now because I don’t want that kind of existence.” Carly shrugged his arm from her shoulder when he would have tried to pull her to him. “No,” she said, shaking her head. “I’m not giving in this time.” She leveled her gaze so he knew she was serious. “Either you leave so I can bathe in private, or I do.”

  Bastien’s shoulders slumped with defeat. “Fine.”

  Carly inhaled sharply, startled that he had really given in. “I mean it. Go get something to eat. I don’t want you hanging around outside the door, listening to every move I make.” Something flickered in his expression and she narrowed her eyes. “That’s what you planned to do, wasn’t it?” she guessed shrewdly.

  The thought of Bastien sitting just outside the door, listening to every ripple of water as she washed herself, was disconcerting. It made her face heat. She knew if he stayed, they both would end up in the tub together. Right now, she just wanted a few minutes to gather her thoughts. To examine her feelings without worrying about whether her expressions would give something away or reveal a weakness. Carly frowned. When had she become so paranoid?

  BASTIEN PACED OUTSIDE their room for several minutes, thinking. He had no intention of leaving Carly without his protection. He paused in front of Randy and Cassandra’s room and knocked on the door. “I’m supposed to be going to pick up dinner. I don’t feel comfortable leaving. There is trouble coming. I can feel it,” he told Randy when he opened the door. “Will you call in an order and have it delivered here?”

  Randy nodded. His gaze looked past Bastien and into the woods across the street, obviously looking for the threat. “Sure. Did you have something in mind, or do you want me to choose?”

  Bastien looked over his shoulder as a peculiar tingle of awareness shot up his spine. Someone was in the woods watching them. “Get whatever you two want. Carly is in the tub and I didn’t think to ask her what she wanted. I know she likes pizza with anything except pineapple and anchovies.” He reached into his back pocket. “Use the cash to pay for it when it gets here,” he said, throwing his wallet at Randy. “I have a feeling that we’re going to have company soon.”

  Bastien wandered into the woods behind the motel. He caught a familiar but elusive scent on the faint breeze. It smelled like Robert, only it wasn’t Carly’s ex-husband.

  He immediately cut himself off from Carly. The last thing he wanted was to have her merge with him while he made a kill. He’d been able to refrain so far, leaving most of the ugliness to the others. It had been difficult to do. It was his job to protect his people and his mate, yet he’d held back to keep Carly comfortable. I hope the crazy doctor hasn’t injected that crazy son-of-a-bitch, too.

  Robert was enough of an animal already. A man with Carly’s ex-husband’s personality would make an exceptionally dangerous were-being. A were who would be difficult to control, not to mention a risk to their species. Those who couldn’t be controlled were the kind of creatures his people had no choice but to put down.

  Bastien found a secluded spot and disrobed. Reaching for his animal half, he embraced his wolf, welcoming the change. This time he would put an end to his mate’s torment. Robert would never stalk her and never hurt her ever again. He would make sure of it.

  His bones shifted and snapped. Muscles morphed, shortened, sizing themselves to fit the wolf’s more compact body. His face contorted as his muzzle grew to accommodate the long rows of teeth. He fell onto all fours, snarling out his satisfaction of finally facing down Carly’s tormentor. He would rip his throat out tonight. There was no other option.

  The wind shifted, carrying a new scent. Another were was near. Was he friend or foe? No matter. Justice would be meted out tonight. He would fight off all attackers. If necessary, he would die protecting his mate from more torture.

  What’s wrong, Bastien? Why have you cut yourself off from me? I can feel your anxiety.

  He made the effort to calm his mind before answering. I’m just doing a perimeter check of the hotel. There is nothing to worry about, he lied.

  Why don’t I believe you? Her tone was anxious now. Worried.

  There is no reason for you to fear, baby. I have everything quite under control. He felt the slight wrenching in her mind that meant the change was coming again.

  I can feel the change again, Bastien. This is the first time it’s come so soon. Do you suppose it means anything?

  Remember what I told you, Carly. Reach for it. Concentrate on becoming your wolf half. Bastien tried to compartmentalize his thoughts. The last thing he needed was for her to realize he hunted another were right now. He also couldn’t leave her to change on her own. He could help her with her transformation, lessen her pain and speed the process.

  You’re preoccupied. I can tell. What’s the matter?

  Nothing. Just my wolf wanting to chase the rabbits I hear scurrying about. He felt her anger, even through the pain she felt during the change.

  Don’t lie to me, dammit! It’s hard enough to deal with this crap without you lying to me. She tried to pull from their mind link when an especially intense pain wracked her.

  Bastien forced his way past her newly learned barrier and helped shoulder the pain. They have found us.

  Oh, my God! Already?

  He lowered his nose to sniff the ground, searc
hing for a scent. Yes, my love, already.

  How many of them are there?

  Bastien lifted his nose, trying to pick up more scents. Where were they? Why were they able to hide their scents from him? He knew there were more than one. He felt it. He occasionally got a whiff of them, although mostly, he felt their presence. I don’t know. Warn Randy and Cassandra. Tell them to prepare to leave if they have to.

  I’m not leaving you to fend for yourself, Bastien. So, forget it.

  You must leave. You and Cassandra are our best hope for the future.

  He felt more than heard her snort. Maybe so, but we’re bound, remember? If you die, I die. So, I’ll be damned if I’m going to run while you face some horrific death just so you can protect me from the violence. We face it together or we all run.

  Bastien couldn’t help the surge of pride he felt for his mate. His newly turned woman was willing to face the danger and the violence with him, despite her fear and loathing of brutality. He wondered if she would ever cease to amaze him.

  Most likely not, dog boy, she said with a laugh, using Randy’s colorful name for Dimitri. Just tell me what to do. I’m kind of new at this.

  Dog boy? I’m going to kill Randy.

  She smiled into his mind. I don’t have the slightest idea why you’d want to do that. Does he call you dog boy?

  No. He calls Dimitri dog boy.

  She giggled at that. Great minds think alike, eh?

  Go tell him, Carly. Now, before you change.

  Stop being so damned stubborn.

  It’s in my nature, baby.

  Stop calling me that. You make me feel like some cheap date or something.

  Bastien relented, but only because her nickname had actually grown on him. He waited for her to tell Randy of the problem.

  Afterward, Carly left the door to their room ajar, went into the bathroom and removed her clothes. She changed quickly with the next wave of pain. Her body grew muscular, more compact. He felt her reluctance to allow the hair to grow on her face as her muzzle lengthened.

  Got any depilatories? she asked, half-joking. She sighed with relief as her pain receded and Bastien relaxed, pulling himself from her mind.

  I hope you were out of the tub when you changed. I’d hate to see the mess you’ve made otherwise.

  Do you think I’m stupid? I never got into the tub when I felt the change coming.

  Is that why you wanted me to leave? It’s not as if I’ve never seen you shift your shape before. He shook his head at the strange quirks and idiosyncrasies of his mate.

  Preoccupied with Carly, Bastien didn’t realize how close the enemy was until they were upon him. He immediately cut himself off from Carly and shook the smaller, first attacking wolf from his back like a toy.

  Two males and one female surrounded him. The wolves were weres. Bastien took a moment to study the female, wondering why they would bring a female into this. He thought Thornton had wanted the bigger bulky males that usually filled his compounds.

  Bastien snarled at the three attackers. The odds weren’t good, nevertheless he was confident. Having been a were all of his life, he knew how to fight in this form.

  The three surrounded him, taking turns lunging at him. When he turned to attack one, another would attack from behind. Randy would never get here in time. A human couldn’t run fast enough to be of any help.

  Finally, Bastien attacked the larger of the two males. He lunged, grabbed him by the throat and violently shook his head. The smaller wolves tore at his back, in an attempt to get him to release their companion. Blood poured from the wounds, weakening him. Yet he was still confident that he could take the smaller two wolves down if he could get the larger one to fall.

  After incapacitating the larger male, he heard the approach of two more wolves coming from the direction of the hotel. A huge black wolf broke through the brush and Bastien knew he could take out this new threat. But the female and the other approaching wolf would finish him off.

  He scented the air. A grim satisfaction filled him when he recognized the scent. Killing this new larger wolf had just become his main priority. At least he would rid the world of one more rabid animal before he died.

  I don’t know how you ever survived any battle with that defeatist attitude you have. Finish him off.

  Bastien ignored the sound of pounding paws through the underbrush and circled Robert. His head lowered, he watched the other wolf with an unblinking stare. He looked directly into the new were’s eyes and saw nothing. Robert was dead inside, no more than a shell of a man with no other reason to live, except to cause others pain.

  The she-wolf circled behind him, nipping at his heels, doing a good job of distracting him.

  Robert lunged for Bastien just as another wolf sailed from the woods behind him and landed on Robert’s back. Its teeth bit into Robert’s spine at the base of his skull. The new, small, she-wolf shook her head, ripping the flesh open, tearing a gaping hole in the back of Robert’s neck.

  Take that, you son-of–a-bitch.

  What the hell are you doing here?

  Saving your sorry ass, what do you think? We’re bound together, remember? She didn’t wait for his reply. Well, dammit, you may be ready to die, but I’m not. Carly yelped when Robert threw her off his back and she landed in a patch of brambles. If you take care of him, I’ll take care of your female friend.

  Bastien and Robert continued to circle. Each of them searching for an opening as Carly turned her attention to the other female. Carly concentrated on using the same mental path Bastien used when talking to others.

  I don’t know what they’ve told you. There is no cure for this. You’re merely hurting those who can help you.

  Liar! A small, frightened voice accused.

  Carly kept her eyes on the female, waiting for her to strike. She didn’t want to hurt the she-wolf, but she would protect herself and her mate. They need a pure were-being to test their blood together so they can make a cure.

  Carly snorted. There are no pure were-beings. They’ve nearly bred themselves to extinction.

  Dr. Thornton has one. He can change forms, even while he’s sedated. He can also wield his magic. They have to keep him in an induced coma or he attempts to escape, I’ve seen him.

  The two females continued to circle each other, ignoring the battle between the two males.

  We can’t change you back, no one can. But Bastien and his people will teach you to live as a were. You can be productive again. Lead a relatively normal life. Carly stopped, startled. She was shocked. When had she begun to realize that? When had she begun to embrace what she’d become?

  I don’t want to live like this. The pain of the change is overwhelming. I just want to be human again.

  The pain lessens with every change. Bastien taught me that.

  The other female snarled. Don’t lie to me. I’ve been this way for nearly two months. It gets worse. Much worse. No matter how hard I fight, the pain always gets worse. It always wins. I can’t stop it.

  Carly sensed the other woman was about to attack. She made one last attempt to reach her. I fought it, too, at first, until Bastien taught me there is no way to stop the transformation. You must simply embrace it. When you do, the pain lessens. Please try to live with this before you choose to end your life.

  And if you’re lying?

  Carly wanted to sigh with relief. If I’m lying, you can attack my mate and I will oblige you by ripping your throat out. Carly stopped short. Did she mean that? She glanced over at Bastien, who was still lunging and snarling at Robert, and knew she did. She would kill anyone who harmed him, or die trying. She turned her attention back to the other female. Will you try?

  Yes. I will try. But if you’re lying—

  I’m not, Carly said simply as she glanced back at her mate. He had a distinct disadvantage. His many wounds made him weaker. Can I trust you to sit this one out?

  Yes, the other she-wolf said, lying down in a patch of pine needles. I have no real desir
e to kill anyone. I only wanted to die myself.

  Carly turned her attention to Robert. Her lips turned up in a small grin. This was going to be great. She waited for an opening and lunged for his hindquarters. Damn! She’d been aiming a bit higher, however he moved at the last moment. Still, she took delight in his howl of pain as her teeth sank deep into the soft flesh of his upper thigh.

  Her attack gave Bastien the opening he needed, and he surged forward, aiming for Robert’s now exposed throat. Blood sprayed in a dark crimson arc as Bastien’s incisors tore through the wolf’s main artery. Robert fell to the ground and released his last breath.

  Carly stared down at the lifeless body, knowing she would never have to fear her ex-husband again. The sense of relief that poured over her was nearly overwhelming. She wanted to sag to the ground in relief. Instead, she looked up and met Bastien’s gaze.

  It’s over.

  Carly led Bastien back to their room. She couldn’t help the bounce in her step, nor the way her rear swayed back and forth. If he said anything, she’d blame it on the tail. After all, it wasn’t as though she’d grown up a shapeshifter like the rest of them.

  They dropped the female, Sherry Moore, at Randy’s door. He didn’t seem to mind sharing with another woman. Once Sherry changed back into a human and realized it didn’t hurt so much if she didn’t fight it, she seemed eager to sit and talk with Cassandra who apparently had been a co-worker. What was it with that crazy doctor and his obsession with turning people into something they shouldn’t be?

  I have a question to ask. She paused outside their door and turned to look at Bastien. Blood dripped from his wounds, even as the skin knitted together in front of her.

  What do you want to know, baby? He worshipped her with the same dark chocolate brown eyes she’d grown to love over the last several weeks.


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