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The Stipulation (Volume Two)

Page 3

by M. L. Young

  I felt his head rub against my cherry, taunting it slightly before I felt it slowly enter me.

  “Oh.” I moaned, my eyes closed from its girth, which admittedly felt bigger than last time.

  Roman heard me and went slower, letting the falling water lube up his dick so it would fit easier. He went slower, stretching, and expanding me to accommodate his girth and length. It felt amazing, and my hands kept trying to grab the glass like I had grabbed the clean white linens the last time we were together. Each thrust produced a ripple through my body, the ripple resonating in my brain, as I would occasionally moan his name, causing him to go even harder and faster.

  “Over here now,” he said, pulling free from me.

  I turned around and saw him walk toward a small shower seat. It was attached to the corner of the shower and covered in the same tile the rest of the stall was laid with. He grabbed my hand and guided me to sit down on the seat as he pulled my right leg and propped it against his shoulder, my other leg wrapping around his waist.

  He slid into me like before, only this time everything felt differently, probably due to the change in position. He leaned over as he slid in and out of me, coming closer to me so I could kiss him, hoping to turn him on even further. I ran my left hand through his wet hair as my right hand rested on his chest, preventing him from putting his cock completely inside of me. He was too big in this position, and I already wasn’t sure how I was able to even accommodate him. There’s something about a guy with a huge cock that is frightening yet pleasurable.

  As the minutes went on and the steam continued to fill the shower, my gaze fixed on Roman, I saw him pant as his eyes squinted even more, making me think he was getting close. I could feel myself getting close to finishing, the sensation coming just from me being able to please him. Watching him, knowing I was doing this to him, excited me more than the act itself. It was powerful knowing I could do that to a man so handsome and experienced.

  Roman moaned, his erection throbbing inside of me as the moment was coming. He breathed heavier as he threw his head back and moaned. I grabbed his piece and pulled it out of me, stroking it quickly as his hand slammed against the tile wall above me as he finished, the result spraying everywhere. I kept stroking, wondering when it would stop as it was like a faucet I couldn’t turn off. It finally stopped, a few sputters happening before it was over. His hand clutched the tiles, his fingertips scraping against it as he opened his eyes and smiled, clearly in enjoyment from the entire experience we had just shared.

  “Did you have a good time?” I asked with a smile, knowing the answer even without him saying anything.

  Roman nodded, still unable to speak as if his mind was trying to fully comprehend what I had just said. His breathing slowed and I could see his veins go back to normal as the sensation had subsided. His erection shrank, but it was still bigger than most other guys, and that was something I was happy to see. I continued to be mesmerized by it, like it was some enchanted stick that could place a spell over you.

  Roman and I continued with our shower—actually cleaning ourselves—kissing in between lathering each other up and washing our hair. As the final suds were washed from our bodies, Roman turned off the shower, his pruned skin running rampant, as we had been in there close to an hour.

  I wrapped a fluffy, tan towel around my body and wiped off every drop of water before tying it around my chest, the towel just barely covering up my bottom.

  Roman and I got ready for brunch, me opting to wear something more conservative as I only liked to dress in skimpy skirts and dresses during the night when we could be dirty. I had considered wearing something seductive to brunch and trying to seduce Roman into another session in a bathroom stall. I liked knowing I could turn him on at any place at any time, and that he would come begging for more, hoping I would open my legs and give it to him.

  The sun shined brightly as we got into his sports car and drove off for brunch, the location of the restaurant still unknown to me—Roman liked his privacy and surprises. I looked over at him as he drove. His eyes were fixed on the road as we hit midday traffic, the long session we had in the shower filled up most of the morning, leading us into the afternoon. I wanted to know what was on his mind, but I was afraid knowing would arouse me too much before we hit brunch. I turned forward and watched the traffic with him as we went on our way, checking out each passing restaurant and wondering if that was the one we were going to stop at. Maybe if I was lucky, someone like Tara would be there with her sugar daddy, and we could finally meet each other’s. I knew she would be jealous of mine, and I was slightly hoping we would see her just for that reason. I wanted everyone to see him, and to see just what you could get when you open your imagination and become a sugar baby.

  Chapter Five

  Roman and I pulled up to a small boutique like restaurant that was laced with sports and luxury cars outside. I had never even seen this place before, let alone been here. We saw people coming out as we pulled into our parking place, and I soon realized why I had never been here before. Everybody coming out stunk of wealth, and I was pretty sure nobody in there had less than a million dollar net worth. Well, everyone but the girls. The girls were around my age, some a little older, but they all looked like either sugar babies or gold diggers. They wore fur coats, huge diamonds around their fingers and necks, and all seemed to be laughing at the corny jokes their men were saying. I looked at them a little suspiciously, but turned away as Roman and I got out of the car, making our way up to the white wooden doors.

  A man wearing a suit with white gloves opened the doors, revealing the beautifully decorated restaurant inside. Everybody was dressed up, even the few kids who were dining with their parents were dressed in their best clothes. No one was dressed out of place, and it appeared as though I was lucky I brought these clothes with me, for I didn’t think wearing a skimpy little dress would do me much good here.

  “Mr. Parker, we have been awaiting your arrival,” the maître d’ said from behind his podium as we walked in.

  “Ah Pierre, it has been too long my old friend.” Roman hugged the man, who he seemed to be very friendly with.

  “Your table is waiting for you. If you would follow me, I will take you there,” the maître d’ said with a smile as he grabbed two menus and led us to our table.

  We walked through the dining room, bypassing every patron who was eating, to our table in a small little alcove in the back corner. It was private, as private as you could get in this place, but it allowed us to be in public without being thrown out in front of everyone. I wasn’t sure if Roman didn’t want to be seen with a sugar baby, or if he just liked being in private, but I didn’t care either way. This place was so magnificent that I was dying to taste the food, considering my stomach was still empty and rumbling since before our little escapade earlier.

  I scanned over the menu, trying to pronounce all of the fancy French words in my head as I tried to act classy and refined, just like all of the other women in the restaurant. The only thing on there I understood was the word crêpe, and I went with that, knowing I would not only be able to pronounce it, but also know what in the hell I was ordering.

  The waiter came and took our orders rather quickly, as if they didn’t want to keep Roman and me waiting, like we were the President and First Lady sitting there needing constant attention and doting on.

  “So, I wanted to talk to you about your winter break,” Roman said.

  “What about it?” I asked before taking a sip of the ice water that was placed on the table moments earlier.

  “I wanted to see if you wanted to take a trip with me. I know you are likely going to see your family, so you can say no, but I thought I would at least bring it up and ask you anyway,” he said, his hands clasped together atop the fine white tablecloth.

  Roman wanted to take me on a trip…already? I wasn’t freaked out or anything, actually I was a little thrilled and taken back. I knew we wouldn’t be going to some shady motel on the ou
tskirts of town, considering what his house and even this restaurant—which I was sure you had to have a platinum card on file to even get a table—looked like. I also didn’t have any plans this break, so going somewhere, anywhere, with Roman was a dream come true.

  “Actually, I’m not going home to my family this year, so we could go somewhere if you wanted to. Where were you thinking?” I asked nonchalantly, as if this were such a common occurrence for me.

  “Well, I was thinking we could go to Aspen. I haven’t been there in a while, and I know my cabin is just waiting to be broken in,” Roman said as the waiter brought us our food, only ten minutes after we had ordered.

  “That sounds doable. I believe I should be able to do that,” I said casually, as if a trip to Aspen was something so common.

  I was dying inside. Unable to comprehend what was happening. We must be going well if he wanted to take me on some trip, the length of which I was still unsure of. I knew he had money, but I doubt he’d take a girl he didn’t like or see potential with to somewhere like a private cabin in Aspen.

  “How about we leave on Thursday?” he asked before taking a bite of his bacon.

  “How long will we be gone for?” I asked, first making sure the length of the trip was appropriate and not too long.

  “About a week or so. I have to leave for London shortly after, so I figured we can get some time together curled up by a fire as the snow falls outside,” he replied with a sly smile, as if trying to further convince me to go.

  “That sounds amazing,” I said in awe as he took a sip of water, using the glass to obscure his smile.

  “Then it’s settled. We will take my jet and fly off to Aspen this Thursday.” His palm hit the table as if he were making it official and final.

  He had his own private jet just waiting to take him wherever he needed to go? Who was this man? I thought I was figuring him out, and just when I thought I knew his story, he added another line, which changed it completely.


  I thought we would just go back to his place after brunch, not thinking we really had anywhere else to go or things to see, but I was mistaken. Roman took a detour; going past the road we needed to take to his house and driving into a little shopping district in town. I had been here a hundred times before, but never to the place we were actually driving to.

  We pulled up to a small, yet expensive boutique jewelry store, with a cute brick exterior. I had walked past this place many times, always peering in the windows and seeing all of the diamonds and other gems sitting perfectly in their metal settings. Was he going to buy me something, or were we just parking in front of the store to go somewhere else? I wanted to say he wouldn’t get me anything expensive yet, but I was now officially his sugar baby, and the sudden trip to Aspen made me wonder what he was capable of surprising me with.

  The blisteringly cold wind pelted against my face as shivers traveled down my body as soon as Roman unlocked the doors and we left the warmth of his car. I walked to the front of the car and he grabbed my hand to help me on the sidewalk before guiding me toward the jewelry store. I guess we were going in here after all. I had to admit that deep down I was feeling a little vain and happy I would be getting a present. While spending time with him and going out to these fancy places were great perks of being a sugar baby, getting presents was the biggest perk—and this would be my first present ever from him. This was going to brand me as his sugar baby, and I was excited to see just how many carats I would be getting.

  “Monsieur Parker, what a pleasure to have you here. We have been expecting you all afternoon,” a man with a French accent said with gusto.

  Roman really had an in with French men, considering the man here and the one at the restaurant both greeted and knew him like they were really old friends picking up where they last left off.

  “Bernard my old friend, how are you doing this fine afternoon?” Roman asked with a huge grin as he hugged the salesman.

  “I am doing much better now that you and your beautiful bride are here in my store,” the man said.

  “Oh I’m not hi—“

  “Yes, we are happy to be here, too, old friend. So, what do you have for me today?” Roman asked, interrupting me as he wasn’t correcting Bernard, which kind of made me smile in a weird way.

  “We put together a nice array of diamond rings, necklaces, and bracelets that I believe you will highly enjoy,” Bernard said before placing a mat on the counter. I tried to keep my expression stoic as he carefully unrolled the mat.

  The diamonds sparkled in every color and direction as they were unveiled; the sunlight hitting them just perfectly. I couldn’t believe I was getting something with diamonds in it. The only diamonds I had were tiny ones—about the size of a grain of rice—that my grandparents had gotten me when I was six. Now that I was a woman, and no longer a little girl, I naturally imagined receiving breathtaking gifts from men.

  The merchandise must’ve been priced at many thousands of dollars apiece, and gave the impression as though not just anyone could walk in off the street and buy them. The shop appeared to be by appointment only—and only for Bernard’s highest paying and most well-known clients.

  “What do you like?” Roman asked as he looked at me.

  I scanned over the selection, trying to find the one piece that spoke to me. I saw an array of everything, but pushed the rings out of my mind, even though they were the most beautiful out of everything. I felt that a diamond ring would be too emotional and marriage like instead of just a beautiful present. Roman might also see it as me trying to act like we were engaged, and I didn’t want him to think anything like that, especially this early in our arrangement.

  “I like this,” I said, as I picked up a stunning diamond necklace.

  “An excellent choice!” Bernard said happily, as he unclasped the necklace from his mat.

  Roman grabbed the necklace and unclasped it as I held my flowing golden locks up. He placed the necklace around my neck, clasping it, before I let my hair fall freely. Bernard held up a mirror for me, my hand going up to my chest, and running across the necklace as I was at a loss for words. The necklace was a simple yet stunning eternity diamond necklace. I was pretty sure the necklace was platinum and had about twenty round brilliant diamonds. Not that I was an expert by any means, but I would guess there was a total of about three carats in diamonds.

  “I think she likes it,” Roman said with a smile.

  “Shall I ring it up?” Bernard asked as he held his finger up.

  “Yes, I believe you shall,” Roman said before going over to pay for the necklace.

  I walked over to a mirror on the wall and stared at myself even longer, as my mind was unable to fully comprehend what was wrapped around my neck. I tried to find a price tag, but there wasn’t one. I guess this was one of those situations where if you needed to know the price then you couldn’t afford it.

  I looked over at Roman as he was swiping his card and entering his details, my focus no longer on me, but back on him. I walked over as Bernard was shaking his hand, likely grateful someone had bought something so expensive from him.

  “Are you ready to go my love?” Roman asked as he looked at the necklace, likely taken with it just like I was.

  “Yes,” I said as I nodded, the words lingering on my tongue, as they couldn’t escape my mouth.

  Roman wrapped my coat back around me and we walked toward the door, going to who knows where next. If there was any doubt before, it is long gone now. I was Roman’s sugar baby, and now I was branded.

  Chapter Six

  “Natalie!” Tara exclaimed as Roman and I walked out of the jewelry store.

  I stopped and not only saw Tara, but also her sugar daddy, one of them at least, walking toward Roman and me. Tara was dressed in a short navy-blue dress with a fur coat wrapped around her, and she looked vastly different than I had ever seen her look before. Well, I guess when I go out with Roman I look incredibly different than usual, so I shouldn’t be all
too shocked. Still, she looked like she was dripping in wealth, and I knew this must’ve been a big present from her man.

  “I’m so happy to see you,” she said with a smile as she pulled me into a hug.

  “I’m happy to see you as well. This is Roman,” I said awkwardly as I introduced them.

  “This is Charles,” Tara said with excitement as we all exchanged handshakes and pleasantries.

  Charles was an older man, likely somewhere around his fifties, and he didn’t look to keep himself up that well. To be blunt, he was ugly, and he appeared as if having a sugar baby was the only way he could get with such a beautiful girl like Tara. She clung onto his arm, though, as if they did get along very well and it wasn’t just about the bills. She acted as though she genuinely cared for him, and that was refreshing to see.

  “That’s a beautiful necklace, Natty,” Tara said as she noticed the glistening diamonds around my neck.

  “Oh thank you,” I said with a smile, happy to have somebody notice the necklace.

  “We were just about to go in there and do some shopping, weren’t we honey?” Tara said as she looked at Charles.

  “Anything to keep my little bunny happy,” he said with a smile.

  “Oh, Charles, you spoil me!” Tara exclaimed with a giggle.

  “Well, we better get going if we’re to make it on time,” Roman said, clearly saying anything to get us out of this awkward and unforeseen situation.

  “Have a good night you two,” Tara said with a wink before her and Charles walked into the jewelry store.

  “Are you ready to go?” Roman asked.

  “Very ready,” I replied with a smile as I clutched his strong arm.


  I was lucky in that I was able to spend another glorious night with Roman. Last night was great, with the romantic side coming out of him. I felt as though we were already in a relationship, just without any titles or official anything. We stayed with each other, talked, had sex, and even went out on dates and went shopping together. Anybody looking at us, without knowing the whole sugar baby condition we were living with, would think we were a truly happy couple just living life together and exploring the world with each other.


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