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Page 27

by D. M. Pratt

  The words flowed up into the rafters and reverberated off the arched wood ceiling, echoing in perfect harmony. Eve could hear other voices harmonizing with hers. The room began to vibrate and glow.

  Mac turned her and, placing his hand behind her head, gently laid her on the altar. Eve felt the fur and brocade, soft and warm against her back. Slipping his arms under her, he lifted her and crawled over her. Their eyes connected; he kissed her again. Eve could not close her eyes. She wanted to see him. How he looked at her. So sweet was each kiss, laced with a taste that made her hunger for more. Eve opened her mouth. She let his tongue slip between her lips and find her own. Together, wet and warm, they found each other and danced, sharing love. She felt his hand on her breasts, pinching her and making her nipples more erect than before. He didn’t press his body onto hers, but hovered over her, softly brushing his skin against hers as if he were the air. Eve felt his other hand slip between her legs, a finger gently rubbing her clitoris until it plumped and raised, eager for more attention. Mac, responded to her body’s call. As he kissed her face, chin and neck she could feel the heat from his breath.

  “Pleasure me,” she whispered and the voices chanted.

  “Pleasure me. Pleasure me. Take me body and soul and make me once again one. Pleasure me. Pleasure me. Become as one. Pleasure me,” the voices chanted and the harmony washed over them, heightening the sensations and driving the passion.

  Eve could feel Mac moving down the middle of her chest, tasting each nipple, sucking, sucking, sucking on her all the while his fingers played her clitoris like the strings of a Stradivarius violin wailing its song of Desire.

  Eve moaned and with her moan, Mac slipped his head down between her thighs, pushing her legs apart and taking her into his mouth.

  “There,” she moaned.

  He found her perfect place of pleasure and dragged his tongue up and down and back and forth, pressing his lips and sucking on her to engorge her more and more. His tongue began a dance that moved gracefully between soft and slow and hard and quick, then back to slow the way a tango unfolds - slowing just enough to stretch to the height of pleasure then a quick surge of pressure fierce and full of hot, wet fire. Her body rose with a rush of tension, then fell into utter relaxation. He took his time, building the anticipation of what was to come.

  Again Eve could hear herself reading the words from the book. She could see the symbols in the book meld into each other and blossom into three-dimensional, colorful, geometric images, which became a series of doors opening, one after another, leading her down a long crystal tunnel while, at the same time, Mac was making wild, erotic love to her.

  Eve’s body melted as she gave herself to Mac and felt him surrender to every command her body drove him to fulfill. She felt no resistance on her part to the waves of pleasure he gave her as he fondled her with his tongue and fingers. With each movement he intensified their passionate dance, stopping to suck and lick and rub his tongue across her throbbing clitoris, until her body vibrated in unison with the harmonic tones that reverberated all around them. She could feel herself quivering a thousand feet in the air as she hung, drifting at the edge of an orgasmic abyss.

  Mac rose up from his sumptuous, oral delight and with a smooth, wet thrust, quickly pushed himself just deep enough inside her to drive her wild. He knew how to heighten the frenzy of pleasure yet hold her back from falling into orgasm and himself from full release.

  Eve felt a voracious hunger overwhelm her. An animal passion so visceral all she wanted was to devour him. He held her down and pushed his cock ever so slightly in and out and in and out, going further and deeper with each thrust until the slow advance of his smooth, hot, wet entry made her lift her ass and push into him. Mac held her hips as he opened her using his finger and driving her to the height of passion. After teasing her he slipped all his cock inside and gave her all of him, retracting quickly for one last tease; the rapid retraction made her legs go weak.

  “Please,” Eve whispered.

  Mac took his cock and rubbed it around the outside of her moist wet vulva. Circling her again and again, heightening the sensation, readying her for penetration. Smooth, slow, delightful circles, giving her just the smooth head of his erect cock until he could feel her reaching out from inside for him, sure she could stand no more. Then, with a graceful thrust, he drove himself inside her. He was hard, thick and just long enough to fill her to her soul.

  “Yes!” Eve cried out.

  They fit perfectly, becoming one entity. Mac made love to her. She let him, matching each stroke with one of her own until she could feel his rhythm building. Each thrust topped the previous—powerful, wet strokes as he took her to levels of pleasure that surpassed anything she’d previously experienced.

  Eve looked up into Mac’s face. He was flushed with pleasure. His only desire was to please her. She reached up and kissed him and as their lips melted together he flipped her over and she became the rider. Eve rocked on him harder and faster. Eve felt her hands grab his ass just as he grabbed hers. They thrust into one another again, and again, and again until their pleasure erupted with the force of a super nova unleashing its energy. Their bodies exploded into each other. They became a single body and solo spirit and from this glowing tangle of passion, Eve felt herself rising. She moved through the tunnel of shimmering portals that hung before her. Eve looked back and saw that she was one being colliding with Mac and at the same time she was outside looking back and watching them in this magnificent state of passion. He flipped her again so he could be back on top. With Mac inside, her body was on fire. Eve opened her eyes to see she was somehow making love and at the same time, alone, moving upward through a spiraling crystal tunnel. It was what she had seen above her during her session with Dr. Honoré. Eve looked up into a portal that could only be described as pure light.

  Chapter Thirty Seven

  The moment Eve ascended the beautiful harmonic chant quieted to a distant whisper. The storm raged outside, wild and violent. Mac, unfazed, made love to Eve. He couldn’t have stopped even if he’d wanted to because his only wish was to pleasure her and all her senses and the more he gave her pleasure, the more pleasure he felt. He was lost, joyously lost, unable to resist the desires that commanded him.

  From the blazing candle light that surrounded the altar, Evine stepped forward, taking a place next to Afrine and Gathian. Gathian pulled his tortured, jealous eyes from Mac and Eve and with a wave of his hand created a large glass window and looked outside at the raging storm building with each passing second.

  “He’s searching for her. Kirakin knows what she’s doing,” Gathian said to Evine.

  “Do you feel it? He has found and taken possession of de man called Beau,” Evine said.

  Evine looked over at Mac and the glowing ball of energy that was Eve he was making love to.

  “Dis human is gifted in the ways of passion,” Evine said. “He could win her by da simple fact his love for her is so genuine and pure.”

  “You know as well as I, if she loves him back that could endanger us all,” Afrine said.

  “Why? She has from the beginning of time worked to quell de evil in this world,” Evine replied. “Even she deserves to rest.”

  “She’s had her rest and she has not brought another forth to take her place,” Gathian said.

  “She has tried,” Aria said, joining the conversation.

  “And she has failed,” Gathian said. “This is her destiny and she cannot abandon it. Too much is at stake for all of us who know the truth.”

  “I say free her,” Evine insisted.

  “She is the only one who can do that and I know her soul,” Gathian said. “She needs to defeat the dark Nephilim to be free and to do that she needs to fight.”

  With a loud crash, the wind pounded against the walls with such force the entire building began to shudder.

  “He knows,” Afrin said. “He feels her transcendence.”

  “Kirakin’s sendin’ dis wind right to
her and ridin’ on its tail, wild and crazy to have you. He’s headin’ straight to ya,” Evine leaned down and whispered into Eve’s ear. “He will tear dis place apart.”

  “He’s not here yet,” Afrin said, placing a hand on Evine’s shoulder to pull her back.

  “Then Eve best hurry and remember who she is and decide what she will do,” Aria said

  “She right. Or we are all lost. I wish it was not here that she had to make this stand. If I’d had more time I could have taken her to the temple of mysteries and called the Priestesses,” a flustered Afrine told Evine and Gathian.

  “Der are enough Priestess here. Besides, she’s already crossed over,” Evine said, pointing to the women in the gold and white gowns.

  “You and I both know that is not true Evine. She has crossed over, but she must return before he arrives.”

  Thunder echoed across the sky, lightning blanched everything as the wind screamed and howled, clawing at the bricks of the tower.

  “Close that,” Afrin ordered, pointing to the window Gathian had created.

  “That won’t stop him,” Gathian said and with a wave of his hand turned the window back into stone.

  Gathian’s eyes went back to Mac and Eve in the throes of passion. His color shifted reflecting the jealousy and desire that filled his eyes.

  “Get out,” Evine shouted at Gathian. “Your jealousy will not help dis night, Nephilim and it will be her death.”

  At that moment Azura burst in.

  “The children are frightened. They feel what is coming. We need to get them out of this tower and we all need to leave as well,” Azura said.

  “It’s already too late. They are here,” Gathian said, drawing his sword and turning to face the room.

  The next moment Beau was standing in the room with A.V. and Cora by his side.

  “Listen to me! He’s coming, but I think we can stop him,” Beau shouted. “Where’s Eve?”

  “Beau!” Cora screamed. “Don’t do this.”

  Beau’s eyes scanned the room and saw Mac on the altar. He stepped forward and looking into the glowing ball of light. Through the beautiful haze he could make out Eve writhing in pleasure beneath Mac. Tears of pain and fury welled in Beau’s eyes. Gathian could see the jumble of emotions flooding through him; profound sadness, anger and jealousy. Beau watched, stunned and helpless.

  “Take the children into the cellars and hope the stones hold the bayou back,” Afrine whispered to Azura. She then turned to all the people in the room. “Stay or go. The choice is yours.”

  No one moved.

  “Den chant,” Evine shouted at them. “Chant for your lives and hers.”

  Gathian stepped in front of Beau, breaking his sight line to Eve.

  “You are his conduit and there’s nothing you can do,” Gathian said. “What she’s doing is for a greater cause. If she returns to you, it must be her choice.”

  Beau didn’t move. Jealousy and rage coursed through him.

  “I see you fighting Kirakin.” Gathian said as he watched Beau’s skin flush red with anger. “He will use your emotions. Control your anger or get out!”

  Eve moaned, riding on waves of erotic pleasure as Mac’s every move intensified her passion.

  Hearing her pleasure was more than Beau could bear. Beau lunged toward the altar, reaching to pull Mac off of Eve. Gathian stepped forward and grabbed him. He pushed Beau back toward the door. “If you love her, leaving here is the only thing you can do to help. Go!”

  Beau struggled until a chilling calm washed over him. He stilled. Finally, Beau looked up at Gathian and the look in Gathian’s eyes said it all.

  “It’s too late, my brother, I am Kirakin and you are all about to die,” Beau said as his body shifted and twisted, becoming Kirakin. “And she is mine.”

  Gathian leaped on Kirakin, vulnerable in his transition, dragging him down as the others surrounded the altar, chanting to keep him away from Eve and Mac. A.V. grabbed for an iron candle holder headed straight for Kirakin and Gathian.

  Chapter Thirty Eight

  Eve transcended through space and time, carried on waves of intense pleasure that kept her vibrating like a plucked string caught in a state of absolute bliss. When she stopped, she found herself standing in a forest made of pillars of light that stretched as far as her eyes could see. Flowing through each pillar were streams of light in shimmering colors that crossed the entire spectrum. The lights stretched up until they all but disappeared from her view then arched backwards, around and down until they bent up again and rejoined as double circles of pure, concentric energy. Each pillar was more magnificent than the next and each was more beautiful than anything she’d ever seen. She felt the vibration of the harmonic lights as they blended with her, in tune with the energy of her continuous orgasms. Eve looked down at her body to see she was draped in a shimmering fabric so sheer and soft she might as well have been naked. She had never felt happier. In that instant, every one of her senses told her the same thing … she had come home.

  “It’s been a very long time, Eve,” a voice said to her. “We welcome you.”

  The voice was neither male nor female, but both at once and it came from everywhere and nowhere.

  Eve’s chest heaved. She could feel Mac suck on her nipple, slowing as he slipped himself in and out of her at the same time she stood in conversation. Eve felt her mortal body urging her to return to indulge in the pleasure that was being created by her union with Mac, but the pull of the energetic field that fed her spirit would not succumb to her body’s desire for Mac and his erotic passion.

  “Where am I? What is this place?” Eve asked.

  “It is the alpha and the omega,” the disembodied voice replied.

  “The beginning and the end of what?” Eve asked.

  “All things. You, me, the Universe. Energy that cannot be created nor destroyed, only joined and released ad infinitum. This is our center. The all, of one. You. Your home,” the voice explained.

  “Me?” Eve asked.

  At that moment one of the pillars of light took the form of a beautiful woman. Her eyes and hair were made of stars and the dress moved as if it were made of liquid diamonds lit by moonlight.

  “Walk with me, Eve,” the vision said to her.

  Together they walked through the rows of pillars that parted reverently to let them pass.

  “Dearest, Eve. Where you are and what you are doing was, at first, your choice. You went where we all go to feel, experience and learn … to live and breathe at the center of our most universal paradise - Earth. You stayed longer, returning occasionally to remember who you are and going back anew, creating and recreating yourself again and again. Searching for something you still think you’ve not yet found. Then one day you liked life in human form more than here. You didn’t want to come back or remember your destiny so you cleared your mind of how much of eternity is embodied in you and stayed there, but in staying you opened the doors for others to return. Others who should never be allowed to return to Earth.”

  “Why would I leave this place?” Eve asked.

  “You said you wanted to come to the epicenter of the real struggle so that you could understand the pull of good and evil. You have been the giver of life in this world, but you could only feel what that meant in the human world. So you became Eve. You are the woman’s creator and lovingly, though her, you have held paradise in your arms and experienced life. In the beginning you made this planet perfect until you were visited by Kirakin. He intrigued you and you fell in love with him,” the vision told her.

  “Kirakin?” Eve asked. “He’s a demon bent on destruction. How is that possible?”

  “He charged your imagination, gave you access to untold knowledge. He inspired your mind and then he seduced your body. From the very first time, he took you to his darkest places of pleasure and you were fascinated and tempted by his darkness. You didn’t understand that it was your union that gave him power. Once you gave him a taste of power and all that yo
u could do for him, he offered you his new world in exchange for your union with him. He understood what you never considered, that if he had you, it would give him access to any worlds. You evolved and realized you didn’t need him to attain anything you desired, but he needed you. Then his greed took him into an even darker place and you learned his true intentions. On that day you shunned him and left. Still, he needed you to exist beyond his world and with the power you had shown him he knew he must control you. He found you and did his best to seduce you back into his realm and when you refused him the war between you began. You ran from him and took refuge with Gathian. Kirakin has hunted you through time and space and Gathian protected you as best he could, then he too fell in love with you and his passion for you gave Kirakin a way to find you. That’s why you came to Earth. Somehow, in your need to protect who you are and what you’re searching for, you’ve hidden on Earth so long, you’ve forgotten where you came from and why you exist.”

  “I came to Earth for a reason?” Eve asked. Her mind was racing searching for answers.

  “To find a mate to bring your world and Earth’s world together. You wanted to save mankind from their primitive selves and elevate the species. Kirakin knew that if you achieved that feat without him and his kind, he would lose you forever. So, when he found you on Earth, your mind erased and happy as a human, he used his powers to deceive and pleasure you. He had you once and lost you again, because those who love you came to help you. He has bent reality to try again and if he wins you will lose.”

  “How?” Eve asked.

  “Long ago he tricked you into sharing the mysteries of the feminine. You showed him the path to ascension and in it the secrets to controlling all the realms.”

  “Through sexual pleasure? We have access to immortality and all knowledge through sexual pleasure?” Eve asked.

  “The two have to be joined and all is possible. Look,” the light said and pointed. “The choice of who you are and how you exist has always been yours, Eve.”


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