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Ciaro (Big Cats Book 3)

Page 3

by Crystal Dawn

  The other part of the company that did renos wasn’t doing nearly as well. Mostly they ended up working with Steve because Seb couldn’t find a decent crew leader. That’s why Ariel enticed family. She knew they were good because she’d trained them herself. They were also trustworthy and would never do anything to hurt her. Ariel inspired the loyalty of all she knew with few exceptions.

  After saying her goodbyes, she left with her crew. They had a long, hard day ahead of them. As soon as they arrived, Ciaro approached cautiously. She smiled to herself since she knew he wouldn’t appreciate it. “My brother, Fiaro is on his way here. He wants a temporary job. Fiaro has some construction experience, but it’s not recent.”

  “I’ll give him a shot as soon as he’s ready to start.” Mairi said. Desperate times and all that.

  “There may be a few more males coming in soon that will want a job. I’ll let you know.”

  “Thank you.” Mairi said. She needed more people, but she’d take what she could get.

  Now she got the crew to work. Today the foundation would be completed. Utilities would also be on site just not to the house. She was working hard instructing her crew when someone came up behind her.

  “Mairi?” He whispered.

  “She’s not here today.”

  “Good try. I’m here to get you.” He said.

  “Really?” She asked and he nodded as she jumped up and slammed both booted feet into his chest. He dropped maybe more from shock than the force of the blow.

  “Is this guy bothering you?” Ciaro asked. He must have noticed the guy and walked closer to check him out.

  “Another mercenary looking to grab someone.” Mairi explained. “Tyne will be here in a few minutes. This was all she needed to mess up her schedule. “Get back to work people. Nothing to see here.” Surprisingly, they all did get back to work. Mairi sighed in relief.

  “This him?” Tyne questioned when he arrived. Moe and Harry were with him.

  “Sure is. I guess I got moved up on the list.”

  “Lucky you.” Moe said.

  “Here.” Harry said as she handed her something. It looked like the golden net Beth had used to capture the pretty guy.

  “Thanks. This will come in handy.” Mairi said.

  “We’re having a girl’s night out Saturday. You’ve not come with us in a while.” Harry said.

  “Where we meeting?”

  “Moe agreed to be our driver. We’ll pick you up.” Harry offered.

  “Sounds like a deal. Dressy or casual?” Mairi asked.

  “Dressy and sexy. Maybe even a touch slutty.” Harry said.

  “Not me. Dressy maybe.”

  “You need a makeover. I’ll whisper in Ariel’s ear.” Harry said.

  “Don’t you dare.” Mairi said.

  “I think Wisty needs one too. She’s getting too used to that glamor.” Harry admitted.

  “Ready to go, Harry? We’ve got our boy restrained with no help from you.” Moe said.

  “You don’t like my help.”

  “I don’t like you feeling up the prisoners.” Moe clarified.

  “That was an accident.” Harry said her face bright red.

  “Sure it was.” Tyne jumped into the conversation.

  “You believe me, don’t you?”

  “Sure I do. Besides, he deserved to be felt up.” Mairi offered with a devilish look on her face.

  “You getting a makeover.” Harry threatened in a sing song voice.

  “Hells bells.” Mairi cursed. “I need to get back to work.”

  She stomped off and checked on her crew’s progress. They’d be done by lunch if they kept working hard. She noticed Ciaro had been watching and listening the entire time. Hopefully, he’d not heard anything helpful. His look of interest in her direction wasn’t something she wanted.

  Usually she knew just how to discourage a male. Somehow she wasn’t sure it would work on him. They finished up and they all headed either home or to Ariel’s. Ciaro had been caught up with some business and wasn’t on his usual perch on the picnic bench when they left.

  They arrived at Ariel’s in time for lunch and she gave her an update. “That’s wonderful. You completed that as fast as a professional team.” Ariel grinned.

  “Perhaps, but I don’t care for that type of work. I’d rather leave it to the professionals.”

  Ariel sighed heavily. “I know, but things are tough right now. You have to get the business and make the money while you can. Once the cats are settled in, I hope to take a vacation with Blake and the kids.”

  “That would be a good idea. No one deserves one more.” Mairi approved.

  “This invasion will slow down and then we can take turns with a vacation. I heard a wolf tried to capture you.”

  Mairi grinned. “He wasn’t expecting me to plant both my feet in his chest. Not that it should have dropped him like it did. By the time he got up, Ciaro was there to restrain him.”

  “Then Tyne took him off. I heard you were going to our girl’s night out. It was also suggested we do a makeover first. I actually think Harry is trolling for one for herself, but maybe it will relax you. We’ll have a spa day before the girl’s night. What do you say?” Ariel looked up hopefully.

  Hell, maybe she wanted the spa day too? “I guess we could do it. It’ll make Harry happy.

  “Great. We’ll pick you up at noon on Saturday.”

  “Okay. Wait a minute. Noon? I get the day off?”

  “You get your crew going in the morning and then put your second in charge. I need to see how he does on his own, but I prefer to break him in slowly.” Ariel explained.

  “That way he won’t break down and cry or run away?”

  “Exactly. You have two days to see if he’ll step up or find another that will.”

  Her second Jessie was a perfect second, but she wasn’t sure she’d ever be good enough to be in charge more than a day here and there. She wondered how Ciaro’s brother would be. If he was like the panther alpha, he’d have everything he needed to lead a crew. Mairi considered keeping him for her own crew. He could even be loaned to Ariel when needed if Mairi took time off.

  Too many leaders in a crew wasn’t a good thing. Those capable of being in charge and doing a good job were rare. She’d take Fiaro and try him out with her personal crew first. If he showed strong leadership abilities, she’d keep him. Ciaro had promised more and she needed more workers for her crew desperately, so did Ariel. They would share since Ariel only needed two more on Mairi’s crew. Hopefully, these new arrivals would work out.

  Her phone rang and she answered. “Mairi.”

  “This is Ciaro. I have some new arrivals. All need housing and a mated couple want to try construction.”

  “When do they want to start?”

  “Right away.”

  “They can meet me for breakfast at Ariel’s where they can fill out the paperwork, or at the party house in time to start and call Sara to do the paperwork over the phone at lunch.”

  “I’ll inform them. Any place they can live? They’ll need to rent for a while before they can buy. The two are newly mated.”

  “One of my cabins was completed today. It’s part of an old motel that has a small house and a group of cabins. I’ve not looked for a renter yet. It’s a weekly rate. This is the first one to be finished.”

  “You took a page out of Ariel’s playbook.”

  “Whatever works. The old place was just sitting there. No one had lived there in a while so I stopped and checked with the family at the bigger house. Their home sits away from the motel and the small house was where a manager lived. They didn’t think anyone would be interested and they wanted to keep their house which wasn’t really part of the motel anyway. I got a fair deal and now I’ll fix them up one at a time. If they want it, have them give me a call.”

  “One problem. They spent all their money getting here.”

  “You won’t help them?”

  “I would, they refused. They sai
d they’d pitch a tent until they get their first paychecks.”

  “I’ll have another cabin ready in a week if they prefer to do that. Or they can work of a week’s rent by doing ten hours’ worth of work on the property after they get off work here.”

  “Sounds fair. I’ll let them know.” Mairi was happy about getting her crew filled out, but she didn’t have time for small talk. She just hung up even though she knew that bugged Ciaro.

  It wasn’t like she had time to waste. Mairi was headed home where she would get something done while she waited to hear what the couple decided. As she pulled in the driveway, Ciaro called.


  “This is Ciaro. They want to meet you at the cabins if you can give me directions or an address?”

  She gave him the address and a few places to guide him. Not all GPS could find all addresses, especially here where she wondered if they even reported new roads and such. Pulling out of the driveway, she headed to the cabins. No reason not to.

  This would push her plan for the cabins ahead if she got one rented and some help for the next one. Some of them needed more help than others. A few needed very little and that would help Ciaro as more panthers came into the area rebuilding their whole lives. She was to the cabins first and she dug out her keys. They’d been pretty much abandoned and all the doors unlocked with some even left open.

  First she’d installed locks on each door, even replacing two doors that were badly broken. Not only did she not want anyone stealing items or damaging the cabins further, but they could be dangerous for the unwary to enter. She’d unlocked the cabin ready for occupancy just as Ciaro pulled up with the couple riding with him. It made her wonder if they had transportation.

  All three of them exited the vehicle. The male was huge and the female small for a shifter. They approached her and stopped by her side looking at the cabins curiously. “Thank you for meeting us here.” The female said. “I’m Javon and this is Sax. We usually do alright, but I got sick. We later found out it was heavy metal poisoning. Something in the water where I worked. I’m better now.”

  “I’m glad you’re doing better. This is the cabin that’s ready. It’s a hundred a week, including utilities. The land with these cabins runs all the way to the lake, but there’s no path yet. You can do as you wish in the woods, just be careful of humans. Some might try to kill you. We have more than our share of hunters around here and some will shoot at anything.” Mairi explained.

  “Ciaro said we could work off our first weeks rent?”

  “Yes, ten hours total. Split it up as you see fit. I’ll assign tasks and you keep your own hours.” Mairi said. “Why don’t you take a look?”

  The two went into the cabin to look around leaving her with Ciaro. “It’s a nice thing you’re doing here.”

  “People help each other. It makes the world a better place. They look like they’ll be good help.”

  “Even though Javon is small?” Ciaro asked.

  Mairi shot him a look. “Smaller people are good at certain jobs. They do the low painting and slip in tight spots to do what needs done. Sometimes they can even kick a larger person’s ass.”

  Javon and Sax started laughing. She hadn’t noticed they’d come back. “You might as well get used to Mairi’s outspoken ways.” Ciaro said with a grin.

  “We’ll take the cabin. Ciaro will give us a ride in the morning.”

  “Have him drop you at Ariel’s. The crew eats breakfast there in the morning then we ride to work together.” Mairi explained.

  “Is that alright, Alpha?” Sax asked.

  “Sure, I’ll stay to eat breakfast with you in the morning.” Ciaro said.

  Mairi kept her face blank so he wouldn’t know she was displeased. She left the key to the cottage with her new tenants then she headed back home. Once she was there, she looked around for a small project. It wasn’t long before she had to get ready for bed. The cabinet the sink in the guest bathroom was her project. Already stripped and ready, she varnished it. Since it was original to the house and in good shape, she wanted to keep it.

  She was keeping things original as much as possible. When she was done, she was dog ass tired. After a bite to eat she took a shower and dropped into bed. Her alarm got her up when it seemed like she’d just got to sleep. The vacation Ariel talked about seemed a beautiful dream. Mairi could work on her house, watch movies, read a book or two, and rest until she no longer felt tired. She could hardly imagine feeling rested up.

  Once she was ready, she grabbed her Bubba mug, it was pink and one of the big ones, and headed to Ariel’s. None of the crew gave her shit about her occasional nod to being female. Her mug was pink, sometimes she wore a pink or girly item. She was a female even if she didn’t always behave like one.

  Pulling into Ariel’s, she noticed Ciaro was already there. As soon as she was inside, she went to the coffee maker. Just enough to fill her mug. Of course she started another pot. She had manners after all. She also grabbed a cup once it was done to leave her mug full for a hard day’s work. Grabbing a plate, she filled it with food. Every big group should provide food for their people. Not worrying about breakfast or supper on work days made everything go so much smoother.

  She sat at the big table with her crew and Ciaro. “We came early so they could fill out their paperwork.” Ciaro explained nodding at her two new workers.

  Mairi had a good feeling about them. She was glad to have her work crew full again. Progress would increase and today they would finish the frame, a big undertaking. She was excited to see what a full crew could do. It seemed like so long since she’d had one.

  Once they were all loaded, the new couple rode with Ciaro, they headed to the party house. Party house, that made her giggle a little every time she said or thought it. Some of her guys cast her weird looks. It was a good thing when they arrived on site. That way no one would ask her why she was giggling. They all knew to get their asses to work.

  She would be busy with the new couple. Training was essential to having and keeping the best possible crew. As they got to work, she was glad to see both took instruction well and followed those instructions carefully. After an hour of close supervision, she divided them putting each in a different place.

  Now she was able to get to work like she meant it. Every time the task needed changed, she would instruct her new people. Right now, the task was the same for the day. The building was framed already, but the roof was being built on the ground then raised as a completely built frame. Ariel, bless her, had the equipment here and the operator needed to run it.

  Once the roof was up, her people would be putting the metal roofing in place. She would be one of those on that team while most of her crew would be working on the first floor. Few were willing to work on the roof of a three story building regardless of the safety equipment and they would have the best.

  Volunteers had been taken and only two had agreed. It would take the three of them longer to do the roof, but the others would be working on the lower portions. Normally the roof was done by a company specializing in roofs. They were backed up for a month. No way they could wait that long. The roof would be put in place before they quit for the day. Monday, she and her two helpers would start on completing it.

  At least heights didn’t bother her, much. For now her attention was on completing the framing and she threw all her energy into it. So much so, that she didn’t notice what anyone, not even Ciaro was doing. “How long have you been back there watching me?” She asked.

  “Only about half an hour. You’re like a force of nature when you get going.” Ciaro admitted.

  “This needs to get done. We’re on a schedule. I expect the best out of my crew too.”

  “Perhaps, but few can keep up with you.”

  “Each of my people have something their best at. I don’t expect them to all be the best at everything.”

  “But you try to be.”

  “Everyone should try to improve themselves when they can. Ariel p
ays some good bonuses. Working harder and better pays. Not like some places where you get paid the same whether you give it your all or don’t try at all.” Mairi saw from the look on his face that gave him something to think about. They finished early, only an hour, but now they could all head home. Since they met their goal, they would get a full day’s pay.

  She had a happy crew. Especially the new couple who were amazed by Ariel’s generosity. This was why Ariel was so successful. She rarely lost a crew member to another business. Once they worked for her, they didn’t want to leave. Once she got the crew to Ariel’s, she was pleased to see supper set out early.

  Grabbing her plate, filling it up, and getting a drink; she sat in the kitchen waiting for Ariel who arrived soon with only a drink. Supper was usually a time for her to sit next to Blake. The couple deserved sometime together.

  “Give me a progress report then you can eat and go home. Go to bed early so you’re rested tomorrow.” Ariel directed.

  “Yes, Boss.”

  “Don’t you boss me, young lady. Report!”

  Mairi gave her the full report including how the new crew were doing. It was a relief to see them doing well so far. Now she was done and Ariel went back to wait for Blake. Regardless of the huge amount of work Ariel did or was responsible for, her time was still more flexible than Blake. That was because Ariel had learned the art of delegation and did much of her work online or on the phone.

  Alphas like Blake were anal and perfectionists. That made them want to be on top of everything themselves. Blake had gotten better and he trusted Ariel to see to many things, but he had a long way to go. Mairi was glad she wasn’t that anal. Finishing her meal. She got the hell out of there and home.


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