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Mine (Falling For A Rose Book 7)

Page 9

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Of course, you can, love, of course you can.”

  Chapter Twelve

  When Phoebe rose the next day, she was groggy and out of sorts. Flashes from last night assaulted her mind, and a powerful throbbing at her center gave her pause.

  “Damn,” she said, thinking about what a blissful time they’d had.

  Phoebe had all but accused Quentin of having no interest in her because she was a virgin and now, well, she wasn’t. A smile trudged across her face, and a delighted warmth coated her flesh. In the rhythm of her heart held an extra beat.


  Phoebe rolled to her side and slowly sat up; he was no longer in the bed, but she could hear the deep tone of his voice carrying from the master bathroom.

  “No, I’m not doing the exclusive, so tell them to forget about it.” He paused. “I understand very well, I just don’t care for their CEO’s lack of morale, and I won’t be a part of anything that they own. Take messages for the rest of the day. I won’t be there.”

  He paused again, this time listening for a spell before chuckling a little bit and then clearing his throat.

  “I’m fine.” Silence again. “No, but thank you for asking.” Silence. “I’m not being a smart ass at all.” A sigh. “Okay, I didn’t even know I was doing that. I’ll try to do better, please accept my apologies.” A second passed before he chuckled again. “I’m not being a smart… okay, I’m hanging up. Call me if anything comes up.” Pause. “Yeah.” Silence.

  Phoebe swung her legs off the bed and sank her feet into the plush carpet on his bedroom floor. Padding softly, she knocked once on the door then leaned into it to speak.

  “Hey, do you have another bathroom?”

  The door opened quickly, and Phoebe took a step back, gazing up at the imposing height of Quentin.

  “Hey,” she said as a plethora of warm, soft, and inviting emotions fluttered through her chest.

  “Good morning,” he responded, reaching out to grasp her hand.

  Phoebe took a step inside as Quentin pulled her to him, and her gaze fell to his wounded chest.

  “Oh my goodness,” she said, taking a hand over the bruised flesh. “Quentin!” Her eyes shot up to his as Quentin peered down at her under lazy lids.

  “I’m all right, girl.” He pulled her closer, wrapping solid arms around her waist.

  “How could you be after everything you’ve been through this week?” Suddenly, Phoebe felt embarrassed, and her cheeks darkened.

  “It’s getting better, I can barely feel it.”

  “Somehow, I know that you’re lying. It’s barely been two days since you were hit by that car and then that ruckus you kept up with Jonathon last night.”

  “I didn’t have much a choice in the matter.”

  Phoebe gave him a gentle look, lowering her eyes with a small smile on her lips. “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “You already said that, and there’s no need for you to repeat it.” He pulled her lips to his mouth and pushed a warm wet kiss on her. “I told you it’s not your fault. Now drop it.”

  “Or what?”

  “I’m gonna spank you.”

  Phoebe giggled. “Well, at least let me help you heal. I feel so bad about everything that’s happened to you. I know you’d like to think so, but you’re not really made of steel, Mr. Davidson.”

  “Lies, girl, all lies.” He tickled the side of her neck and pulled her in tighter. “How do you feel?”

  Phoebe nuzzled her nose into his chin. “Heavenly,” she said.



  The default ringtone from his iPhone sang out, and Quentin pulled the phone out to check the device.

  “If you need some privacy, I’ll step out.” Phoebe turned to leave, and Quentin wrapped her back in his embrace.

  “How can I help you?” he said, answering his phone. “Send that to my email.” He paused. “Talk to you later.” Disconnecting the call, Quentin slipped the cell phone into his back pocket. “Take a shower with me.”

  Phoebe pivoted in his arms. “I thought you would never ask.”

  They kissed, and Quentin drew Phoebe over to the shower as he reached out and turned the nozzle. The sting of the water spray rained down, and steam from the heated element began to take shape immediately. Phoebe tugged at Quentin’s shorts, pulling them off without fail, and his erection pitched out at her.

  “Jesus Christ,” she said, gawking at the thick muscle as it bounced and prodded her way. Phoebe glanced up at Quentin who held a charming grin on his face.

  “You took it all, girl,” he added for good measure.

  “Mmmm, did I?” she asked, uncertain.

  “Yeah.” He led her into the shower. “You’re going to get your hair wet.”

  And for the first time, Phoebe was looking forward to it. She stood under the shower’s spray as Quentin’s gaze ate her up, causing her areolas to stiffen. The water ran down her beautiful face, slender nose, and upturned cheek. It spilled on to her shoulders and flowed over her copious breasts. It cruised the length of her belly, disappearing into her treasure chest.

  Quentin stepped into the shower’s spray with her. “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”

  “I don’t think you have.”

  His forehead creased. “Are you sure?” His hands roamed over her shoulders. “I’m almost certain I’ve said it.”

  Phoebe blushed. “So yeah, growing up you’ve told me that a few times, but not in the way that I had always wanted to hear it.”

  He pushed his lips tight together and squinted at her.

  “Maybe I did tell you in that way, and you just refused to hear it,” he said.

  Phoebe squirmed under his prodigious height. “Maybe, you’re right.”

  Quentin pulled his lips between his teeth. “Phoebe Alexandria Rose, you are the most beautiful girl in the world.” His mouth fell into hers, and he sucked in her lips. His tongue sank into her mouth, and she sucked his tongue. Heated spikes soared between Quentin and Phoebe, causing a tingling vibration to shutter through them.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned as his hands cupped the slick curve of her bottom. Phoebe’s hands slipped up his toned abs, stretching her torso as she leaned into him.

  To describe this level of ecstasy for Phoebe was utterly impossible. How long had Phoebe dreamed of this exact moment when she could be open about her feelings for Quentin? It had felt like a lifetime and now that she was here, Phoebe couldn’t have been happier. She hadn’t absolutely dismissed the spoken worries from her brothers, but she would give Quentin the benefit of the doubt.

  The only thing Phoebe had witnessed was a gentleman. Sure, he was a little rough around the edges, but it was one of the things that she loved about him. Reveling in the solid warmth of his touch, Phoebe exhaled against his mouth.

  “I love the way your lips taste,” she said, and he grinned.

  “Is that right?”


  “I love the way your everything tastes,” he said.

  Phoebe giggled.

  “And I love your laugh,” Quentin continued.

  “Mmm, what else?”

  “And, I love your spiciness.”

  Phoebe laughed out loud, and he placed another firm hold on her derriere. A river of warmth saturated her bones, and she shivered again. Kissing down her face, Quentin lifted Phoebe’s bottom and her legs settled around his waist. With his mouth, he tasted her flesh, neck, chest, then breasts. Sucking in a perky nipple caused a storm of heat to sail throughout Phoebe. She sucked in a breath as the drum of water pounded her back.

  Phoebe didn’t see it coming, but when Quentin entered her, Phoebe’s head flung back as he spread her tight vagina inch by inch. “Oooooh, Quentin…” she panted. “Baby…” as water pelted her face, running down her nose, lips, and neck. It spilled down his ears as he continued to suck her nipples and slip and slide inside her tightness.

  Quentin’s wind picked up, and he pumped into Ph
oebe with perfect sailing thrusts, coated in a slathering heated wetness. With each drive into her, Quentin expanded her constricted womb as the suction from her lips held a grip on his hard shaft.

  “Fuck, girl…”

  “Oh my God, baby…” they both moaned at the same time.

  The shower’s rain coupled with Phoebe’s natural crème caused a riptide of fiery heat to claim Quentin’s loins.

  “Damn it!” He cursed.

  Phoebe’s essence fit like a glove molded for the shape of his penis only. Quentin’s grip on her buttocks clenched as he pulled her up and down meeting his dragging thrusts.

  “Aaaaaah!” Phoebe wailed, and Quentin took one solid hand against the back of her derriere in one spanking wet slap. “Aaaa!” Phoebe yelped again as an aching hunger slipped through her core on a steady collision course to meet his copious appetite.

  “This pussy is so fucking rich…” Quentin’s baritone voice thumped. “Damn it I could stay inside you forever,” he crooned, stroking her with a faster driving force.

  “Aaah! Baby! Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!” she screeched.

  Phoebe’s legs vibrated, and Quentin knew she was at her release. Her quakes made her pussy clasp his dick, and for a moment Quentin lost it, pummeling her sweet vagina with pounding rapid thrusts. Both of their heads fell back as Quentin’s shaft tore through her wrapped in a tingling cascade of heat.

  “Fuuuu-ck!” He cursed as a rocketing orgasm claimed them both.

  “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!” Phoebe sang. She trembled so hard her body went into convulsions. “Aaaaah shit!”

  Quentin held her tight as she shook and fell over on his shoulder, her body going completely limp. Her breathing was ragged, and for a second, Phoebe felt out of control. With her heartbeat slamming against her breastbone and a plethora of tingles cruising inside her. The only thing she could do was lay there solidly against his hard-muscled chest.

  “I got you,” Quentin reassured her. “I’m sorry,” he said, realizing he’d gone too far with her.

  Phoebe fixed her lips to move but instead bit down on her teeth as a labyrinth of dashing sparks shot through her body. Phoebe could still feel her pussy pulsing and her body drumming with the sting of their heated sex. Quentin kissed her shoulders, neck, and cheeks then up to her mouth in an effort to soothe her body’s nerves.

  “Talk to me,” he said.

  “I… I… I…”

  It was no use. Phoebe couldn’t so much as form a syllable let alone a comprehensible sentence. They stood there, still connected, breathing against each other as their heartbeat found a matching rhythm. After what felt like several minutes, Quentin lifted her thighs and eased his manhood from her womb. Phoebe’s whimpering moan let Quentin know that he wasn’t the only one who felt disjointed from the transference of their coupling. He sat her down gently on her feet, and she held on to him steady as they both happened to notice the trickling of red water that slipped down her legs to her feet.

  A gasped left Phoebe, and a curse spilled from Quentin’s mouth. Slowly they both looked back at each other with the same understanding.

  “I know what you’re thinking. Don’t say you’re sorry,” Phoebe said.

  Quentin pulled his bottom lip in with his teeth. Phoebe leaned into him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Quentin pulled her closer, covering Phoebe in the solid warmth of his thick arms. Although he should’ve felt apologetic for taking her so hard, realistically, Quentin wanted to take her harder. He pushed his lips against her forehead, and they held each other until the water turned cold.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I wish I didn’t have to go.”

  Phoebe nuzzled her forehead in Quentin’s chest as they lingered at the entrance of her condominium.

  “So do I,” he responded, pushing a kiss against her forehead.

  The wind whipped around them, causing Phoebe to snuggle even closer. The scent of Quentin’s cologne mixed with his natural aroma enticed Phoebe, keeping her body on buzz. After their shared shower, Quentin and Phoebe lathered their bodies with oil for a deep-rooted massage. They took turns threading their fingers in the solid tissue of their backs, and Quentin had gone so far as to massage her ample bottom. It had made him harder instantaneously and completely aroused Phoebe, but after their bathroom fiasco, Quentin held himself in check and played nice.

  It made Phoebe pout a little, but she was so entirely satisfied from their lovemaking that she didn’t put up much a fight. Now Quentin was dropping her off at home so she could get ready for work. Phoebe was already late, and her current case required all of the time she had.

  “Is it possible for you to leave early today?” Quentin’s deep voice drummed.

  Phoebe scoffed. “I highly doubt it. To be honest, it may be another month or two before I get any free time.”

  “Well, we’ll just have to do something about that. Unless your plan all along was to kick me to the curb after you took advantage of me.”

  Phoebe cocked her head up at him. “I won’t even respond to that with a serious retort.”

  “Ah, because you know it’s true. You’ve been dying to get a taste of this Que, and now you’re ready to break my heart and leave. I told your brothers this would happen.”

  Phoebe giggled. “Shut up,” she said. “I would never.”

  “Mmhmm, time will tell I guess. So when will I see you again?”

  “I can come over tonight when I get off.”

  “Tonight?” he asked.

  “Yeah, is that a problem?”

  Quentin twisted his lips. “Look at you, trying keep me behind closed doors to have your way with me.”

  Phoebe laughed again, and her head fell back.

  “Nah,” he shook his head, “I’m no closet boyfriend, girl. I’m taking you out. I had fully intended to wine and dine you before you jumped my bones.”

  Phoebe laughed harder. More so because some of his words held some truth. Although she’d been a virgin, Phoebe had been so horny for Quentin it was as if she’d been deprived of her fundamental needs to survive. It was probably from lusting after him for so long. Watching him from afar, and being smitten by his prowess. But the wait had been well worth it, and Phoebe knew without a doubt the road she was on would have her in love with him if the warmth in her heart and the stir in her gut weren’t already indications.

  “When would you like to take me out, Mr. Davidson?”

  “Hmm, how about tonight.”


  “Unless you have plans of course,” he teased.

  “Well, I know I had a date with, hmm... let’s see, I’ll have to check my— eek!” she screamed as Quentin sank his hand inside her coat to pinch her belly. “Oh my God,” she said as a bubbling laugh crawled up her throat. “Stop it! Stop it!” she guffawed as he continued to tickle her.

  “What did I tell you about sharing?” his thick voice groveled.

  “I was just playing,” she chuckled, “but to my defense, I don’t recall you asking me to be your girlfriend. You just kind of told me it was so.”

  Quentin peered at her then decided to humor her.

  “All right. Ms. Phoebe Alexandria Rose, can I have the honor of calling you my lady love?”

  Phoebe’s lids lowered as a caress of warmth blanketed her. With Phoebe caught up in his capturing dark stare, she nodded with a blushing smile.

  “Was that a yes?” he asked, leaning into her. His dreads fell forward as he sank his forehead into hers, bringing them nose to nose.

  “Yes, Quentin, I’ll be your lady love.” She blushed at the same time he cradled her head and sank his heated mouth to her lips. His smooches were so delicious as if he perfected the French kiss. A soft tongue invaded her mouth, and they were wrapped in a shield of hotness.

  She loved the tender yet fierce way his tongue explored her mouth. Delicate, but hungrily greedy. Everything about his presence, the soft yet hard angles of his face. The sweet yet tangy aroma of his drea
ds as they playfully tapped the side of her cheeks while Phoebe and Quentin exchanged tongues. A lining fire sailed over her breasts, drawing her nipples into hard beads. Her breath quickened, and just like that, Phoebe was ready to skip out on the day and spend it with Quentin.

  As the thought became a seed that took root and began to sprout, Quentin pulled his mouth away from hers, his breath labored and gaze simmering.

  “I better let you go, or you’ll never make it to the firm.”

  Phoebe licked her lips, needing to taste his mouth before responding to him.

  “Never let me go,” she said. “And you’re right, I almost left Jordan to tinker with that case himself.”

  Quentin put prayer hands together. “I’m already on his shit list. Let’s not do anything else to further piss him off.”

  “I’ll talk to him,” Phoebe promised. “He’s more reasonable then Jonathon.”

  “Don’t do that either. It’s my problem. I’ll handle it.”

  “How, when he won’t even talk to you?”

  “He can’t avoid me at Rose and Garnet LLC.”

  Phoebe smiled softly, but it didn’t highlight her eyes like usual.

  “Hey,” he said, reaching out to caress her face. “It’s not your fault, so turn this frown into a smile. He glanced down at his Rolex. “Call me the minute you become free.”

  “I will,” she said.

  He kissed her again and stepped away, walking backward with his gaze still touching her. She blew him a kiss, and he winked in turn then pivoted to return to his Mustang. Phoebe punched in her code, and the door buzz then unlocked. She strolled inside and turned to peek back out the door just as Quentin’s car eased off down the street.

  “Long night?”

  “How long have you been standing there?” Phoebe asked Eden, keeping her eyes on Quentin’s disappearing vehicle.

  “Long enough to know you’d rather be with Quentin then going to the firm to help Jordan with that case.”

  “It’s not like he needs me anyway,” Phoebe retorted, still in the mood to talk herself out of it. “He’s brilliant, he has the capabilities to do it himself.”


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