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The Beasts' Breeding Dungeon (The Overlord's Depraved Tales)

Page 2

by Bree Bellucci

  “Where are we?” Michelle whimpered as they continued to move through the dungeon.

  “This is the Monster’s Lair,” Marcello smiled as he kicked at a cage, causing a two-headed beast to shriek and throw itself against the wall. “I hope you ladies like rough sex.”

  Ava stopped dead in her tracks, causing Marcello to bump into her. Surely he couldn’t be serious.

  “Keep moving,” he growled, prodding Ava in the back with his elbow.

  “What do you mean?” she demanded, her eyes glued to a hairy creature that had the head of a beast and the chest of a man. His long, clawed paw was slowly rubbing against his long cock while he eyed Michelle as if she were his dinner.

  “Exactly what I mean, dolce,” he whispered, and the Italian endearment made Ava sick.

  “The Overlord loves to watch his women mate with these beasts. He has very peculiar sexual tastes, but you’ll learn soon enough.”

  They were nearing the end of the dungeon and Ava could make out a large wooden door at the end. As they were approaching it, another guard burst though with a young woman who looked like she was also in her late twenties.

  The guard was restraining the woman, who was dressed in a tight, low-cut black dress. At first Ava thought the woman was trying to run away, but at closer glance, Ava realized she was trying to run towards the cages and the guard was trying to stop her.

  “Watch. She’s such a whore,” Marcello whispered and Ava could hear the arousal in his voice as his dark eyes followed the attractive woman.

  “Let me go!” she cried, and Ava could tell she was British. “Let me go! I want to fuck them! Let me fuck all of them!” she cried, pawing at her breasts and rubbing herself between the legs.

  “Quiet down!” the guard barked, as they kept walking. The woman looked wildly at Michelle and Ava. Her short black hair was styled perfectly, and Ava noticed she had on a full face of makeup. She looked as if she was dressed to go clubbing.

  “Don’t take my beasts!” she screamed at Ava and Michelle, and both women backed up quickly to make room for her and the guard as they passed. “These are my monsters!” she screamed, waving around at the cages. Ava saw that her eyes were wide and her pupils were extremely dilated. Her first thought was that the woman was high.

  “Don’t touch my animals, you bitches!” she shrieked, and the guard kept one arm on her as he unlocked a cage in the middle of the dungeon. The door swung open and a large creature walked out of the cage, and the woman flung herself on him, instantly reaching between his thick scaly legs. The creature was mostly green and had a head that resembled a lizard.

  He had slanted eyes, a hole for a nose and a long, sharp mouth. Scales came out around his neck and head, giving him an unusual shape. He stood on two legs, and had a broad human-like chest, though it was covered in scales. A large, thick tale protruded from his lower back. But most sickening of all, was as the woman rubbed furiously between his legs, a penis was beginning to grow to unnatural lengths.

  The woman moaned with desire as she furiously rubbed his growing cock. The beast rasped back to her in a throaty voice. “That’s right, baby. You rub my thick cock. Mhmm. You rub it, you tiny little whore.”

  The guard moved out of sight for a moment and then he came back with a thick pad that he threw on top of the wooden structure in the middle of the room. With sickening realization, Ava saw it was a mattress. As if watching a train wreck, Ava was unable to turn away as she watched the grotesque creature pick up the woman and throw her down on the mattress. The woman screamed with lust and she got up on all fours as she opened her mouth wide for the beasts hard cock.

  The monster made a deep, guttural noise as he pushed his cock into the woman’s mouth. Ava couldn’t believe that the he didn’t break her jaw just from the force and thickness of his member. The woman howled with something that sounded like both pain and pleasure and the beast firmly held her head as he began to fuck her mouth. Ava saw that he could only get half of his dick down the woman’s throat but that didn't seem to matter, they were both enjoying the depraved act immensely.

  Michelle turned away with disgust, but Marcello pushed her back around. “You better watch. You’ll be next.”

  Michelle turned a sick shade of green.

  The creature moved faster and faster until he growled and began shaking violently. The woman gulped and choked as she tried to swallow the monster’s cum. Once she had finished devouring all of him, he pushed her down on her back and climbed on top of her. A chorus of raucous noises erupted from the nearby cages. The other monstrous creatures seemed to be cheering them on, all the while becoming more and more aroused from the spectacle.

  Ava was so sick with dread and fear that she didn’t know if she could watch anymore. She turned to see Marcello watching her.

  “Keep watching until it’s finished, dolce.”

  With tears in her eyes, Ava turned to watch the beast move it’s scaly reptile-like head between the woman’s legs. He stuck out a long, scaly tongue and moved it up and down over the woman’s trembling pussy.

  “Yes!” she screamed, turning her head from side to side with her uncontrolled desire. “Yes! Eat my pussy! Eat my pussy!” Her thighs quavered as the beast slathered her pussy with his thick black tongue, unrelenting until the woman exploded around his face, crying and shrieking in her ecstasy. The deformed creature then moved between her legs and grabbed his thick cock before slowly beginning to feed it to her vagina.

  Michelle watched with sick amazement as the woman’s legs spread wide and her body willingly stretched to accommodate the thing. The beast kept pushing inside of her, and Ava thought that surely the woman couldn’t take any more and still he fed her more and more of his cock. He was nearly completely inside of her when he seemed to reach an end. Slowly he pulled his scaly member out of her and the woman screamed and writhed with pleasure and pain. The monster smiled a sick smile, showing a mouth full of razor-sharp brown teeth, and slowly pushed back into her. He began a slow and steady rhythm thrusting in and out of her and he began to grunt and shake with each powerful thrust.

  Ava heard an electronic kind of buzzing noise, and she looked up to see a number of discreet black video cameras on the ceiling. The buzzing had come from one of the cameras shifting towards the center stage action and another mechanical sound buzzed as the camera presumably zoomed in on the scene.

  Marcello chuckled to himself. “He must be watching,” he murmured. Ava wondered if he was referring to The Overlord. Her attention was brought back to the spectacle as the monster lifted the woman’s legs so he could more deeply penetrate her. Her shrieks reached a fever pitch and when Ava could barely watch anymore, the woman shouted out with her release, bucking under the beast like a wild animal. He kept thrusting into her until he screamed a terrible death-rattle sound, signaling his own orgasm. Ava could see his swollen dick throb and pulse as he emptied himself into her. He pulled his cock out and Michelle watched with disgust as thick green liquid streamed out of his tip.

  The woman hurried up to all fours, wrapping her mouth around him as she eagerly sucked what her womb couldn’t hold. Ava watched with mingled awe and horror as green fluid trickled down the woman’s legs.

  “See all his cum?” Marcello sneered. “These beasts are just so damn hot for you sexy little humans. They are going to fill you with their thick fluid until your body can’t take any more. It will run down your legs too as they shove the rest of the juice down your hungry little throats.”

  Ava tried to look away but Marcello pushed her back around. The woman was now on all fours facing away from the beast and he was pushing his cock into her anus, ready to go again with no refractory period. The woman bit down on her bottom lip and rocked on her arms and legs, crying out loudly as the he pushed into her tight opening. Ava could tell the woman had done this before, but clearly it still hurt to be invaded by such size.

  “Alright, Marcello, I think we’ve seen enough,” Franco said in a bored voice. Marcello whi

pped around to study Franco.

  “Yes,” he agreed, nodding. “Master will want these women soon enough.”

  The girls didn’t know if they should feel grateful to Franco or not. They wouldn't be subjected to the hard anal sex that was now happening, but instead they would have to face whatever this Overlord had planned for them. As they left the dungeons behind them, Ava could still hear the woman’s loud sexual cries of desire and the monster’s grunts and groans as he took her ass over and over.

  They walked through a massive wooden door and into an expansive white hallway that reminded Ava of a hospital. The sound of the women’s heeled shoes click-clacking along the floor echoed off the high walls. The foursome moved to the very end of the hallway without speaking a word. A large elevator sat in the right side of the wall, and Marcello opened a keypad before twisting one of the keys inside. A loud ping went off, and the smooth steel doors slid open. Ava and Michelle moved forward, unsure of what to expect next, and completely terrified to find out.

  The buttons had symbols instead of numbers, and Marcello hit a button with a large bed. Ava studied the symbols and tried to decipher their meaning. One button had a cage that she decided was the dungeon. Another had a crown, while another button had what appeared to be waves. Ava didn’t have time to study the other buttons as the doors opened.

  Again, the women were pushed through the doorway like cattle and Ava tried to right her senses. It was as if she and Michelle had suddenly walked into a five star hotel. A long and luxurious hallway unfolded before them and along the softly lit hallway were mirrors, hallway tables and doors with room numbers. Ava guessed there were about fourteen doors in the hallway.

  “Where are we?” Ava asked.

  “Your lodgings,” Marcello replied as they continued down the hall. Michelle could just make out another hall that veered off further in the distance. Marcello stopped before a door with the number seven on it.

  “This is you,” he stated, pushing another key into the door. “That one’s in ten,” Marcello said, nodding towards Michelle and Franco. Franco nodded as he pushed Michelle further down the hall.

  “Wait!” Michelle cried frantically.

  Ava screamed in protest at the separation. “Where are you taking us? Why can’t we be together?”

  Marcello laughed again. “Because this is what The Overlord wants.”

  Franco opened the door down the hall and pushed Michelle into it.

  “No!” Ava screamed.

  “Shut up!” Marcello ordered, pushing open the door and shoving her inside. Ava stumbled inside and she looked around slowly taking in her new living quarters. She was surprised to see that the room resembled a luxury hotel suite. A large plush white bed took up one side of the wall and a table with two sitting chairs took up the other wall while built in shelves filled with books sat above it. A large window looked out into the darkness of the forest below, and a chaise lounge rested below the window. Another door opened up to a large, luxurious bathroom with marbled counters, a glass shower and a large, clawed bathtub.

  “This is where you will stay when you are not being called upon... or being fucked. You will do as The Overlord commands. Meals are at eight, noon and seven. You have missed dinner, so a tray will be sent to your room. When you come to meals, dress appropriately. That door over there,” and Marcello pointed, “is your closet. Any other itineraries for your day will be pushed under your door. There is a phone for any emergencies or requests.” Marcello motioned towards the phone and smirked. “Not that The Overlord will listen, but feel free to try.”

  “But – wait! I don’t understand!” Ava cried out as Marcello turned to leave.

  Marcello turned around, raising his eyebrows. It was a shame he was such an evil douche, because he was undeniably handsome.

  “All will be clear soon enough, dolce,” he husked before leaving Ava alone in the room.

  Confused and spent, Ava sank onto the plush white carpet and began to cry. She didn’t know how long she sat like that, sobbing helplessly, but suddenly a loud ding made her head snap up. There was a type of box built into the wall on one side of the room, and Ava now saw that there was a green light glowing above the box. She stood and tentatively moved towards it. She opened the box and saw a plate covered by a large silver dome-shaped lid. There was also bottled water, silverware and a napkin set, and a large goblet of what appeared to be red wine. Carefully, Ava carried the items to the table and she sat down before removing the lid.

  A mouth-watering chicken breast rested on the plate, surrounded by small fingerling potatoes and baby carrots. Starving, Ava dug in, at this point she didn't care if the food was poisonous or not. The food was just as delicious as it smelled and she cleared her plate in no time, greedily drinking all of the water and the sweet red wine. Feeling like a pig, she daintily wiped her mouth, wondering if there was a hidden camera in the room. Another ping sounded and Ava noticed again that the green light was on above the box.

  She opened the box again to find a piece of chocolate cake, three more bottles of water, and a handwritten note around a napkin. As she grabbed the note and napkin, a small green pill fell into her hands. She curiously read the note.

  Here is more water, you seem thirsty. When you are finished with your dishes, place them back in the channel and press the red button. There is a napkin in the bathroom, use what is inside – it will help you sleep. You are always being watched, but bathrooms are for privacy. Welcome to Valanya.

  Ava wasn’t sure what to make of the note. Whoever sent it was watching her, but they seemed to be friendly. Whoever it was had slipped her some type of sleeping pill, but told her to take it in the privacy of the bathroom. Ava slipped quietly into the bathroom and left the pill on the counter. Leaving the bottles of water on the table, she put all of her dishes in the channel and pushed the red button. Sure enough when the red light went off and the channel made a ding sound and the plates were gone.

  Exhausted and feeling hopeless, Ava realized there was nothing to do now but sleep. How was Michelle right now she wondered? Was she safe? In the morning she could try to formulate a plan. Ignoring the closet, she went to a chest of drawers and pulled open a drawer. To her relief, she found sweat pants and cotton shirts. After dressing for bed, she slipped into the bathroom and swallowed the little green pill. She brushed her teeth and washed her face using the small toiletries that had been left for her on the counter.

  The pill worked quickly and she began to feel woozy. Grateful to her friend on the other side of the channel, she made her way to the bed and climbed inside the thick sheets. She thought for a moment that perhaps the luxury of her surroundings only foreshadowed the monstrosities that would take place outside of her room. But the sleeping pill slowly overcame her and she fell into a deep sleep, her last conscious thought was of Michelle.

  * * *

  An alarm woke Ava the next morning, and she realized that it was coming through small speakers in the corners of her ceiling. It was seven in the morning and she wondered if the alarm was going off in all the rooms since breakfast was at eight. Ava had a sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach. She washed up and showered and she wondered all the while what nightmares would be waiting for her at breakfast. Being summoned to three meals a day could not be a good thing.

  Finally gathering the courage to investigate her closet, she moved towards it, kicking her clothes from the previous day out of the way. Her jacket thumped across the floor, and Ava suddenly remembered she had stowed her phone in her jacket pocket. She grabbed the jacket and just as she was about to yank the phone out, she remembered that she was being watched. She grabbed the jacket and raced into the bathroom, fumbling to pull the phone out. Drew! She would be able to text or call him, or call anybody who could save her and Michelle. But much to her disappointment, she still had no service, her phone was useless.

  Tears slid down her cheeks as she stared at her phone, her only lifeline was broken. Stashing it in a bathroom drawer, she
went back to the closet and pulled the doors open. She was disgusted to see most of the outfits were overtly sexy. She finally settled on a white mini skirt and a skimpy blue blouse that was completely open in the back save for a thin piece of string holding the sides together. Finding only hooker heels in her closet, she slipped on a pair of bright blue sky high heels. She had seen makeup in the bathroom, in fact it was an expensive brand of makeup, but she wasn’t in the mood for looking pretty. She was so anxious about what to expect at breakfast that she was starting to shake, applying makeup was out of the question.

  She tried her door but it was still locked; it didn’t surprise her since there was still thirty minutes until breakfast. She pulled open the curtains to the window and gazed out. A thick mist of fog surrounded the area and she wondered if it always looked this miserable on this forsaken mountain. Craning her neck, she saw that she could just make out the creepy gargoyles on the roof. Blinking, she thought that one of them turned towards her, and she shook her head before pulling the curtains tight. The view was just as hideous as the castle itself and she couldn't stand any more of it.

  Moving over to the bookshelf she perused the titles. She was surprised to find it stocked with many classic stories: A Tale of Two Cities, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Sense and Sensibility, The Scarlet Letter, Les Miserables, Jane Eyre and more. Moving her fingers along the titles, she paused at Wuthering Heights. She had remembered reading this story in high school. Curling on the chaise, Ava began reading and became lost in the story until she heard a loud mechanical clicking sound from the door.

  Realizing that the door must be unlocked, she jumped up, letting the book fall to the floor with a thud. Sure enough, the door was unlocked and she yanked it open and stepped into the hallway. Women, dressed in similarly revealing clothes, were exiting their rooms and moving towards another small hallway. Some ignored Ava while others shot her sympathetic looks. Ava saw Michelle emerge from a room further down the hall, and Ava ran to her.


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