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Trouble at Brayshaw High

Page 8

by Meagan Brandy

  Her eyes widen, and I step back inside and slam the door in her face, moving to the side so she can’t see me through the long window panel. I lean back for a breath.

  Something is off with that chick, I know it, and she was damned surprised that I knew about Zoey. All I know is she better hope she’s legit with noble intentions or she’ll have more than three Brayshaws raining down on her.

  With a sigh, I pour some of Collins’ big money bourbon and knock it back, dropping onto the couch.

  I close my eyes, taking a calming breath when I’m on the brink of flipping my shit.

  I’m in deep and falling deeper, like a fool.

  I need to let these people go.

  All of them.

  Problem is, I’m not so sure I know how. Every day away has me questioning what the hell I’m doing here, with Collins and in this place.

  A smart girl would have left by now.

  The door bursts open and a sweaty, angry Collins barges through.

  Surprisingly, his shoulders relax when he sees me.

  “How was practice?” I raise a brow, reaching back for the tumbler and pouring myself another half glass.

  He grins. “Fine, dear.”

  I scoff and drop back again.

  His eyes run over me, and he smiles wider.

  “What?” I grow suspicious.

  “Your outfit is perfect, you know, for your kind of crowd,” he says, not taking his eyes off my black jeans ripped at the thighs and plain white, baby doll T-shirt. His stare moves over my hair, and the French braid pigtails I threw it in when I got out of the shower. “Hair too.”

  “For what?”

  “Didn’t you hear?” His smirk has me sitting forward. “Tonight’s Maddoc’s eighteenth birthday party, and you’re my pretty little date, sweetness.” He heads for the stairs, leaving me fighting for air my lungs suddenly deny.

  I didn’t even know him long enough to know when his birthday was.

  “We leave in thirty! I guess you can wear those ugly ass boots, too!”

  Holding in whatever it is trying to claw its way out, I lay back and close my eyes.

  This should be interesting.

  And by interesting, I mean a fucking nightmare.

  I take another shot.

  Treacherous bitch.

  That’s me.

  She came with him, just like we fucking figured.

  Glued to him and a little unstable on her feet, they slip inside quietly – like Buck, the guard dog here at The Tower, the club we rented out for the party tonight, didn’t text me the second her used Timberlands hit the cement.

  My blood heats, my muscles flexing just from looking at her.

  She’s pure fucking natural fire.

  No effort from her reads as pure purpose to everyone around her. Tight ass pants and a slice of skin showing above her waist, hair long and twisted back in two, ready to wrap around my fists, the blue tips shining against the light of the room. Effortless sex appeal.

  Now if I went off the look in her eye, I’d say she looks like shit. Just as exhausted as I had hoped, and miserable like I wished. She looks as fucked up as she deserves to be for the moves she’s made.

  Still, looking at her, all I see is mine.

  Yet, she’s not here with me tonight.

  She’s with him, the dick that wants to take my family’s power. The guy who wants to push Brayshaw out and regain control of this town with his family’s name, so he can run it dirty and in a way that makes him rich and powerful, not respected and feared like worthy leaders, like Brayshaw.

  Like we fucking are.

  He doesn’t want to help the weak grow stronger so long as they stay in line, doesn’t want to watch the local business in this town thrive and create a better, tighter community of local life. No, he wants to reign over all and shit on the little guy along the way. That’s not a society people want to be a part of – that’s how an era ends.

  We’re not the only power families around, there are several of us spread across the state, protecting the lives we live and the towns we created. It’s how we live under our own laws, we have others who look out for us just the same.

  But our town, we’re the last split in two, the only one left with a power struggle among founders. According to our dad, it’s up to me and my brothers to put an end to it before the other families step in and help decide for us. Only one name can lead, and it will be Brayshaw.

  The Gravens were pushed out for a reason.

  They’re dirty and know no loyalty. They fuck their own in a heartbeat if there’s a means to benefit from it. Our town, our family and populace was built on three things: honesty, loyalty, and respect.

  Collins would trade all three for more green in his pocket – as if the sole heir needs any more than what his grandfather will be leaving him with when he croaks.

  Greed brings lies and deceit and if this place turns to anarchy, we’d all fall down. The surrounding cities and their head makers won’t hesitate to step in if we can’t control our own people.

  Question is, did money already speak louder to my girl than I could?

  I glance at Tisha, one of the chicks in Chloe’s little pack of peasants, perched on top of the bar so she can chat up the bartender.

  “I’m done waiting, let’s test this shit now.”

  I look back to Raven, who tries real fucking hard to hide her body behind the bar stool.

  “You sure about this?” Captain speaks low so only I can hear. “That chick should be here anytime.”

  “I need to know.”

  “I’m with Maddoc.” Royce gives a jerky nod, his body swaying a bit as the alcohol kicks in.

  Cap eyes him before sliding his stare to me, his concern easily read. “And you’re ready for this?” he pushes. “What happens if this doesn’t roll the way you want?”

  “Then she’ll be begging for her trailer when we’re done with her.”

  Cap sighs, his shoulders falling slightly as he nods and Royce rubs his hands together, shooting for confident and ready, but I know he’s nervous as fuck. He’s been downing shots since we got here.

  I down the rest of my drink and push to my feet. I haven’t drunk this much in months, and I’m not trashed, but I can’t say I don’t like that my body is finally chill after days of nothing but pure fucking tension.

  Tisha sees me coming and her back shoots straight.

  I give her no warning other than my eyes on her as I grow closer, then I’m gripping her behind the knee, and yanking her to the edge. I step between her legs and she gasps, her eyes widening.

  “You’ve had your eyes on me the last hour, Tisha.” I lean closer. “You got something for me?” I whisper, sliding my hands up her thighs and she tenses.

  A nervous laugh leaves her, and she recoils, her eyes flying right briefly.

  “I...” She starts pulling away with a shrug. “Look, I’ve been dying for this, and maybe I was looking at you, but that’s all. Before, I’d have been all over this, but things have changed. I have a shoot next week, and I can’t risk getting my ass beat. Sorry.” She hops off the bar and walks away.

  “You’re an idiot.”

  I spin around to find Vienna behind me. Cap and Royce walk over to us.

  “I told you to be here at ten,” I hiss.

  “And I had to wait for Maybell to pass out, then hitch a ride here because I don’t got it like that. But...” Vienna licks her lips and smiles up at me. “I’m here now.”

  “Why’d you even go for this?” Royce questions, studying her with his cloudy glower.

  “Like I told you guys before, I happen not to like her newest move. She shouldn’t have gone against you.” Her hand reaches out to touch my bicep and I glare. “I don’t believe she’s as scandalous as her little trade-off paints her.” She steps closer to me, her palms now planted on my chest. “So, like I said I would, I’m gonna take one for the team here, Brayshaws, hoping that it helps you get what you want.”

  My brot
hers reluctantly take a few steps away, both mumbling something under their breaths as they do.

  Vienna hesitates a moment, then cautiously pulls herself up on her tiptoes and slides her lips across mine.

  It takes me a second, but I force my hands around her and pull her body against mine.

  She grins and covers my lips with hers, driving her tongue inside my mouth. I kiss her back, forcing my tongue to meet her careful swipes.

  It’s all fucking wrong.

  My baby would never be careful or cautious with her mouth.

  She’s demanding, punishing and eager.

  And she hasn’t stepped in to fucking stop this.

  Goddamn it, Raven!

  I pull away from Vienna’s lips, but hold her there a minute, jerking my hands away from her when she smiles up at me.

  She reaches up to touch her lips, hesitates a moment longer, and then disappears down the hallway toward the bathroom.

  Captain and Royce move toward me again.

  Anger and annoyance mixed with flat out fucking disappointment slices through me, the same pained expressions clouding my brothers’ eyes.

  Captain sighs, dropping his chin to his chest while Royce’s jaw sets and looks away.

  That was it, Raven didn’t make her move. She let it happen, stuck to the little bitch’s side all the while. I don’t know what the fuck I thought would happen just now, but what I didn’t expect was the sharp ass pain hitting my chest. A sting so deep my facial muscles tighten, forcing my eyes to squint.

  She might as well have rammed that knife of hers into my gut and twisted. Something tells me that would’ve done less damage than standing here knowing it’s not where she wants to be.

  Raven for real just stood back, watched this chick stick her tongue down my throat and did nothing.

  My Raven would never stand for that.

  Guess she thinks she’s no longer mine.

  Royce kicks a stool and it knocks to the floor, but the music is so loud and the lights low, it doesn’t create a scene.

  He storms off.

  Cap picks it up, signaling the bartender for another round.

  Fuck this shit.

  Brave little bitch.

  And she tried to front like she had a thing for Royce. I knew she was too easily roped in by the glitz of their world, she showed it in her envious words at the very first party the group home girls dragged me to at Collins’ house.

  She’s just like the rest, waiting for a turn with any Bray they can climb on.

  I should break her fucking nose.

  I slip out the door and start back down the dark hall, but I’m yanked to the side and shoved against the wall – a move he’s getting far too fucking comfortable with.

  Collins gets in my face. “What the fuck are you doing?” he growls.

  I jerk from his hold in the same second and shove at him, stepping into his face. “I told you, Collins, you put your hands on me again, without my permission which you’ll never fucking have, I won’t hesitate to stick a four-inch piece of metal through your lung and laugh as you drown in your own blood.”

  His head draws back a second before he glares. “You think I didn’t notice what you just did? That I didn’t watch the entire fucking thing, same as you, and then trail your ass when you disappeared in the same direction?”

  “Like I fucking care.”

  He growls. “You can’t run around acting like the jealous little girlfriend! You belong to me as far as these people are concerned.”

  “Back the fuck up, Graven.”

  Both our heads snap right to find Royce swaying slightly on his feet, eyes dull and bloodshot.

  Fuck. Did he hear that?

  “Fuck you, Brayshaw. Just getting some time in with my girl, here. Dark corners are my favorite—”

  Royce swings before Collins sees it coming, landing a hard one across the jaw.

  I step back, giving him more room, and Collins shoots me a glare, rubbing at his jaw.

  Collins lifts a hand, pointing at Royce as he starts walking away – he knows better than to pick a fight with them here. “Let’s go, Rae,” he commands but doesn’t stand there waiting.

  Royce does, however, and as soon as Collins is around the corner, he steps closer to me.

  “Back off, ponyboy,” I force past my lips, taking a step away. “None of your business.”

  “It is my fucking business. We brought you in, trash,” he slurs angrily, but it’s the ache laced in his tone that has a twinge hitting against my ribcage.

  “We gave you a place, twice, and you wanna fuck us over? You wanna fuck my brother, then let the guy trying to fuck our family stick his dick in you?” He creeps closer. “You’re loosening it up real good, now aren’t you? Trying to get on your mama’s level?”

  “Enough,” Bass barks, now joining the party.

  I grow rigid. The last thing I need right now is for him to spill what he knows.

  I slide my eyes his way right as Royce spins to face him.

  “Fuck you, Bishop. Bet your ass was in on this shit too, huh?” He gets in his face. “Poor little punks like you two stick together, don’t you? I should kick your wannabe ass.”

  “You’re drunk.” Bass blinks at him. “Just go.”

  “You go, bitch.” Royce grips his belt stepping closer, his eyes narrowed to slits. “Don’t forget where you are.”

  As if this isn’t bad enough, the door to the restroom flies open and Vienna appears.

  She jerks to a halt at the sight of us all, her eyes wide, lip still bleeding.

  I freeze where we stand, we all do, minus Bass.

  No, no, no. Fuck!

  I told her to wait five minutes ... five fucking minutes ago.

  Finally, Vienna jump starts and rushes away.

  That kicks Royce back into motion and his head snaps my way, but I can’t bring myself to look at him.

  He’s motionless a minute, but then a light laugh leaves him, and he stumbles off. “Well, fuck me, baby girl...”

  Bass slowly follows him down the hall, glancing back at me once on his way.

  I fall against the wall and close my eyes. “Shit.”

  Cap and me down two shots and just as we drop the glass and get ready to go find Royce, my shoulder is bumped, bloody tissues tossed in my face.

  Vienna squeezes by us, blood trickling down her lip and slightly smeared over her T-shirt. “You’re welcome,” she bites out in a hissed whisper. “And you owe me one.”

  Captain whips around, looking down the dark hallway that leads to the girl’s bathroom, where Vienna disappeared to and just came back from.

  Royce rushes from the same hallway, headed right for us with a fierce expression, but my eyes cut behind him.

  Raven steps into the light, her face blank, but her eyes are wild.

  Her eyes snap up, crashing into mine with a fire so bright my shoulders stretch wide.

  If she could reach, she’d catch me across the jaw.

  My baby is jealous, and she wants to fight about it.

  Suddenly her eyes leave mine, and her feet carry her away, back to the bitch who is gonna burn.

  Collins hisses something at her, gripping her wrist and I push forward, but Cap stops me with a tight grip to my shoulder.

  He dips closer to her with a hard expression, but she jerks away with a solid fuck you mouthed in his face.

  A zing shoots down my spine.

  The fuck is going on here?

  In the next second, we’re exiting the club.

  “We’re missing something,” Royce slurs right as we hit the pavement out front, not entirely convinced but desperate to believe it. “We need to find out what.”

  The driver we hired for the night, one of our guards from the warehouses, rolls up and we silently slide in.

  I agree, something is fucking wrong. There’s a reason for this and we need to find out what it is, but it’s not just with her actions, but Graven’s and our dad’s, too.

  But back t
here? That was what tonight was about, bringing her loyalty to light by playing off her weakness, just like Maybell said.


  Reacted the only way she knows how.

  Impulsive. Uncontrolled. Reckless.


  Like clockwork, the skinny fucker slides out the gate of the warehouses right at midnight to make his check-in call. He adjusts his leather fucking jacket, those dumbass headphones around his neck, like always, and pulls out his phone.

  “We should jump his punk ass.” Royce sits forward.

  I grip the steering wheel tighter. “Grab him.”

  “Why?” Royce laughs. “Not like he won’t come in on his own if we tell him to.”

  “He doesn’t get to be asked tonight. He’s fucking lucky I don’t run him over right now.”

  Royce starts for his handle, but Captain unbuckles his seatbelt.

  “Let me get him,” he insists and steps out.

  Me and Royce look to each other.

  “This shit’s messed him up, Madman. If we’re reading this wrong, if Raven really is playing dirty, or fuck, bartering even, she could tell everyone about Zoey.” Royce looks out the window. “Kinda fucked up we can’t ever have anything for ourselves. He shouldn’t have to share baby girl with nobody until he wants to.”

  “You think she’d do that?”

  I frown when Bass spins around, trying to punch Captain as he reaches out and grips his jacket, but Captain spins him and slams him against the fence.

  Bass finally sees it’s him and chills some, but he still acts like a prick and forces Captain to push on him to get him over here.

  “Not in a million fucking years, brother, but I didn’t think she’d ever be where she’s at either,” Royce says then pushes open the door.


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