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The Candy Bar Complete - 4 book box set: Candy Bar Series

Page 36

by Patrice Wilton

  “Maybe you didn’t hear me right.” Candy put her hands on her rounded hips. “Come to the back, and I’ll get you your pay.”

  “We’ve got a contract, lady. I intend to fulfill my end of the bargain. You should do the same.” He pushed past Candy and jumped up on stage. He had his guitar in his hands and was strumming a tune.

  Candy looked at me. “You okay, honey?” I nodded. She twirled around and marched off in the direction of the band. “J.J.,” she snapped, when she got within hearing range. “Stop playing that guitar.”

  His strumming grew louder. Candy jumped on stage like Superwoman. “Take your band, or leave them, I don’t care, but you need to get out of here.”

  “Unless you want a guitar stuck up your ass, you’d better get off the stage, Miss Candy.”

  I could feel the tension coming from Brett, and watched as some of the regulars started for the stage. Candy had a loyal following of customers, and when it came right down to it, nobody likes an asshole bad-talking a woman. I slipped off my chair, ready to back Candy up.

  Brett put a hand out to stop me. “She’s got it under control. You’ll make it worse if you go up there.”

  “I hope she bitch-slaps him.” Fran had slipped away and now I saw her climbing up on stage. “What’s she doing?”

  She has short thick legs, and it was not a pretty sight watching her straddle the stage. Her one leg was stuck, but she wiggled her way up, ignoring the laughter behind her. She pulled on Jamie’s collar. “Hey, you. You heard the boss lady. It’s time to go, pal.”

  J.J. jammed his guitar down on her foot and she let out a howl. She grabbed the guitar from his hand and raised it over his head, then struck him with it. The strings broke as his head poked through.

  “Oh, my gosh!” I giggled. “This is too funny.” Fran stepped onto center stage and turned to his dazed band. “Hit it, boys! Bobby McGee.” The band followed her as she wailed out a throaty rendition of Janis Joplin’s popular hit.

  The bouncers led Jamie off the stage. “Damn,” I said with a dopey grin. “I didn’t know she could sing.”


  The crowd stood up, madly cheering, as Fran finished the song. I clapped and stomped my feet while Brett let out a deafening two-finger whistle. Fran took her bows, and waved at us.

  “I can’t believe this. Look at Fran. She’s having the time of her life.” Fran stepped down, although clearly the band members and everyone in the bar wanted to hear more from her. She came over to us, eyes sparkling, and she was grinning from ear to ear.

  “Wow.” She took the seat next to me, panting and fanning her face. “That was so much fun.”

  “You were awfully impressive,” Brett beamed. “I especially liked the way you hammered him over the head with his own guitar.”

  She giggled. “That was the best part.”

  My mouth was still hanging open. “Gosh, Fran. I had no idea you could sing like that.”

  She grabbed a tissue and dabbed perspiration off her face. “You should see me in the women’s choir. I rock the house down.”

  Candy brought us another round of drinks, and Samantha joined us. She was being really sweet, and told Fran she should try to cut a record.

  “I mean it. You were awesome.” Sam laughed. “But use the stairs next time, please. I nearly bust a gut, watching you wriggle up on that stage.”

  Fran blushed, and I gave her arm a squeeze. “My avenging hero. I loved it when you clobbered J.J.” Samantha turned to Brett. “Honey, I’m real tired tonight. Do you mind if we don’t get together? I’ve got a ton of stuff to do in the morning.”

  I turned my attention to Fran and pretended not to listen, but my ears grew bigger as I hung on every word.

  “That’s fine,” he said. “I’ll just hang out with Fran and Susie for a while longer, then call it a night.” I didn’t know I was squeezing Fran’s hand until she squeezed mine back, and gave me a conspiratorial wink. Obviously, we were on the same page.

  Turning to Samantha, I gave her a genuinely fond smile. I’ve never liked her quite so much. “We’ll take good care of him, don’t worry.”

  She gave me an unreadable look and shrugged. “I’m sure you will.” After she left, Fran checked out Brett.

  “What kind of a crazy girl is that, to turn down a chance to sleep with you?”

  I sputtered my drink all over the place.

  Brett chuckled. “I knew I liked you, Fran.”

  I grinned at the two of them. “Fran’s right. Samantha should be so lucky.”

  “She’s been on her feet for hours,” he defended her. “And she has to work tomorrow night.”

  “Yeah, me too. I have a painting I want to finish, and will be helping out at the shelter in the afternoon. Why don’t you drop by if you get a chance?”

  His eyes met mine. “I might do that.”

  Fran covered a yawn. “Sorry guys, but I have church in the morning. I’m going to call it an early night.”

  Brett looked at his watch. “I could stay a little longer. How about you, Sus?”

  “Sure.” My heart skipped wildly inside my chest, and I willed it to stop. I liked Brett too much, and he was not the kind of guy I could love and leave. He was an all or nothing, no holding back, forever and ever kind of guy. The timing stunk, but when did love ever wait for a more convenient time?

  * * *

  The following night I was crazy busy at work when I looked up to see Brett engrossed in a conversation with a pretty girl. My stomach plummeted to the floor. I wanted to serve a beer all over his head.

  I tossed my hair back and sauntered over. “Hi.” I gave him my prettiest smile, and nodded to the girl. “How’s it going, Brett?”

  “Good.” He introduced the striking girl as his kid sister, Caitlin.

  I shrieked. “Caitlin? Oh, my gosh, look at you. All grown up, and so beautiful.” I smiled fondly at the memories she stirred up. “I haven’t seen you since you were about nine years old. You were a regular pain back then.”

  She looked me over. “Susan Jensen? Wow. You’re still gorgeous. I remember wanting to look just like you when I grew up.”

  I warmed to her immediately. “That’s so sweet.” Caitlin was tiny, perhaps five-foot-two, and a hundred pounds soaking wet. She wore a pair of designer jeans, a halter top, and strappy high-heeled sandals, and looked so adorable I was envious. “You look incredible,” I told her honestly.

  “Okay, you two,” Brett broke in, “shall I book you a room?”

  He looked miffed that I was giving Caitlin all the attention.

  “Oh, what’s the matter?” I said. “Come on. You look awfully cute too.”

  His mouth turned down. “I don’t want any damn compliments. Just a drink.”

  “Coming right up. A Corona for you, and what is Caitlin having?”

  “A Chardonnay, please.” When I returned, Caitlin scooted off to the ladies’ room, and I had a moment alone with Brett.

  “Hey, I didn’t expect to see you tonight. Sam’s got the night off.”

  “I know. She had something to do with one of her friends. Out shopping, and then to the movies.”

  “Sounds like fun, although being with you trumps a night with the girls.” She gave him a quick look. “In my opinion.”

  “So, you’re still planning on going to Italy?” he asked casually.

  “Are you kidding me? Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I?” Was I trying to convince him or me, I wondered. “It’s a dream come true,” I gushed. “I’ve wanted to do this forever.”

  “Then I’m happy for you. I might miss you though.”

  I melted a little. “I’ll be back. I’m only going for six weeks or so.”

  “Good.” He was smiling at me, and my heart danced with joy.

  We stood there, looking deeply into each other’s eyes and it felt different than before. We were connecting on a more personal, intimate level, and a part of me wished he’d take it one step further.

  He glance
d away first. “So, have you heard anything from our pal, J.J.?”

  “No.” I drew circles on the bar with the moisture from the glass. I watched his big hands and let mine get teasingly close. “He knows not to call me, and with any luck he’s already left town.”

  “I hope he’s gone for good.” He moved his hand slightly closer. “He wasn’t right for you.”

  I gave him a surprised look. “I knew that. I just had to prove something to myself, and I did.”

  His hand moved out of reach. “I don’t understand why a girl like you would allow yourself to be used by a jerk-off like him.”

  I tossed my head back, and stared him down. “Who said he did the using?”

  His eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared. I saw a little ticking motion in the side of his cheek. “In that case, he’s one hell of a lucky guy.”

  “I don’t know about that.” I touched his arm. “But the next time I get involved with someone it’ll be for the right reasons, not the wrong ones.” Caitlin returned and I went back to work.


  A few nights later, Caitlin and her boyfriend, Jake, and a friend of his turned up at the Candy Bar. Caitlin’s boyfriend looked a little like Justin Timberlake, and they made a cute couple and were really into each other. They’d come in late, closer to midnight so the crowd had weaned out, allowing me time to hang with them without neglecting the other customers.

  During the conversation, I learned that the two guys, Jake and Todd, were both car salesmen and Jake had sold Caitlin her Mustang convertible. The two men were handsome, well-spoken, and totally smooth—the type who could sell swampland in Florida and make the buyer think they’d gotten a pre-construction deal.

  On my first night off the four of us went clubbing. We ended up in a nightspot that had great Latino music, and the place was hot. The dance floor was packed with bodies, but the four of us muscled our way in, moving our hips and feet to the frantic beat.

  Todd wore a thin, white Calvin Klein shirt and black jeans, and his dark hair was wet with sweat. He was an excellent dancer, and hot as hell. The four of us drank cheap champagne, and tried to hold a conversation over the noise.

  It was fun being on a real date, instead of shacked up at my apartment with a creep and his beer and pizza breath. This is what I needed until it was time for me to leave. A hot guy, some good times, a few laughs, and an uncomplicated goodbye.

  The music slowed down for a number and Todd pulled me up to dance. He held me close and I could feel his thigh lead against mine. I can’t say that I didn’t like the feel of his body pressed to mine, because I did. He was about as cute as they come, but… I crept my hand around his neck and wriggled closer, determined to put the ‘but’ out of my mind. He gave my neck a little kiss and it made me tingle. I wondered what his lips would feel like on mine, and decided to find out later.

  After the dance, Caitlin and I went to the ladies’ room. While we refreshed our lipsticks, she asked if I was enjoying myself.

  “Isn’t Todd great? I just knew you’d hit it off.”

  I smiled at her reflection in the mirror. “He’s very nice, and did you see the way he danced? I’ve never met a guy who could move like that.”

  We looked at each other, and started to laugh. “Don’t say it,” I warned her.

  She did anyway. “Imagine what those hips could do in bed.”

  “I don’t want to imagine. I just got rid of one guy and I’m not ready to hop under the sheets with anyone else.”

  “Your loss. He’s a cutie.” Caitlin popped a couple of breath mints, handed me the container, and then checked herself out in the mirror. She glanced at her watch. “It’s almost one. I told Brett we’d be here tonight, and he and Samantha are going to join us.”

  “Brett? And Sam?” She looked at my face. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  “No, of course not.” Catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I noticed my cheeks were flushed. “Geez, I must still be hot from all that dancing.”

  Caitlin ran a brush through her short blonde hair. “I wish Jake liked to dance more, but I’m not complaining. He likes to get his exercise in other ways.”

  I laughed. “He’s saving up all that energy, girl.”

  “Yeah. I’ll get my work out later.”

  “You don’t like Samantha much, do you?” I asked.

  “No, but it’s not my choice.” She tossed the brush back in her bag.

  I fussed with my appearance, not happy with my hair or the way my summer dress fit. I smoothed it over my hips and sucked in my stomach. “Do I look fat to you?” I asked Caitlin, turning from the mirror.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Todd can’t take his eyes off you.”

  “What about Brett?” The words were out of my mouth before I even thought them.

  “Brett?” Her eyes widened. “So that’s it.”

  “It?” I gave her a faint smile. “What it? There is no it.”

  “Oh, really?” Caitlin’s eyes widened, and she was giving me her whole attention.

  “Yeah, really.” I put my arm around her waist to lead her back to the table. “I like Todd. He’s hot.”

  She laughed. “Okay. We’ll see.” I flirted with Todd but my eyes kept sliding toward the door.

  Sure enough I spotted Brett the moment he walked in. He looked great as always, and unfortunately, so did Samantha. She wore a pair of tight Capri’s that fit her bottom like they were an item, and when she got up closer I saw a pair of to-die-for Manolo Blahnik sandals on her pretty, manicured feet.

  I hated her at that moment, really hated her. I wanted those sandals.

  She smiled at me, as if she knew my secret. I smiled back. “Hi, Samantha. How was the movie the other night? What did you see?”

  “A chick flick—can’t remember the name. It was cute and funny, but they’re all pretty much the same.”

  “Not really. Some have you laughing. Some have you in tears.” I could feel Brett’s eyes on me, and I finally turned to greet him.

  “Hi,” I said softly.

  “Hey. Caitlin told me she was coming here with friends, but I didn’t expect to see you.”

  Caitlin watched the two of us closely, and to show her how wrong she was, I touched Todd’s arm as I introduced him to Brett and Samantha.

  Making room at our booth for two extra people put us all in close proximity to each other. I had one leg pressed next to Todd’s, and the other, innocently enough, next to Brett’s. It wasn’t my doing that I was stuck in the middle, between the two. I looked down in my lap and saw the two pairs of thighs on either side of me. I felt like laughing, and had to bite the inside of my cheek.

  I caught Caitlin’s eyes and she winked. Whatever happened, I knew she was on my side. Samantha pulled Brett up to dance, and I watched them for a moment. Brett wasn’t as good as Todd, but he and Sam moved together well. I patted Todd’s leg.”Wanna do it?” He cocked a sexy eyebrow and grinned.

  “You bet.” We left Caitlin and Jake holding down the table, and moved onto the dance floor. The pulse of the music grew faster, almost frantic. I felt my temperature rise as Todd slid his body next to me. Without looking over my shoulder I knew Brett’s eyes were on me, and my inside thermometer flared an extra few degrees.

  When the music ended, I fanned myself, laughing. “Wow. This is too much fun.” “The night’s not over yet,” Todd said, wrapping an arm around my waist.

  I murmured in agreement, but my eyes looked past him to where Brett and Samantha stood on the dance floor. The singer slowed the pace down with a ballad, and we started to walk away.

  Brett tapped me on the shoulder. “Come on, let’s dance.”

  “Do you mind?” I asked Todd.

  He shook his head. “No. Go ahead.”

  I could tell from his expression he wasn’t exactly pleased, nor was Samantha when she flounced off. Although I knew we weren’t being fair to our partners, I still drifted into Brett’s arms. “I think we just pissed some people off.�

  “Sam’ll get over it. Besides, I really want to dance with you.”

  I smiled, and my head nuzzled his shoulder. “Thanks.”

  “For what?” he asked softly.

  His warm breath was next to my face. “For wanting to dance with me.”

  My chest was against him, so I felt his chuckle. “Why shouldn’t I?”

  “Why should you?” My heart was beating a mile a minute, and I enjoyed the new rhythm.

  He moved far enough away so he could look me in the eye. “Damned if I know. I just do.”

  “Me too.” He tugged me back closer, and I closed my eyes and leaned my head on his chest. It felt so good. It felt so right, and this time there weren’t any buts.

  * * *

  The following night I awakened to the sound of sirens. The high-pitched squeal came closer and closer until every inch of me vibrated from it. It was as if my nerve endings were attached to a wire. I closed my eyes but I kept getting a visual—a black and white movie flashed through my brain.

  I could see an explosion, a burning building, heavy smoke, and Brett. He was trapped with everything around him collapsing. Like a serpent’s tongue, the fire slithered toward him and licked him in the face.

  The vision was so real, so frightening, I was drenched in sweat. I tried to calm myself down, telling myself this could not be happening. It was just one of those crazy, confused dreams everyone gets once in a while.


  The sirens were on their way to a fire. Brett might be on one of the trucks, but he wasn’t in a collapsing building. He couldn’t be. They hadn’t reached the scene of the fire yet.

  I got out of bed, made a cup of coffee and sat down to think. What if this vision were real, and it was a future event, perhaps in the very near future. Then I still had time to warn him.

  Not knowing his number, I looked it up and called. I let it ring and ring but he didn’t pick up. He could be off duty tonight, perhaps in bed with Samantha, for all I knew.

  I went to the window and looked out. My insides were churning, and I knew I couldn’t go back to sleep. Not when there was the slightest chance that Brett might be in real danger.


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