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The Candy Bar Complete - 4 book box set: Candy Bar Series

Page 47

by Patrice Wilton

  I watched her mouth drop open and slam shut a few times-like some kind of cute guppy. Her cheeks grew rosy, her eyes sparkled so damn bright I was temporarily blinded, unable to see anything but her. The entire bar faded in the background.

  I heard lightning strike the old tiled roof and worried the centuries old building might go up in flames. Half my crew was shit-faced right now. Not that the fire hall was unmanned but if this place ignited, most of the guys here would be useless.

  “Hey, Chief. You okay?” Brett asked. “You look kind of shaken.”

  Rubbing a hand over my face, I blinked a few times, trying to clear my vision. “Yeah. I’m fine. Don’t know what came over me. Felt the chills. Maybe I’m coming down with something.”

  Brett drained his beer. “Well, you know what they say about this place. It sits on an ancient burial site. Maybe you stirred some old ghosts.” He wriggled his fingers in front of my face. “Ooohh. They’re coming to get you.”

  “Don’t be stupid. How many shots have you had?”

  Brett ignored the question and continued to bait me. “Or maybe there really is some magic shit and you got caught up in it. Hope not, it’ll change your life forever.”

  “No frickin’ way.”

  “Don’t be so sure. Susie’s totally convinced. Claims she’d never have made it big as an artist if she hadn’t been here during that tropical storm.”

  “Susie’s got talent, and she went after what she wanted.” I grabbed a handful of nuts, ready to pop them in my mouth. “And that includes you.”

  “That worked both ways,” he said with contentment. “You could be just as happy as me.”

  Maybe my one beer of the night loosened my tongue, ’cause I spoke freely. “You know how I feel about marriage. It’s a death trap. The chains will come rattling down the moment the ceremony is over, and only death or divorce will get you off the hook. You can kiss your freedom goodbye.”

  Brett shook his head and grinned, not having the sense to be afraid. “You’re a cynical bastard with zero romance in your soul.”

  I sipped on my iced water, and continued with my warning. “You marry her, it’s all over.”

  Brett tilted his chair back. “Just because your wife was a super bitch, doesn’t mean Susie is too. She’s a little screwy, I’ll give you that, but she’s the best damned thing that ever happened to me.”

  “You say that now.” I took in his confident demeanor, unable to contain my advice. “But just wait six months.”

  “Oh, shut the hell up. I love her and I’m marrying her, for better or for worse.”

  “That’s the part I’m trying to warn you about.” I liked Susie—a good girl, a free spirit—but was she reliable? A good match for Brett? If I were Brett, I’d stay as far away from a priest as possible.

  “Ha-ha-ha. Very funny.” Brett’s chair thumped on the floor as he leaned forward, his laser gaze searching mine for signs of weakness. “You know what the trouble with you is? You’re not getting any. You must be so blocked up that you can’t see straight. All the pretty women out there, you can’t see through that film of frustration clouding your vision. Get laid, my friend, and I guarantee you’ll change your opinion.”

  I smacked the table top. “I get it when I want to, but I’ve got a rule in my house. No one sleeps over. Once they spend the night, they start expecting things. Leaving their makeup and lingerie behind. Calling all hours, bitching when you don’t call. They’re all alike. Can’t wait to get their hooks into you.”

  “Fuck, Chief.” Brett shoved his hair out of his face. “You are one bitter man.”

  “I’m not bitter. Just telling it the way it is.”

  “Hey, don’t try to rub your dirt onto me. Just because your wife preferred a woman to you, doesn’t mean shit. You’re a fishing man. It’s time you tossed out another line.”

  “No interest.”

  “I saw the way you looked at Fran. I’m not saying she’s the one for you, but she’s a sweetie-pie.”

  My chest squeezed in panic as I recalled the intangible connection between Fearless Fran and me. I’d caught the tail end of Brett’s conversation, and wondered about his name for the woman. Not enough to ask. But combined with the flickering lights, I was intrigued. “That’s the last thing I want. I don’t know what kind of voodoo magic was going on but I’m telling you, it gave me the willies. Damn woman’s a sorceress, I tell you.”

  Brett scoffed. “Fran a sorceress? That’s rich.”

  I’d taken all the crap I could handle for one night. “Isn’t it time you clowns got a bar bill and went home? Being the designated driver, I get to say when it’s time to bail.”

  “Not on my stag night, you don’t.” Brett glanced at his buddies standing at the bar, ogling pretty girls and drinking shots. “Come on, John. Lighten up a little. You could drink another beer if you wanted. Two beers—two hours. It wouldn’t kill you.”

  “Shit, no. Someone has to stay sober and keep a clear head.” I thought about leaving some cash on the table and telling them to grab a cab. But these were my buddies, and Brett’s last couple weeks of freedom before he tied the noose.

  “Sorry to be such a pain in the ass,” Brett said. “You must be missing NCIS and Criminal Minds right about now.”

  “Naw, I taped them.” I nodded toward the gang at the bar. “You go on over and enjoy yourself. No point sitting here with an old fart like myself.”

  “Thanks, Chief. I owe you one.”

  When Brett left, I leaned back in my chair, folded my arms, and looked around for that singer woman. She wasn’t on stage anymore. What the hell happened up there? I rubbed my eyes, wondering if I needed glasses. Maybe my night vision was impaired.

  I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up.

  “Hey.” It was Frannie May. “I’m sorry I snapped at you when you stepped in to help me, but I needed to control the situation myself. Figured if I let one guy bully me, it would be open season for all the rest.”

  “That’s all right.” I felt foolishly tongue-tied, unsure what to say. “No big deal. You handled it just fine.”

  “Yeah? You think so?”

  “Uh-huh.” I glanced at the bar and saw Brett’s nod of approval, and his amused expression. “You want a beer?”

  “Thanks. That would be nice.”

  I ordered one for her and a Cherry Coke for myself. I noticed up-close that her eyes were still shining bright as if on some kind of drug or natural high. Hell, if I knew. But they were a very sparkly brown with a hint of green. Her face wasn’t too bad looking. Not beautiful but easy on the eye.

  “You don’t drink?” she asked, her elbow on the table, her body toward mine.

  I couldn’t help but notice her boobs when she leaned in like that, and they were just the right size. Not too big but more than a handful. The way I liked them.

  “I’m the driver tonight,” I answered, trying to tear my eyes away from her chest. It wasn’t an easy task. They were like two round peaches and looked soft. I wondered how they’d feel under my rough hands. Damn Brett.

  It was a strange thought for me to have. Then again, it was a strange night. I cleared my throat and tried to clear my mind, which was taking me in a southerly direction.

  “That’s nice of you,” she said with a sweet smile.

  “It’s not easy staying sober when surrounded with a bunch of drunks,” I said stiffly. I was having trouble acting naturally around her.

  She shifted her weight in the chair and rubbed her shoulder with mine. A second later, I felt her thigh. This couldn’t be an accident. She was a sorceress, all right. A real she-devil.

  “It’s only ten,” she said, moistening her mouth. “Why don’t we leave your friends for a couple of hours and get out of this place?” She drank a few sips of her beer.

  “Where would we go?” I swiped at the condensation of my cola.

  “I live around the corner.”

  “Are you propositioning me?” I leaned back in my seat, feeling
decidedly uncomfortable. This woman could be crazy for all I knew. Most likely a nympho. I’d heard stories about women like her.

  Her shoulder lifted as she gave me the once over. “What if I am?”

  “Well, well, I’m not sure.” Her eyes held mine, and suddenly, I felt flushed with fever. Images of her breasts in my hands, her nipples in my mouth. “I might like that.”

  She grinned, all naughty like. “Come on, big fella. Let’s go before I change my mind.”

  I quickly slid money on the table and sauntered over to the bar. Fran stayed there, finishing her beer and my cola. She must be thirsty.

  “I’ll be back in a couple of hours,” I told the younger men at the counter. “You guys enjoy yourselves.”

  “Where are you going?” Jeff, a married man with three kids, asked, brows raised.

  “I got a hot one,” I told him with a wink.

  Brett’s jaw dropped. “You mean Fran? No way. You can’t sleep with her!”

  “I don’t intend to.” I smirked. I actually smirked! “I’ll definitely be doing other things, but I won’t be sleeping.”

  Jeff laughed. “Have fun,” he said. “But don’t forget about us. Keep your cell on, and we’ll call you when it’s time to leave.”

  Brett whipped his head around to see how Fran was handling this idea. He saw her pull lipstick from her handbag, and using a mirror, she pursed her lips and laid it on.

  “Well, holy shit. What have you done to Fran?” Brett let out a breath. “This isn’t for real. Either it’s a Hollywood spoof or an invasion of the body snatchers. No way.”

  “Aren’t you the one that suggested I get laid? If you were smart, Brett, you’d take the milk without the cow too.”



  Dear God, he said yes. Now what? I grabbed my handbag and rushed over to Candy. “Thank you for a really amazing night. I haven’t felt this awesome in years,” I raved. “Decades, actually.”

  “I wish you’d sing here more often. And I know you’re going to do well.” She stopped talking and studied my face. “Fran, are you all right? Why are you leaving so soon?”

  “Everything’s wonderful, thanks to you.” I could barely contain myself. I’d just propositioned a hot guy, and he’d accepted. Holy shit! “I’ve gotta run. See you tomorrow, Candy.”

  Jed and Lydia, snuggled up at the bar, heads together, were whispering sweet nothings. I slid up behind them and put my arms around their necks. “Hi, guys. Thanks for coming tonight. Wasn’t it fun? I was nervous before I started, but then fireworks went off in my head, and I felt so alive. I love performing. I was made for this.”

  “Watch out America! You did great, Fran. Really great.” Lydia turned to her husband. “Didn’t she, darling?”

  Jed nodded. “Never doubted it for a moment. She’s the best.”

  I smiled modestly, even though I knew my voice could hold its own. Money problems were the only thing to weigh me down. “That’s so sweet. Well, have a great night you two. I’m leaving now. I have a very important date.”

  “Oh?” Lydia’s eyebrows shot up. “What kind of date? Another gig? Already?”

  “No, a date, date. You know—with a man.” I jerked my chin toward John.

  “What man?” Lydia withdrew her arms from Jed to see where I gestured.

  “The one standing over there with Brett. He’s the fire chief. Cute, isn’t he?”

  “Really?” Lydia gasped, her gaze going from me to John to Jed, then back to me. “Have you known him long?”

  “Well, all of a few minutes, but it doesn’t take long to know when someone is right for you. Look at you and Jed. You two hooked up the first night you were here. Then, of course, you got pregnant right off the bat, and now you’re this really sweet married couple. You, of all people. If ever I met someone so against marriage, it was you.”

  Jed put his hand over Lydia’s and gave it a squeeze. “She didn’t mean it—she only pretended to be anti-marriage. It fit her lawyer persona…”

  “I did mean it,” Lydia interrupted. “Kind of. I just saw so many broken marriages and unhappy couples, that it stopped making sense to me. Nevertheless, Jed changed my mind about all that. And I couldn’t be happier.”

  Did she have to go on and on? What if my fire chief changed his mind?

  “Well, I’m so glad, but I’ve gotta run now. I’m about to get lucky with that sexy man over there.” I waved at John. “He looks like Tom Selleck, doesn’t he?” Dark hair, silvered at the temples. Mustache.

  Lydia and Jed exchanged an unreadable look.

  “What’s the problem?”

  “Nothing.” Lydia blushed. “But Fran, I’ve never known you to date, and I certainly never saw you so hot to trot.” She added, “You sure this excitement tonight didn’t go straight to your head?”

  “What if it did?” I shrugged, wanting to get back to John. “For the first time in a very long while, I feel great. On top of the world, even.” The way I saw it, I was due for a change of fortune.

  “Be careful.” Lydia gave me a concerned look, but I wasn’t in the mood for a party pooper.

  “Use a condom,” Jed suggested with a chuckle. “And have fun, Fran.”

  I left them and made my way over to John, who waited by the door. I put my hand through his arm and looked up into his eyes. “You ready to go?”

  He paused, as if sensing I wasn’t a barfly who routinely took strangers home after a lonely night of drinking. “Ready and willing. Are you sure?”

  “I can’t wait, actually,” I admitted.

  Grinning, he opened the door and we stepped outside. “Rain’s stopped,” I said, lifting my flushed face to the refreshing cool breeze. The pounding rain had turned into a misty drizzle.

  “Hard to believe five minutes ago it was a severe tropical storm.”

  “Gotta love South Florida. You want to drive or shall I?” Without thinking, I had headed toward my car, but then it occurred to me that he had one too. “I normally walk, but since I was singing tonight I put on heels.” I showed off my black pumps.

  He gave an appreciative nod and swallowed audibly. “I have to pick the guys up later, so why don’t I follow you home?”

  “Good idea.” Being a practical sort of person, I admired it in others. “I’m in the Honda Civic. We only have a couple of blocks to go, so keep up with me. I don’t want you getting lost.” I smiled to show I was teasing—but only a little bit. My enthusiasm prodded me forward, and when we reached my car, I turned and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

  At least it was meant to be a quick kiss. Instead, the moment our mouths met, all the oxygen sucked out of my lungs, and my knees buckled. Thank God he had those amazing hose-hauling triceps to hold me up.

  He didn’t move away. At first, his lips remained shut. I had time to wonder if this was a mistake. Then slowly, ever so slowly, he started to breathe again, and his mouth took mine with a hum of pleasure.

  I rocked a little, not used to high heels or kissing a man in a parking lot, but the rocking brought our bodies closer, and I could feel his muscled thighs press against mine.

  I, Fran Sherman, had finally unthawed. As I kissed John, I knew I was going to have sex with this man. Oh, happy day! I tightened my grip around his body and laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” His voice was gruff as he pulled back. “Is this a joke? What do you want with me?”

  “You know what I want,” I answered like a brazen hussy. “You won’t regret it.”

  He shook his head as if he might already but turned around and walked toward his car. I jumped into mine, started it, and waited at the exit. He was right behind me. We had to make a few turns, then one and a half blocks later, we arrived at my apartment.

  The place wasn’t very nice. Bringing a date into it made me wish I’d decorated a little better or cleaned a little more. But when was the last time I had a visitor? I think my mom came to stay for a few days last year but she didn’t like leaving Dad at home,
and he was allergic to my cat. Besides, my bird drove Mom batty.

  “Hello, hello,” Pepe called out. “Whose home?”

  I brushed past Milo, my fat Persian, and stuck my finger into the parrot’s cage so I could scratch his head. I left the door open behind me, so John would know which apartment was mine. “It’s me, Pepe. I brought home a friend.” Figured it was only fair to warn my foul mouthed parrot, who didn’t really like men.

  “You should always lock the door behind you,” John said from the threshold. “We teach that in safety classes all the time. Do you know how many home invasions could be avoided if people took simple precautions?”

  My fire chief stood uncertainly at the door. He looked afraid to enter.

  “Dirty bastard!” Pepe cawed, fluttering his wings.

  I covered Pepe’s cage and focused on John. “I’ll remember that. Why don’t you come all the way inside and lock it behind you?”

  Milo rubbed along John’s pant leg, making figure eights between his ankles. “That’s Milo. And the talkative one is Pepe.”

  “Maybe we should call it a night…”

  Before he could run away, I marched over, grabbed his arm, and literally pulled him in. I hadn’t had sex in darn near twenty years. I sure in heck wasn’t going to let this opportunity go by. Besides, I can’t remember ever being in the mood so much as this. My entire body was screaming—Do it! Do it! Do it!

  It never asked for much, so how could I possibly deny my body now?

  “Come on, John. I won’t bite. Hard.” I teased with a smile.

  Reluctantly, or so it seemed, he allowed himself to be led to the couch, where he promptly put his feet up on my coffee table. Actually, he plopped them on a stack of old newspapers that I had yet to toss in the recycle bin.

  “Nice décor,” he said, which I wasn’t sure was sarcasm or simply bad taste. I didn’t care either way. I’d taught myself to stay unattached to material things. You never knew when you could lose them. My only prize possession was on the wall. Susie had painted a beautiful mural for me when I was sick.


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