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The Candy Bar Complete - 4 book box set: Candy Bar Series

Page 57

by Patrice Wilton

  My mouth opened then slammed shut. She had me there. “That was different. Wasn’t it?”

  “Different, how?” Fran smiled, and I knew she was irritating me on purpose. Must be a female thing, guys would never mess with another guy’s head like that.

  “We’ll shelve this conversation for now,” I told her. “Candy and Jay are already inside.”

  Holding the door with my arm held high, I let Fran slide by. “Behave yourself,” I said in a low voice. “If you’re capable.”

  She tossed me a look but didn’t respond.

  We sat at a booth, and I wasn’t surprised when Candy and Jay took one side, leaving me next to Fran.

  We looked at the menus, and after a second, Fran put hers down. “What are you having?” she asked me. “It looks like you’ve lost weight.”

  I patted my belly, surprised that she’d noticed. “I’ve been watching my carb intake, but I’m in the mood for a big steak. And a generous helping of fries.”

  “Sounds good but too filling.” She glanced at the menu again. “I’ll have salmon and a side salad.”

  Jay put his menu away. “Steak sounds good.”

  Candy ordered a bowl of steamed mussels, and we had beers.

  I sucked back a brew pretty quickly and ordered another. The others were yakking about this and that, while I had some serious drinking to do. It might be a good idea to check into that motel too, instead of facing a long drive home.

  I interrupted the conversation. “You planning on driving back tonight?” I asked Candy. “I might stay over. Don’t want to drink and drive, you know?”

  “You guys didn’t come up together?” Fran asked.

  Candy spoke quickly, “He wasn’t sure if he wanted to come.”

  Jay gave me a sharp look. “That true? I woulda thought you’d want to see Fran’s big debut into the music industry.”

  “Well, I’d hardly call singing in a county fair breaking into the music industry,” I answered without thinking.

  Three pair of eyes turned to me, and Fran spoke. I could hear the hurt in her voice. “What would you call it then?”

  I felt like a heel. I’d been feeling that way a lot lately. “Catching a lucky break. Getting your name out there. All good things, mind you, but this isn’t exactly Nashville.”

  She shoved her chin high in the air like a wired marionette. “That’s next on my agenda.”

  Time to backpedal here. “I understand that. All I’m saying is that this weekend is a stepping stone, preparing you for the next step in your career.” I put my foot next to hers and gave it a nudge. “I’m glad I made the drive. You guys will do great.”

  “Humph!” she said and sucked on her bottle of beer.

  I could tell from the look on her face that she wasn’t through with me. Not by a long shot. It didn’t take her long either.

  “You didn’t have to come. Jay and I were having a good time by ourselves.” She reached over and grabbed Candy’s hand, sending her a look of apology. “But I’m glad Candy’s here. I knew she’d come to support me.”

  “I came too.” Underneath the table, I squeezed her thigh and entwined our feet.

  She pushed my hand away and kicked my foot. “You don’t believe in me.” She gave me a withering look. “You don’t think I can make it.”

  “I never said that.” I could feel my cheeks heat. Damn! What was wrong with this woman? I was here, wasn’t I? That should mean something.

  Jay toasted his beer bottle with Fran’s and gave her a wink. “Frannie May is going places. She’s fresh, exciting, has great lungs.”

  Fran looked smug. “I’ve got great lungs, and Jay told me I remind him of Adele.” She smiled warmly at Jay. “I always thought I was a little like Carrie Underwood, except for the hair, the body, and her gorgeous face.”

  “You’re pretty enough,” I told her and meant it. My eyes dropped to her chest. “I agree about the lungs. Great looking. Even I can see that.”

  Candy laughed, and Fran hit me in the stomach. “You’re a jerk, you know that.”

  I put my arm around her shoulder and kissed her cheek. “Come on. Say you forgive me. Say it.” I tickled her and got her laughing.

  The ice was broken and I think I was back in her good graces. When the food arrived, I cut into my steak, and asked, “Who’s Adele?”

  Candy sputtered and nearly knocked over her beer. “She just won six Grammys, that’s all.”

  “Oh. Never heard of her.” I felt like a dumbass, but maybe if I hung around long enough, I might learn a thing or too about the country music business. Not that I cared a rat’s ass.

  I just didn’t want to see Jay break Fran’s heart.



  Candy and I sat in the VIP section, front row, dead center. I would have preferred back about six rows, but hey, who was I to complain?

  Candy squirmed in her seat with excitement, or maybe it was the fact that Jay kept glancing her way that had her all hot and bothered.

  If I were a woman, I might think Jay good-looking, but since I’m not, I can’t see anything particularly appealing. The guy was lean and rugged but scruffy looking. He was also bull-legged. Candy said he’d been a rodeo cowboy and injured riding a steer.

  I wondered where the bull had gored him. I’d have paid to see that.

  “This is so exciting,” Candy squealed.

  I mimicked her. “Oh yes, I’m so excited.”

  She gave me a punch, which I deserved. I knuckled her shoulder back. “I hope Fran knows what she’s doing up there.”

  “Of course she does. She’ll be fine.” Candy eyed me, and her lips twitched in a smug smile. “You wouldn’t be jealous or anything, would you?”

  “Jealous of what? It’s not like they’re sleeping together. She told me they weren’t and I believe her. You know something I don’t?”

  She laughed. “You’re not getting that out of me.”

  I folded my arms and leaned back in the chair. “Hope they get started soon. I’m about to fall asleep in my seat.”

  “Don’t be an ass.”

  “I’m just saying.”

  “The band is warming up. They have someone coming on first for about fifteen minutes, then they’re on.”

  “Maybe I’ll just close my eyes and take a nap.”

  “Don’t you dare! They can see you.”

  “I could grab a seat in the back and join you once they come on stage.” I got up to go, and she grabbed my arm, giving it a tug.

  “Stay put or I’ll hurt you.”

  I chuckled. “You’re such a tyrant.”

  “You have no idea.”

  I sat back down, stretched my legs out, and closed my eyes just the same.

  I’m no wuss. I don’t let women tell me what to do.

  The music covered the sound of my snoring, and I must have been out for the first act, because Candy dug her elbow into my ribs just in time to see Fran and Jay walk on stage.

  They both held guitars as Fran took a seat on a stool and faced Jay, who stood tuning his instrument.

  When he was ready, he nodded to the band, and a second later, Fran began to sing. She was singing about getting a little drunk and needing him now.

  I gritted my teeth and could feel a slow sizzle as I watched the two of them. Heck, I knew it was just a song, and she didn’t have anything to do with the lyrics, but she looked at him like he was a juicy tenderloin and she hadn’t eaten in a week.

  She sounded good, but the more I listened to the words the angrier I got. I’d driven for two hours to get up here and now I had to listen to this?

  Jay sang too, saying almost the same words back to her. He’d moved close, and they were only inches away from each other, their gazes locked, their mouths practically touching.

  “Wow.” Candy breathed out. “They both look so hot.”

  I wiped the sweat off my brow. “They look like they’re going to swallow the mic. What kind of crazy act is this?”
/>   “This is a huge hit. It’s a great song.” She sang a few bars. “Wish I could sing like Fran.”

  “I wish you could too.” I would prefer to see Candy on stage and not have Fran panting over this guy. He was a self-confessed womanizer. What did she see in him anyway?

  I ground my teeth and felt a nervous tick in my cheek. I rubbed at it, silently fuming. What had Fran done to me? She’d wormed her way under my skin. Damn temptress. The woman can cast a spell like nobody’s business. Probably practices voodoo in her spare time.

  “What’s your problem?” Candy asked, frustration in her voice.

  “I don’t have a problem. But if they want to screw each other, I think they should take it to the bedroom.”

  She laughed in understanding. “You’re too much. They’re just playing to the audience. It’s an act.”

  “Coulda fooled me. She’s never looked at me like that.”

  Candy’s grin grew wider. “You are jealous.”

  “I am not.” I sat up straighter. “I don’t want a woman in my life. I’m perfectly happy just as I am.”

  Candy patted my knee. “I’m sorry.”

  “What the hell are you sorry about?” I didn’t need any damn consoling. I had a damn good life, or had until the fire nearly killed Mike and my entire crew turned their back on me.

  “The Candy Bar magic. It got you. Happens to the best of us.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I glowered at her. “There’s no such thing as magic. Although, I must admit, Fran’s got some witch like qualities.”

  “You are so wrong. I’ve seen it time and again.”

  “Seen what? A few people getting drunk and acting out of character? That’s not magic, that’s a singles bar scene.”

  “Not at the Candy Bar. During a tropical storm, the lights flicker and the brick walls sweat.” She lowered her voice and gave me a funny look. “If you are in the path of the magic, it sweeps right through you and changes your life forever. You may not want it but you’ve got it.”

  “You drink too much.”

  “I only had one beer.”

  I remembered that night clearly. Something happened, that’s for sure. Fran and I had stared at one another, and I couldn’t look away. I’d felt a flash of heat as intense as being at the source of a fire.

  A shiver ran over me. “So, what happens to the people that get hit?” I snickered to show her that I didn’t believe a word. “They get mind-controlled?”

  “I’m not sure exactly because it’s never happened to me. But Jed and Lydia fell in love and got married. Same with Susie and Brett. Remember, he was dating Samantha and then wham—they broke up.” Candy leaned over. “I know other people have wished for things and they’ve happened.”

  “Like what? Anyone ever won the lotto?”

  “No. It’s not about money, it’s about romance.”

  The song ended and I sat wondering if I was doomed.

  Jay and Fran started a new tune, and they stood face to face, flirting openly as they crooned another love song. Jay’s mouth inches from hers again.

  “This is a Sheryl Crow song. I love it!” Candy squealed. “She sang it with Kid Rock.”

  I watched them, listening to the yearning in her voice.

  Fran sang something about putting a picture away and sounded as heart broken as if she’d written the words herself.

  From my take on things, I figured if she hung around Jay long enough, she’d know heartbreak for sure.

  I turned to Candy. “Make my excuses, will you? I’m not feeling so good. Think I’ll just head on home.”

  “Stay.” She touched my arm. “Fran will be disappointed.”

  I glanced at the stage. “I don’t think so.”



  After my performance ended, I scooted backstage, freshened up, then went looking for Candy and John. His seat was empty.

  “He had to go home,” Candy whispered. “I’m sorry, honey, but he seemed upset.”

  “Why?” My stomach clenched, and I felt a wave of disappointment wash over me, sweeping away my inner glow. Which ticked me off. This was my big night, and I didn’t want to get upset over John or anyone else.

  “He was jealous,” Candy shrugged with sympathy. “No doubt about it.”

  The thought of celebrating without John dampened my spirits, but I tried not to let it hurt. “Good. He should be.” I sniffed back a tear. “What an inconsiderate jerk to leave like that. He must have known I wanted him here.”

  “Don’t worry. That poor man doesn’t know his head from his ass.” Candy smiled. “You were amazing, Fran. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thanks. I thought I’d be nervous, but Jay made it easy. He’s great, isn’t he?”

  “Oh, yeah.” She gave me a long look. “You sure there’s nothing going on between you two? You did have a lot of chemistry up there.”

  “Nope. Nothing. I swear.” I figured there was no need to tell Candy about the one kiss we’d shared, since I didn’t plan to let that happen again.

  Candy’s eyes brightened. “Then you don’t mind if I stay over?”

  “Are you kidding me? I’d love it.” I bumped shoulders with her. “You can stay in my room, unless you’re going to make the big move on Jay. Not that I’m suggesting you do.”

  She shrugged. “You think he’d be interested in someone like me?”

  “For sure.” I’m so fond of Candy that I really hated to encourage her. Jay would likely bed her without thinking twice, but then he’d up and leave in the morning, never looking back. “A word of advice. Girls are constantly throwing themselves at him, and he admitted to sleeping with girls on tour. Said it’s one of the perks.” I squeezed her hand. “Don’t be one of the roadies. Be special. If he wants you, make him wait and work for it.”

  “I like that plan.” She gave me a warm smile. “Thanks, Fran. You really are the best friend.”

  “He’s about to sing.” I sat up straighter and moved back in my chair. “Let’s enjoy the rest of the show.”

  Jay was a good performer, very relaxed and ultra cool. One minute, he came across as the country boy-next-door, and then he’d change the pace and be sexier than hell. Candy was hyperventilating and fanning her face.

  “Easy girl,” I whispered. “See all the babes next to the steps? He could sleep with any one of them. Remember what I said. Give him a challenge.”

  “It won’t be easy. Hell, I’m practically creaming my seat.”

  I laughed. “Play it cool.” A few minutes later, the show was over and we joined Jay backstage. His shirt was soaked and sticking to his skin, and we could see the fine outline of his chest. Candy and I hugged him, not caring that he was sweaty.

  “You were great,” we told him. Both of us were beaming with pride simply because we knew him.

  He slung an arm around both our shoulders. “Let me take a quick shower then we’ll get some drinks.” He glanced around. “Where’s John? Didn’t he stay?”

  “No,” I said stiffly. “He had to get home.”

  “Too bad.” He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. “You okay?”

  “Of course I am.” I pecked him on the cheek. “You can have two dates tonight.”

  He gave a wicked grin. “Never had a threesome before. I might like that.”

  “In your dreams,” Candy said. “Go get showered and make it a cool one.”

  “Party pooper.” He stripped off his sweaty T-shirt as he walked away, giving us a nice view of his muscled shoulders and lick-worthy back.

  “So what do you think?” I asked Candy, smiling playfully. “Can you keep your hands off that all night?”

  “I wouldn’t bet on it.”

  * * *

  Jay drove us to the Cock & Bull Tavern, which had a lively game room. We played pool, tossed darts, and drank a lot of beers.

  We even danced a few songs. Candy and I danced mostly, but Jay snuck in a few. He paid equal attention to both
of us, which may have been his way of playing the odds.

  Little did he know that we’d made a solemn pact not to be one of his groupies.

  Hours later, Candy and I stumbled into our room and said goodnight to Jay.

  “How come I’m not invited to your slumber party?” he asked in a low, sexy voice.

  “Because you’re not a girl.” I pulled on Candy’s arm before she changed her mind. “Sleep tight. And thanks for a wonderful night.”

  “You’re welcome. Of course, it could be more wonderful.” He winked at me, then dropped his eyes to Candy’s impressive cleavage.

  “You need to take another cold shower,” I told him.

  Candy slid up to him and kissed him on the mouth. “Sweet dreams.”

  He groaned. “Oh, you girls are cruel.”

  I laughed. “See you in the morning. Don’t invite any of your old friends over. We’ll be listening.”

  Candy reluctantly followed me in the room. “What old friends?”

  I told her about hearing his lovemaking through the thin walls. “Guy’s got staying power.” I laughed. “He had me awake most of the night, and I wasn’t the one in bed with him.”

  “His bed is open to just anyone? A different girl, a different city?” She kicked off her shoes and flopped on the bed. “No special woman in his life?”

  “Seems that way.”

  “How come its okay for a man to do that, but if a woman does, she’d be considered a tramp?” Candy clamored off the bed to look at herself in the mirror. She studied her body from every angle then shook her mass of curls. “That’s so wrong on every level.”

  “I know, sweetie. He’s a male slut, but I like him anyway.”

  Candy licked her lips. “So do I.”

  “Remember, every man likes the thrill of a chase.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Candy rolled her eyes and put a hand on her hip. “If he wants any of this, he’ll have to work for it.”

  “That’s right.” I smiled. “You want to use the bathroom first or shall I?”

  “You go ahead.” Candy took a cigarette out of her handbag. “While you’re in there, I’ll have my last cigarette for the evening.”

  “Candy. You really should quit.”


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