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The Candy Bar Complete - 4 book box set: Candy Bar Series

Page 60

by Patrice Wilton

  “It’s erotica, but it’s become a national bestseller. It’s okay if you like to read about bondage and that kind of thing.”

  “Uh, no. That’s not what I had in mind.”

  “Good. I think I know exactly what you’re looking for. It’s a manual on sexual positions, and the book is like an institution. It’s been around for years. Before I was born,” she added as an after thought.

  The book was entitled Kama Sutra, and she handed it to me with a shy smile. “This is practically required reading in college.”

  I grinned, liking the girl and how quickly she’d put me at ease. “I’ll take it in a plain brown bag.”

  “You’ve got it. Follow me.”

  When I got home, I opened the book and spent the rest of the afternoon trying to figure out how to do these amazing contortions. I also hoped my dear John wouldn’t put out his back.

  At four, John showed up with his container of chicken soup and bread rolls, and I had a six-pack of beer on ice.

  “You feeling better?” he asked as he popped a beer.

  “Better and better,” I said with a smile. I opened a bottle and took a slug, then saluted him. “How did the fishing go?”

  “Caught two snappers, but they were pretty small so I let them go.”

  “What’s the point of fishing if you catch and release?”

  “It’s all part of the experience. I love being out on the boat by myself, but I had a late start this morning. The best time is just before dawn when the world is quiet and at peace.”

  “It does sound nice, but then, you have to be awake. Right?”

  He dumped the soup into a large pot he found under my stove and turned the burner on. “I take it you’re not an early bird?”

  “You got that right. I have to be up by six thirty every morning to go to work, and that’s early enough for me.”

  “Fair enough. Did you get some rest this morning?” He snuck up behind me and put his arms around my waist, nuzzling the back of my neck. “It was a nice invitation by the way.”

  I moved his hands up to my breasts. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I should have stayed overnight last weekend. I’m sorry.”

  “Me too. Candy spent the night with Jay, and I had the room to myself.”

  “Now you tell me.” His large hands were playing with my breasts, and my nipples hardened in response. “You feel so good.”

  “I’m going to feel a whole lot better.” I turned around and gave him a long, slow kiss. “I’ve been studying all afternoon.”

  “What have you been studying?”

  “I got a book today and there’s a lot of things I’ve never tried.”

  “What kind of book?” He kissed my eyelids, my nose, and nibbled on my bottom lip.

  “Kama Sutra.” I gave him little love bites on his neck and the lobe of his ear. “Thought we could work our way through the book.”

  He broke away from me long enough to look me in the eye. “At my age? You’ll give me a heart attack, woman.”

  I laughed. “Then I’ll have to call the fire department, won’t I?”

  “You’ll need that many men to tackle that book, honey.”

  “I think we should turn off the stove before the soup boils over. This may take awhile.” I had his belt undone and began walking him backward.

  He broke away long enough to turn the burner off.

  “First one naked makes up the rules.” I tossed my T-shirt in the air and struggled out of my shorts. “You have no idea what I plan to do to you,” I said with a wicked grin. “But you’re soon going to find out.”

  We both reached the bed at the same time, and John still had his pants on. He sat down, kicked off his shoes and socks, then slowly, his eyes on mine, dropped his jeans, revealing he wore nothing underneath.

  His erection stared me in the face.

  “Nice,” I told him, guiding him toward my mouth. I ran my tongue up and down his shaft and took him deep.

  His hands were in my hair and his hips responded to his needs. I’d never felt such control, and the power was heady stuff. When he tried to push away, I wouldn’t let him, and I continued doing exactly what I wanted.

  The moment before his release, I pulled back and put my legs around his hips. He thrust into me and I’d never felt anything sweeter.



  After we made love the first time, we ate our soup, and then I wanted to put my book to use. I dragged him back to bed, and both of us sat up, flipping through the pages, laughing and trying out different contortions. We did this for awhile, and then John got awfully frisky, and put my heels around his ears and pounded me hard. I’m not sure where that page number was, but I decided it was one of my favorites.

  I climaxed before John and then he bellowed and shook the bed with the force of his explosion, and collapsed on top of me. We laid there for several minutes, breathing hard. Finally, I pushed him off, and leaned my head on my hand so I could see him better.

  “How come you didn’t call me?” I traced the hair on his chest, down his stomach, teasing him as my hand got lower. “Were you jealous of Jay? You were, weren’t you?”

  “Maybe a little. He can give you something I can’t.”

  I stroked him lightly. “That’s true, but you on the other hand, give me something even better.” I smiled. “Glorious sex, infinite pleasure.”

  “It was good, wasn’t it?” He kissed me softly.

  “Better than good. I’m so sorry that I wasted so many years living without it. You don’t want to do that, John. Trust me. I know it was probably hard for you when your wife left, but don’t let that stop you from living and loving.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever marry again,” he replied honestly. “But I sure enjoy being here with you.”

  “That’s all right with me. I don’t need a ring on my finger or a piece of paper to make this real. I just want to know that you and I have something special. We do, don’t we?”

  “It is for now, but if you become the famous singer that you want to be, you’ll be touring around the country, and I’ll become just someone you used to know.”

  I sat up. “That’s not true. Why would you even think that way? I want you to have your charter business because I know it’ll make you happy, but I also want a career. Why can’t we have both and still have each other?”

  “It doesn’t sound very feasible, does it? We will both be working hard to build our careers and we won’t be together hardly at all. I mean, what are the chances of making that work?”

  “It will if you love me.”

  “Aw, Fran. I like you more than any other woman, but I’m not good with that kind of thing.”

  “You can learn to be.” I kissed his chest, and his stomach. “I know you feel good when you’re with me, and even if you don’t want to admit it, you’d miss me if I was gone.”

  “That’s true, so let’s just enjoy what we have for now, and not worry about the future.” His hand fondled my breast. “Have we got time for one more position or do you need to get yourself ready for tonight?”

  “Twice in one night will do me. I need to have some strength to sing tonight.”

  He got out of bed. “I’ll shower. Why don’t you rest awhile?”

  “Will you sleep here tonight?” I grabbed his hand before he could turn away. “Please say yes.”

  “I can’t. I’m sorry. One of the guys from the fire hall is on vacation. He asked me to take care of his dog and I agreed before I knew it was a big, ole hairy thing that slobbers all over my house.”

  I didn’t say anything, just closed my eyes so he wouldn’t see my hurt.

  “Why don’t you stay with me instead?” He bent down and kissed my lips. “I’d like that, and you can bring your book.”

  My eyes flew open. “Okay. It’s a deal.” I smiled. “You need your back washed in the shower?”

  He pulled me out of bed. “I could use some help.”

ing, we both walked into the bathroom together, and I joined a man in the small shower for the first time in twenty long years. John’s a big man and he took up a lot of space, but I didn’t mind being crowded, and bumping into him every time either one of us made a move. I soaped up a scrub brush and went to work on his back, his cute butt, and his long hairy legs. I put my arm around his middle and washed his stomach and the intimate part of him that had pleasured me so.

  He turned around, bumped his elbow on the side wall, cursed, then rubbed his hard on against my belly, and gave me a warm kiss. We attempted to make love, but the close quarters caused us more trouble then it was worth, and we ended up laughing at our awkward fumblings instead.

  I liked being with John, and I knew he liked being with me. I was also stubborn enough to think that we could make it together if we wanted to. Nobody made the rules. If we wanted separate careers and each other, then we could damn well have it.

  And I’d defy anyone who told me differently, even if that person was John.

  * * *

  John sat at the bar, nursing a beer, while I entertained the crowd with a few popular songs. I couldn’t help but notice that he got hit on a few times by a couple of single gals, but I didn’t blame the women. As far as I was concerned, John was the best looking guy in the place. I loved his strong face, his flashing blue eyes, the wide smile, square jaw, broad shoulders, big hairy chest, every little (or not so little) thing about him. No wonder a few of the ladies sat down next to him, and tried to engage him in conversation.

  Why wouldn’t they? He was a husky, sexy, virile kind of man who didn’t have any illusions about himself, and didn’t have an eye for the ladies. That, in itself, was attractive. Most of the guys at the bar were there for one reason, and one reason only. To get laid. It was obvious by the way they checked out every pretty girl, constantly on the make. John sat there quietly, sipping a drink, his eyes glued to me.

  It was a heady sensation. I crooned him a love song and he gave me a wink, causing my heart rate to spike. Being a huge Janis Joplin fan, I then wailed out Cry Baby, which is such a great song, it just tears me apart. I snuck in one of my own numbers, sang a few more familiar tunes, then ended the night on an upbeat note with Bobbie McGee.

  By the time I joined John, I was hot and sweaty, but feeling on top of the world. I sucked back a beer, and then the two of us drove back to his place.

  A huge dog jumped on us the moment John opened the door. “That’s Beowulf. I think he’s part wolfhound. Big, ain’t he?”

  Beowulf nearly knocked me down, and I backed away, but the dog didn’t take the hint. He had his two big paws on me, and tried to kiss me with his big, slobbering tongue.


  “Get down,” John ordered him, but the dog was not used to taking orders, or so it seemed. Grabbing the leash, John snapped it on the dog’s collar. “I’ll take him for a quick walk around the block. There’s a bottle of wine open. Take it out to the deck. I’ll be with you in a minute.”

  When he returned, he tied the dog up to one of the posts and Beowulf settled down, and howled at the moon.

  John sat next to me, and poured us both a nice glass of Merlot. We looked out at the water, enjoying the peaceful sound as the waves lapped against the rocks on the shore, and after awhile the dog’s howls turned into quieter background noise.

  The deck was only about thirty feet from the water, and he had a small fishing boat tied underneath. It was a perfect home for John, and I couldn’t imagine him giving it up to live in Costa Rica, but I had done my research and even I could see the allure.

  However, I had no intention of telling him that. I intended to use my body and my feminine wiles on John, in the hope that he’d fall madly in love with me the way my husband had once been.

  We’d been seniors in high school when we started dating, and then we’d both gone to the same local college. He’d studied engineering, and I’d been a business major. We’d been inseparable, and hadn’t needed clubs, outside activities and new friends, because we had each other.

  He was my world, and I was his. In our third year of college I discovered I was pregnant, and we got married right away, but then I miscarried the baby at eight weeks. It took me five years to become pregnant again, and we were celebrating in Maui when the helicopter crashed, and the pilot and the love of my life were killed on impact. I’d been in the backseat which meant I survived, only to learn I’d lost another baby.

  I’ve only given my heart twice, and both men were named John.

  “Why so silent?” my new John asked.

  “Just remembering things from my past.” I smiled and took his hand. “Not important anymore. Only the present and the future matter now.”

  “You looked sad, and I don’t want to see you that way. Not when you had a great night and sang so beautifully.” He leaned over and kissed my forehead. “I was so proud of you. You rocked the place.”

  I laughed, shaking off my melancholy. “I did, didn’t I? It was fun, too.” I traced a finger down his jaw. “But I did notice a few women coming on to you.”

  He blushed, which I thought was sweet. “Yeah, well, you know how it is. I’m a superstud, what can I say?”

  “I say, don’t just tell me, show me.”

  “You’re insatiable.” He poured me another half glass of wine. “Drink this, then take a shower.” He rolled the wine around his glass, his eyes on mind. “I’ll show you exactly what you did to me up there.”

  “I may like that.”

  “You will. I promise.”

  We sat back and relaxed, talking about silly stuff, until I stifled a yawn and realized I was sleepy. “I better go take the shower now, before I get too comfortable here. We might need to take a rain check on that promise.”

  “I’m okay with that.” He got up and stretched. “I’ll put Beu in his crate. He sleeps on deck.”

  “Good idea.” I picked up my glass and walked inside. “I won’t be long.” Turning around, I blew him a kiss. “Just want to tell you that it’s been a great day. Thanks for the soup, the loving, everything.”

  “My pleasure.” He grinned. “And I do mean that.”

  “I know you do.”

  After showering and brushing my teeth, I slipped under the sheets and snuggled up to John. He was snoring peacefully, and so I rested my head on his shoulder, and put a hand on his chest. I enjoyed the warmth of him, and the unfamiliar closeness of trying to sleep with someone when my mind and body were aware of every breath he took.

  Once again, my thoughts returned to my late husband, and how we used to spoon at night. We’d fall asleep with my back to him, his arms around my middle, and as one, we’d turn from side to side throughout the night. He’d been my soul-mate, and from the age of eighteen until his passing, we’d shared every thought, every dream, every kiss. I’d known him as well as I knew myself, perhaps even better.

  John was nearly a stranger to me, and I didn’t know what he was thinking half the time, or if he had any true feelings for me at all. I knew he enjoyed the good sex between us and that I amused him from time to time, but he kept a lot to himself, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he wished I’d never entered his life, so that he wouldn’t be distracted from his goals.

  I must have fallen asleep because a noise woke me up. I heard Beu growl, then a thud, and I listened again. Silence. John was still sleeping next to me, but for some odd reason my heart raced, and I felt unreasonable fear. Something was wrong. Then I smelled it—gasoline.

  I decided to get up to see if the stove top had been left on. I was nearly at the kitchen when I saw a figure at the rear patio door. He lifted his arm and tossed something in the room.

  I hadn’t turned on a light. It was dark and I was sure he couldn’t see me, so I walked further into the room. I saw what he’d thrown on the living room floor. A lit rag, soaked in gasoline.

  I screamed, just as the curtains caught fire. I ran back, woke John up, and headed back toward the kitchen. I saw
the figure jump off the deck, and knew that in a second he’d disappear.

  Ignoring the fact that I was stark naked, I ran after him.



  By the time I got my undershorts on and ran toward the kitchen, Fran was missing, the curtains had gone up and fire licked the hardwood floor. The smell of gasoline put me in high gear. I knew if I didn’t get the fire contained now, within minutes the place would burn to the ground and take me with it.

  Dialing 911, I called the fire department, grabbed the extinguisher under the kitchen sink and battled the fire. It was a do or die moment, and I was relieved that Fran had run for her life.

  I heard the dog barking, and dared a quick glance out the patio windows. The dog and Fran ran down the stairs, and I saw another person too, someone fleeing the scene. Holy shit! She hadn’t run to save herself, but to chase down the asshole who’d started this fire. What had she been thinking? The guy could be armed, and he was certainly dangerous.

  Hearing sirens, I scooted out the door to run after Fran, knowing that her life was worth more than this pile of rubble I called a home.

  “Fran, stop!” Shouting her name, I ran down the stairs to the ground level, and saw Beowolf hurl himself at the guy, perched at the edge of the property, ready to dive into the dark swirling current.

  “Sic him,” Fran yelled.

  The dog jumped and Fran followed suit. Heedless to the fact she was bare-assed naked, she squatted on the arsonist’s legs and watched me running toward her.

  “Let me up,” the man shouted. “Get the fuck off me!”

  Beowolf had a better idea, and bared his teeth, tugging at the man’s pant legs.

  I stepped forward and dragged the dog off before he made a meal out of the guy. “Asshole,” I said to the orange-haired punk sprawled before me. “I should let the dog tear you apart.”

  “Go to hell.” He turned his head, and I saw his face for the first time.

  My knees gave way, and I sunk down beside him. “Why? What did I ever do to you?”


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