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The Bat Sprites

Page 3

by Linda Chapman

  “We’ve fought some pretty horrible creatures, haven’t we?” she said to Sam, as they made their way back to her room. “Which do you think were the scariest?”

  “Definitely the Spider Gnomes.” Sam shuddered. “Just think of their horrible big grey bodies and eight legs. Though the Icicle Imps were pretty freaky too – remember that one, Snowy, who Anthony thought was a white squirrel and tried to keep as a cute little pet? He was nuts!”

  Sophie giggled, but the word ‘cute’ reminded her of something. “The Swamp Boggles didn’t like the Fluffy, did they? We’d better get it out too, just in case.” She took the pink fluffy toy from a drawer in her cupboard. It had enormous blue eyes and long curled eyelashes.

  As she pressed its start button, its eyelashes fluttered. “Wanna cuddle, Mama?” it said in a dalek-like voice. Sophie grimaced, but put the Fluffy in her rucksack.

  Just then the door opened. She swung round and saw Anthony standing there, armed with the can of foam filler.

  “I thought you were playing on the PlayStation,” she said.

  “I am,” said Anthony. “I just wanted to get my hoodie. It’s cold in the lounge.” Holding the can like a weapon to keep Sophie back, Anthony picked his hoodie off Sophie’s bed. Then he sniffed and looked around. “It smells really gross in here. Is it you?” he said to Sam.

  Sam folded his arms over his chest. “No.”

  “What is it then?” Anthony wrinkled his nose. “This place stinks like a baboon’s pants! Let’s open a window.”

  “No!” Sam and Sophie cried, both jumping to their feet. “Don’t open the window!” went on Sophie. “Don’t even go near the window.”

  Anthony raised his eyebrows. “You know, you seriously should take pills for your weirdness. Why shouldn’t I open the window?”

  “Just… just don’t. There could be something out there.”

  Anthony chortled. “Aw, is ickle Sophie scared of the bogeymen out in the dark?” He reached for the window handle.

  Sophie felt her powers surge through her. A shadow creature must be near! “Stop!” she shouted.

  She leaped for Anthony just as he pushed the window open and called, “Come on, Mr Bogeyman. Come and get… WAAAA!”

  Five Bat Sprites swooped in with ear-splitting screeches. They soared over Anthony, Sophie and Sam’s heads and landed behind them, instantly changing to their full size.

  Anthony’s eyes bulged. “V… v… vampires!” he gibbered.

  The five sprites filled Sophie’s bedroom, blocking the way to the door with their black, scaly wings. The leader stepped forwards, his red eyes on Sophie. “Give me the gems!” he screeched.

  “Let me see…? Hmmm – no!” Sophie leaped into action, spinning round and lashing out with her feet.

  THUNK! Her heel connected with the Bat Sprite’s head. He staggered backwards, knocking two of the other Bat Sprites with him. But there were still two left standing. With a squeal, one of them flew straight at Sophie. She jumped on to the bed, gave a bounce and somersaulted over his head. Landing behind him, she kicked him over before he realised where she was.

  “Soph! Watch out!” Sam shouted as the fifth Bat Sprite leapt at her. Sam grabbed the can of filler foam Anthony had dropped and sprayed it at the sprite. It covered the top of its head, filling its ears with green foam that turned stiff and hard.

  The sprite staggered, giving Sophie a chance to spin round and kick it over. It rolled on the floor, pawing at its ears and squealing. “Argh, get that stuff off my ears! Get it off!”

  The other four had already leaped to their feet again. “Grab the boy!” the leader screeched.

  One of the other Bat Sprites pounced on Anthony, who shouted in terror. Sophie stared as the Bat Sprite scooped her brother up and flew out through the window!

  “No!” she shouted.

  The Bat Sprite flew high up in the air, even higher than the roof of the house. He held Anthony under the shoulders, dangling him above the ground.

  “The gems – or the boy drops!” hissed the sprite.

  Sophie looked wildly from Anthony to the leader of the sprites.

  Far above, Anthony kicked his legs. “Sophie! Give them the stupid things they want. And you, please please put me down!” he begged.

  “My pleasure!” screeched the Bat Sprite holding him – and he let go.

  Sophie gasped, as Anthony screamed and started to plummet. Then the Bat Sprite swooped down and caught him again. “Whoops! Slipped!” He squealed with high-pitched laughter.

  “He’ll slip some more unless you give us the gems.” The leader held out his long fingers. “Give them to me.”

  Sophie hesitated, her heart thudding. What could she do? She couldn’t let them drop Anthony. He’d be seriously hurt, or worse, if he fell from that height!

  “Give them to me or the boy goes!” snapped the sprite again.

  Sophie swallowed and glanced at Sam. He looked as helpless as she felt. Slowly, she reached under her t-shirt and pulled out the leather pouch that she had in her purse belt. She clutched it in her palm for a moment, her throat dry.

  “Here,” she whispered, holding it out.

  With a shriek of delight the leader snatched the gems. “We’ve got them!” He soared out of the window. The other three grabbed the sprite with the green foam in his ears and followed. As they all flew away, the last sprite threw Anthony back inside Sophie’s room.

  Cackling triumphantly, the five Bat Sprites changed into regular bats and zoomed away. “We’ve got the gems!” they screeched. “The gateway can be opened. Every creature in the shadow realm will come through!”

  Sophie and Sam stood rooted to the spot, almost unable to believe what had just happened. All the gems had gone!

  Anthony scrambled to his feet. “What… what were those things?” Sophie’s bedroom door opened and Grandpa looked in. “Is everything all right? I heard noises when I got back after taking Mrs B home. What’s—”

  “There were monsters here, Grandpa! Like vampires!” Anthony gabbled.

  “Bat Sprites,” explained Sam grimly.

  Grandpa’s eyes widened. “Are the gems still safe?”

  “No. They took them,” Sophie whispered.

  “Took them!” Striding over to her with a scowl, Grandpa grabbed her by the shoulders. “The shadow creatures have got the gems?”

  Sophie nodded, tears prickling her eyes. She almost never cried, but she couldn’t help it now.

  Sam stepped forwards quickly. “It wasn’t Sophie’s fault. She fought really hard, but there were five of them. One grabbed Anthony and took him out of the window and he was going to drop him. Sophie had to give them the gems.”

  Sophie looked at Grandpa desperately. “I couldn’t let them hurt Anthony, Grandpa!”

  She saw Grandpa’s shoulders sag and the anger leave his face. “Of course you couldn’t. You did the right thing, child. OK!” His tone changed, it became commanding. “We have an emergency on our hands. We must go to the gateway and stop them opening it – no matter what it takes.”

  Sophie grabbed up her rucksack. “Let’s go!”

  Sam nodded determinedly. “We’ll get the gems back, and the key too!”

  “Wait!” Anthony wailed. “Where are you all going? I don’t understand what’s going on. What are Bat Sprites?”

  “We’re going to have to tell him what’s happening, Grandpa,” Sophie said, looking at her bewildered brother.

  “We can’t!” spluttered Grandpa.

  “We have to,” Sophie insisted. “We can’t pretend nothing’s happened.”

  Grandpa sighed reluctantly. “OK. Listen, Anthony, there are things going on – big, bad dangerous things. Sophie’s right, we can’t pretend you didn’t just see the Bat Sprites, and anyway, it isn’t safe to leave you here on your own. You’ll have to come with us to stop the shadow creatures opening the gateway – and that means you’ll have to help us fight.”

  “Fight those bat things?” Anthony said weakly. />
  “Yes, and probably other far scarier creatures. You have to be brave. I know it’s a lot to get your head around, and I promise I’ll tell you everything, but we have to focus on getting the gems back.” Grandpa turned to Sophie and Sam. “You two get moving! Go to my room. Under my bed you’ll find another rucksack and a case with useful things in. Take what you can and meet me by the back door in two minutes sharp.” They hesitated. “Go!” he urged. “If I know Ug, he’s going to want to gloat for a while before he opens that gate, but we must get there as quickly as we can!”

  Sophie and Sam raced down the corridor. Under Grandpa’s bed they found two nets, some rope, another very bright torch, a penknife, a golf club and a hockey stick. They threw everything into the rucksack, with the handles of the golf club and hockey stick poking out through the zip at the top.

  “Let’s take the rest of that can of filler foam too,” said Sophie, as they ran back to her bedroom. “That Bat Sprite really didn’t seem to like it.”

  “It was weird, wasn’t it?” agreed Sam. “It went kind of nuts. A bit like the Bat Sprite did earlier when the smoke alarm went off.”

  “Maybe they’re allergic to foam and loud noises?” suggested Sophie.

  “Mmm,” said Sam doubtfully. “Maybe.”

  “Well, whatever the reason, let’s take the foam – we might need it.” Sophie threw the can in the rucksack and took a deep breath. “Ready to go?”

  Sam nodded. “You bet.”

  Looking at his eager face, Sophie suddenly felt very glad that he was coming with her. “Just think, if you’d never found out about me being the Guardian you’d probably be at home right now. Do you wish…” She stopped.

  “What? That I was?” Sam finished for her. He pretended to think. “So, I could be at home watching TV, eating crisps or I could be about to try and save the world?” He grinned at her. “I say, let’s save the world. Bring it on!”

  They ran downstairs. Grandpa and Anthony were in the kitchen. Anthony looked pale. “He knows everything now,” Grandpa said.

  “You’re… you’re a superhero,” Anthony faltered, as they handed Grandpa his rucksack. “I mean, how’s that possible? My freaky sister’s a superhero?” He looked at Sam. “And you’re her side kick?” He shook his head. “This is like… against nature.”

  “Whatever,” said Sophie. All she could think about was getting to the gateway and stopping Ug from opening the gate. The words from the Shadow Files rang in her head: One Guardian will never close the gate. Ug mustn’t be allowed to open it, no matter what! She opened the back door. “Come on, let’s go!”

  But as Sam ran out he stopped. “Look!” They followed his gaze to the woods.

  Sophie felt her stomach somersault. The Shadow Woods never looked inviting, but now they were even more menacing than usual. The trees had twisted into strange shapes, their leaves turning black and limp, their branches looking like skeletons’ arms in the darkness. Weird shapes darted here and there through the shadows.

  “What’s happened?” Sophie gasped.

  Sam groaned. “Of course! I read about this in the Shadow Files. If the gems are all taken into the woods then they start creating shadow magic. The Shadow Woods are the passing place between the Shadow Realm and the human world. As the shadow magic in them increases, they’ll become more like the Shadow Realm and less like our world.”

  Sophie shoved her fear away and lifted her chin. “Well, whatever’s happening – we’re going in!”

  Hurrying across the back garden, she vaulted over the fence. As her feet touched down on the grass of the Shadow Woods, she felt the Guardian magic surging through her, stronger than ever before! The gems might be firing up the shadow magic, but they seemed to be doing something to her too!

  Sam jumped over the fence and joined her. Anthony was holding back, staring at the woods in fright. “Maybe I’ll just wait here…”

  “No!” snapped Grandpa, pulling him over the fence. “You’ve heard what we have to do, and you’ve got the blood of generations of Guardians running through your veins. Show some courage, boy!”

  “This way!” called Sophie, heading into the trees.

  The others followed. Sophie had been to the clearing where the gateway was before, but now the woods were different. Trees seemed to close across the path as they were walking along it, forcing them to fight their way through. Twice Anthony landed in the middle of a blackberry bush. “I don’t like this,” he moaned.

  “Sssh!” said Sophie. She was sure she could hear a low cackling in the trees ahead. “There’s something nearby.” She peered into the thick, soupy darkness. “It could be any of the shadow creatures!”

  “I just heard a noise!” Sam gulped and looked to the left. “Like a laugh – a snigger…”

  “I heard something too!” interrupted Anthony, pointing to the right. He pulled the hockey stick out of Grandpa’s rucksack and held it up anxiously. “Kind of high-pitched and squeaky.”

  “And there’s something behind us,” said Grandpa, looking over his shoulder. “Squelching footsteps! I think it’s a Swamp Boggle.”

  Sophie’s heart began to beat faster as she heard another hissing cackle, closer now – and then the cracking of leg joints. That wasn’t a Swamp Boggle. Her breath caught in her throat. “We’re surrounded!”

  A cackling scream came from the trees in front of her. “ATTACK!”

  A giant, spider-like creature swung towards them on a web of rope. A Spider Gnome! The next second Sophie saw an army of fluffy white Icicle Imps leaping out of the trees at them like evil furry snowballs. A dripping Swamp Boggle with a gaping mouth, green-brown skin and long bony fingers came running at them from behind.

  “This time we’ll get you, Guardian!” screamed the Spider Gnome. He let go of the web rope and plunged through the air straight at her, his sharp teeth glinting…

  The Spider Gnome plummeted through the air towards Sophie, its eight hairy limbs reaching out for her. “You shall PAY!” it hissed as it headed towards her like a spidery battering ram.

  “Sorry, but that isn’t in my diary for today!” gasped Sophie, shrugging off her rucksack and flinging herself over in two quick back flips. As the Spider Gnome thumped into the ground where she’d been standing, she attacked with a volley of kicks, sending it flying. It crashed into a tree with a horrible cracking noise, and howled with rage.

  Sophie folded her arms. “OK, let’s get this straight, bug-face. I’m going to the gateway and no one’s going to stop me. So, if I were you, I’d just swing on back to my web and stay there like a good little spider.”

  Hearing yells behind her, Sophie glanced around.

  Grandpa was holding off the Swamp Boggle, but his blows were sinking harmlessly into the boggle’s soggy body. While he kicked and punched, Sam and Anthony stood back to back surrounded by fluffy Icicle Imps who looked like cute white squirrels.

  “There are hundred of creatures like Snowy!” Anthony cried in astonishment. “Look at them all…” He gasped as the imps’ fangs all snapped out in unison. “WHOA!”

  The leading imp sprang at Sam. “Attack!” it squealed, landing on his head and gripping his hair. “Quake in your shoes, human! Fear for your life!” It swung upside down to look into his face.

  “Snowy!” burst out Sam, recognising the leader of the Icicle Imps.

  “My Snowy?” cried Anthony, his face lighting up. “Snowy, come to Daddy!” Dropping the stick, he pulled Snowy from Sam’s head. “OW!” he shouted, as Snowy sank razor-sharp fangs into his hand. “You little freak!”

  Anthony flung the imp away. It landed with a bounce and leapt to its feet. “Prepare to feel my fury, miserable humans!” it squeaked.

  “They don’t really make very good pets,” said Sam. “Not unless you like fluffy snowballs with fangs attacking you.”

  “Well, they’re picking on the wrong person here!” Anthony grabbed the hockey stick off the floor, as Snowy sprang at his face. He hit the imp as if it was a hockey
ball. Snowy soared away into the trees. “Goal!” yelled Anthony as if he were in a hockey match. The other imps leaped at him and Sam, but Anthony kept swinging and hitting, sending them flying into the trees one after the other.

  “Howzat!” Anthony shouted, punching the air.

  Meanwhile, the Spider Gnome had staggered to its feet. Two of its legs were hanging uselessly.

  “You’re really not listening, are you?” sighed Sophie as the Spider Gnome lunged again. “Oh, well, if you really want to get hurt…” She spun round in a blur, kicking out high and sending the Spider Gnome flying backwards again. As it crashed down, she ran to her rucksack, reached inside and flung the packet of salt at Sam. “Here! Use this!”

  “Thanks!” Sam missed and the packet burst open on the ground. He grabbed up handfuls of salt and started chucking it at the imps; they shrieked as they began to melt.

  Sophie pulled out the Fluffy next. “Grandpa! Catch!”

  The Swamp Boggle gave a burbling hiss as the pink cuddly toy flew through the air towards him, its tiny arms outstretched. “No!” the boggle yelled. “Not the Fluffy!”

  Grandpa leapt up, caught the Fluffy and pressed its button.

  “Fluffy wanna wee-wee!” the Fluffy squealed.

  The Swamp Boggle shouted as spots started sprouting all over its body. It backed off in terror as Grandpa advanced, waving the cuddly toy.

  “Fluffy wuv yoo! Do yoo wuv Fluffy?” Grandpa said.

  “AARRRGH!” screamed the boggle, running off into the trees.

  Sophie grinned, but then her smile died as she heard a hiss. She swung round just in time to see the Spider Gnome right behind her. Before she had time to move, it jumped, his six uninjured legs slamming her to the ground.

  Her breath was knocked out of her. The Spider Gnome threw its head back with a triumphant hiss. “Now, I get to eat you, Guardian!”


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