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A Fix Fling (The Fix Book 5)

Page 2

by Carey Heywood

  I gulp. “I not sure I want to go with you anymore.”

  He dips his face and runs the edge of his nose over mine. “Yes, you do.”

  He’s right. Annoying, but right.


  He kisses me again. Man, I was a fool for sneaking out of his bed. We could be getting busy right now but no, I had to go and decide it would be dumb to get attached. Thing is, that might have already happened.

  I like him, or I at least like the way he kisses me. Plus, he’s seriously hot and didn’t act like a giant dick when he could have.

  “How long are you in town for?”

  I squint up at him. “The wedding is next weekend. I fly out the day after.”

  “Are you staying here the whole time?”

  I shake my head. “I was only here tonight for the bachelorette party.”

  He traces the edge of my face, pushing my hair back. “Where are you staying?”

  “The Woodlake Inn.”

  He crouches in front of me, picks up my fallen shoe, and slips it onto my foot, the rough pads of his fingertips reminding me of what his touch felt like all over my body the night before. It’s the most innocently erotic thing that has ever happened to me. I gape down at him, wondering again if he can tell I’m not wearing underwear.

  He looks up at me. “I want to see you between now and the wedding.”


  He stands but doesn’t move away, staying close to me. “You have a room all to yourself or are you sharing with someone?”

  “I have my own room.”

  His feral smile makes my legs weaken. I grip his waist so I don’t fall over. “That’s good.”

  I inhale and then exhale his name. “Malcolm.”

  He wets his lips. “I like it when you say my name all breathy like that.”

  All I can do is stare at him.

  He grins. “What’s your room number?”

  The bachelorette party comprised of my cousin Finley, Abby, and Paige. Abby is the younger sister of the groom, and Paige is the fiancée of one of the groom’s brothers. Paige and Asher own the cabin we’re in right now. Since this is ground zero for bachelorette happenings, Asher got out of dodge.

  They were all still in their pajamas, sipping mimosas when Paige led me back to the family room.

  Finley grabs me by both arms. “What happened after we left?”

  It’s impossible not to snort. “I’m pretty sure you know exactly what happened.”

  Abby raises her mimosa in a silent cheer.

  Paige just watches me, exactly as she has since the moment I knocked on her front door.

  Finley drops her hold. “Fine, you got it on, whatever. What was he like?”

  Skirting her, I move to sit beside Abby on the sofa. “Funny you should ask.”

  She doesn’t say a word but holds my gaze as she claims the armchair across from me.

  “Let me start off by saying I don’t regret spending the night with him. But, when I woke up this morning I panicked and tried to sneak away before he woke up.”

  Paige straightens, her mouth falling open. “You did what?”

  With a cringe, I shrug. “It wasn’t my finest moment.”

  Abby passes me a mimosa reminding me why I like her so much. “Thank you.”

  Finley bolts upright. “Who drove you here?”

  After taking a sip of my drink, I motion for her to sit back down. “I said I tried to sneak away, not that I got away. Malcolm drove me here.”

  Finley sits and grabs her glass. “I’m so confused.”

  Paige nods. “Yeah, what do you mean you tried to sneak away?”

  Leaning forward, I set my drink on the coffee table. “I accidently set off his alarm when I opened the backdoor.”

  Abby’s eyes bug, Paige chokes back a laugh, and Finley shakes her head and says, “You did not.”

  I duck my head and press my fingertips to my temple. “It was so embarrassing. How was I supposed to know he had an alarm set on the place?”

  “What happened after the alarm went off? Was he pissed?” Paige asks.

  I raise my eyes to meet hers. “He wasn’t thrilled to be woken up that way.”

  Abby finds her voice and lifts her hand to stop me. “Why did you panic and leave in the first place?”

  Finley replies before I can. “It must have been some night to freak you out like that.”

  Growing up, we were as close as sisters so it’s no shock she’s figured me out. “It was okay.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Okay my ass. You like him.”

  I retrieve my drink and take a fortifying gulp. “I just met him.”

  Abby glances between us. “If you like him why’d you leave?”

  Finley gives her theory before I can come up with an answer. “She left because she liked him. It’s her defense mechanism.”

  I bug my eyes at her. Last thing I need is for her to divulge all of my secrets.

  I answer Paige’s early question. “He wasn’t happy when the alarm went off.”

  “I’ll bet,” Abby mutters.

  Paige’s brows come together. “But he still drove you here?”

  I nod. “I wanted to call a cab but he wouldn’t let me.”

  Abby turns to Paige. “He sounds nice. I thought you said he was a jerk.”

  Paige’s gaze remains on me. “It’s been months since I’ve worked at the Moose. Maybe something changed.”

  My curiosity gets the better of me. “Does he live in the place above it?”

  She shakes her head. “He splits his time between that place and a cabin.”

  I can’t help but wonder what this cabin looks like, or if I’ll get an invitation to it.

  “Are you going to see him again?” Finley asks.

  Heat creeps across my cheeks. “I invited him to your wedding.”

  She stands and plants her hands on her hips. “You did what?”

  Paige motions for her to sit. “Don’t worry. We can add a chair. There’s wiggle room in the plans for an extra person.”

  Paige is an event planner and has helped Finley plan the wedding. If anyone would know if an extra person could come, it’d be her.

  My shoulders sag in relief. “See, no biggie.”

  Finley’s face softens but a trace of annoyance lingers. “You are so lucky it worked out, but you suck for giving me a heart attack like that.”

  Weddings are stressful and she’s definitely showing it.

  “And he’s coming to the inn tonight,” I add.

  Everyone leans toward me in surprise.

  Finley is the first to speak. “So soon?”

  I attempt to shrug nonchalantly.

  She smirks. “You’re so screwed.”

  It’s an effort, but I stop myself from saying hopefully. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  Thankfully Finley doesn’t follow me to lecture me, not that it would technically be a lecture. She’s worried about me, I get it. If there’s one thing my cousin has always done is worry about me.

  She got married early and until we all learned her husband was a cheating bastard, had what looked like an ideal life from the outside. She settled down and wanted me to find someone I’d want to settle down with as well.

  I’ve had a couple long-term relationships over the years. One of my exes even proposed. Maybe marriage isn’t in the cards for me. As this morning shows, when faced with a guy I like, I run as fast as possible.

  After I shower and change into fresh clothes, I head back downstairs. My anxiety at being caught mid attempted escape disguised my hunger. Instead of rejoining the gang in the family room, I detour through the kitchen.

  “I’m glad I was wrong.”

  Bagel in hand, I jump at Paige’s words. “What?”

  She starts making another batch of mimosas. “I’m happy Malcolm was cool to you. But, if he starts acting like a dick, let me know and I’ll kick his ass.”

  “I’m only here for a week. It’s not like I’ll ev
er see him again.”

  Her expression shifts to something more mischievous as she loads a rustic looking tray with the drinks she made. She makes a point of shoving one in my direction.

  Enough so that I set my food down and cross my arms. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  With an innocent shrug, she turns and leaves.

  What the heck was that about?

  I watch her back as she moves out of sight. If I weren’t so hungry, I’d follow her and pester her until she shared. Making quick work of both my bagel and my mimosa, I rejoin the group in the family room.

  Finley grins when she sees me, and announces, “We should have a date night. Do you think Malcolm would come?”

  My step falters. “What?”

  Abby finishes her drink and sets the now empty glass down. “No can do for me. I’m fully booked until the wedding.”

  Finley glances over at Paige. “Same here, and I’m pretty sure you are as well.”

  Finley waves her off. “We still have to eat.”

  “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. Besides, he’s already agreed to be my date for the wedding. Can’t we just leave it at that?”

  With a pout, Finley sinks back against the cushions of the couch. “Oh come on. I want to have a chance to see you two together before I decide if I approve or not.”

  Pressing my fingers to my temple I claim the armchair across from her. “Approve? Please don’t turn this into something it’s not.”

  Finley tips her head to the side. “Alright, what is it?”

  I lift my hands in exasperation. “A fling. It’s just a fling. Some fun, no strings sex and companionship while I’m in town. That’s it.”

  Her lip curls. “You don’t want more?”

  As much as I love my cousin, we’re wired differently. Fling is a bad word in her vocabulary. She’s the type who is only comfortable in a long-term relationship with someone she loves.

  I’m not against that, in theory. She’s happier than I’ve ever seen her and I’m thrilled for her. Marriage just might not be in the cards for me. That doesn’t mean my life is lacking in any way.

  I have a great job, an awesome condo, the freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want to. I’m not going to settle. Ever.

  “I don’t need more.”

  Paige inspects her fingernails. “But you must want more, or you wouldn’t want to see him again.”

  “Okay, I’ll clarify. I don’t want anything more than a week full of awesome sex with a hot guy.”

  The sound of an extremely masculine throat being cleared catches our attention. I glance over to see Asher cringing.

  “Did I come back too early?”

  Noah moves into view. “No way. I want to hear more.”

  Covering my face with my hands I groan.


  He presses me up against the wall beside the door. “When can I see you again?”

  I’ve seen him each and every night since our first night together. It’s safe to say I’ve developed a taste for him that I’m quickly becoming addicted to.

  Three nights and I can’t imagine sleeping without his arms wrapped tightly around me.

  I run my fingers through his thick hair. “The rehearsal dinner is tonight. Can you come over afterward?”

  His kiss deepens, nearly cutting off my words.

  I’ll take that as a yes.

  “Are you doing anything the day after the wedding, during the day?”

  His question is both unexpected and unnerving since it’s the first hint of him wanting to spend time with me during the daytime.

  “I’m not sure. Finley said something about going to see bears and Indian Head, but I don’t know how long going to either of those places will take.”

  His large palm cups my face. “Want to spend the day with me instead?”


  When I asked him to be my date to Finley and Noah’s wedding, I decided to ignore my fears and pretend my heart won’t be broken when this week is over. I’m pretending that Malcolm isn’t a player, that he wants me for me and not just because I’m leaving.

  I’m pretending that our relationship is casual and that I’m not getting attached. I’m also pretending that getting on that plane and flying back to Texas won’t affect me at all.

  I wet my lips. “What did you have in mind?”

  Even my words are pretend. I sound like I could take him or leave him and not that I’d cancel just about anything for an excuse to spend more time with him.

  “Want to see my house?”

  My confusion is not faked when I ask, “Above the bar?”

  His mouth stretches into a smile, a sexy ass, makes my knees weak smile. “Not there, my cabin.”

  Visions of Paige and Asher’s gorgeous cabin on a lake come to mind. “What’s it like?”

  He presses his lips to mine and speaks against them. “Let me show you.”

  I coil my arms around his neck. “Okay.”

  His lips tip up, the movement lifting the corners of my lips as well before he really kisses me again.

  All too soon he pulls away. “Try and get some sleep.”

  I wish he didn’t have to leave but he’s been delaying the work he’d normally do after the bar closes until the next day so he can spend the night with me.

  He scoops me up, making me giggle. One thing I’ll miss about him is his physical confidence and the way he can easily lift and shift my body to fit his.

  He crosses the room and deposits me onto my bed. “Still want me to come by tonight?”

  I grip his biceps and lift my head to press my lips to the underside of his jaw. “Yes.”

  It takes everything I have not to pull his body down to mine. Time to pretend some more. Now I’m pretending that I don’t mind it when he leaves.

  Sleep is impossible at this point. Not when I can lounge in a bed that still smells like Malcolm and replay every second we’ve spent together.

  Why does he have to live here?

  And, why aren’t there guys I’m even half as attracted to back in Texas?

  My phone chirps to signal an incoming call and I lift it off the bedside table to check the display.

  When I see it’s my mom, I answer. “Hey mom.”

  “Want to go with Aunt Charlotte and me to the outlets?”

  Since I have nothing better to do, I say, “Sure.”

  “How long will it take for you to get ready?”

  Outlets with my mom and my aunt sound like a pretty low maintenance kind of day. “I only need to shower and get dressed.”

  “Alright, Charlotte and I will pick up coffee and meet you out front in thirty minutes. Want us to get you one?”

  I get up and walk toward the bathroom. “Yes, please.”

  “Alright honey. See you in a bit.”

  Once I’m ready I head out front and find them both waiting for me. When my mom sees me she passes me a coffee in a to go cup and the keys to the rental car.

  “I’m driving? I don’t even know where this place is?”

  My mom shrugs. “You know I don’t like driving in new places. Besides, you can just plug the address into your phone.”

  I roll my eyes but since I’m wearing sunglasses I’m stealthy about it. There’s a decent chance the only reason I’m invited on this shopping trip is for me to drive. Accepting my fate, I beep the locks.

  My Aunt Charlotte hops into the back while my mom rides shotgun. They argue over the address until I give up and find it on my phone without their help.

  Taking a fortifying sip of coffee, I pull out of the parking lot and wait for the two of them to start arguing over the radio station.

  “So, tell us about this guy,” my mom blurts.

  Surprise has me pressing the brake, making all of us jerk forward. Thank God the car behind me wasn’t riding my bumper.

  I quickly recover and decide I’m going to strangle Finley. “Who spilled?”

  My mother makes a tsk sound but I’m no
t sure if it’s for my braking or my question. “No one spilled anything. I saw him leaving your room this morning with my own two eyes.”

  Well crap.

  It’s bad enough Finley and her crew know Malcolm and I hooked up. I had planned to keep it from the rest of my family since it’s not going anywhere after this week.

  I do my best to downplay it. “Oh Malcolm? He’s a friend.”

  “When did you start making friends in New Hampshire?” Aunt Charlotte asks.

  I glance at the rearview mirror. “Through Fin I’ve become friendly with lots of her friends.”

  “He’s friends with Finley?”

  Not exactly.

  “He owns the bar Paige used to work at.”

  My mother crinkles her nose. “He owns a bar?”

  My back stiffens and Aunt Charlotte says, “Uh oh.”

  “What’s wrong with owning a bar?” I ask.

  My mother sniffs. “I never said there was anything wrong with owning a bar.”

  I wait until my phone finishes directing me to turn left before I reply, “The way you said it sounded that way.”

  She doesn’t argue this. “What’s his bar called?”

  Just my luck the name of his place sounds like something a snowboarding frat boy on a bender would pick. “The Drunken Moose.”

  Aunt Charlotte chooses this moment to speak. “Do they have mooses there?”

  My mom looks back at her. “I think the plural for moose is moose.”

  Charlotte tips her head to the side. “If it’s not mooses, why isn’t it meese like geese?”

  “How would I know?” My mother asks.

  “Can we go to his bar?” Charlotte asks.

  I actually like this man. I don’t think inflicting my mother and aunt on him is a good idea.

  “This is just a fling.”

  My mother folds her arms. “Does that mean none of us get to meet him?”

  “He’s going to be my date to the wedding. You can meet him then.”

  Aunt Charlotte sighs. “I was hoping Noah’s brother Gideon could be your date.”

  My family is head over heels in love with the youngest Thompson brother. “He’s too young for me and not my type.”

  “Gorgeous isn’t your type?” She counters.

  Yes, Gideon is gorgeous. I never said I wasn’t physically attracted to him. Any female, or male for that matter, with a pulse is attracted to him.


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