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Heal Me (Reapers Reign, #3)

Page 27

by Maree, Aleisha

  I'm a slave to one already.

  Looking up my eyes meet her then slowly rake down her body she is standing before me her creamy skin basked in moonlight dressed in nothing but her black lace bra and G-Sting.

  My hands without conscious thought go out to her.

  My fingers of my free hand wrapping around her hip she sucks her plumb lush bottom lip into her teeth and my cock flinches in my jeans knowing just how dirty she likes it.

  No Ghost don’t.

  My mind quells me as I drop my hand down from her hip, my fingers glide down her white skin and the feeling of betrayal and anger wash over me.

  Jenna kneels down in front of me taking the needle from my fingers my eyes refusing to meet hers.

  Her body shuffles closer to mine as her lips graze along my jaw line up towards my ear her breath hot and heavy laced with what ifs and maybes.

  “I know what you need baby,” her voice hot shaking my head pulling back but nowhere to escape to as my head hits the wall behind me fuck it.

  “She will never get you hard like this, the way the needle does.”

  She rolls the needle in front of my eyes them zoning in on the sliver tip as she places it between her teeth.

  Her seductive voice murmurs out over the needle.

  “Like I do, you need me just as much as you chase the kiss of lady love.”

  Her hot fingers run up my arm pulling the rubber band tie tight the vein popping to the surface sucking in a deep lung full of air I know what’s coming the intense rush the surge bliss ten seconds of euphoric sensation rushing though my body. Her hot finger taps the vein papering it for the hit.

  My eyes meet her as her mouth moves dangerously close to mine.

  She takes my bottom lip in between her teeth a groan leaves me as anger bubbles up.

  “I don’t need you,” I say, mumbled and erratic as she bites harder into my lip the pop of my flesh and the tang of metallic hits the tip of my tongue. “Don’t, Don’t Jenna,” I plead sounding like a small boy weak, alone and fucked up.

  “Don’t what, baby? Give you what you need? Give you this?” Her voice cold clipped as she lets go her eyes burn into mine fire and complete fucked up need to fuck me up.

  With a sick twisted wink, a laugh leaves her mouth and just like that she slams the needle into my vein.

  Pushing the plunger deep down all the way pulling her body back her eyes burning into mine as lady love begins her dance through my veins.

  My lids flicker and flutter leaving me with small images of Jenna in front of me dancing.

  The burn of the drug taking over all senses, time and space.

  Her tits popped from her bra my mind begging my eyes to stay open to watch the show that is in front of me the show known as Miss Dirty Dancer.

  The fucked up and needy Jenna.

  The release and the euphoric feeling is too much my body limps further down the wall as my head falls to the side.

  Too much I knew I put too much in.

  “Baby, baby,” I hear the whisper the call of her voice. “Baby open your eyes and watch me dance for you,” she echoes out around me, but I'm lost it’s dark here, it's safe her voice is there in my mind's eye but the rabbit hole I'm down in, is dark, it’s home and I like it. Dancing on my own as images of my life flick before my eyes.

  “Mmmmm,” I feel the small weak drug laced sound rolling over my lips.

  Her hands find my crotch I hear the fait sound of my zipper coming down and the cool air hitting my limp cock.

  “I'll make you hard, I’ll make you cum for me, baby,” her voice hits my ears but it's not the voice I want to hear, it’s not the voice I want to make my cock hard. That voice I need, the one I hear a faint sweet sound dancing like small sweet music notes on the wind finding my ears as I sit slumped down a wall with a needle stuck in my vein the devil dancing before me and the drug taking over any moral fiber and notion.

  Fighting what I have always wanted and needed the arms of the drug.

  I will my body to come back alive this is a fucken intense hit this time I think I may have stepped over the line from safe hit to danger and I can’t do a fucking thing about it.

  But ride this wild ride out. Hoping I make it to the other side.

  Like lighting rolling on the edge of thunder I hear the crack of the door splintering over the wall as it slams open with Cage's foot splintered firmly in it his body shields the light from the club below he stalks over to us.

  Jenna doesn’t move, she doesn’t flinch or turn to see who it is she doesn’t even stop, yelp or scream her hands hot and delicate work up the shaft of my cock pumping me filling my body with need and greed for her silk fingers to milk my cock and her lips to find my cock and suck the precum from its tip and drink in the hot squirt of cum that I want so badly to shoot down her sick throat fill her evil body with my twisted need to get off on a dark whore.

  Cage's voice low and harsh “Jenna get up now,” just as Jenna’s lips wrap around my dick her hot tongue licking up my shaft stopping on at the head she swirl’s her piercing over the tip of my cock and then just like that I blinked trying hard to hold the cum in and she’s gone.

  Cage's hands grabbing a handful of her hair. “Get the fuck off,” she spits at him “He needs me,” I hear her plead all I can do is watch from my slumped position against the wall my eyes zoning back and forward from a drug haze to my dick half-mast and to Cage.

  Jenna is screaming like a banshee. She’s kicking out her long legs flying wild around in front of me her hands reaching behind her and hitting Cage she’s throwing wild blind slaps and punches her hands connecting with his face, neck and chest. She’s fucking insane this bitch.

  Laughing out a low Ha fuck yeah laugh her eyes meet mine venom laced in them.

  “Help me Ghost, you need me,” she calls out and all I can do is laugh. It changes now from a cheeky fuck you to an evil shrill. Slurring out the words a mess on my tongue. “Fuck you, you need e, I don’t need you or this looking down at my arm the needle bobbing as I laugh out over the dark room. All I can really do is watch her kick off and see the anger fire from her body while the disappointed glare from my brother burn deep into my skin.

  The drugs swirling around me I'm in like a hypnotic daze my movements slow and sluggish.

  I'm moving my limbs, but they are so heavy. I’m trying hard to gasp the needle and pull it from my vein panic starting to set in that the hit swimming in me is too much I feel it closing off my breathing and my heart is slowing to a dangerously low hum.

  My mouth is dry, in desperate need of water. I’m so fucking high I know this when my eyes roll back in my head I can see the whites of them as the devil sits on my shoulder watching the show unfold around me.

  I slip down that rabbit hole that is the drug I love her arms reaching and taking me deeper down and Jenna the sweet chaotic Jenna who’s bat shit crazy.

  A fucking dirty ass nut bar who is so good at what she does. You’re fucking high unable to control your body with one flick of her needle laced fingers as her eyes pull you in and her pussy keeps your dick hard while you strangle her.

  She does her job well she is just as hungry for the dark as I am and that’s why she does what she does.

  That’s why we are here in this room. Me high too high a mistake made and there is no coming back from this monumental fuck up not now that Cage is here dragging her screaming ass back from me through the dark.

  But... you see there is always a but....

  She lets me hurt her the way I need to, to get off she’s been here from the start and now I'm sadistically laughing watching as Cage’s fingers grip around her body as she claws at his face to what sit on my dick, see this is what she does.

  Cage's hand wraps around her throat. “You better shut the fuck up, Jenna, before I use your face as a fuck pad and make you eat the whole clubs dicks.”

  Her eyes bug out of her head and Cage lifts her up above his head her toes barely touching the ground he strides
towards the door which is barely hanging on. A massive hole sits in the front of it, the wood is splintered, and the hinges are snapped, hanging limp on its frame like my dick in my hand.

  Watching him walk to over stopping just at the threshold of the door not hitting the bright lights of the hall way and club partying below. “81” he hollers “Get the fuck up here now.” His tone is clipped, the she devil is bucking and bowing in his grip he pulls her down to his face “Stay fucking still before I knock ya ass out.” He seethes as I here 81’s boots thumping up the metal stairs.

  “Yo man, what’s up?” He says looking from Cage to Jenna and then me fuck me shame should be washing over me if I wasn’t so fucking high. “Fuck Brother.” His voice full of pain for the floor show he sees. His hands run through his hair “Jenna you didn’t?” he questions her stepping into their space so close that she spits in his face.

  “You Fucking...” he’s unable to finish as cage drops her at his feet hard and fast a low thump and a small yelp leaves her poor excuse for a female body, she is the she devil.

  “Remove this bitch and the group of fucking hyenas from the club stick a prospect NO make that Two on the door at their apartment they are under watch till further fucking notice.” His tone ice cold leaving no room for question.

  My eyes then roll back and the heaviness in my lids too hard to hold open I can hear the thump, thump of 81’s boots and the strangled screams coming from Jenna’s throat as he takes her from her fantasy that would have been sex dangerous sex filled with blood and fire.

  My sadistic laugh bubbling from the evil depths of this induce fantasy ride, “Fuck Brother.” Is all I hear fall from Cage’s lips as he enters the room cracking my eyes open as far as I can which is a mere slit.

  He steps into the room shutting the door shards of light splintering through from where his foot met the wood the anger laced with judgmental sadness heavy in his eyes.

  It fucking hurts even when I'm high it fucking hurts cutting deep into my cold soul the lights flick on and my eyes slam shut.

  “Fuck me, turn them off!” I slur out to him trying to lift my arms that feel like fucking cement to shield my irises that are burring from the intrusion of light.

  The light flicks off. “Thanks brother," I mumble out, my words are a mess. The soft glow from the bedside table sends a halo of light that washes out the dark of this cold room hunted with humiliation. It illuminates the small space that I’m slumped in feeling ashamed and worthless a broken man.

  Cage's eyes meet mine his thick body leaning in front of me his finger lifting my eyelids up and open looking deep into them from one to the other. Even that small movement hurts.

  “I'm sorry, brother.” is all he says before his hands reach around me pulling me into his body he leans back with me in his arms as his legs come around my thighs holding me down.

  “Cage, Brother don’t!” I slur out trying to move my heavy body “Brother?” pleading I know what’s coming and I don’t want it.

  With his free hand he fists his fingers into his pocket and pulls out the one thing that will fuck you right back into a sober state of mind. I can smell her in the air as does lady love she fights hard through my veins to not be extinguish, this one needle will cause the burn to cease and with it follows one Hella come down.

  One fluid movement the end of the needle meets his teeth he pulls the cap off the end and the dull light hits the sliver tip and she sparkles the light glints on the tip of the needle turning my eyes I don’t want to watch this, I don’t want the instant sober.

  His hand snakes around my chest gripping my wrist and pulling my arm taunt holding me still.

  “Pleaseeeee?” I try one last time “Brother, it’s painful, I don’t deserve her, this life will tarnish her, and my secrets will break her, pleaseeeee,” I beg, tears washing down my face, all my sins following out with them as I plead for a small mercy.

  “Brother, I’m sorry,” his tone quiet, his lips meet the top of my head. He presses a long kiss into my hat as he slams the needle full of Naloxone into the vein that not long ago had Heroin stabbed into it and a deadly dose of it at that.

  “No, No, No Brother, fuck you, NO.” I scream out the needle pops into my vein and the cold liquid hits the hot blood inside my body sending out a chilling affect over me.

  “It’s only half, Brother. Just a little to take the edge of this high away,” he whispers into my ear. “I wouldn’t take her fully away but brother, just enough to quell the fucking chase.”

  Lifting me up and taking my limp drug fucked body to the bathroom slipping my now limp cock into my boxers he does up my zipper embarrassment and shame wash heavy over me how the fuck did I let it get this far.

  Not able to meet his eyes I just watch my feet knowing he had to see his VP this way.

  To have him put my dick back into my pants and clean me up is fucking disgusting.

  He fills the sink up with cold water. “Hold your breath, Brother,” he says into my ear as he pushes my head closer to the water watching it ripple out in the small space sucking in a breath nodding my head in answer to his question “Ready?” before I know it my head is thrusted into the icy water.

  Cage pulls me back gasping for air sucking it deep into my lungs “Fuck,” I scream out “Fuck me” before I can think his hand pushes me back down the seconds feel endless before he pulls my head back up the cold water dripping from my face I watch it drop into the sink and ripple out shaking my head “No more.” I plead.

  “Sorry brother,” he says as he pushes my head back down into the white porcelain sink all I see as my head is thrusted down is the sliver of the plug and the bubbles firing out around me as he does this again and again.


  Back up...

  Air gasping...


  Air gasping...

  “Stop, fucking just stop,” he’s relentless.

  He’s unceasingly intense in this quest to wake me the fuck up.

  To pull me back from the brink.

  Eight times I had to endure it eight fucking times before he let me fall onto the toilet seat.

  Gasping for air the cool ripples of the chill setting in around me and the shakes start.

  Passing me a towel to wipe my face he leans against the sink arms crossed over his chest his leg crossing over the other at the ankle shaking his head.

  “Go take the little lady home, Ghost,” he says to me walking over placing his hand on my shoulder my eyes never meeting his. “Don’t destroy her like you have yourself, she doesn’t deserve it.” The realty of his words hit me like a sledge hammer.

  “I don’t deserve her. Cage and fuck, tonight I sealed the fate, tonight I sold the last of me to the devil.”

  My tone is cold my teeth chattering I went from such a aroused and frenzied high to a cold sweaty and clammy low with just a tit bit of her still swimming in my veins.

  I'm so fucking ashamed.

  “She deserves love, just as much as you crave it, brother.” Squeezing my shoulder, he leaves me alone shitting on the fucking toilet a mess and freezing the effects of lady love there slightly but nowhere near as strong as I needed her to be.

  Right, time to face the music, time to go see if Miss Timberly wants to fight or fly.

  Fight it is she wants this watching the way the moonlight sends sliver streaks out over her jet-black hair and the way her eyes shine.

  She sees me.

  Sees it.

  She called me out,

  She knew just by kissing my lips and looking in my eyes.

  She knew what I had done, and she took it and didn’t run.

  She said she would heal me.


  Ghost the VP to the Reapers but really at the end of it I'm just Cade Morrow living behind a mask.

  That’s falling.

  A lie and this little lady is going to make this mask fall and let me be me.

  Walking up into the house with Timberly wrapped in my arms feels fu
cking amazing like shits real and shits good.

  I still can feel her inside my veins pumping in my heart but its dull the morning will bring the itch and then the sweats but for tonight I will be ok.

  Stepping up the steps the soft glow of the house sends out over the deck and the night time sounds out around us.

  “It's beautiful here, Ghost,” Timberly breathes out turning in my arms to face the jetty that takes you down to the water.

  “It’s beautiful, Poppet, because you’re in it.” I whisper into her hair. She shivers, lacing her fingers into mine.

  “Let’s go in aye.” Together we walk up the steps pushing the glass doors open I pull her inside walking to the kitchen I see that Lilly’s been a note placed under a full bottle of Jägermeister.

  ‘Tim’s clothes are in the closet and food in the fridge and cupboard. Love Lill.

  Smiling I watch as Timberly walks over to the sound dock on the cabinet under the TV her fingers gliding over it. “Can we listen to music,” she asks me her eyes shining as she looks over towards me. “Sure baby, play away,” a small giggle leaves her. “How” she asks me, shaking my head putting the Jägermeister down that I was just about to pour into my glass.

  “Baby just hit play,” walking over to her body standing behind her she leans her neck to the side as my hands find her hips reaching my fingers out I take hers that are hovering over the sound dock.

  Resting my chin on her shoulders. “My sweet poppet so many things I can teach you.”

  I whisper into her ear pushing the standby button the sound dock lights up blue and illuminates the area which is still dark bar the soft glow from the long tube light along the kitchen wall.

  “Just like that baby cakes,” spinning her around in my arms as the music plays around us pulling the room to life I swing her in my arms.

  Gavin James begins to sound out is low graveling voice flows around us as the beat picks up I begin to dance with my baby in my arms she giggles at me her eyes burning with excitement.


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