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Heal Me (Reapers Reign, #3)

Page 32

by Maree, Aleisha

  “I’m sorry Red I couldn’t get back sooner.”

  My tone cracks she has been so amazing to me and it hurts that she would have been worrying about me.

  “Girly, all is good. You’re here now, safe and ok, so that is all that really matters.” I walk over to her and pull her into my arms tight holding her, breathing her in. I sink into her arms my head on her chest.

  “I really think I love him you know. Like he sees my scars and he lets them shine on display. He knows the dark and isn’t afraid to sit in it with me, I know that he needs a rehab and I know that he is a monster of a dark much more fucked up than mine, but you know together we can be a beautiful chaos.”

  Taking a slice of pie from the cake stand I sink my fork into it and place the sweet key-lime pie into my mouth the tang I savour on the tip of my tongue. Rolling the fork over the pie I look back up to the women who I know will never lie to me and I open up to

  “His dark soul leaked inside of me and imprinted into my unwanted soul, god can’t help me, shit no-one can. Coz Red when I look at Ghost I see that same hurt from a past we didn’t ask for, that same rage, that boils my blood inside of him too. And this only means one thing: we’re dangerous together so world you better watch out for the King and Queen of the underworld are coming for you!”

  Jumping from the counter I swing my body into Red’s and kiss her cheeks I gotta go I’ll be back though just give me a few days to sort some shit.

  Grabbing my jacket from the stool as Red’s hand reaches out taking mine “Girly be careful will ya.” She breathes pulling me into her placing a kiss on my forehead. “Always Ma,” I breath back onto her squeezing her hand. “I like the sound of that Girly.” Her smile bright and soul taking. “Has a nice sound to it doesn’t it.” Winking at her she laughs hard holding her chest. “What was that?” she blurts out over laughter “A wink, well more like gammy twitch but I’m working on them.”

  Watching him tattoo the way he moves with such passion and precision is so empowering this is his happy place. He loves this the smell of ink hitting the skin the sound of the needle buzzing out meting the beat of his and clients heart beats. His eyes shine with a pride for true art rippled into the skin a permeant master piece. Walking past the chair I smile a small smile at his client and lean down kissing my man’s head breathing him in smoke and ink “I’ll be upstairs.” I breath into him his eyes leave his work meeting the scorching green causing my thighs to instantly ham shut the effect he has on me is uncontrollable. He runs his tongue over his bottom lip catching his lip ring and a low moan rolls up over me the sight alone knowing the feeling of them lips and that ring can do to the most sensitive part my body.

  “You ok?” he ask me concerned. “I’m ok” he winks at me and turns back to his work “I won’t be too much longer Poppet” I hear him say as I take the stairs that lead up to the bedroom.

  Sitting on the bed I pull the pack of smokes from the bedside table placing one to my lips lighting it I suck the smoke into my lungs and cough it out around me in a billow of smoke oh fuck that’s harsh. Spinning the lid from the bottle of Jager I take a pull closing my eyes I let the sweet burn dance down my throat and relish in the feeling, I’m so different and I fucking love it a bottle in one hand and a smoke in the other my life is what I want it to be happy, Ghost and his body my weakness his love my only desire and this all this around me is really just icing on the new cake that is my reality.

  I watch the bright days sky turn to grey as the stat of the nights inky clouds take us from a day where I found me to a night where I will own the newfound confidence and show this man I want his mark on me I want him to bend over me and tattoo my body I hear his feet heavy on the stairs the day wearing thin on his dope sick body the distraction a welcome retreat and I will continue in that retreat for him I will let him feel the effects of the need for her taste on his lips, I will be the new taste he craves. Rolling a joint from the tin that sits by the back of Marlboroughs, his signature smoke and his Jager the drink that reminds of the taste of his kiss so intoxicating.

  My eyes find his as the footsteps stop in the door way his arm above his head and his hair has sweaty stands falling over his eyes shielding his vision and the daze look of need in them.

  “What” I murmur out to him running the joint through my lips to wet the outside.

  “Just thinking Poppet,” is all he throws at me as he steps into the room and kicks his combat books from his feet. “Thinking of what,” crawling down the bed as he sits on the edge falling back his head falls onto my knees his glare burns into mine. “Well” raising my eye brow up at him as I light the joint and suck deep the crackle of weed the only sound around us.

  “I am thinking you’re the prettiest thing that I have ever seen.” He says taking the joint from me and sucking in deep as I blow out the toke from my lungs forming small smoke rings running my fingers over his sweaty forehead pulling back the strands of hair from his face “Well that's because I'm sitting in the dark.” I say to him lowering my lips to his forehead and kissing the hard lines of life that sit there is road map of a life that has been soul consuming. “No your just beautiful...” he breaths out passing me back the joint and wrapping his hands around my back laying there outstretched and vulnerable, dope sick and hungry for her hit. His hands snake up around my back pulling me down I shottie a toke of weed into his open mouth his lips graze mine as I hold the joint between my teeth the ember burning inside my mouth the heat reminding me I am human even though he makes me feel invincible. Ghost it creates a utopia for me that I've always been looking for. It frees me from this anger and hate from the battle to be what they want and expect thus demon who walks through fire bringing justice well this demon needs to be high to sleep to think to eat to be this that you see before you... this man right here it beautiful here you should see jump over and into the haze enjoy the drug induced ride.

  “You know you should be kissed every day every hour every minute.” His lips running over mine finding my neck biting softly as I raise myself up “And you should be loved the way a man deserves with no hate.”

  “Heluations and me well we are like old friends.... Poppet tell me you’re not a heluation?” wrapping his hands around my face digging his nails into my skin. “Baby I am real and I’m yours together we shall fuck the world up.” Pulling his lips to mine I take him in a soul shattering kiss your dances seek each other dancing, meshing together king and queen we are. “Tattoo me.” “What!” his eyes widen with shock.

  “Tattoo me.” I repeat myself like is it that absurd for me to want a tattoo. “Now?” He pulls himself up to face me “Yes.” I breathe, kissing his lips. The look over his face is just too cute not to. “Now?” He looks around. Fr what, I have no clue.

  “Yes now, you fool. I want your mark, your ink on me lacing my skin.” “Ok,” The wonder in his voice tickles me as I step from the bed and lift my shirt. I look over my shoulder “Here on my back wrapping around my shoulders and down my hips I want a big beautiful phoenix with the script wrapping around my torso.” ‘From the ashes she arises brought back to life by a tattooed demon who became her king.’ “Well ok Poppet, who am I to say no to such beauty. Standing from the bed he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder taking me down the stairs to his chair. Placing me down on my feet I watch him as he puts the iPod into the dock the sweet sound of Broods Sober sounds out around us removing my shirt the cool chill from the room sends goosebumps rippling out over my body as Ghost sprays his chair down the sweet green apple smell of the disinfectant tickles my nose.

  Placing black gloves on his hands he walks over picking me up carrying me over to the chair his lips graze over my jaunt collar bone traveling up the inside of my neck his voice vibrates over my skin “Ready my Queen,” I smile squeezing highs shoulders “Ready King,” I whisper out as his eyes find mine swimming in them is the dull effects of the Novocain of last night’s final hit. My lips graze his “Le3ts do this, let me and my body be your new dru
g, take me to a new high baby.”

  Laying me down softly on the crisp black leather chair my skin ripples at the sensation of the leather and anticipation of the sweet pain that the tattoo will lace my skin with. My breasts push against the leather squashing them and pushing them out to the sides.

  Watching Ghost set up the ink and pouring the bright vibrant colors into tiny little while pottles sitting on a white paper towel I scoop my hair from my side and wrap it around my right side so it’s not in Ghost’s way as he tattoos my back and side.

  The sound of the gun sends a whole new ripple of excitement over me his eyes find mine his lips kiss my nose pulling back I watch him as he ties his hair back into a man bun.

  “Ready Poppet,” he breaths out as he dips the gun into the black ink and I watch as his foot pushes down onto the foot pedal and little flickers of ink jump up from the pottle dotting the paper towel and bleeding out in a sweet pattern “Ready baby,” taking a deep breath I close my eyes as the needle kisses my virgin skin and takes me to the peak of a whole new pain.

  Breathing in deep as the outline snakes down my side touching the outside of my ribcage sucking in a deep breath holding it in.

  “You ok Poppet?”

  He stills the buzz of the needle ringing out as Broods Heartlines jump from the sound dock.

  “Just tickles a bit.”

  I lie Ghost laughs leaning back over my body her beings the assault on my skin as fresh new pain ripples over me and I love the free feeling it gives me.

  “Tickles is a whole new word for the intense burn you must be feeling Poppet.”

  His breath hot over my skin as he leans in deep the small beads of sweat from his brow kiss my skin drying cold a reminder that he’s still rather human even if he doesn’t see it.

  “So, tell me about Bray.” I say needing the distraction.

  “Bray you say well Poppet he gives orders and people shoot people, he’s a mess of his own and is demons run dark also Poppet.” His tone changes pain washing through it.

  “And poppet I get orders and I cut people...” he stops, and I watch him change needles over.

  “A shading needle Poppet to add the color and for it to really fucking pop over your beautiful skin.” He answers my silent question.

  “Can you handle that...?” he asks me as a whole new insane burn dances over my skin.

  “Fuck me,” I grit out to my man’s sweet deep laugh

  “Bit busy right now Poppet, but hey if it’s still on offer later I’m down” winking at me as I playfully whack his knee.

  “Always and yes to answer your question I can handle that.”

  “You have a beautiful shape Poppet, your body is just stunning.”

  I hear the words wash over me as his free hand runs down over my body the curve of my spine and hips.

  “I’m definitely in love with your body Poppet.”

  That’s the last thing I remember as Broods change over to the sound of Ed Sheeran Shape of you wrapping me in its sweet embrace.

  Closing my eyes, I lull between pain and reality letting all this new wash over me basking in the wild ride that is now Ghost and Timberly.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  Scrubbing my hands over my face after I wiped the last of the ink from my baby’s back and side.

  I sit back and admire my work six hours of intense shading and detail went into this piece and she was worth every ounce of pain the sound of the needle brang me, fuck this dope sickness is no fucking joke today is a day I’d love to just fuck myself up pump my veins full.

  Knowing that I can’t camouflage the pain with junk anymore for she my new lady love sees her swimming in my eyes.

  Stretching out my back and arms high above my head I lean back in the chair and watch her sleep never have I had a client let alone a newbie, a fresh inker falls asleep on me. And I ant going to lie the sight before is remarkable. The way her white skin is laid over the harsh black of my leather chair her breasts pushed nicely into the leather where they squeeze out the sides of her body.

  Pure fucking perfection.

  God did good the day her made up this women’s perfect DNA.

  Watching her sleep is like a junkie’s dream.

  The way her chest rises and falls her sweet breath fanning out over my skin as I lean into the space she occupies in my leather tattoo chair, my skin awakening a desire in me I never knew I had.

  Her pale white skin glows like a full moon on a dark night.

  She's my drug, I can't, and I won't want anything else she broke through the hate, anger and dark. She heals the cracks and kisses the flames of a soul burning jet black with sins so brutal even my nightmares are scared.

  Scaring myself at how fucking deep and dark my mind gets at times even when I watch her sleep the perfect pure soul that my blood-stained hands were holding not so long ago.

  The last few days have fucking kicked my ass and I’m fucking more than drained sighing as the vibration of an incoming call ripples over my thigh, fishing my phone from my pocket Brays name flashes over the screen sliding to answer.

  “Sup Brother?”

  “Where the fuck are you,” he bites into the line blowing out a breath 1,2,3, fucking breathe 4,5,6,7 nope keep going,8,9,10 calmer nope not a bit.

  “Ghost” his tone irate pissing me off he fucking new I had ink today.

  “Well” he snaps as I open my mouth to speck.

  “Fuck Bro what the fuck is your problem.” I bite back at him not wanting his shit mood to fuck my head space.

  “You gotta fucking chill man,” snapping over Brays shit already I really can’t deal with this after all I can’t just get high now to blur him and the club out.

  “Chill fuck you Ghost while you have been holed up with ya lady getting ya dick wet no doubt, mine is in the mists of a massive dope sickness that rivals any of yours and I need you to fucking come and get her with me the clubs going on lock down.”

  Lighting my cigarette and sucking deep down till it’s swirling in the deepest part of my lungs.

  “Well fuck me.” I say a bubble of laughter lacing my lips as the thought of Timberly saying that to me mere hours ago as I tattooed her sweet white skin that now is covered in a massive back and side piece a fucking Phoenix baby rising up and taking over the damn world with me at her side.

  “Ghost, Fuck man I’m legit not fucking around.” I hear the aspirated sound of life getting on top of him

  “Fuck brother chill before ya blow a vein, I’ll be there in 30.”

  Pushing the phone into my pocket I can’t help but laugh he needs to chill.

  Leaning on the shut door of hotel junkie 101.

  My heel resting on the dirty door as I watch my Brother try and wrangle the Junkie that used to be his beautiful black-haired Raven Marie. Gone is the plum like blue-black of her eyes replaced the drug haze. Her features that were so strong and fierce gone replaced with the gaunt grey and sunken in eyes. Shaking my head and closing my eyes.

  Lord this is going to be a long mother fucking night. The itch spreads over my arms as I find myself scratching them red raw as I watch her scream like a banshee kicking and punching him the track marks raw and bleeding the scabs she has picked off, her hair a wild torrent of midnight black locks fanning out over the crisp white sheets.

  “Bro call the Doc knock her ass out,” I snap I can’t handle being in here the smell of methadone lacing the air and the taste of a fresh dose of Novocaine given to her swirls up at my senses.

  Bray spins on me fire in his eyes and pain on his face,

  “What?” His body shaking as Raven fires all kind of punches and kicks at him his hands reach out wrapping around her wrists pulling her up into him and her wild eyes meet his she rears back and spits in his face.

  Oh, fuck me she didn’t.

  “It’s fucking hurting me brother to be here ring the doc of knock her crazy ass out.” Gritty out I watch him wrestle with the women who he has loved since he was fifte
en fucking years old be lost to the taste of junkie love and its habit.

  “What do you want me to do brother?” he grits out as her nails come out and gash down the side of his face and neck long angry scratch marks mirroring the pain she is going through tears well in his eyes he would never hit a woman fuck he’s coming close to it. Fuck I am coming close to it I need out and she as much as I love this woman needs to shut the fuck up.

  “Brother.” he calls out as I pace the room like a caged lion my hackles up and the stress level fucking high shaking as my hands clench from fist to flat hand and back again.

  “Fuck Brother help me.”

  That’s it hearing the pleading break in his voice and the pain laced in his eyes as the tears fall mixed with the blood dripping from the cuts her killer nails just laced all over his tired and alone features.

  I know I have to do the one thing that will allow us to get the fuck out of here and quietly.

  “I’m so fucking sorry,” I mouth into the top of his head.

  “Raven baby I love you and for this I’m sorry.” I say to her drug hungry eyes no old Raven up in there at all this year of her being taken has stolen so much more from her than just us.

  Kissing her lips, I can taste the drugs seeping from her pores and fuck me it tastes so good a low moan leaves me as the feeling of old needs and habits hit me like a title wave.

  Pushing myself from her as I pull my fist back I hear Bray scream.

  “Brother Donn____” is all he gets out for the loud crack of my fist meets the soft clammy flesh of her face and she’s out the room falls silent as her body falls back on the bed in a soft thud her hair falling out around her like a midnight mass.

  Bray flies to her side scooping his arms under her shoulders and pulling her up into his body kissing her face so softly his eyes find mine tears and blood streaking his skin.

  “Sorry brother but shit was getting insane.” I say picking up a blanket of the bed and throwing it over her limp body in my brother arms.


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