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The Virtual Realm (War Of The Elements Book 1)

Page 36

by Daniel Perusko

  As soon as the duel timer counted down, Dusk was going to activate his stealth mode, in order to sneak up on Tsuki to get the initial strike. That was his plan anyway.

  He was being held in place by indiscernible bonds. He felt like a prisoner in his own body. No matter how much he willed it so, he could not urge his body to go forward and fight.

  Tsuki walked up to him slowly, making an exaggerated motion with each step as if to taunt him. Once she was within inches of Dusk, she ceased sauntering. There on her face was a smile of ultimate victory that practically went up to her ears. This was her doing.

  The laugh that escaped her lips was filled with triumph.

  “What seems to be the problem, officer?”

  The old Dusk would’ve been angry, but he now found humor in this.

  “I think you have it wrong, Karla. If anyone’s the officer it’s you. I mean, I can’t even move a muscle, which is exactly the problem.”

  “Damn, that sucks. Here, let me help you.”

  By help of course, she meant perforating him with her blade. Dusk felt the pain of her sublime sword stabbing through him spectacularly several times, until he received the message that he had been defeated.

  He landed on his back, taking in a view of the overcast sky above him, which seemed to be mocking him, representing his defeat. Even though the duel was over, he was still held in place by the invisible shackles which coiled around his entire body, restraining him completely.

  “Hey, Karla, the duel’s over, you won. You think you could undo this now?”

  “No, I don’t think I will. Not yet anyways. Looks like I won this time, Drake.”

  “In the words of Ace, you used a cheat code.” Dusk’s laugh was filled with sarcasm.

  “Fuck Ace,” she replied with venom, not wanting to think of that man again.

  Dusk, realizing he had taken the wrong path, fell into silence, thinking of how he could alter this course. Before he could think of another subject, Tsuki made a demand.

  “Say I’m the best.” She giggled deviously after saying that.

  Dusk was both mystified and discontent at the same time.


  “I’m the best. Say it. Say it now and I’ll let go.”

  “Seriously, Karla? You’ve gotta be kidding me.”

  “No, I’m not. Say it.”

  The two gazed into one another for a moment before Dusk’s eyes ran away from her. To him, she was the best; or at the very least, his favorite person. He had never met anyone who could immerse him in a sense of wonder like Tsuki could. He would never say these words to anyone else. His pride would’ve slapped him silly for saying such a thing. Yet being in an abnormally good mood, he chose to oppose his usual persona; deciding to play along and see what would happen.

  “Okay, you’re the best,” he muttered quietly.

  She never expected it to be that easy, or for him to even say that in the first place. She offered an open hand, releasing her captive from his submission, mentally untying the unseen ropes which had bound him.

  “You know I was just joking, right, Drake?”

  Dusk’s laugh was piled with sarcasm. “Are you sure about that, Karla?”

  “No, actually I wasn’t kidding.” She stuck out her tongue, teasing him like a five year old.

  Her face had scrunched into seriousness, a stark contrast to the teasing which preceded this. It wasn’t a grim seriousness, however. It was simply Tsuki going into her usual teacher mode.

  “It is time for the next step of your training, Drake.”

  “Sweet, what is this training?”

  “Read Eon Seven, particularly the portion titled Golden Sun. It explains the relationship between us more accurately than I could ever hope to put into words.”

  Dusk threw a stare of intense interest at the swordswoman. He was currently waist deep in a sea of thoughts.

  This is the next step of my training? A book? So she means to increase my knowledge in order to make me mentally stronger? But something seems different about this. She spoke of the relationship between her and I. To be honest, that makes it feel like this book is less about training and more... personal. Just what could she be trying to say to me?

  Suddenly his sea of thoughts was parted when a third voice rang out from behind, making their presence known.

  “So you finally managed to beat Tsuki in a few duels after all this time. You’re finally coming along.”

  The tone of voice from the stranger was friendly, but Dusk knew this voice from anywhere. This refined yet nonchalant male voice that reverberated through his eardrums was one which he would never forget. This voice did not belong to someone who Dusk was on friendly terms with. This voice... it belonged to someone he hated with all his heart.


  Dusk’s speech was stifled in an attempt to suffocate his rage. His fury was becoming more dense and thick within him. The pressure of it was building, like a volcano that was just waiting to erupt. He turned around furiously, gazing upon the cloaked figure behind him. He could only see blackness within that hood, an endless void of evil.

  “Yes, long time no see, Drexel!”

  Rather than exchange any more false pleasantries with this personified symbol of strife, Dusk immediately released his blades from their restraints, encouraging them to sink their teeth into Raven’s flesh.

  Just the same as the last time they met, Raven immediately thrust his hand forward as if a god passing judgment upon Dusk—denying his swords the meal that they so craved.

  The ideas were floating through Tsuki’s head like several bubbles floating in the air.

  That... is Raven? The one responsible for the suffering of every single person who lives in this world. He has directly caused Drake much pain.

  She gazed upon the man of mystery, her eyes narrowing to focus on him in contemplation. More than that, there was a feeling she couldn’t shake. Similar to a balloon that was just out of one’s reach; the feeling lingered just out of Tsuki’s grasp as if to forever taunt her.

  His voice... I’ve definitely heard that voice somewhere before. Why can’t I remember where I’ve heard that voice? Think, Karla, think!

  Her immediate concern was how Raven had put a complete halt on Dusk’s movement. He was frozen there like a sculpture carved from ice. Only the expression on his face was ever moving, showing a white hot rage burning beneath those azure eyes.

  Then and there, Tsuki honed her mind, extending an invisible hand from her spirit, grabbing a nearby rock and chucking it at Raven with all of her mental might.

  Just before the rock struck him, the weaponized earth floated there as if confused before flying back at her like a boomerang.

  The silver telepath focused all of her mental force outward in an attempt to deflect the stone, but it had no effect. The chunk of earth hit her in the shoulder at full force, sending her tumbling backwards onto her butt.

  Dusk couldn’t even turn his neck to see what had happened to his beloved teacher, he only heard her groan in pain. The apprehension had overcome his rage, causing him to cry out.

  “Raven... don’t fucking hurt her you son of a bitch!”

  Raven’s facial expressions could not be physically seen beneath that unending pitch black, but Dusk knew. Dusk knew he was smiling.

  “That all depends on her now doesn’t it, Drexel? I merely returned what she tried to give me, I don’t see the problem.”

  Tsuki cringed in pain. That rock had hit like a truck. It had gone past the point of pain all the way up to a numb feeling. She could no longer move her arm at all. Instead it hung there limp as a string less marionette. She knew Raven probably wouldn’t answer the question she was about to ask, but the urge to know the truth was too strong.

  “Your voice, I’ve heard it before. Who are you?”

  Raven giggled wickedly, enjoying the game he was playing with these two trapped rodents.

  “You mean you don’t remember me, Kaya? That’s a pity.
But I remember you, how could I forget after all we’ve been through together? If you don’t remember me, then I’m not going to tell you. You’ll figure it out someday, I hope.”

  The sound of disgust radiated from her, making no attempt to be hidden. Even so, she didn’t expect him to answer that question so easily.

  “Is it true that you’re responsible for us all being trapped in this world?”

  “That is of correctness.”

  Tsuki rose to her feet, having covered herself in a complete armor built of resolve and courage. Her turquoise eyes hardened to diamond, contrasting the soft and delicate features of her body.

  “That’s all I needed to know. If you’re the reason for all of this... I will defeat you. Even if you cut off my limbs, even if you destroy my body completely, I will overcome you with my spirit alone and put an end to the suffering you have caused.”

  These words caused Raven to release a boisterous yet elegant laugh.

  “Hahaha! How very amusing. Those are some bold words for sure, Kaya, but words alone mean nothing. Can you back that up with your actions? Come, if you are so confident you can defeat me then let’s see what you’ve got!”

  She did not respond to this villain’s mocking mannerisms, instead guiding her right hand straight for her blade, intending to end things right there and then.

  Dusk still couldn’t see what she was doing, but he could never mistake the sound of Tsuki drawing her rapier from the sheath. His voice immediately tightened into a plea.

  “Stop! Don’t do it, Karla! He’s too strong to take on alone.”

  Too strong? It didn't matter how powerful he was. They had to defeat him sooner or later, why not now? She was determined to see this through so that her pupil may never suffer under this man's sadism again. “I have to do this, Drake; I can’t back down from our greatest enemy. He has to pay for what he’s done.”

  “You really should listen to Drexel you know. It seems he’s smarter than you are.” Raven laughed, seeking to have his words burrow under Tsuki’s skin.

  The swordstress deflected this verbal attack, instead vanishing into thin air, before appearing right behind Raven a moment later, already aiming to drive her rapier straight through his wretched form. The tip of the pristine blade was mere inches from inserting its cold welcome into him when he sidestepped the sneak attack with ease. He turned around, waving his finger in front of Tsuki’s face with ridicule.

  “Now why are you trying to stab me? That’s pretty heartless.”

  Tsuki was immune to this man’s verbal digs, but not immune to what he would do next, much to her complete revulsion. Before she could make another movement, she too joined Dusk in complete paralysis.


  Even her steel will could not urge her body to move a single muscle. This was a completely new sensation to her. Not even Omni had been powerful enough to exert his telepathic influence directly on her in this manner. If Raven could actually paralyze her directly with his telepathy, who knew how powerful this man was.

  “Can’t move, can you? Here, I’ll help you.”

  Tsuki’s body was no longer her own. She was jerked straight into the air as if she was an action figure, a child’s plaything—now floating in mid-air, staring straight at the ground for but an instant before Raven threw her back down hard—her graceful body making an uncharacteristically rough impact with the ground below, landing but a foot from Dusk’s side. The involuntary scream of agony escaped her lips without permission, vibrating in the cool air as she hit the ground face first.

  Dusk couldn’t bear to witness this. Forced to do nothing but watch as Tsuki’s attempt to defeat Raven ended with her not landing even a scratch on him. Forced to behold Tsuki being lifted into the air, and then tossed onto the ground like a ragdoll. He hated this. He couldn’t even help his beloved teacher. Forced to stand here like a powerless statue and watch as Raven tormented her. Images of Stacy flashed through his mind like bursts of lightning, reminders of his weakness bubbling to the surface. Was he going to kill Tsuki like he did Stacy? Having finally made friends, would he have to go through that immeasurable hell all over again? Despite how much he hated Raven, he threw all his pride and fury to the wayside. If he could get on his knees right now he would, but he was completely unable to move.

  “Don’t kill Tsuki too... please.”

  Tsuki was still frozen face first on the ground, but that last word did not escape her grasp.

  He’s asking Raven not to kill me... too? So he’s killed others that Dusk knows of...

  She felt herself being rolled over by unseen hands. Raven had done so that she could look upon Dusk and himself, though she was still under his control.

  Raven snickered in enjoyment at seeing Dusk practically grovel at his feet. It seemed when it came to Tsuki’s life he had cast aside his dignity, even if for the briefest of moments.

  “Hahaha, how interesting. Don’t worry... I’m not going to kill her or anyone from your precious Phoenix. At least not yet. They are far more interesting than your last group of friends. I am counting on them to play key roles in my final act. Though I must say it is entertaining to see how you changed when you thought I was going to kill her. What is she to you exactly?”

  Dusk had no straight out answer for this, as he still wasn’t completely sure himself. Several feelings regarding the silvery beauty had swirled through him like a maelstrom within the last month. Was she a rival? A teacher? A friend? All of these? Or maybe he even thought of her as...

  Before he could ponder this challenging conundrum any further, Raven erupted into laughter, believing he had figured out the answer before even Dusk could.

  “Hahaha! I see, I see! So that’s how it is—how very captivating, yet somewhat sappy at the same time.”

  “Shut up, Raven. You don’t know a damn thing about me, or even what it means to experience friendship.”

  “Now that’s just making assumptions isn’t it, Drexel? I have friends on this game. Do you really think I acted alone?”

  “Friends? Sounds more like associates to me.”

  “That is up to interpretation I suppose. However...”

  Raven slowly turned to Tsuki. Those eyes which were lost inside that eternal darkness were staring wickedly upon her, like a cat cornering a mouse.

  “You really think that Kaya here is your friend?”

  Tsuki’s eyebrows had lifted upwards, the various electrical signals surging through her brain in her attempt to figure out what Raven was doing.

  Just what is he trying to do here? He’s definitely trying to break Drake’s spirit but now he’s also trying to turn him against me? That won’t happen.

  Dusk hissed at Raven like a cobra, dripping with a universal ocean of murderous intent.

  “Are you fucking stupid or something? You’ve been watching me all this time, right? That was proven when you sent Ace after me.”

  “So he told you that much. That turned out to be a disappointment. I was hoping that you would fight Ace, so that you would begin to grasp the power of your timelessness.”

  “The Eon Blade, right? Just what do you want with the Eon Blade?”

  Raven responded as if speaking to a child that was completely oblivious to the world. “Isn’t it obvious? To change the world, power is required. I already have the power necessary to put my plan into action, but with your help, this change would be much simpler.”

  Dusk once again attempted to struggle against his invisible bonds, though this effort proved fruitless.

  “Simpler? I don’t know what you’re talking about! What is this goal?”

  The only response Dusk was met with was the sound of melancholy disappointment which slowly oozed from Raven.

  “In short, if you joined me, things would be better for everyone.”

  Dusk hawked up the fluids built up in his throat, spitting as hard as he could in Raven’s direction, hoping to land his liquid hatred on him. Unfortunately the vile glob stopped short, plummeting
onto the emerald blades of grass below.

  “I already told you. I’ll never join you.”

  “So be it. However, I will reiterate this point; Kaya is not your friend. Not by any means.”

  Tsuki had charged her fury into a searing beam so intense, that it would cause flame itself to evaporate.

  “Shut up! I care about Drake deeply, which is more than I can say for you. All you’ve done is try to inflict misery on him and start shit constantly.”

  Raven folded his arms; that hooded face peered down upon her as he released a crushing pressure. Both fighters could feel the very power flowing out of him; his presence was intimidating indeed.

  “You care about him you say? Is that why you’ve been lying to him since day one? At least I’ve been honest with him from the start.”

  “I haven’t been lying to him! What are you talking about?”

  “Oh really? I think Kevlar would disagree. Because after all Kevlar is...”

  Tsuki’s eyes darted open instantly. Every ounce of her being was shaking fiercely in rage. Her heart raced through her chest—her blood flowed turbulently—her teeth nearly ground themselves into dust.

  There’s no way he could know about that. How could he possibly know? Just in case...

  “Don’t say it...” Tsuki threatened, with the very presence of death taking over her voice.

  Despite this, Raven was not fazed in the least; he fully intended to finish the sentence he had started.

  “Kevlar is... your fiancé.”

  “You...vile...little” She spoke, emphasizing each word through a screeching hiss as if she had been possessed by a denizen of the underworld.

  Dusk felt a sickening feeling course through him. His blood ran cold. His heart stopped. He felt like his stomach just fell onto the floor. He wanted to throw up. He struggled through this disgusting feeling, in order to force a word out through the barrier of toxicity that was now firmly entrenched within him.


  Raven had a profound urge to take his hood off at this moment, so that the duo could gaze upon the immense grin that was currently molded onto his face, but he resisted this temptation for the moment. Instead he laughed quite heartily in their faces, savoring the chaos he had just caused.


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