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The Legend of the Dragon Child

Page 2

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  Chapter 3

  Galdean stood by the portal, looked into the golden eye circle, opened the gate and flew in. Muttering, “Fly fast, Fly direct!” he launched towards Verlaunde.

  Galdean arrived on Verlaunde and quickly realized great battles were in play. Dead Dragons peppered the landscape, most notably the Jodrugs. Hundreds of exploded carcasses lay in pieces across the volcanic ground. Galdean smirked. Ice, he thought. Even though his vision was sharp, he could spot no other Dragons. He set his flight to follow the destruction he saw below, hope against hope that the Mursei remained strong.

  His wings caught the rising thermals as he made his way over the menacing volcano, Razzentor, hot magma bubbling in the cauldron. Many such volcanoes covered Verlaunde. The sulphuric mist was foul with gloom. He had flown for hours without spotting any Dragons and decided to find a cave to rest and feed. There were many caves scattered across the mountains. With seeing no live Dragons, finding an uninhabited cave looked to be a forgone conclusion. Still, he was cautious.

  He found one such cave, with a shallow landing which looked to be a safe spot; at least it would be hard for a Hail of Dragons to utilize. He landed on the small exterior shelf and tucked in tight his wings. He stood at the mouth of the cave, flicking his tongue and flaring nostrils to pick up any scent of danger. He did detect something, but it seemed like an old scent, nothing recent. Taking slow strides, he entered the darkened space.

  The cave dropped off in a downward twist, with hardly enough room to walk in and certainly not enough for flight. He went down a little farther and hoped for enough room to sit. As he made another turn, he was hit with a strong scent. His eyes instantly flashed green with alarm. Then, he was met with two huge luminous yellow eyes.

  “Who comes to my Lair?” questioned the Unknown, hidden down deeper still, into the crevices of the cave.

  Galdean took a moment to get a fix on the one speaking and its scent. It was a White one, one from the Qyrdrom Hails. They were known as the Enlightened Ones or Teachers.

  “Galdean of the Mursei Hail comes here,” he said with caution and respect. “I am in search of our Queen and our Hail. They returned here from Urthe long ago. I seek only a place of rest before continuing my journey.”

  “I am Zelspar, the Elder of the Qyrdrom Hail. You may enter and be welcomed. We will have stories to tell.”

  “I bid you thanks, Zelspar. I accept your invitation. But I may stay only for a short rest, before…” he was cut off mid-breath.

  “Do not be insolent to your Elder of Qyrdrom Hail. Sit! Do you think I am here by some accident? Do you think you have nothing to learn from the old White Dragon?” His voice rattled the rocks inside the cave, sending echoes ringing into Galdean’s ears.

  “Is this the place you think an Elder would make his Lair? Fool! How did you survive past the hatchling stage?” The lair was dimly lit, but Galdean could clearly see the smoke shooting out Zelspar’s nostrils.

  Galdean remembered well his early teachings and kept silent.

  Zelspar smoldered a moment, then clicked his long, yellow claws against the table. “You are here, precisely where I knew you would be. Don’t interrupt me. We have much to say, more to discuss and limited time. By all that is Dragon, yes, I knew you, Galdean, would come and not Rynik. Quiet your thoughts. Let me begin the stories. You must listen. Learn. Be prepared. I have seen and spoken with the Queen of Mursei.” Galdean’s eyes flashed hope on hearing Zelspar’s words.

  Zelspar continued, “She traveled through here, adding to her Hail other Dragons to help in her mission or quest, whichever you choose to call it. Some of my Qyrdrom Hail went with her. We know the location of one of the portals to Urthe.”

  “Galdean, there have been many battles. Many losses. On all sides.” Zelspar, the old White Dragon paused to let Galdean grasp the dire position they were in, and then, he continued.

  “The Queen took a serious hit. She was hit by the Jodrugs Hail, which caught her on the side. I caught her fall, and a few of us brought her to a nearby cave. We worked on her side rotted by the poison that sprayed her. We--we patched her up as well as could be expected…” His jaws clenched shut for a moment. “She asked me to give you something-- to take to Rynik.” He moved the covering from the table and brought out the Queen’s crown.

  “No!” screamed Galdean as he flung backwards hitting the cave’s wall.

  The transmissions had been clear. On Urthe, Rynik had seen and heard all. A fraction of a second after Galdean’s scream, Rynik let out a thunderous roar and took flight, flames splitting the air in front of him. He circled and circled the portal. His--heart!

  “Stop! Be silent,” commanded Zelspar. “She yet lives.”

  “But--the crown, the Queen’s crown.” moaned Galdean.

  “Yes, the Queen’s crown. She wants it to be taken to Rynik. She has chosen him as the King. The truth of it is, the battles are far from over. She is injured Galdean, bandaged but she’s weak. She won’t go back. Not until she completes the mission. She needs Rynik to have the Queen’s crown. No one can challenge the Hail to become King. If... well,” he cleared his throat, “she is the Queen and her responsibility is to the Hail. Your and Rynik’s responsibility is to do as she commanded on Urthe. To make ready for her return, for the rest of us to join you there.” He placed the Queen’s crown in an animal hide bag that was heavily plumped with the softest of feathers, and gave it to Galdean.

  He nodded briefly to Zelspar and then he turned to take his leave. Zelspar, being an old and wise Dragon, approached Galdean and leaned his ancient head on Galdean’s shoulder-— a symbol of love and care. The cave became quiet and still, except for the heaving shoulders of two Dragons.

  With tears of worry and frustration, Galdean gently tucked the Queen’s crown under his arm and bid his farewell to the White Dragon and carried his troubled spirit out to the cave’s ledge.

  His wings felt as heavy as the rocky ground he had just left, but not as heavy as his heart. He understood Rynik already knew what Zelspar told him, yet he didn’t know how he would be able to give the Queen’s crown to him and look him in the eyes. He felt as if he failed his mission. Failed his friend. Failed his Queen.

  As he flew back towards the portal for several hours, his eyes scoured the landscape for Dragons, vowing to destroy any and all Jodrugs he found.

  Flying high above Galdean, Zelspar looked down through the murky, gaseous clouds. His heart was heavy. By all that is Dragon, he had made the pledge to Queen Mursei. His fondness of the Queen has bridged the centuries. He knew her when they were so much younger, and she, Starleira, much younger than he. She had always been the Peace Seeker, always determined to raise up the Blue and Gold Hail out of the dank dark caves of Verlaunde. To bring the peaceful Dragons to a world where possibilities of not only survival ranged high, but a world where that flutter of her heart might live.

  The Queen didn’t have a name for this elusive flutter, but she knew it brought an odd sensation to her. It made her eyes shine bright and her mouth turn upwards at the corners. She expressed these ideas to Zelspar, and he brought these same ideas to the Council, long before she was seated as a member.

  Galdean approached the portal, circling once before landing. Leaning heavily against the rock wall, he found the symbol and pushed it, opening the portal to Urthe.

  Once Galdean was in the portal, Zelspar swooped down from the clouds. With huge sweeping wings, he flew to the portal. No time to waste. He must be quick. Removing the bag from around his chest, he gingerly took out the rock box. Flicking open the lid with one long, yellow claw, he uttered, “It is done Starleira, my pledge to you complete, the Queen of Mursei.” He took to the air as the portal crumbled in on itself, eliminating its use for Rynik or Galdean’s return.

  On Urthe, a rumble vibrated through the air as an explosion hit the portal where Galdean just minutes ago had exited. Rynik and Galdean were in conference at the mouth of the cave when the portal blew apart. They shrieked in unis
on, “No!”

  Rynik made haste to the Queen’s lair with Galdean following close behind.

  “Galdean, give me the crown! I am the King of Mursei, and I am going after my Queen,” shouted Rynik.

  “Sir, you may have the crown the Queen sent to you. We both know the reason why it was sent.” Galdean’s response was somber. “You will only become King if…” His words halted, slamming against his brain.

  “I must go, Galdean. She knows I’ll come. She knows I have the pass for the portal above us in this, her chamber. Why else would she have given it to me but to use when I must. By all that is Dragon, I must!”

  Head bowed and voice tempered, Galdean calmly replied, “No, my friend and our future King, you cannot. I do not need to voice the reasons why; you know those already. That is why your anger is so strong.” Galdean laid the bag with the Queen’s crown upon the jewel-encrusted table. “It is I that must go through this portal. We both know this is the only way.”

  Rynik’s eyes were ablaze with a force he never knew existed. He wanted to tear Galdean apart! A great mighty bellow shook the chamber.

  Galdean bowed and rested on his knee. “My future King, my friend, I am devoted to you and our Queen. With honor I will die to keep the Dragon’s way, or in honor, I will go to return our Queen. Which is to be, is your choice,” he kept his eyes fixed to the rocky floor.

  Rynik’s voice was threaded with deep emotion. “Rise my friend. I have heard and know your heart. It is pure. I am trapped here by law, the law you have stated which keeps me in this torturous situation! Return to Verlaunde. Find our Queen. Whatever it takes, bring her home.” Both Dragons stood and held each other’s gaze. No more words were spoken. Rynik opened the Queen’s portal, and with a swift leap to the air, Galdean disappeared.

  Chapter 4

  As Galdean exited the Queen’s portal, he immediately felt in harm’s way. The portal opened on the far side of Verlaunde, where the air was choked full of smoke from the constant volcanic eruptions. This was the land of the Black Dragons, the De Dezertico Hail. They were the Outcast Ones, and as such, they fought all other Dragon out of sheer hatred. They sought total dominance of all Hails on Verlaunde.

  The volcanic eruptions disrupted the transmission from Galdean to Rynik, and Rynik was left staring up to Verlaunde, frantic for word from the Queen or Galdean. But no word reached him. He looked down at the Queen’s crown, searching for answers, looking for hope.

  Galdean flew higher to gain a better perspective on the landscape. Straight ahead was a cluster of De Dezertico’s. Galdean hid his colors and watched from a safe distance. They seemed to be on a hunt, but a hunt of what? In the next instance, he got his answer. The hunt, the chase, was of Dragon tails. Ahead, a group of Greens, Whites and the Blue and Golds--the Mursei! The death cries began to reverberate through the air. The De Dezertico’s were attacking from in front and behind.

  With attacks coming from every side, the Mursei and their recruits were trapped. The De Dezertico Hail were on a killing spree, shooting flames and hot rocks towards any Dragon not Black. He dove down at the back line, shooting Ice at the fire fiends, catching them by surprise.

  Galdean’s timely attack bought the trapped Dragons precious moments, allowing them to divert and attack the ones from behind, using all of their powers and magic to blast through the line. Dragons of all Hails were being obliterated. Dragons rained from the sky, shaking the ground below, painting the rocks with Dragon blood. This was the largest Dragon war Galdean had ever witnessed.

  The once-trapped cluster had successfully broken the back line of the De Dezertico Hail, giving room to retreat and regroup. Galdean joined the cluster, searching for his Queen. He saw many old allies but did not find her. He flew on, his thoughts and worries magnified with each stroke of his weary wings.

  “Galdean. Up here! I knew you would return through my portal!” His Queen broke her Invisibility magic and Galdean could see her lovely colors, bright against the smoke of war.

  “Queen of Mursei!” He screamed both in relief and astonishment. “You are alive?”

  “Yes, thanks be to our allies. Fly ahead, Galdean. Stand watch by the portal. When you see us close, open it so we may go home. Our allies will join us. We need to rest and recover before we can continue our mission. Too many lost, too much at stake.”

  “Yes, my Queen. I will stand guard. Fly fast! Fly direct! Queen of Mursei!”

  The Allies and the Mursei Hail flew fast towards the portal, towards their escape. The air thundered with battles from the rear when the Queen heard a shout. “Starleira, help!”

  She shot up into the clouds to peer below, and spotted Zelspar. He was being pursued by two enormous De Dezertico Dragons. She hid her colors and swooped on top of them, blasting the Dragons with Ice. Quickly they began tumbling out of the sky, exploding before hitting the ground.

  “Zelspar, are you hit?” her voice rang with concern.

  “No, Starleira. By all that is Dragon, that was far too close. They were quickly cutting the distance between us. Are we close to the portal? I’ve flown too far, too fast.”

  “Not long now, friend. Stay close.”

  “Queen, battle ahead! More of those loathsome De Dezertico’s have crawled out of the crevasses. They are attacking those ahead of us.”

  Their delay in reaching the portal quickly drew the attention of the Outcasts. The Mursei and Allies were spotted and pursued. The air was filled with Fire, Ice, Lightning bolts and shrieks of the mortally wounded.

  The Queen and Zelspar flew above, taking aim at the Black Dragons. They hit several with Ice and Lightning bolts, leaving a clearing behind their Hails.

  “Galdean, open the portal. Lead our Allies home!” screamed the Queen, barely audible over the commotion of battle.

  Galdean opened the portal and lead the Mursei and allies to Urthe. As the Queen and Zelspar made their approach, a blast of magma split the air between them.



  “Zelspar, where are you? Are you all right?” Starleira questioned as she stood before the portal.

  “Starleira, go through the portal.” Zelspar yelled.

  “No.” she burst out. “I’m not leaving without you!”

  “Goooo!” He screamed with as much anger as he could muster. “I’ve got this. I’m going to destroy this big black bag of bones and then I’ll join you. Go now!”

  Starleira, the Queen of Mursei, slipped through the portal making her way home. After several heart beats, Zelspar, that very old and wise White Dragon came bursting through her portal before it shattered, throwing precious gems all through her sanctuary.

  “It had to be done, Starleira. They were going to come through the portal after me. I had to use one of my Stone boxes and blow it up before they could enter,” explained Zelspar.

  “Well done, Zelspar, well done. By all that is Dragon, we have made it home. Right now, that is the only important thing,” she replied.

  “My Queen, my Queen!” yelled Rynik, as he burst into the Queen’s lair overcome with relief. “Welcome home.” He flew to her side, never wanting to be separated from her again.

  “Rest up my allies, rest up Mursei, for tomorrow we shall have a special celebration.” Her eyes sparkled with happiness as she said, “Tomorrow we crown our King!”

  There were roars of approval, slapping of backs and laughter in the caves that evening.

  Yes, time indeed for a celebration.

  Thousands of Dragons gathered for the celebration. It was more than a coronation; it was a celebration of life. A new life for the Dragons of Verlaunde, who have now become the Dragons of Urthe. A large feast had been laid out on long slabs of stone. Laughter and merriment set the tone for the day.

  As the Queen and her new King Rynik prepared for the coronation, guests passed the time with Dragon challenges and games, like which Dragon could fly the fastest or dart between obstacles without scraping wings and even who could carry the h
eaviest stones. They remarked how they felt more alive here on Urthe, free from the menacing Dragon Hails they had spent so many thousands of years battling.

  As the moons rose, all the Dragons prepared for the forthcoming event, especially Zelspar. He had been entrusted with the time-honored tradition of the Binding of Two Souls and the coronation duties. Zelspar gathered items he would need and placed them under Galdean’s guard.

  Zelspar also spoke to all the other Kings or Queens of the allies. He had not expected the talk already circulating between the Hails. They didn’t even have a Council of Dragons yet, so all their talk has set him on edge. There was no time for added discussions; he set about for the coronation and carried the hope that all will be well received.

  Galdean also had tasks to do, contributing to the coronation and the Binding of Two Dragon Souls. He was elated for his friend, Rynik, and the Queen. His heart rested well with the thought of these two. This will be a new page in the Dragon Legacy. He finished cleaning and rock polishing the Basin. The Basin was an enormous egg-shaped rock, and now split open, it glittered in crystals of purple. To the Basin he added the Purified Water.

  Zelspar approached the mouth of the cave. He shot fantastic Lightning balls into the evening air. A hush filtered through the Dragons.

  He cleared his throat and announced, “We are gathered here for the sacred celebration of the Binding of Two Dragon Souls. Please gather close to show honor to Queen Starleira of the Mursei and her chosen King, Rynik.”

  “I call on Galdean to bring out the Basin,” Zelspar announced.

  Galdean brought forth the sparkling Basin and placed it on the stone table, with the Purified Water sloshing down the sides.

  “Galdean, bring the Gifts of Life,” Zelspar stated.

  He returned with the semi-transparent boxes, each adorned with gleaming lids decorated with flashing gems. These he placed in a semi-circle around the Basin.


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