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STAG: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 7)

Page 4

by Samantha Leal

  He was incredible.

  She brushed a loose strand of hair out of her eyes and breathed in deeply. Sasha was grinning at her from the other side of the room and Becca had to try as hard as she could not to return a beaming smile. Stag returned with a vodka for her and slid it across the table, placing it in her hand.

  “To new friends,” he said as he held his glass towards her. And she lifted hers and they chinked them together.

  “To new friends,” she repeated.


  They sat around the table for what felt like only minutes, but when Becca looked at her watch she could see that it was almost two am. She was tired, but she was enjoying herself. She was having the time of her life in the company of this intriguing new man who seemed to only have eyes for her. She could sense the other women in the bar looking at him. They draped themselves around the furniture and gazed longingly at him. If it had been an easy lay he was after, he could have picked any one of them, but he didn’t even look twice. The only person in the room who had his attention was Becca. And he was making her feel more special than any man ever had.

  “It’s getting late,” she finally said reluctantly. “These long nights are starting to catch up with me,” she smiled.

  “I can imagine it’s not the easiest job in the world when you have to get up with a child in the morning,” he said gently.

  “No it’s certainly not,” Becca laughed. “But I enjoy it, and it means I get to spend a lot more time with him. If I was working in an office I wouldn’t only see him for an hour before bed… This way I get to help him get ready for school on a morning, collect him from school, have dinner together, and I can do his homework with him. And then he takes a bath, climbs into bed and is fast asleep…. And I slip out and come to work, wake up and do it all over again.”

  Stag smiled warmly.

  “That’s admirable,” he said as he reached out and squeezed her hand lightly. “In my past, I’ve known a lot of women who wouldn’t do the same…. Always looking for the easy ride.”

  “Not me,” Becca said firmly as she shook her head. “I’d rather wake up tired every day than lose out on any time with him. And I’d rather get my ass out to work rather than relying on any kind of benefits or support.”

  Stag smiled again and nodded.

  “It makes a refreshing change,” he said.

  Becca nodded and felt herself turning slightly crimson again. She had never met someone who had actually listened to her the way he did. He genuinely seemed interested in what she had to say, and cared about it.

  “Well,” she sighed as she got to her feet. “I’ve had a lovely night, but with that, I better get myself home.”

  Stag rose to his feet too and Becca noticed a buzz behind them of all of the women who were watching him hungrily. She had seen these women around the bar and it was obvious what they wanted. They all hung around waiting for one of the bikers to pick them out and say, ‘Okay, you’re mine’. They were so pathetic, they would have had any of them… And with them knowing about Stag and the fact that he had just gotten out of jail, they were all chomping at the bit to get their claws into the fresh meat.

  “I’ll walk you out,” Stag said as he wrapped a protective arm around the back of her waist. They moved towards the main door and Becca could feel the eyes burning into the back of her head. The women hanging around there were all shooting daggers at her, and what she wanted to do was turn around and give them a mouth full, but she knew she couldn’t. It would only give them more ammunition to go after him.

  She waved over her shoulder to Sasha, Bull, and the rest of The Forsaken and they all called goodbye across the bar. Since her and Stag had been talking, the drinking had escalated and more people had arrived. Some of the girls were dancing on the bar, much like Sasha and Becca had done on one of her first shifts. On the night that the very photograph that Stag had seen that had attracted him to her had been taken.

  He pushed the big double doors open and the warm night air hit them, Stag wrapped a protective arm around her shoulder and helped her down the steps.

  “Now I’m not letting you drive,” he said as he raised a cell phone to his ear. “Let me call you a cab…”

  “But what about my car?” Becca laughed. “I’ll need it for the morning.”

  “It’ll be back at your house for six am. Don’t worry,” he winked.

  He held out his hand and she reluctantly passed him the keys.

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “I’m positive,” he said before he spoke into the cell, “Hi Reg, it’s Stag. Can I get a car to The Bullet now? Thanks.”

  He hung up and smiled.

  “It was great meeting you,” he said as he looked at her deep in the eyes. “I’ll get one of the boys to drop the car off for you, okay?”

  “Thanks,” she nodded.

  “And I’ll see you here tomorrow night right?” he asked cheekily.

  “I’m not down to work for tomorrow,” she said with a shrug.

  “Even better,” he grinned. “I’ll pick you up from your house at eight.”

  Before she had chance to protest, the cab flew around the corner and Stag began to back away toward the doors of The Bleeding Bullet.

  “But you don’t know where I live,” she called back to him.

  “Do you honestly think that’s going to be a problem?” he winked at her.

  She couldn’t keep the smile from her face. And as the cab pulled up beside her, she opened the door and just stood looking at him. He really was handsome. She could see some of the women still loitering around the entrance to the club, no doubt wanting to get their hands on him, but she knew she didn’t have to worry.

  You can’t make a man stay, she thought to herself, if he wants you, he’ll fight for you…

  “Good night,” she called to him.

  Stag stood staring down at her with his arms crossed over his chest. She slipped into the back seat of the car and sighed down. Her head was racing with thoughts and her emotions were a tangled mess.

  Should she really be going there?

  What if he ended up being bad news?

  But Becca just had this feeling. She just knew that he wasn’t going to be the bad guy. He would be everything but the bad guy when it came down to it. He may look the epitome of trouble, but he had something else. A finer quality. He had learned and lived. He was mature and changed from all of the others because of his experience inside.

  The cab pulled off down the street and Becca had to practically dig her nails into her arms to stop herself from turning around and waving to him again.

  Just play it cool Becca, she coached herself. Make him want it even more…

  She got back to her neighborhood around ten minutes later and the cab driver told her that the motorcycle club had already taken care of the fee. She thanked him and stepped out into the night. The air was still so warm for two-thirty in the morning and she took her time walking up the driveway to the house. The lights were all off inside, and she could imagine Oscar and Laura sleeping soundly in their rooms.

  When she let herself into the house, she tiptoed around as to not wake them, ran herself a large glass of water to counteract the few drinks she had drunk and made her way very quietly to bed.

  She stopped outside of Oscar’s room and opened the door a crack. He was fast asleep on his stomach with his arm hanging down the side, skimming the floor. His covers were bunched all down around him and the leg of his pajamas was caught up. She smiled. He looked so peaceful lying there. She rested her glass of water down outside his bedroom door and crept in. She kissed him lightly on the head and readjusted his blankets and tucked him in. She really was lucky to have such a wonderful child in her life. She thanked the world for him every single day.

  She left and closed the door behind her, creeping back along the hallway to her room. Once she was inside, she closed the door and sighed. What a night it had been. And it had certainly been one she had never seen coming
when she had left the house earlier to go out to work.

  As she peeled off her clothes she thought of Stag. Of how his eyes had focused in on hers and made her weak at the knees. Of how he had singled her out in that who bar full of women… some of which were desperate to grab his attention. He had genuinely been enchanted by her and she was more than flattered. It felt amazing.

  As she climbed into bed and wrapped herself up in her blankets, she thought of how comforting it would be to have a man’s arms around her. She had stopped herself from imaging things like that for so long, because her whole life had been dedicated towards raising Oscar… but now, especially now, after meeting Stag, she could imagine letting herself fall again. She finally felt ready to open up her heart and herself to the possibilities of love.

  She dozed off to sleep with a warm feeling deep inside of her. She had no idea what would happen next, and she decided not to second guess every little detail. She deserved to have some excitement and she deserved to be treated right. If Stag was as genuine as he appeared, then maybe this could go somewhere. But until she met up with him again, she would never know.

  She smiled as her dreams began and all she could see and feel was the warm touch of his big hands on her back as he led her out of the door. The penetrating eyes that had pulled her in and kept her his. The scent of his cologne that hung heavy in the air around him and the rugged ways of a man who had seen and done some terrible things, but who was ready to straighten out.

  Her dreams were fast and wild, and she threw her head back as the man ravaged her again and again. She moaned with pleasure and dug her fingernails into his muscular back as he powered into her and left her begging for more.

  When she awoke several hours later her heart was racing and her breath was quick. She was moist with sweat and wet between her legs. She was so aroused she didn’t know how she would be able to contain herself. So she jumped out of bed as the sun was just rising and threw herself into a freezing cold shower.

  “He’s going to be trouble,” she whispered to herself.

  But it was a good job she didn’t mind.


  At ten in the morning Becca reentered the house and sat down at the kitchen table. She was shattered. As Stag had promised her, when she had woken up her car was waiting for her in the driveway. And she had gotten up bright and early, only on four hours sleep, had showered and made breakfast for Oscar and taken him to school. Laura was out at work and she had a whole day stretching out ahead of her, but contrary to her normal days at home alone, this one was different.

  She had a date looming over her head.

  She sat and chewed her little nail. What the hell was she going to do with her time to calm herself down?

  She was exhausted, she knew that, and she would have to rest before she went back to collect Oscar from school. But she also had so much to think about. What the hell was she going to wear? Where would he be taking her? Should she try and get in touch with him beforehand or should she just trust his word and wait for him to arrive? Should she call Sasha and ask her what had happened after she had left The Bleeding Bullet? What if he had suddenly decided he did just want an easy lay and had picked up one of the desperate women who were hanging around?

  There was so much to consider, and as she sat there churning it all over in her mind, she suddenly slammed her hands down over her ears and cursed herself.

  “This is exactly what you said you wouldn’t do, Rebecca,” she said aloud. “You’ve got to stop second guessing everything and just go with the flow.”

  With that she got to her feet and took herself off to bed. She didn’t care if she went out not looking a million dollars. She hadn’t the night before and Stag had still liked her enough to ask her out on a date, so what should it matter? She climbed into bed and set her alarm for a couple of hours’ time. She would revive herself and wake up refreshed and ready to spend those precious hours with her son when he returned from school. And then she may even let Laura in on her little secret and tell her where she would be going that evening. She could only imagine her sister’s reaction, but she would have to deal with it. After all, she only ever did the same whenever Laura was going to meet up with a guy.


  As the sun began to set, Becca’s nerves began to rise. She couldn’t believe how apprehensive she was and it didn’t take Laura long to figure that something was afoot.

  “Okay,” she said as she watched her sister from across the room. “What’s going on? I don’t think I’ve seen you look so serious since we were kids and I pulled the head off your Barbie…”

  Becca laughed. “You’re psychic, you know that?” she rolled her eyes.

  “Come on tell me,” Laura said as she opened a bottle of wine and slid a glass across to Becca.

  “Okay,” Becca whispered so that Oscar couldn’t hear. “I’ve got a date tonight.”

  Her sister’s eyes brimmed with joy and she clapped her hands together like a child.

  “Oh my God!” Laura squealed. “With who?”

  “Shhh,” Becca hissed as she pulled her sister to the back door to the yard and stepped out onto the veranda with her. “Now don’t go crazy…”

  “Oh God…” Laura put her hand to her forehead, bracing herself for the boom.

  “I met him last night at work,” Becca offered. “He’s one of The Forsaken Riders…”

  Laura stared at her as if she was crazy. And then she looked angry.

  “A fucking biker?” Laura spat. “Are you insane?”

  “Oh come on, I think I’m old enough to make my own choices Laura,” Becca snapped. “And I don’t need lectures from you.”

  “It’s just so dangerous!” she yelped. “I mean they all look so mean and nasty… He could hurt you!”

  “He’s not going to hurt me,” Becca laughed. “And anyway, you don’t know anything about him…” And Becca was sure this wasn’t going to be the time when she was going to tell her anything either.

  “After the disaster that was your last relationship, do you really think it’s wise you get involved with someone who has a questionable character?” She put her hands on her hips.

  “How would you know that it is questionable?” Becca was furious.

  Laura pouted and looked off into the distance. The girls were both angry with each other, but Becca more so because she just wanted her sister to be happy for her. It had been such a long time since she had had anything to look forward to. And she would never know if he was right for her or not if she didn’t give him a chance.

  “Please, just back off okay?” she lowered her voice and sighed. “I just need something for me… and I get a good feeling from him.”

  Laura looked down at the ground and nodded.

  “Okay,” she said. “You’re right. It’s not like you’re not old enough and wise enough to make your own decisions.”

  They both turned and walked back inside and Laura headed over to the kitchen island and lifted up the bottle of wine and the two glasses.

  “So,” she grinned. “Think you’re going to need some Dutch courage?”

  Becca smiled and nodded. “I think you’re right!”

  The girls both laughed and Laura pulled out a corkscrew and started to uncork the bottle. She poured them both a glass and they drank it hurriedly.

  “I am happy for you Bec,” Laura said. “I just worry that’s all. You and Oscar are all I have and I’d hate for some guy to mess with either of you. And you’ve got to admit, a biker is a bit of a cause for concern…”

  Becca felt her face going red again… How would she ever be able to tell her sister that Stag had just got out of jail?

  It was a bridge she would have to cross when she came to it. But for now she was just going to relax and enjoy her evening with a man she had only just met, but felt as if there was potential for a future with. It was an exciting feeling, and one she wanted to hold on to for as long as she could.


  At eight thi
rty she heard the roar of a motorcycle coming down the street and she looked nervously at Laura. In the time between them opening the bottle of wine and this moment, they had performed miracles. Becca had picked out a wonderful, but casual outfit and Laura had helped her style her hair so it was long and naturally wavy. They had done her make-up to perfection and her tight fitting jeans showed off the luscious curve of her hips. Even though she hadn’t set out to look like a million dollars, she certainly felt like it and Laura clapped her hands together excitedly as Becca made her way to the front door.

  “Call me if you need me!” she said. “And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do…” Laura winked.

  “Very funny,” Becca said as she opened the door and stepped outside.

  Stag had stopped his bike at the bottom of the driveway and he was looking up to her with adorning eyes. Her heart fluttered in her chest as she walked down on her stiletto heels to meet him and as he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her on the cheek she felt a rush of desire.

  He was still being the perfect gentleman and she couldn’t fault him. Everything he had done since the second he had walked into the bar the night before had been like something out of a movie.

  “Jump on,” he said as he held her hand and helped her onto the back of the bike.

  She had never been on a motorcycle before, although it had been one of the things she had always wanted to do. As she climbed on and Stag got on in front of her, she knew she couldn’t look up to the house as Laura would be watching from behind the curtains. She was so nosy! And Becca didn’t want her to set her off in fits of giggles.

  She clung onto Stag’s waist and he started the engine. It roared down the street and a dog from next door started barking. Stag held onto her hands and pulled them around him tighter, and then he revved then engine once more before pulling out onto the road and flying out of the street.


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