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Pretty in Kink

Page 9

by Titania Ladley

  Diego stiffened. Lexi…Lexi…

  His whole world spiraled into the depths of hell. Of all the damn people in the world, could it really be the gal behind the photo counter? Her nametag had read “Alexis” and this woman sounded an awful lot like the clerk he remembered from the drugstore.

  She must’ve gotten my address from my envelope somehow.

  He’d taken the pictures back that night right before he’d run into Britt and “Lexi” had eyed him from behind the counter. He recalled the pale expression on her face followed by a look of total relief when he’d handed Britt’s envelope to the young teen boy and told him he’d been given the wrong ones. She’d snatched them from the kid and clutched them to her chest as if she’d struck gold and had muttered something to the effect of, “Oh my god, thank all the freaking lords and lasses.”

  “Did…did you look at them?” the Alexis woman had asked that night after she’d gotten her breathing under control.

  At the time, he’d been taken by surprise at both her reaction and the question, because as far as he knew, most developers didn’t know each packet on sight. They had dozens if not hundreds filed in drawers. Of course there were probably few as racy.

  He’d stammered around and came up with a half-assed, “Well, I thought they were mine when I pulled them from the outer package. But no, I didn’t look at them. Saw the name and knew there’d been a mistake.”

  It wasn’t until he’d been racing home after the chance meeting with Britt that he’d come to the conclusion that the woman in the photo shop had to know what these pictures were and had possibly been the one to develop and lose them.

  Which he’d concluded at the time had meant Britt hadn’t been hooked up in some sex ring. He could now admit that had been a lame excuse to consider making copies, although there had been just a sliver of a possibility.

  But as far as this Lexi woman went, he’d never in a million years have dreamed she’d also be Britt’s close acquaintance. He’d assumed she was just some employee with her ass on the line if anyone came in the door returning the wrong packet. Now all he could do if it was her was hope she either wouldn’t notice him sitting there, or she wouldn’t remember him as the customer from the store who’d been honest enough to return the hot pictures.

  At the same time though, he’d been dishonest enough to blurt out that he hadn’t looked at them. But hell, she’d taken him off-guard.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t call you back yet. Maybe my phone died, I don’t know. I was busy. I went to…I was on that date. Remember?” Britt asked.

  Lexi’s voice came out in that rolling-your-eyes tone. “Oh yeah, the rough-and-tumble biker dude. So how’d that go? Did he try to force drugs on you? Are you okay?”

  Drugs? Holy motherfucker. Give me a break.

  The woman stepped another foot inside, pushing Britt farther into the room.

  “Lexi.” Britt kept her hand on the knob. Part of the door blocked Lexi’s entrance from the small foyer into the living room.

  “Let me guess,” Lexi sang as she pushed even farther inside. He could now see the left edge of her small frame, very similar to the clerk’s—her sandaled feet, an arm with a handbag slung over a slim shoulder, strands of long hair. But her face remained blocked by Britt. “I bet he brought you here to his house to take advantage of you and—”

  “Lexi. He did not. Now how did you find me? And how do you know this is my date’s house?”

  Lexi nudged the door open and leaned to the side, making Britt take a few steps back so that Lexi was now in full view of Diego. Her gaze zeroed in on him like the lash of a flogger. Her eyes widened, her jaw dropped open.

  Britt gripped Lexi’s elbow. “What are you doing? My god, Lexi, you can’t just barge into a stranger’s house like this. Tell me how you knew where to find me so that—”

  Diego got to his feet. It’s definitely her. The photo shop woman. Shit. Not a good time to broach the subject of Britt’s pictures, his pictures or his address on the envelope for all store clerks to have access to.

  He switched the subject back to the girl’s snide remarks, unable to resist a snarl or the tone of dripping sarcasm that laced his words. “Yes, I was just about to shoot the needle up in her vein when you knocked—or rather, when you practically broke the damn door down. Diego Mansini, by the way. Pleased to ‘meet’ you.” He couldn’t resist adding a sardonic wink.

  Even from across the room, Diego could see the brown of her big eyes glittering with ire. She dropped her purse and stepped toward him. Her petite body moved in a feline sort of stalking manner as she folded her arms over her flat little belly. Just as he recalled, Lexi was a pretty thing with a mop of dyed, multi-shaded, long dark hair, but despite her size, her personality reminded him of a giant firecracker ready to blow. Just what she’d choose to spew had yet to be seen.

  But Diego would bet his life she wouldn’t reveal she’d met him in the store. To do so would uncover what he suspected to be a screw-up on Lexi’s part in losing Britt’s pictures, or rather, handing them over by accident to the wrong customer.

  Who’d seen them.

  In fact, he had a sneaking suspicion Britt didn’t know the photos had made their way out of the store for a time. Yes, there had to be more to this photo situation than met the eye, but he’d get to the bottom of it—as long as it didn’t give away his own dilemma in the whole situation.

  Oh how he itched to hear more about this contest.

  “That’s an awful thing to say about shooting her up,” Lexi snarled.

  Britt bounced a worried expression between Diego and her spunky, outspoken friend. “Lex, it was a joke. He didn’t mean it. He didn’t really put a needle in my vein, for crying out loud. Besides, you’re the one who suggested it first.”

  “I-I guess you’re right. Rather rude of me. I do apologize, Mr. Mansini.” She slid a look at Britt, then around the room, zoning in on the candles, then back to Diego. He could swear her eyes shot bullets at him. “Frankly, I expected her to get stood up, not romanced by someone like you.”

  “Lexi…” Britt warned.

  “No, no, sorry.” Lexi held up a hand and started for the door. “You’re right. I should leave. I’ll call you tonight, Britt. I’m…I’m sorry for the interruption.”

  “Good to meet you,” Diego couldn’t help calling out as Lexi snatched up her bag and slipped out the door.

  Britt clicked the door shut, leaned against it. “Uh, that was my good friend Lexi Sorensen. Oh man, I’m sorry. She can be like a tornado at times, in and out leaving destruction in her wake before you can even speak.”

  “It’s okay, babe.”

  Her eyebrows dipped. “Huh, did I tell her your address? I-I don’t think I did, but if so, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. That would’ve been the safe thing to do if you did tell her.”

  She nodded and smiled. “Wow. She was acting like such a parent—or more to the point, she reminded me of my agent.”

  Diego crossed to the door. He cupped her cheek and delighted in the way her lids drooped with desire when he touched her. “No problem. I get that she’s protective of you. Which is fine by me.”

  He pushed her against the door and kissed her thorough and deep. She sighed into the kiss, welcoming and warm. God, she had to be the sexiest thing he’d ever had his hands on. “Maybe next time,” he whispered against her mouth, “we should do it against the door. It’d keep out intruders and let us finish what we’d started.”

  Britt giggled. “Maybe you’re right.”

  “I better get you home. I should go check on the shop, see how the mechanics are handling things.”

  She tightened her arms around his waist and he thought how no woman’s arms had ever felt so good, so right, encircling him. “Yes, after that little visit, I do think you’re right. Thanks, Diego,” she purred, kneaded his back and cuddled against him. It made his heart tumble a bit deeper into infatuation. “I had a wonderful time today. Very fun and…interes

  “Mmmm, you can say that again.” He kissed the top of her head and drew her away from the door before he gave in to his aching cock and took her right here and now. “Can I call you?”

  “Sure.” She stepped away, folded her arms.


  “Really what?”

  “So you’ll go out on another date with me? You’re not going to take Lexi’s advice?”

  “Oh, that.” She had the decency to glance away, the perfection of her face marred by a rosy shade of discomfiture.

  “Yeah, that.”

  “Well…” She twiddled her fingers over her waist. “I’d like to give it one more try. I’d like to…”

  He traced a fingertip around her jawline. “You know that wasn’t even the tip of the iceberg, and you want to see what else is hidden beneath the surface, right?”

  She shivered, bit her lip and glanced to the side but didn’t say a word. For the longest moment, he thought he’d pissed her off.

  But instead she nodded. “Yes. It was nice.”

  Diego threw his head back and let out a guffaw. “Nice?”

  She tried to suppress the grin, but didn’t quite make it. “Well, okay, more than just interesting and nice, it was…intriguing.”

  He hooked his hand around her neck and drew her mouth to his. “I’d be delighted to show you ’intriguing’ again.”

  She leaned into the kiss and he tasted the sweet remnants of her own flavor. Inhaling, he caught the brief aroma of her arousal. The interruption had probably worked out for the best. She’d needed time to simmer, to want and to crave more.

  To be eager enough to obey and submit.

  He released her and opened the door, but he turned back on a whim. “Britt?”


  “Your safe word is very sexy. I’ll be dreaming of you all night long wrapped in pink lingerie. Or just your smooth, pink skin would do.”

  The corners of her mouth curved up. “I… I’d like another chance to use it—the safe word.”

  His heart stumbled, took a dive. “You bet.”

  She smiled. It seemed to light up the room. “I need to freshen up before you take me home. Is that okay?”

  “Sure. I’ll just go out and get the bike set. I’m sure it’s wet.” Mmm, wet the way you were. “I heard it raining earlier.”

  Diego stepped out on the porch and closed the door behind him. He started down the damp walk feeling as if he floated on air. The woman had wormed her way into his blood. Into his heart. The scent of rain filled his nostrils while the breezy air wrapped around him to cool his blood. He made it to his bike, dug in the saddlebag for a dry rag and wiped down the windshield and leather seat. He threw his leg over the bike and donned his helmet, peppy and alive. To emphasize his mood, he started the engine and raced it in neutral.

  Just when he backed out of the spot to move closer to the door, Lexi appeared at his left.

  “What do you want from her?” She asked it over the drone of the engine, as if she were in competition with it—or with him, rather.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me,” she snarled, her eyes narrowed. “What do you want from Britt?”

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business.” He revved some more, never taking his stare from hers.

  “Britt will always be my business. She’s my best friend and I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

  “Who said anything about hurting her?”

  She tipped her little chin up and looked down her pert nose at him. “Your type always hurts women.”

  “My type? Do you really want to go there again, Lexi?”

  She planted her fists on her hips. “I’ll ask you once more. What do you want from her?”

  He chuckled, but it came out with an echo of derision. “Again, not your business.”

  She squinted and leaned closer. He caught a whiff of floral perfume mixed with the heat of anger. “You lied in the store. You looked at the pictures, didn’t you?”

  He should have seen that one coming. “Yes. But among others, you sort of lied here too. You obviously got into my records and used my address to your benefit. Britt is questioning it, you know, confused about how you knew where to find her. You’re going to have to own up sooner or later. ”

  “You prick.”

  Diego shut off the bike, flipped down the kickstand with his boot heel. “How in the hell does that make me a prick? I’m minding my own business, pick up my pictures and I get home and pull them out of the envelope. Someone else’s, not mine. So let’s recap here. Not counting getting my privacy breached tonight, your store fucks up, and that makes me a prick?”

  “I saw you with her that night after you brought them back.”

  “How about we emphasize that too? I brought them back. I could have kept them, thrown them up on the internet and earned a fortune. But I didn’t.”

  “You knew it was her in the pictures. You saw her enter the store when you were leaving and you deliberately ‘ran’ into her. You manipulated the whole incident to get a date with her.”

  He shoved a hand through his damp hair. A soft rain misted around them. “No. Pure coincidence.”


  “No bull. She’s a beautiful woman and I’m a free man.” He lifted a shoulder. “How can you blame me for being interested in her once I did meet her?”

  “I’ll tell her.” Her voice dripped with loathing. “I’ll tell her you looked at her private pictures and asked her on a date just so you could see how many of those poses you could get her to reenact.”

  He thought of Britt’s innocent response to his domination and longed to confirm his suspicions. “Reenact? Oh yes, that reminds me. I have a feeling the poses themselves were nothing but that—reenactments. Tell me, Lexi… What’s this impatience of yours about a contest? Why were those pictures taken, who took them and why did Britt trust you with such personal snapshots?”

  “That is none of your fucking business. And like I said, I will tell her. You just wait.”

  Her deliberate threat got his own motor racing. Diego tamped down the anger that tore through his system and threatened to spew. “You have a way of bringing out the worst in people, don’t you? And since you do, I gotta say, if you do tell her, then I’ll tell her that instead of the boy, you’re the one who was careless enough to hand them over to me.”

  She gasped but didn’t reply.

  “Yes, I thought that might get your attention. If you recall, I came into your store as an innocent bystander earlier that day picking up some pictures I’d had developed. The young man who works with you had started to wait on me, but he had to step away. Is it ringing any bells yet?” He paused but went on when her only response was to narrow those sherry eyes on him again. Her face paled, but the eyes continued to spit orneriness.

  “No? Okay, let me continue… In steps Lexi, the one who actually bagged those wrong pictures up and rang them up on the register. The one who should have paid more attention to the name on the envelope—your ‘best’ friend’s name. Don’t you remember me, Lexi? Don’t you recall sending Britt’s pictures home with me—a drug-pushing, lowly, scheming hoodlum of ‘that’ type? Oh, and let’s not forget that you, no doubt, developed them on the sly and then violated a paying customer’s privacy tonight. Hm.” He stroked the whiskers on his chin. “Maybe the store manager should know about all that too?”

  “You asshole.”

  “No, in general I’m not an asshole. But somehow I feel dirty now. I feel just like a filthy asshole because of you and your manipulations and carelessness. I’m just as much a victim of this lost-picture debacle as she is.”

  “I’ll get her to stop seeing you one way or another,” she cautioned through clenched teeth. “You just wait.”

  “Get in line behind everyone else Britt knows.” He turned the key and brought the bike to roaring life again. Then he said one final thing as he rolled the bike backward and angled it toward the sidewalk t
hat led to his front door. “Meanwhile, I’ll be waiting to see if I should inform both Britt and your boss what sorts of things you’ve been doing behind their backs.”

  He gave her one last sweeping touché look and took off in a squall of tires on wet pavement across the driveway and up the long sidewalk.

  Chapter Seven

  By the time Sunday evening rolled around, she’d been waiting two long days. Two days of rushing home to check her machine, calling her voicemail over and over, fielding snide questions about him from Lexi. She knew Lexi disliked him. Oh yes, that was very apparent. It saddened her, but it just made her more determined to get to know him better so she could prove to her that she was wrong. Sure, he rode a motorcycle, he got greasy all day, he had that long hair and goatee and he drank beer, smoked cigarettes, had a bunch of tattoos and wore leather.

  The type Lexi used to date. She’d had her heart broken a dozen times but continued to migrate toward “that type”.

  But tattoos and motorcycles did not make him, or anyone for that matter, a bad person.

  Never mind the fact that Britt used to put men like him in the same sinister category.

  As the hours had worn into days, she worried and wondered if Lexi had succeeded in chasing him off. Or maybe he was playing a game with her. Maybe she should call him. Could he be waiting to see how long she would continue to play the passive captive? Or could he be that busy of a man? No. He probably waited just to test her, to see if she would give in and turn the tables on him by becoming the domineering one.

  She gasped. What if he didn’t approve of what he’d seen? It was possible he’d decided after uncovering her tall, naked body, that she just wasn’t his type. That she was too loose. It had been uncharacteristic of her to give in to sex on the first date anyway. And though she was on the Pill, Britt was mortified to admit to herself that he’d seduced her so thoroughly, she’d neglected to have him use a condom.

  Then there was all that foreplay with Michelle at the rally.

  Her face heated at the memory of it. She shoved the car into park and clamped her legs together, attempting to stave off the rush of heat at the memory of soft skin and lips on her while Diego watched.


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