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Pretty in Kink

Page 25

by Titania Ladley

  “With another son?” His eyes glowed with hope and happiness.

  “Yes.” She nodded, smiled, kissed him and let a tear fall down her cheek. “Yes, oh yes.”

  She didn’t think her heart could take any more emotion, and yet she longed to pour it all out to him, and to hear everything he chose to unlock from his soul.

  “Ah, Britt,” he choked out, his arms drawing her closer, “that is the single most beautiful thing any person in this world has ever said to me, to want to grow to love Tyler, and to give me another son.”

  She basked in the strength of his embrace. Her palms explored his long, hard back while her eyes searched his. “It’s true because…because he’s a part of you, the man I love.”

  At that poignant moment, something changed in him. His eyes softened, and she could swear the volatile energy she could always sense inside his personal space had calmed. His big, muscle-packed body relaxed. She sensed the heavy weight being lifted from his shoulders, burdens held in check for years now released from his soul.

  He raced a hand down her arm and twined his fingers with hers. It felt so right, so comforting. He dug in his pocket, pulled out a few bills and tossed them onto the bar.

  Drawing her toward the dance floor, he said in a deep, sexy tone, “Dance with me, doll.”

  With his free hand tucked into his pants pocket, he took his time escorting her through the swaying couples to a spot along the far mirrored wall. Diego stopped and spun her around to face him. He combed his fingers into the hair below her temple and petted her cheek with the pad of his thumb. His gaze moved around her face in a warm caress, touching and exploring, as if he yearned to etch every line and curve on his brain.

  “Come to me.” He held out his arms and she settled against the wall of his chest with a sigh. The music played as their bodies started to move as one. Multicolored club lights blinked in time with the slow beat. Occasional rounds of laughter could be heard coming from an area beyond the bar where men joked and shot pool. Fresh air burst from the ceiling grates, cooling the crowded dance floor.

  Britt thought she had never been more happy and content in her life. She closed her eyes and melted into Diego. The nylon strip of her G-string rubbed over her clit as she swayed, but she tried to ignore the sexual ache it caused. Diego seemed to be in a mellow mood that consisted more of affection than sex. So she’d let the sexual tension build until he was ready to shift into a different gear.

  Diego altered his position somewhat, but Britt was groggy now, and conformed to him. He tucked his face above her shoulder and she shivered when his hot breath fanned her ear.

  “You know how in your note you said you deserved a spanking?” His voice came out hoarse and strained, as if he fought another demon. He rubbed his crotch against her belly, and she detected the half-hard thickness of it.

  “Mmmm, yes I do.” She remembered the sensation of him spanking her, of the sharp whack that faded into a hot sting on her ass cheek, which in turn heated into desire flooding her pussy. She longed for it, wanting his cock buried inside her while his hands brought her to the pleasure-pain gates of kinky heaven.

  Britt jerked, her body tensing against Diego. “Oh!” A jolt of something wicked and very much alive zapped her clitoris. It hardened instantly. Her pussy dampened and soaked the thin strap of her G-string, but the electrical shock stopped almost as fast as it had come.

  “Well, I prefer another sort of punishment tonight.”

  How could she have forgotten about the remote-controlled, vibrating panties she wore? She’d had Lexi deliver the remote to him, but during all the raw emotion and the worry over losing him, she’d forgotten she’d given him that carnal control over her.

  With welcome ease, she slipped back into that pattern, the one where she loved giving over the bedroom reins to him. But when she’d bought the toy, she’d envisioned them off in some private corner booth in the bar while he tortured her with the controls on its remote. Not once had she planned it to be this risky on a dance floor, but she couldn’t deny the naughty surprise of it, of how it made her feel so sexy and alive. Her breath came in hot gasps as she bit her bottom lip and struggled to remain unaffected. They were surrounded by other couples, and the dance floor was so crowded they brushed or bumped into others now and then.

  Which heightened the pleasure for her.

  “You’re a bad, bad hoodlum,” she teased, kissing his neck, nuzzling into the strands of hair caught below his ear. He smelled of clean man, emitting an irresistible warmth and cuddliness like home. “Doris and Lexi were right, you know.”

  He chuckled and zapped her again.

  She clutched him, her eyes clamping shut as she shifted to press the quaking spot in the panties against his leg. Britt stifled a groan. She slid her arms up and anchored her hands behind his neck. The pre-orgasmic sensations intensified, and her head fell back. She wondered with wild excitement if he’d really bring her to climax right here in front of everyone.

  Yes, yes, I’m almost there.

  He switched it off again, kissed her long and hard. “Oh, that was a good one.”

  She tried to catch her breath. Her gaze held his, and she thought she could come just looking into his eyes. “Why don’t you just keep it on and let me come?”

  The song ended, but it blended into another slow one. More couples joined the crowd.

  “Because,” he growled and jerked her around so they both faced the mirror. “I want you as wet as possible by the time I get inside you.”

  He guided her hips to match the sway of his, watching her in the mirror. She leaned her back against his chest, raising her arms and lacing her fingers behind his neck. Their gazes held in the mirror. “If I get any wetter, you’ll be mopping the floor with me.”

  He grinned and jerked her backward, flush against his body. Their hips moved in opposite directions so she could grind her ass back and forth over his hard-on. He took his free hand—the one clutching the remote—and settled it over her ribs.

  “Uh-uh.” Sliding the fist up, he buried it under the swell of her left breast. “I want you to be surprised when I turn you on.”

  “Mmmm, do it again.”

  As if he’d become the slave on the turn of a mere phrase, he slid the switch.

  The pleasant jolt made her body writhe against his. She moaned.

  “You’ve got everyone’s attention. Look at them looking at you.”

  With the vibrator on full blast, she scanned the mirror and caught the many furtive glances cast her way. She studied her reflection as her body twitched in bliss, her bare arm muscles flexing as she held tight to Diego’s neck. She’d dressed in a black leather miniskirt, black Go-Go boots and a sheer, sleeveless white blouse. It clung to her curves and showed off her cleavage, and she reveled in the knowledge that Diego’s gaze kept returning to her breasts. No mistaking that look. It validated her as feminine and desirable.

  It made her crazy horny.

  The ripples of pleasure fanned out from her core, massaging right over the top of her engorged clitoris. She hitched in a breath, her gaze sliding up to snare Diego’s in the mirror, the climax just out of reach. Neon club lights flashed across their entwined bodies as if the bulbs were about to burst any second. Actually, Britt could burst any second. She hovered just on the verge of coming.

  Wild with desire, she turned her face into his neck and whispered, “Oh yes, I’m going to come right—”

  It stopped again.

  “Oh no. Diego, no. Please…” She twirled in the circle of his arms and gripped the front of his shirt. “You are so mean. Why are you doing this to me?”

  “Because,” he growled, clenching her ass and slamming her pussy into his rock-hard erection, “drawing it out like that, keeping your wet little cleft from getting desensitized, it’ll help it to feel so much better when you do come. Besides, I love torturing you, seeing that look on your gorgeous face over and over, watching the people watch you. Britt, do you know you’re even turning
all the women on?”

  “No I’m not.”

  “Yes you are, same way you did Michelle. Look at them. Watch the way they stare at you when you’re about to come.”

  “Only if you’d let me come. Now. No more teasing. I need relief.” She gulped, trying to catch her breath. Her juices had soaked through the thin strap of the G-string and onto the insides of her thighs. Soon it would be dribbling down into her boots.

  “What do you say?” He altered his voice so that it carried that dominant tone he used when they played their sex games. She knew what he meant and it made her cunt clench.

  “Please, Master.” She kissed his neck and gyrated her hips, stroking his cock with her belly. He groaned, and she loved the way one little seductive move could turn the tables and put her in control. “Please let me come right now in front of all these people.”

  “That’s more like it.” He gathered her close and wedged one leg between hers to put the pressure she needed on her knot.

  “I want my pussy against your hard cock when I come. It’ll vibrate on you too. Please, Master,” she begged when he balked. “I want you to enjoy it too.”

  He shook his head and grinned, clucking his tongue as if to scold her. “No way am I walking out of here with my cum all over the front of my pants. I’ll wait until we get home. Besides, I get just as much out of bringing you pleasure as I do out of getting it.”

  In the back of her mind, somewhere in the blur of things, Britt noticed couples parted and women pounced and screamed their approval when the upbeat tune Give Me Three Steps blasted from the system.

  Yes, three steps, just three was all it would take to get her there.

  “Ready?” he murmured in her ear.

  “Am I ever,” she panted.

  His fist settled against her back and the unmistakable movement of his thumb slid the switch over. Britt braced herself for the whir between her legs. The bliss of its return forced a whimper out of her. She clutched at Diego, tilting her crotch into his thigh. He gathered her close. His arousal pressed heavy and hard against her hip. The pleasure built from one level to the next, accurate and dead-on her clit. The beat of the music’s drum pounded in her chest. Women howled and gyrated just inches from Britt and Diego’s embrace. Britt knew it appeared as if they enjoyed a very intimate hug, and the secretiveness of what they truly shared further fueled her libido.

  “I-I’m—ah yes, I’m coming,” she gasped in his ear. She clutched him, her hands fisting in his shirt. She rode his leg and the wave of the orgasm. Euphoria soaked through her system and she let out one final moan, one final twitch before she collapsed.

  He turned off the contraption and held her up, keeping her limp body from sliding to the floor. Britt felt like sobbing her joy to the world. She wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed with him and make love all night long. But at the moment, her legs were jiggly, just like the gelatin in the pool she and Michelle had played in.

  “Take me home.”

  He slipped the remote in his pocket. She saw the fine sheen of perspiration across his brow, the predator’s gleam in his eyes just before he bent and lifted her into his arms.

  “W-what are you doing?” she asked, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “I’m doing just what you asked me to do. I’m taking you home—to our home—and you’re never going to leave. You might as well start packing.” He turned and twisted, angling through the crowd this way and that so her sharp heels didn’t poke anyone in the gut.

  “You mean you want me to…”

  “Yes, baby, I want you to move in with me.” He shot her a glare as he swiped her purse from the bar and headed for the door. “And I won’t take no for an answer.”

  She burrowed into his warmth and sighed. “Who’s saying no? I just thought I’d ask…with that small walk-in closet you have, where the hell are you going to put your clothes?”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Just look at this ruckus,” Doris sniped. Buckled in the passenger’s seat of Britt’s car, Doris shut her purse with a snap of irritation. “All those thugs taking up the whole parking lot so decent folk can’t even pull in and park. And the noise.” With her perfectly manicured hands, she made a show of covering her ears.

  Britt scanned the gang of about seven or eight familiar bikers as she made a right into the drugstore lot to give Lexi a ride home from work. The collective rumble and racing of engines sounded through the closed windows of her car, the rhythm of it reverberating up and down her ribs. Her pulse skipped into a thready beat, one that told her something wasn’t right here. Her stomach twisted into knots when she recognized several bikes as Diego’s. Keith perched on one, revving the motor in neutral, while Lloyd rolled in on another. There were one or two men she’d never seen before and two others she recalled seeing at the rally.

  Chrome blinded her, gleaming everywhere, accented by leather and tattoos and sun-kissed skin. Even though Britt’s instincts told her this wasn’t your ordinary stop for aspirin, she couldn’t help the thrill that went through her seeing all that power, vitality and masculinity all in one place.

  And god help her, Diego appeared to be the ringleader. He dismounted his sleek monster and sauntered across the parking lot, long dark hair fluttering over his shoulders like a short Superman cape. Yep, she’d know that sexy swagger anywhere. In dark sunglasses and no shirt beneath a black leather vest, he oozed foreboding alpha, and it made Britt’s core start to throb and dampen. His bare, tattooed arms flexed as he walked, the sun shining down on his sculpted body making Britt think of a gladiator in the ring.

  “Isn’t that…” Doris pressed her hand to her chest and let out a theatrical gasp. “Why, that’s the ruffian you’ve been sleeping with. And just look at him all cocky and arrogant. Britt, I tell you, he’s up to no good.”

  Through gritted teeth, Britt spat back, “Shut up, Doris. I’ll handle this.” As Britt pulled into a vacant spot, she saw him cross his arms and circle Stan, who’d just arrived and climbed from his vehicle when the convoy had rolled in.

  Britt scrambled from her car at the exact moment Lexi emerged from the building.

  “Holy shit, Britt, what the hell is he doing?”

  “I don’t know,” she replied, jogging across the lot. “But I’m going to find out like right now. Diego—”

  “Stay out of this, babe,” he bit out, never taking his eyes from Stan.

  Stan stood next to a brand-new SUV, the manufacturer’s sticker still on the rear driver’s side window. He wore a tie, dress pants and his usual button-up shirt that looked as if he could spring a leak around his bulging middle at any moment. His receding forehead started to bead with perspiration. Its buffed surface shined in the afternoon sun. He wore his nametag like a badge of honor on his chest, but his face was set in an expression of pure terror that made his beady eyes bulge. His gaze kept shifting to that spot across the lot where all the bikes were parked. The other men had yet to dismount, but they kept their motors rumbling to demonstrate that they were ready to break some bones if and when the time came.

  Diego’s voice came out deep and resounding over the din of the engines. “So what’s this shit I hear about you threatening to go to the police and have Lexi arrested for employee theft if she snitches on you?”

  Lexi’s eyebrows arched and she stared agog at Britt. It was the first time Britt had ever seen her speechless.

  “Yeah,” Britt mumbled under her breath, “just last night I told him about Stan’s threat to you. Sorry.”

  “Oh fuck me.” Lexi leaned back against Stan’s car and stared up into the azure sky. “I’m done for.”

  Doris sidled up beside Britt, but it seemed, thank goodness, she knew better than to open her mouth.

  “N-no, I-I think she must have misunderstood me,” Stan stammered, his dress shoes shuffling on the hot pavement.

  “What?” Lexi’s head jerked down. She glared at Stan. “You are a lying son of a bitch.”

  Diego took one step
closer and planted his feet apart. “All I have to say is, he better not be lying.”

  Stan flinched. He held up his hands, palms facing Diego. “Whoa, whoa. Now you just wait a minute there, mister. I-I can’t afford any trouble at my store. If I have to, I’ll call the cops and—”

  “Go ahead, try me. Try us.” Diego held out his cell to Stan and gestured over his shoulder at his backup. “It’s up to you if you want to risk it.”

  Doris’ tweezed eyebrows arched, but still, she kept her mouth shut.

  Stan’s gaze swung to the bikers, then back to Diego, who slid his phone back into his vest pocket. Stan swiped his damp forehead with his sleeve, and Britt saw tears start to shimmer in his eyes. But like a fool, he puffed out his chest and gathered his bravery.

  “Look, the fact of the matter is, Lexi not only violated store policy, but she broke the law.” His voice quaked as he spoke. “She stole from me by performing personal business on the clock, helping herself to processing equipment and supplies, and developing the pictures without paying for them. Which means the pictures weren’t her property, they were mine.”

  That muscle along Diego’s jaw twitched, but he remained rooted to his spot. Something about it gave Britt a thrill and hot cream soaked her panties.

  Oh yeah, she couldn’t wait to get him back home and into bed.

  Home. That sounded so good.

  “Look, pal, you already went through that bullshit on the phone with me this morning. Now did you bring the fucking money, or not?”

  “Money?” Lexi and Britt croaked at the same time.

  Doris’ jaw sagged open.

  “Yes, Mr. Whealer has agreed to split the money between the three of you. He’ll keep his mouth shut about that lame bit of employee theft and you two agree to move on and put this sham of his behind you.”

  “You’re shitting me?” Lexi pushed herself off the vehicle and stared in astonishment at Stan.


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