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Page 6

by Krista Carleson

  “No.” I yanked again, but it was futile against his firm grip. “This is harassment. I’ll scream if you don’t let go of me right this second.” He released me as if I’d burned him, his brows scrunching up together. I glared at him. “What are you doing here?”

  “I just want to talk with you, nothing else. I certainly haven’t come here to harass you. Since you haven’t been responding to my calls and texts, this was the only way for me to reach you.”

  “Can you blame me after what you’ve done? And I clearly told you I don’t want to see you again. I haven’t changed my mind about that, so will you leave now?”

  He let out a long sigh, running his hand down his face. He was clearly distressed, but he was trying his hardest to keep any negative emotions at bay.

  “Look. I just want to tell you something important, so please listen to me. I won’t try to contact you after this, but please just give me five minutes of your time.”

  “Now, that’s funny. You said the same thing when you showed up instead of Jay that night. And I actually made a stupid mistake of trusting you not to be the person I’d projected you to be.”

  He looked so defeated that a huge portion of my defensive wall crumbled. He seemed sincere, but that was the real issue here. He’d seemed like a real deal the moment I made the foolish mistake of trusting him, and it had led me to this. Now, I couldn’t even trust my own judgment, which proved to be shitty with him.

  “I understand that no matter how many times I tell you I’m not lying to you, you won’t believe me, but at least hear me out. This isn’t only about me. This is about Pathways too, and I think you may want to hear about that.”

  His beautiful green eyes had been pleading me to listen to him, a hard line to his mouth slowly transforming into an inward slope the more I remained silent.

  I let the words out before my reason could even protest, hoping I wouldn’t regret it, “Fine.”

  I glanced at the cafe across the street. There was no way I would let him come to my place and threaten to completely demolish the wall I’d put between us. I didn’t trust myself enough to allow him to be that close to me in my home.

  “You have only five minutes. And we’re going to that cafe.” I pointed at the place in question. “And you’re not going to try to convince me to be with you or forgive you or anything. Are we clear? The moment you start doing that, I’m gone.”

  He nodded, relief, gratitude, and dismay showing on the attractive face that was haunting my dreams.

  “Are you sure you can drink coffee that fast? Five minutes would be a record, you know,” he teased me, his benign smile showing me he was only trying to make me laugh. And my lips almost curled up at that. I almost allowed him to influence me that easily.

  “Now is not the right time for you to be a smart-ass,” I bit back, making it sound sharper than I’d originally intended. I noticed a flash of anger in his eyes, but he tamed any possible outburst with a couple of deep breaths, which allowed that anger to dissipate.

  Nice. So he was actually learning to control his anger. That was progress.

  “Sorry. I won’t do that again,” he said, further surprising me, and headed to the cafe.

  To my dismay, the place was what could best be described as a love nest. It was obvious that it was made for couples, with its dim lighting, soft music, and lit candles on tables covered with rose petals, which made this whole situation extremely awkward.

  The only available booth was the one in the far corner of the cafe—which was half-secluded and had the tiniest seats ever. Jared and I would have to sit right next to each other, and I could only hope our bodies wouldn’t touch.

  No such luck. Each time his knee or elbow brushed against mine, a rush of potent heat coursed through me, indicating that he still had a strong effect on me. And he wasn’t even touching me deliberately. I shuddered when I remembered what it felt like when he was touching me intentionally, especially all my intimate parts... I hated that I wanted him to touch me so, so much, even though that would be the worst thing to happen now.

  I took a gulp of my black coffee, growing more fidgety with each passing second. He was too close. This looked very much like a date, especially with all these couples surrounding us. This had been a colossal mistake.

  “Okay. Shoot.”

  He drew his gaze from his coffee to my face, his lips parting as if he noticed just now how close we actually were. His eyes roamed over my features, taking in every single inch, and it was becoming unbearable. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think. All I wanted was to claim those lips—to hell with mistakes and consequences.

  But I couldn’t. He’d betrayed me. I couldn’t let this attraction—or whatever it was—erase my dignity and self-respect.

  He looked away, clearing his throat. “I decided to quit my job.”

  I whipped my head to look at him. “You did?”

  “Yeah. I told you I hate it, and now—more than ever—I need to get out of the family business.”

  My stomach churned at this news, and my mind fought against any warm feelings his admission might have induced. I refused to believe this had anything to do with me.

  “It was high time. All these years I just followed the family business and did really well, but the longer I stayed there, the more I found it conflicted with my growing conscience.”

  A bitter part of me wanted to snort at the “growing conscience” part, but a forgiving part of me—the one that wanted nothing more but to be with him again—wanted to hear him out without any snide remarks or derision.

  “I don’t want to be that person who will destroy other people’s lives for money,” he continued, staring at his coffee with a frown on his face. “I feel like you were my wake-up call, Claire. All that time it felt like I needed a push. I needed something that would make me find the strength to get out of my family’s clutches. I was following their wishes and vision, not mine until I’d forgotten what my real dreams were.”

  His voice hinted at a long-suppressed despondency, produced by years of neglected dreams and desires. I felt for him, I really did, but that didn’t change the fact that he had been lying to me. However, my heart was beating faster because of him, and a voice deep within me told me he obviously didn’t want to be a part of the scheme against Pathways anymore.

  I was literally torn between my feelings and my fierce loyalty to my clinic and my friends. He’d lied to me, so even if he didn’t want to be a part of that unscrupulous world anymore, I couldn’t just receive him with open arms.

  “Okay.” I shrugged my shoulders. “So, what does that have to do with Pathways?”

  He faced me, and once more, his gaze touched each spot on my face, which brought intense color to my cheeks.

  “I want to sell the shares of the corporation and open my own company. This way I can be independent and do things my own way.”

  “That’s good, and I’m glad to hear it, but I still don’t understand how it has anything to do with—”

  “I want to buy Pathways’ building and save it.”

  And that clamped my mouth shut.


  “This is the only way to save your clinic. I can offer more money, so the owner will have to sell it to me.”

  I couldn’t find my voice. I was absolutely shocked, but at the same time elated to hear this. Was this real?

  “But, but will you have enough money? From what I’ve heard, your company offered a pretty big sum.”

  His soft lips formed a small smile, his hand reaching for mine on my lap, but then he stopped himself as if he’d remembered he wasn’t allowed to do that. I squirmed, staring at his hand hovering above mine before he pulled it away. I clenched my hand, wishing he had touched me.

  “I’ll top their offer, so don’t worry about it.”

  “Are you sure you have enough money to back your words up?”

  His lips formed a full-on smile, his eyes glimmering with the confidence of a man who knew exactly what he was

  “My family business isn’t my only source of money. I’ve been investing in stocks for years, so I can definitely acquire your building.”

  If Jared really wanted to obtain the building and save it, that meant we wouldn’t be in a pinch anymore. This would solve all our problems.

  Gratitude gave life to other emotions I’d suppressed these last few days, fueling my need for him. He would actually buy our building to save it. He would leave his family business, finally getting his independence.

  Five minutes had long passed, but I didn’t want to move. I wanted to stay and get over the hurt. That frightened me to some extent because my trust was so fragile—almost non-existent—but here I was. A few moments away from accepting him back.

  I had to ask. “Why are you doing this? Are you doing it so you could get my forgiveness?”

  This time he covered my hand with his, his gaze finding mine once again. The silence between us was charged, and each inhalation was followed by a strong ache in my chest.

  “No. I’m not doing this for your forgiveness, not that I expect you to forgive me.” His knuckles brushed my cheek ever so tenderly. “I’m doing this because I care about you, Claire. Believe it or not, I care for you and I want you to be happy. I want to help you. So if buying your building will make you happy, I don’t care what I have to do to achieve that. That’s the least I can do after hiding the truth from you.”

  I could see the truth in his eyes, hear it in his voice. For the first time, he looked completely exposed, letting me see the raw emotions on his face that was now only a couple of inches away from mine. If I moved even a bit, our lips would connect, and that thought alone quickened my pulse.

  “But I want you to know I’m terribly sorry,” he whispered, and there was no mistaking that his hoarse voice was carrying regret and shame. “I’m sorry for being a douchebag who didn’t tell you the truth from the start. I didn’t do that intentionally, nor did I want to hurt you. I’m so sorry.”

  His brows were scrunched together, his lips drawn in a stern line, and it was clear how bad he felt about his mistake. He’d been wrong, but he was doing his best to fix his mistake. And he was going out of his way to do it. All for me.

  A shaky smile replaced the worry lines on my face, and the world suddenly became brighter and more colorful. I was happy and grateful to him.

  “I... I honestly don’t know what to say. I’m happy and confused at the same time.”

  “You don’t need to say anything. I’ve done enough damage, so now I need to fix it.”

  “Still. You don’t have to. If you really were a horrible person who didn’t care for anyone but himself, you wouldn’t do this. You wouldn’t try to fix your mistake. You aren’t pressuring me here to be with you or expecting anything from me.”

  I covered his cheek. His skin was soft and thick, and I basked in the feel of it against mine. The contrast felt amazing. “It takes a lot to admit a mistake, let alone try to fix it, so I appreciate this.”

  I leaned closer to him, pulled to him by some invisible force that took my breath away and brought butterflies to my stomach. “I appreciate you. And I forgive you.”

  His eyes widened, going to my lips and then back to my eyes again. “You do?”

  I beamed at him. “Yes.”

  The first contact of our lips was delicate as if we were both testing the waters before we let our passion consume us. Soon, all tentativeness ebbed into a pure fire that fused our mouths. His tongue flirted with mine, reminding me of how much I needed him, and now that I knew he cared for me and wanted to rectify his mistake, I could let my defensive wall vanish and unleash my feelings for him. My body buzzed with anticipation.

  “I missed you so much,” he muttered into my lips before he claimed them again, threading his fingers through my hair. I was without breath, wanting his lips everywhere on me.

  “Oh god, I missed you too, Jared. I hated it, but I missed you too.”

  He grabbed my face and made me look at him. “I won’t hurt you ever again. Trust me.”

  I covered his hands, wondering if I could fully trust him after everything. Was it too late, or was there a chance for us to start anew?

  “I see the wheels turning in your head.” His lips turned up. “I won’t pressure you, but I’ll be honest with you—I’m dying to taste you again. I’m dying for your pussy.”

  A bolt of pleasure coursed through me, hitting my very core. His dirty words had a special effect on me, increasing my hunger, and all I wanted now was to pull him out of here and bring him to my place.

  No. There was no place for doubts anymore.

  “Then what are you waiting for?”

  Not long after, I was pressed against my front door, having barely locked it behind me before he captured my lips again. All fatigue fled, leaving space for the desire that grew stronger with each fervent touch of his soft lips and warm fingers.

  I was trembling as I returned his kiss, letting him undress me in a hurry, his restless fingers adding to my arousal. My blazer, blouse, and bra were the first to go. His breath quickened the moment he took my breasts into his big hands and squeezed them, his pupils dilating. I arched my back when his deft thumbs found my nipples, which turned into two hard nubs instantly.

  “So fucking sexy.” His voice was a hoarse whisper, matching the raw intensity in his eyes. “I dreamed about this, you know? I dreamed about touching you like this, about seeing all of you.”

  His mouth wrapped around my nipple, and a sweet suction sent more pleasure through my insides. I was gripping his hair, pressing myself against his hard body as his mouth worked its magic on me. I could feel my juices ruining my panties, and it was turning me on even more. I was pliable in his hands, at his mercy, having difficulty focusing on anything as he brought me more and more ecstasy.

  He slid his hand down my stomach and under my skirt and cupped my pussy. His growl mixed with my breathy moan. “Fuck. Always so wet and ready.” He curled his fingers over my clit, caressing just the right spot, and I let another moan out. “What do you want, Claire? Tell me exactly what you need.”

  “Everything. All of you.”

  “Not good enough.” He pressed his fingers against me, and the impatience was getting the best of me. I couldn’t find the right words when he was touching me like this. “Tell. Me. Exactly. What. You. Need.”

  I tugged at his hair, pushing against his hand. “Touch me.”


  “Put your hand inside my panties and fuck me with your fingers.”

  “Fuck. And?”

  “Then, when I’m wet enough, put your mouth on my pussy and eat me until I come all over your face.”

  “Fuuck.” Apparently, my words were his undoing, since he fell down to his knees and pulled my skirt and panties down, almost tearing them up in the process. I barely had time to step out of them before he grabbed my hip and thrust two long fingers into my pulsating mound, extracting a scream out of me.

  “You’re so hot, sweetheart.”

  “Yes. Just like that...”

  His fingers curled each time he entered me, stimulating just the right spot, and the pleasure was almost too much. I squeezed my breasts, shutting my eyes closed, shuddering hard.

  “Open your eyes,” he ordered me, fucking me faster. “I want to see your eyes when you come.”

  I didn’t waste time obeying him, screaming when he brought another finger inside. I was so full, but even that wasn’t enough because the only way my hunger could be satisfied would be to have him deep inside of me.

  “Look at you. So messy.”

  My pussy was overflowing with my juices, which were trickling down my thighs. His mouth attacked my clit mercilessly, devouring me, and my legs gave out on me. He grabbed my waist to hold me in place and placed my leg over his shoulder, opening me more to him. He never stopped licking my hot flesh, bringing me so close to a mind-shattering release.

  “Yes, yes, yes! Don’t stop, Jared! Just li
ke that... Right there...” I couldn’t stop myself from pressing into his face, rubbing against him shamelessly, but that only seemed to spur him on. His mouth owned me, intensifying lust that went above anything I’d experienced before. I was crazy for him, ready to burst—on the verge of losing my mind.

  “Come,” he growled into my mound, his voice creating the vibrations that pushed me closer to the edge. “Come now.” The moment his lips enclosed around my swollen clit, I was seeing stars, coming so hard that I couldn’t even comprehend it.

  If he hadn’t been holding me, I would be a pile of hot limbs on the floor, convulsing in a never-ending fit of pleasure. I wasn’t aware of our short walk to my couch, still lost in my wonderful haze. He knelt on the floor in front of me and brought his cock to my entrance.

  “This is going to be a quick one, but I’ll be taking my time with you later.”

  With these words, he pushed inside of me, owning each inch of my greedy pussy. He cupped my ass and drew me to the edge of my couch, which sent him deeper into me.

  “Ah, Jared! So big.”

  His smirk was making my heart flutter. “And only yours.”

  I wrapped my legs around him, digging my nails into his shoulders when he began a ruthless tempo. The friction of his solid shaft against my walls was heavenly. I was so very wet, the sloshing sounds of my pussy blending with our moans and groans.

  He buried his head into my neck and commenced a series of open-mouthed kisses that made me shiver, sliding in and out of me in rising tempo.

  “You’re so good,” he gritted out, holding me like he never wanted to let me go. “This is all I ever needed. Only you.”

  His ardent words did something strange to my heart, taking more parts of it, turning my feelings for him into something much, much more. I wanted him to hold me like this forever, addicted to everything that was Jared, and it terrified me and made me happy at the same time.

  With that thought, we came together, keeping each other close in an embrace that spoke more than any words could.


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