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Gilded Inferno (The Helio Trilogy Book 2)

Page 7

by Valerie Roeseler

  My face contorts and I ask Jack, “What the fuck is he saying?”

  Eric steps aside, turning to face me as he pulls his wings inside himself and rubs his jaw. “He said your blood is that of his queen. It smells like molded cherries to him.” He clears his throat. “He likes the smell.” Jack whips his head to Eric and growls. Eric rolls his eyes at him before he walks up the stairs. “I’ll be back.”

  I take a step forward to see the prisoner. Jack’s wings shoot out wide, and his green iridescent feathers field my vision. I push his right wing down, “Come on, Jack. You’re not getting anywhere with him, and he seems to want to talk to me.”

  Jack grunts, turning to me as his wings fold against his back. “Ten minutes. That’s it.”


  He marches out of the basement, and I get my full view of the Fallen before me. Even though he is sitting in a steel chair with his arms secured to chains from the ground to his sides, his eyes are level with my own as I approach. Holy shit! He’s huge! Muscular shoulders span as wide as Eric and Jack standing together. His long, curly hair reaches just past his shoulders, framing his square, dark features covered in blood from his healing wounds. His smirk is almost too perfect as his large brows hood his deep red eyes, reminding me of Beleth. His dimpled grin pisses me off, and my rage grows the more he speaks.

  “An’ they were roi. De beauty outshines de blud.”

  I cross my arms over my chest as I stand a little straighter. “Who’s ‘they’?” He shrugs. I continuously shake my head in disbelief, “You know, my friends have a lot of different techniques for getting answers out of you. It’s obvious their attempts haven’t been working, but I highly doubt you want to piss me off. I’ll give you one chance to start talking. Why are you here?”

  He scoffs as he relaxes further back in his chair. I take notice of the binding around his chest, securing his wings from budding.

  “Better yet, why did you come alone?” I prod.

  His demeanor becomes confused. “Why ye wi’ dees manky muppets? Dis is not wha yer belong. Ye belong below wi’ de kip av us. Oi can take ye ter de Kin’. Oi’m sure ‘e’ll take it easy on ‘is treasure.”

  “What’s your name?” I ask with a pleasant smile.

  He gives me a wicked grin. “Doran.”

  My smile grows and I begin to pace around him. “So, is that why you’re here, Doran? To convince me to come below with you?”

  Doran watches me, tracking my steps with interest. “Dare ‘ill be naw convincin’. Oi ‘ill take ye dare.”

  Stopping before him again, I sigh as I release my façade of amusement. “No. You won’t. Who sent you for me?”

  He growls, “Why ye actin’ de maggot, Princess? Yer Darkness incarnate. Ye don’t belong ‘ere wi’ de enemy.”

  Releasing my wings out wide in a menacing threat, I grip his throat as I grit my teeth in his face, “If they’re the enemy, then so am I. I’m not going to ask nicely again. Who the fuck sent you?”

  Doran throws his head back, his powerful laughter thundering against the walls of the basement. On instinct, my body whizzes behind him and I grab the sides of his face, gripping his hair between my fingers. The familiar ice cold fire erupts from my hands, binding my hold on Doran’s temples. My vision explodes into pure blinding white light as my ears begin to ring.

  Doran’s laughter cracks, contorting into a hellish scream of agony. As I sense the Darkness of his essence, I wrench it from his chest enough to see its polluted mass of obsidian squirming to keep hold of its vessel. His body arches away from the chair in an attempt to keep himself whole. I watch him suffer a moment before releasing his corroded essence back to him.

  The hum in my ears quiets, and Jack’s voice yells, “What the fuck are you doing?”

  My hands slide from the face of the limp Fallen in his chair. “Whatever I have to,” I tell him breathlessly.

  “You can’t kill him, Ivy.”

  I tap Doran’s cheek with the back of my hand three times. He’s out. “He’s not dead. It was only a warning to make him talk. Would you just trust me?”

  Jack stalks towards me, “I don’t think you know what you’re getting yourself into. You need to be careful with him.”

  Crossing my arms over my chest again, I huff, “His name’s Doran.”

  Jack’s brow quirks as he mimics my stance. “He told you his name?” I nod. “Fine. You’ve got five minutes.”

  “I don’t think I’ll need much longer.”

  As he leaves the basement, I can’t help but feel irritated that he can’t trust me. I turn back to an unconscious Doran and backhand his face. “Wake up!”

  Doran grumbles as his eyes adjust and he shakes his head. “Waaat de feck wus dat?”

  I smirk, “That, my dear Doran, was your essence.” I lean into his face, making sure he doesn’t miss my seriousness. “If you fuck with me again, I will take it from you. You’ll be dead and nobody will miss your rotting corpse.”


  “—I’m going to ask you again. Don’t disappoint me.” Doran stares at me with defiance. “Who sent you to collect me?”

  His eyes dart over my shoulder and narrow as I stand straight. I glance over my shoulder to find Michael looking on. Michael greets, “Hello, Ivy.”

  “Michael,” I bow.

  “What do you think should be done with the Fallen intruder?”

  “We still need answers.”

  “He will not give you the answers you seek. Have you seen his essence? Is he willing or worthy of the redemption you are able to give him?”

  Doran sneers, “Redemption,” and spits blood at the ground.

  I tell Michael, “No. Never worthy. Never willing.”

  He says, “Then, it is your duty to take his essence. If you do not, I will do it myself.”

  I argue, “I need to know who sent him for me.”

  Michael walks towards me, “You already know the answer to that. You are only prolonging his agony for your own validity. Angels of Darkness come for you, Ivy. It is not a question of whom, but when. It is your destiny. You must fight back.”

  Goddammit. I shake my head and look to Doran over my shoulder before addressing Michael again, “You know what? No. I’m not doing it. Do it your damn self.” I storm past Michael and speed up the stairs to my room. Beck and Cass are still on my balcony, drinking the last of my whisky.

  Beck tilts his head as I drop into a chair and light a cigarette. “How’d it go?”

  “It didn’t.”

  “What happened?”

  “Fucking Michael’s what happened! He just shows up and demands that I take Doran’s essence from him because he’s not talking!” I explain, waving my hands in exasperation.

  Cass inquires, “Did you?”

  I sit back in my chair and take a drag of my cigarette, “No. I told him to do it his damn self.”

  Beck spews whisky from his mouth, coughing as he places the bottle back down. He chokes, “You said what?”

  I shrug. “I’m not his puppet. He said if I wouldn’t do it that he’d do it himself. More power to him.” I swipe the bottle up and tip it back, drinking the last drop of Jack Daniel’s.

  “You can’t speak to an Original Arch like that,” Cass insists.

  “Well, I did. What’s he going to do? He needs me to be his weapon, but what he doesn’t get is I’ll be doing it on my own terms. Not his.”

  Beckett ponders, “I can’t believe a Fallen had balls to attack here alone. Maybe we need to put up some wards. Keep it from happening again.”

  I point out, “How do we do that? If we put up wards against Fallen, then you guys wouldn’t be able to set foot on the property again.”

  Cassius stands, “There could be a way around it. Let me speak to Evelyn.”

  Snuffing out my cigarette as I stand to join him, I inform the brothers, “I’m going to make a run into town. Grab some more liquor. It’s going to be a rough week.” The truth is that I just want to g
et away from this house. Away from Michael particularly.

  Beck sits back, texting on his phone, “Do you need company?”

  Rolling my eyes, I shove his shoulder, “No. You can go back to Becky’s. I’ll see you later."

  Cassius walks with me downstairs. We part ways as he joins the others with Evelyn and Michael in The Chamber at the end of the hallway. I catch a glimpse of Jack as the massive, dark cherry wood doors open into the room, and I linger as they close, showing their intricate carvings of a pair of angel wings. I’m unsure what Michael will do about my defiance, but he’s getting on my last nerve. He seems to only show up when it benefits him.

  My white Evo beeps as I press the key fob. It dawns on me that I’ve always locked my car, yet there’s never been a need to lock it while living at the estate. As I reach for the handle of the driver's door, I discover a paper stuffed beneath my driver side windshield wiper. I reach around, snatching it up, and take in a sharp breath. It’s a picture of Trey with a note on the back.

  Tomorrow morning 4am.

  Meet me in the Veil.


  Chapter 6

  Driving to the liquor store in town, my mind is reeling. Is Trey alive? How’s that possible? Even though I took his demonic essence from him and gave him a mortal soul, only angelic beings are brought back if they’re deemed necessary. Trey was mortal when he died—when I killed him. How’s he back? I don’t understand.

  My phone rings, lighting up with a picture of me kissing Jack’s dimple as he smiles into the camera. I answer right away, “Hey.”

  Jack sounds somber as he asks, “Hey. Where’d you go?”

  “Just making a quick run into town. Beck drank all my liquor.”

  “You should’ve said something. I would have gone with you.”

  Silence lingers between us. I sigh. “It’s fine. I don’t think there will be another attack after Doran. How’d it go with Michael?”

  Jack’s quick bark of laughter has me pulling the phone from my ear. He quips, “Better than expected after you basically told him to go fuck himself.”

  If Jack could see my impish grin, I’m sure he’d groan with annoyance. I defend, “I’m not sorry. He can’t make me take an essence. I’m not his puppet.”

  “I’m not saying you should be…”


  “But he’s sending someone to come train you on your… duties.”

  I don’t respond as I listen to him run his fingers through his hair and light a cigarette. I debate on whether to tell him I already know and if I should tell him about the picture of Trey burning a hole in my back pocket.

  Jack prompts, “Ivy?”

  “Um… yeah. I know already.”

  “How?” His tone is more confused than angry, but I can hear his concern beneath the surface.

  “My dad. I was going to talk to you about it.”


  Pinching the phone between my shoulder and my cheek, I downshift as I enter town. “Look. I’m just about to pull into the store. We’ll talk when I get back.”

  “Watch your back. See you soon.”

  “Yeah. Bye.”

  After purchasing enough liquor to stock a college town bar, my nerves begin to get the best of me, as does my lead foot. I’m back at the manor before I know it and before I’m ready. The conversation I need to have with Jack will have to include the others as well. Alice will go ape-shit if I leave her out, and the others deserve to know.

  Jack meets me in the cul-de-sac of the manor as I pop the trunk to retrieve the three large, brown bags full of alcohol. Squeezing one against my hip with my arm, Jack quirks a brow at me, “Are we having another party?”

  I roll my eyes, “Will you help me with the other bags? We’ll just take them to the parlor. I thought it could use some restocking.”

  He doesn’t hesitate to grab the last two bags, and I shut the trunk to follow him inside. We’re alone as we enter the parlor, and I place my bag on the counter behind the bar. Jack comes to stand next to me as I begin unloading the bottles while avoiding his piercing gaze.

  Jack begins, “Are you ready to talk about when you saw Azrael?”

  I turn to the mirror backed shelves, meticulously placing bottles where they go. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I just… He threw a lot at me, and I needed time to process.”

  “When did you see him?”

  I release a calming breath through my nose before I turn back to Jack. “Three days ago. He pulled me into the Veil.”

  Jack crosses his arms over his chest, his biceps bulging and stretching the sleeves of his shirt. I don’t need my empathic ability to know he’s peeved I’ve been keeping this from him.

  I offer, “I needed some time to think about what he said, but I think everyone should be here for this conversation.” Before I know it, Alice marches in with Eric on her heels. Fucking angelic hearing. I swear. Is there no privacy in this house?

  “Spill it,” Alice barks as she takes a seat at the bar.

  I flip my hair back from my face with a sigh before I bellow, “House meeting!”

  Cass and Thea take their time meeting us in the parlor, and Evelyn is the last to arrive. Jack nudges Cassius, “Where’s Beck?”

  Cass grins, “Indisposed. I’ll fill him in later,” he turns to me, “if that’s alright with you.”

  I wave him off and lean back against the counter lining the shelves of liquor, “That’s fine.”

  Eric starts, “What did Azrael say? Why would he pull you into the Veil and not just stop by?”

  Rubbing my forehead, I begin, “I asked him the same thing. He said he didn’t want me to feel pressured to make a decision if all of you were there.”

  Jack shifts uneasily, “Decisions about what?”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I tell them, “Apparently, Dominions are impatient and want to know why I’m slacking in my duties.”

  Eric interrupts, “Duties? Have you been assigned?”

  I purse my lips, tension gripping my body. “Not exactly. I know what my assignment will be. He said they’re sending someone to train and guide me for my specific purpose.”

  “Which is?” Alice drawls.

  “To hunt down Fallen, determine the balance of Darkness and Light within them, and proceed with how I see fit. If I believe they’re deserving of a second chance, I’m to gift them with a mortal soul. If they’re not, I’m to take their essence.”

  Cass lets out a low whistle, sitting back in his chair. The others are silent as they look to me for any hint of uneasiness. With no other input, I continue, “He said that he knows I want to live as much of a normal life as possible and finish college, but he doesn’t think I’m going to have much of a choice once they send someone to start training me.”

  Jack’s face is downcast, his baseball cap covering his face, yet the sorrow in his voice is unmistakable, “How long?”

  I shrug, “I don’t know. He said it would be soon.”

  Evelyn voices, “So, what decision is there to be made? It seems there’s not much room for you to decide anything.”

  “Well,” I shift to lean back against the counter again. “Soon could mean tomorrow, next week, next month, or a few months from now. I won’t be able to keep up with the training, school, and the band. And I’ve given this a lot of thought… Even if I could keep up and finish college, what would I do after college? Get a job?” I shake my head, “I don’t want to live two different lives, constantly fighting over which life has precedence, always hiding who I am as I try to blend in with mortal society and hunt Fallen on the side. I don’t want that. I want to be true to myself. This is who I am. I don’t see the point of continuing to pretend to be normal.”

  Alice mutters, her doe eyes wide with anticipation, “What are you saying?”

  I step forward and reach for her hands across the bar. “I’m saying that I won’t be returning to R.M.U. This is who I’m supposed to be—what I was created for—and it’s time
for me to start embracing it.”

  Alice nods in silence, gazing down at our hands. Cass bobs his head, taking in everything I’ve said. “I guess Beckett, Theodora, and myself will go back to The Keep when you start your training.”

  I’m taken aback at how much my decision affects them, “Oh, no, Cass. R.M.U. is a great opportunity for you all. Please don’t quit because of me. This is your chance to have that normal life. I don’t want you to feel like you have to give that up because of me.”

  His gray eyes meet mine, and Thea steals my attention with her insistence, “Then we’ll follow you wherever you need us. We owe you our freedom and will do what we can to repay you.”

  “You don’t owe me anything, Thea. You’ve all helped me so much within these last few months. I don’t wish to keep you from doing what you want.”

  Cass rises from his barstool, “This is what we want.”

  I nod to him in thanks. With the late hour, everyone withdraws to their rooms, leaving Jack and I alone in the parlor. He’s still standing with his arms crossed over his chest and his head low. I place a hand on his arm, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, Jack.”

  He snakes his arms around my waist, drawing me into his embrace, “I understand why you didn’t. I don’t like it, but I understand.” I lay my head against his solid chest, breathing into the comfort and calmness he provides. He kisses my hairline. “It’s been a long day. Let’s get some rest.”

  I yawn in response, “What time is it anyways?”

  Jack checks his phone, “A little after three in the morning.”

  Shit. I have to meet Trey in the Veil in less than an hour! Do I tell Jack? I chuckle as I step back, “Yeah. I’m beat.”

  Jack’s lips kiss my forehead and trail down my cheek to my lips. His low voice tickles my face, “I’ll see you in the morning?”

  I shift uncomfortably, squinting up at him in hopes of guarding myself from his reaction, “Yeah. Um… There’s something else I wanted to talk to you about, but I want to wait until we’ve had some rest.”

  “Is it important?”


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