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Gilded Inferno (The Helio Trilogy Book 2)

Page 18

by Valerie Roeseler

  Drawers fly open and slam closed. Eric leans in the doorway. “What are you looking for?”

  I spin on him, “Anything!”

  Alice appears behind Eric, smoothing a hand over his shoulder. He views her over his shoulder, taking in her firm expression. She advises, “Did you tell him about the Reaper yet?”

  “What Reaper?” I grate, squeezing my fists tight at my sides to control my anger.

  Alice steps past Eric, approaching me with confidence in her posture, “Ivy’s been in contact with a Reaper named Tallulah. Goes by Telly. She’s been helping Ivy hunt Lucian down.”


  She continues, “We only found out after you left, but that’s not all… Telly works for Roman.”

  Hanging my head in defeat, I sit on the edge of Ivy’s bed, “Shit.”

  Eric adds, “I tried to keep her from leaving. She flipped out… Attacked me. I never saw it coming… We haven’t seen her since.”

  I glance between them, “Where can I find this Telly?”

  Eric responds with an assuring grin, “Beck found her this morning. She’s a Chem Major at R.M.U.”

  Without any room for argument, I march out of Ivy’s room, “Let’s go.”

  We take my car to campus, Alice in the back, Eric riding shotgun. Alice inquires to Eric, “Did Beck tell you what she looks like?”

  Eric chuckles. “Yeah. Blonde, nerdy, legs to kill, and—his words, not mine—hot as fuck.” Alice rolls her eyes.

  We park outside of the Drama Building and make our way to the Chemistry department behind it. Eric opens the door to the front entrance, allowing Alice and I to pass through. There’s an instant flutter in my core. Angels. I whisper to them, “Feel that?”

  They nod in response. The halls are empty with classes in session. The fluttering in my stomach grows stronger as we walk further down the hall. We follow the pull of the angel’s essence, taking us down another hallway. She stands at the end of the corridor, watching out of the floor-to-ceiling window.

  Alice clears her throat, attempting to gain her attention, “Excuse me, are you Tallulah?”

  The Reaper spins in surprise, “Um… yes?”

  I don’t waste time. I’m on her in less than an instant, pinning her by her throat to the wall. “Where’s Ivy?”

  Tallulah digs her nails into my wrists and supports her own wait with her feet on the wall. “Who?”

  I growl, “Don’t assume ignorance will get you out of this. Where is she?”

  “I don’t know who you’re talking about! Please, let me down!”

  Eric prompts, “Jack, let her down so she can talk. She’s not going anywhere.”

  Releasing my grip on her throat, Tallulah drops to the ground in a heap, coughing to gain oxygen again. Alice approaches her—playing ‘good cop’—and sooths the Reaper’s fear, “Sorry, honey. He can be a bit of a loose cannon right now. Here, let me help you up.”

  Tallulah takes Alice’s hand, cowering away from my direction. “Who is it you are looking for?”

  Alice replies, “Her name is Ivy Harris. She said you had been helping her.”

  Tallulah appears meek and quite as she avoids eye contact, “Oh. I know who she is. I’ve never met her though.”

  “Bullshit!” I bark, taking a step towards her.

  Eric pushes a hand against my chest to keep me at bay while regarding Tallulah, “Are you sure? She said you were a friend of Trey’s. You work for Roman with him don’t you?”

  She nods, “Did… Trey’s dead.”

  “So, you’ve never even met Ivy before?” Alice asks.

  “No. I swear.”

  I counter, “Then, how did she know who you are?”

  “I have no idea. I’m really sorry. If I could help you, I would.”

  Eric dismisses her, “Well, thank you. If you hear anything, let us know.” She nods again quietly, rushing to escape and leaving us alone in the hallway.

  “Fuck!” I shout, crushing a hole in the bricks of the wall.

  Ivy’s balcony becomes my sanctuary. Sitting here with her bottle of Jägermeister—which I hate the taste of, but drink anyway—everything surrounding me soaks into all my being, refusing to allow cherished remembrances to be tainted by my anger and frustration. Her lips, her touch, her skin… The way she whispers my name… And that cocky grin that wrinkles her nose and dimples her cheek.

  Why are you lying to everyone? Why couldn’t you come to me?


  I’m surprised at Theodora’s approach. She’s never fully trusted me because her loyalties are with Solas, but she sticks around and trains Ivy well, keeping her vow to protect her. “Theodora?”

  She perches on the edge of a seat facing me, her hair falling over her shoulder as she grips her thighs. Thea has a constant, stern, and unwavering expression. It’s rare to see her smile. As her face falls to avoid eye contact, I begin to worry. She opens her mouth to speak, then closes it again. I take a drag of my cigarette, letting her take her time because I’m not so sure I’m ready to hear what she has to say anyways. Taking a deep breath to compose herself again, Thea starts over, “I may have given Ivy some advice which was harmless at the time, but I’ve been thinking it could have provoked her behavior as of late.”

  Before I let my anger take over, I give her a chance to explain. “What was it about?”

  I detect the slightest twitch in her fingertips as her nails dig deeper into her thighs. Her eyes meet mine with a mixture of sadness and fear. “She asked me if I knew of other methods to induce visions, and I suggested scrying.”

  My brows furrow in confusion, “I thought scrying was only a method useful for humans?”

  “Well, she’s not like the rest of us. She was born through human means, as we were created through the Light of Paradise. I thought it may work for her.”

  “Still, even if it did work, why would you think it has to do with her behavior? If she had seen something through a vision, she would have told us.”

  “Would she?” I don’t answer her. “I have not known Ivy very long, but there is one thing you can always count on from her...”

  “I don’t know about that. She’s a fireball,” I counter.

  “If you tell her not to do something, what does she do?”

  I snort in amusement. “She rebels and does it anyways.” Thea nods twice. “I still don’t think I’m understanding what you mean. I get that she feels the need to rebel against Michael for grounding her to the estate, but what does this have to do with you advising her about scrying?”

  Thea rubs her face in frustration, stands with a sigh, then turns to the balcony wall with her arms crossed as she takes in the afternoon sun. Her tone has a hint of anger, “I’m sorry, Jack. I did not realize you were so dense.”

  I almost choke on the smoke of my cigarette. “Excuse me?”

  The glare over her shoulder before she faces away from me again, fuels the rage within me. Thea declares, “The only reason Ivy would seek out her visions is for answers, and Michael is not the only one demanding she not do what she wants…” Her eyes meet mine with pity, “She’s looking for Solas.”

  I seem to stop breathing a moment, repercussions of her actions burn a hole in my mind. No. Solas is in Sheol.

  Thea must notice the moment I put things together. She states, “Why else would she seek her visions out? He left without saying goodbye to any of us and said not to look for him below. Of course she would go after him if he told her not to. She wants answers for his disappearance. Wouldn’t you do the same if you were in her position and she was in his?”

  She has a point. I voice my realizations aloud, “She was tired all the time. How was she getting into Sheol? She lied and said it was a Reaper named Tallulah helping her track Lucian, but Tallulah said she’d never even met Ivy. We all wondered why Michael had grounded her. He must have known. If she’s been going below, it explains the occasional loss between our bond as well. Why would she put herself in that kind of
danger and not talk to me?”

  I think of the Enochian Opal I gave her and how it was missing. I stand in rush of adrenaline as I mumble, “Oh, fuck.”

  “What is it?” Thea prompts.

  “I gave her an Enochian Opal… She wasn’t wearing it when I left.”

  “Because she wouldn’t be able to get in with it,” she affirms.

  “Yeah. I need to talk to my mother.”

  I rush down the three flights of stairs in time to catch my mother locking The Chamber doors. “Mother,” I breath in a rush.

  The worry in her eyes is unmistakable, “Jack? What’s going on? Are you ok?”

  “I need Michael to contact Azrael. Ivy’s in Sheol. Can he take me in with him again? Can he pull her into the Veil so we know where exactly she is?”

  “Slow down, Jack. Michael will be here soon and we’ll ask him what we can do. But you will need to keep your anger in check if you want him helping us. Understand?”


  Chapter 18


  It took constant reassurance and encouragement from Solas for me not to give in to Lucian’s demands. As Lucian tore through Solas’ body, piece by piece, I never felt so helpless. Now, we’ve been left alone again, and I try to let Solas rest enough for him to heal. He’s been unconscious for a few hours, and his bowels are finally mended with only the muscles and skin left to restore.

  I let my head fall back as I think through what I’ve done. This is all my fault. We wouldn’t be in this situation if it wasn’t for me. I’ve got to get us out of here.

  I don’t know how long it takes me to realize what I’m looking at. Hope flutters in my chest. While the cuffs and chains I’m bound to are built to withstand the strength of any being, the rock ceiling of the cave they’re driven into… is not. With a little more effort, I’m sure I’ll be able to rip the rest of my left chain out.

  Gripping the bases of the chains at my wrists, I wrench them towards me gradually until my bones threaten to dislocate. Solas stirs as I release a grunt, and I take another deep breath. I clutch the chains as high as my fingertips will allow me to reach. My patience fails me. I thrash as hard as I can.

  “What are you doing?” Solas ponders lethargically.

  I respond between jerks, Just… One… More… Sec…

  A sprinkling of dust falls to my face, and I smile. I take three quick breaths before giving it all I’ve got. The quaking thunder of the rock’s disintegration gives way to the immediate release of pressure on my left arm. The weight of the chain binding me falls to the ground in a heap, its clatter echoing throughout the cave.

  I whisper in excited awe, “I did it… I did it!”

  Solas is wide-eyed when I face him. “Can you get the others off?”

  I give him a cunning grin. “I can, now.” It takes me a moment of maneuvering the feathers of my wings without letting their bindings cut into them, but I finally find what I’m looking for. I show Solas the thin razor blade between my first two fingers.

  He sounds relieved, “You kept it?”

  My smile grows, and I reach around to begin cutting away the rope binding my wings. “I did. I’ll never forget the lesson you and Eric taught me.”

  “And what lesson is that?”

  The rope begins to fray. “Always carry a weapon, even if it’s the smallest and least likely to be needed… I never take it out.”

  The corner of his mouth pulls up, “Good girl.”

  The rope splits, and I unravel the remaining layers. When it completely falls away, my wings burst out, stretching and flexing in relief. I let out a moan of satisfaction before placing the razor between my teeth to leave my hands free. Time is of the essence. We should expect Lucian or Lilith to come back soon. I work to pull my left leg free, even if it means ripping the skin from my ankles even more as I try to pull the chain from the ground. The ground is more solid than the ceiling. I need something to chisel around the chain.

  I look around the cave for anything within reach that I may use to my advantage. Luck is on my side today, because nobody’s noticed the heretic’s fork Solas dislodged from beneath his chin. It lays close to his side, blending in with the blood and sinew coating the floor. My wings are not long enough to reach them at their full span, even though they touch the backs of my knees when they’re at rest.

  I change tactics, heaving down on the chain restraining my right arm. As I catch sight of my rank, a growing frustration bubbles inside me. What the hell’s the point of being the Angel of Death’s daughter if I can’t call on him as he does me. Why hasn’t he come to look for me yet anyway? I keep jolting the chain, watching as dust lightly floats down from above me. I don’t know how long I’ve been gone, but they’ve got to be looking for me by now…

  My strength wavers. I bet Jack doesn’t even know I’m gone. Does he even care anymore?

  The irritation I have with myself turns into fury as I give the chain two last pulls with everything I’ve got. I’ve got to get… Out of here!

  The ceiling caves in, splitting in spider webs as it collapses all around us. I take cover beneath my wings, waiting for the avalanche to stop. When it does, I wave in front of my face to clear the dust away and see. “Solas? Are you ok?”

  He pushes a rock from his body with a free hand, “That should get their attention. Can you get these ropes off my wings?”

  “I can’t yet. My legs are still bound.”

  He sits fully erect, pushes more boulders from his body, then stands. Crawling over the rocks, he comes to my side. “Mine are not.” The chains that bound him before, now drag the ground behind him lifeless. “You still have the razor?”

  I stick my tongue out, plucking it from my mouth. He turns around, and I work quickly to get his wings free. They erupt from his back to their full extent, but he doesn’t pause to enjoy the glory of their freedom. His wings tuck back and thrash out at his chains, breaking them from the cuffs at his wrists. “You could have told me I could do that!”

  “You can’t. You’re wings are not truly Fallen. Your feathers would singe on contact,” he reveals, then slices his wings through the air, severing the chains on my feet so I may move. I try to stand, yet my legs give way. Solas catches me in his strong arms until I’m able to stand on my own.

  My first action is to jump into his embrace, the chains connected at my wrists still dragging the ground. It’s such a relief to feel him in my arms again. The bond between us stirs into a frenzy before warming in my core. I block my hurt and pain from him as I fight back the tears. My voice is throaty when I speak, “I’m so sorry.”

  He squeezes me tight against him, “This is not your fault. None of this was ever your fault. I need you to understand that.”

  Pulling back from him to search his face, I confess how I truly feel, “It is my fault. If it wasn’t for me, you never would have fell in the first place. If it wasn’t for me, you never would have been put into Beleth’s legion. If it wasn’t for me, you never would have set foot in a place you don’t belong. If it wasn’t for me—”

  With a swift intensity, making me cling to his arms, Solas kisses me. It inflicts more ache in my heart than I know he intends. My pulse thunders louder in my ears as my heart throbs on the verge of suffocation. I push the pain away from revealing itself, determined not to hurt him in return.

  When his soft lips leave me, I try to speak, “Solas—”

  “—If it wasn’t for you, I never would’ve found where I belong. I’m going to get you out of here, but I’m not going with you… I can’t. I’m where I need to be. This is my place now…” he brushes my cheek, “Not with you.”

  I attempt to step away. He holds me tight as my anger boils. “I don’t understand. You don’t belong here, Solas. I need you! Peas in a pod, remember?”

  His large palms grasp my face gently with his honeyed tone, “Even decent pods only carry eight peas, princess. Besides, I think the last few days down here have proven how much I don’t belong on t
he surface.”

  I push him away from me, resenting his words. “Bullshit! I won’t let you do this—”

  “—You fucking bitch!” Lucian barks as he enters the obliteration of his precious torture cave with Lilith at his side and five Fallen warriors behind them.

  “Take them to the hound coop!” Lilith points out of the cave, keeping her eyes on us, infuriated and huffing.

  Lucian edicts, “She’s mine!”

  Solas and I step away from each other, preparing for the force of the onslaught. The five Fallen charge him with swords and daggers at the ready. I keep my focus on my half-brother as he meticulously unbuttons his suit jacket and shrugs it from his shoulders. My eyes narrow with a cunning grin, “It’s about damn time.”

  “Your amusement won’t last long. You’re a poison I plan on subjugating to the lowest form of enslavement.”

  “We’ll see about that,” I retort.

  He charges for me. I ready my stance for the impact, planning on kicking him in the chest before he can touch me. His form disappears in a cloud of black smoke, reappearing behind me with his forearms around my throat. He wrenches my neck. My wings thrust him away, throwing him into the rubble of destruction I’ve caused.

  While he attempts to stand, I glance to Solas, now being restrained by the Fallen warriors. It takes all five of them to keep him at bay with the tips of their weapons at his throat, ribs, and back. I grip the base of the chains at my wrists, swinging one in a large circle to my side and the other above my head. Lucian rises. I spin, leaning towards the Fallen and lashing them with the chain from above my head while using the other to whip Lucian across the chest. One of the Fallen uses his wings to protect his comrades from the impact, clipping the end of the chain short.

  Using the weight of the chains to continue their momentum, I alternate crossing them around my body to shield myself. Lucian stands resolute with a scowl. His impious wings sprout from his back, shredding his dress shirt to reveal his chiseled chest and torso. I muse, “Huh… I expected you to sparkle.”

  Lucian takes measured strides towards me. His wings begin slicing my chains away, making them shorter and shorter. I allow him closer to continue shortening the chains. As they reach their cruces, I launch in the air. Lucian collides with me instantaneously. I fall back to the ground. He lands on my chest with his knee, wings at full extension. I take the low blow and punch him in the groin. He wavers to the side. I take my chance to put him on the ground. The edges of my feathers glide over his throat, just nicking his carotid artery. Blood sprays from the deep laceration, covering more of me than its source.


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