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Gilded Inferno (The Helio Trilogy Book 2)

Page 23

by Valerie Roeseler

  “Do I need to leave with the Griffins?”

  I shake my head. “No. I’ve demanded they remain. Whether you and the Griffins stay is up to each of you. But Lucian and Lilith are coming, and I need your help.”

  His hand brushes my cheek, “Anything.”

  I swallow hard, sitting a little straighter. “I need you to be my Chief Commander.”

  He takes my hand in both of his, “You know I will.”

  I bite my bottom lip with nervousness. “There’s more… I don’t want to lose you again. I need you with me, but things have changed between us since I found out you were Gideon.”

  His brows furrow, “I should’ve told you sooner.”

  I tighten my grip on his hand in mine, needing to hold on to him in some way, so he doesn’t leave. “I loved you as a child, and I loved you for the strength you instilled in me after Jack died. I needed you then, and I need you now. You know me better than I know myself at times, and you believe in me more than anyone else.”

  He reaches up to swipe a tear from my face with his thumb, cupping my face. His fingers run down my cheek, searching as if he’s memorizing every plane. I study his features as time stands still and open my mind to him at the intense beating of my heart. He speaks to me through his thoughts, not knowing I can hear him, “You’re the most beautiful thing in the world… The closest I’ll ever get to Paradise again.

  My empathy reaches for him. Profound love. A need to be closer… To touch.

  As he leans an inch away from my lips, he professes, “I do love you, Ivy. I always have. There’s never been anyone else but you. I’m whatever you need me to be.”

  His musky sent sends an ache through my bones. “Solas…I love you too, but—”

  “—Forgive me.” His lips crash into mine, and my words escape me. My body presses into his. The tips of his fingers slide up my arm with the most gentle touch. As they meet my face, he pulls me closer. My world explodes. The taste of his tongue sends a hunger for more. I grip his shirt in my hands, and his teeth pull against my bottom lip. When it snaps free, I come to my senses. I fight against the desire and urge him back. “Solas… I can’t.”

  Solas’ hands drop away from me, “I’m sorry.”

  My tears fall freely at the pain I don’t want to cause. “No. It’s just… I have so much to resolve. I can’t make a choice between the two of you right now. My mentors are coming any day now. The family is cracking. War is inevitable because of me. I have to figure out how they find us. I don’t have time for vendettas between you and Jack. I need you by my side. I need all of you, but I can’t be distracted.”

  He gives me a small smile, “You always did let your emotions get to you during a fight. I understand. I won’t let myself be a reason you can’t focus on your purpose.”

  I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. “I don’t even know where to start. I need to induce another vision. Hopefully, it’ll be more clear."

  Solas reveals, “Your friend, Tallulah, said she wanted to help us and went to find more Reapers to fight by your side.”

  “We’ll have to send someone to meet her off the coast. She won’t be able to find The Keep with the wards up.”

  “I don’t fully trust her. I can’t read her thoughts, but she did help us escape Sheol. I would just keep a close eye on her.”

  I wonder, “Did you tell the others about the Kapet bullets she created?”

  “Not yet. I don’t think the Originals would appreciate what she’s done either. It could cost her if they find out.”

  I agree as Solas slides off the bed and offers his hand for me to stand. “I’ll text Telly and see where she is. Can you check the wards to be sure they're still up?”

  He kisses the back of my hand. “Already done, princess. Breathe easy. Get some rest and regain your strength. Tomorrow, you can induce your visions, and we’ll go from there.” He makes his way to the door and stops in the threshold to add, “If you need anything, let me know.” I nod, and Solas shuts the door softly behind him.

  Before the dark throne of obsidian stone, angels of every faction bow on one knee with their wings spread wide. Their formation gives the black pool of thick tar in the center of the room a wide berth as it bubbles its vile stench. As their collective faces rise, I recognize my family within the frontlines with Jack and Solas splitting center. Each gaze focuses on their leader. Me.

  My midnight wings command respect with my stoic posture, and my white gown symbolizes my desire to figuratively bind myself to them as a legion. The throne—once bathed in blood, fury, and iniquity—no longer belongs to Beleth. It belongs to me.

  The torch in my right hand warms my skin. I spin it upside down, gripping the hilt tightly with both hands. As the flames extinguish, giving way to a cloud of gray smoke, my expression remains impassive. Black tar seeps from the inner corners of my eyes. I taste the tears at the back of my throat. It’s blood.

  My legion rises to their feet. They stomp the ground and pound their chests with a fist in perfect unison as they chant, “Teloch! Teloch! Teloch! Teloch! Teloch!"

  I wake from my dream, sweating and confused. I know this dream isn’t a vision, but I’ve been having it since my first visit to The Keep. I thought it was an omen of me overpowering Beleth. Now, I don’t know what the omen is showing me. Maybe it’s just meant to show me my path, leading the legion within The Keep. The dream wasn’t what I wanted or needed. I was hoping for another vision of the war upon The Keep to gain better insight. Are they connected? What does one have to do with the other?

  With nothing to use for scrying, and the temperatures not right to use water submersion, I’m left with the fireplace in my room for meditation. I check the time and realize it’s three in the morning. I call for Solas, Are you awake?


  Can I get your help? I need to induce my vision, but I’ll have to use the fireplace to meditate again. Would you be able to pull me out before anything happens?

  “I should. I’ll be right there.”

  I busy myself as I wait, pulling logs from beside the hearth and stacking them meticulously for the fire. Solas knocks on the door, and I let him in. He follows me to the fireplace as I search around the room. “What are you looking for?” he wonders.

  My shoulders deflate. “I don’t have a lighter.”

  His head tilts to the side. “Where are your cigarettes?”

  I let out a huff of laughter. “I haven’t had one since I left Red Meadow.”

  “It’s fine,” he assures me before retrieving one of the more slender logs. His fingers wrap around its end, then his biceps flex. The wood cracks, splintering down the center.

  “What are you doing?”

  The wood splits again as he continues to pull it to shreds. “Do you remember all those bonfires on the beach?”

  Sweet memories of Solas, as Gideon, holding me close to him next to the fires on a bed of sand, warms my skin. I smile at Solas. “Yes.”

  He piles the shredded wood into the fireplace. “You used to play guitar for me.”

  I remember the clear night skies. We would laugh at each other, and I would study his face glowing with the light of the fire. Sometimes I would bring my guitar and he would fall asleep in the sand from listening to me play. “I did.”

  Solas places a small twig on the kindling he created and rubs it between his hands with angelic speed. The fire ignites quickly, spreading throughout the logs. He pushes the kindling around to ensure it stays alight. When he stands, he gives me a cheeky grin, “I always made you find more drift wood while I built the fire.”

  I recall, “It was always lit when I got back.”

  Standing beside me, his arm lays over my shoulders, and we watch the fire grow in silence. I miss when things were easy. I thought our relationship was complicated then. Now, it’s a mess. I love Solas for everything he’s done for me. He’s been a friend, a mentor… My guardian angel… My saving grace. But I can’t deny my love for Jack… I can’t
think about this right now.

  “Ready?” he prompts, and I nod before sitting on the warm rug.

  He sits beside me. I lay my hand, palm up, on my left knee. Taking my invitation, his fingers thread through mine. It invokes a want in me, and I have to pull my eyes from his touch.

  My body begins to warm, and I try to control its momentum. Solas silently praises, “That’s it. Nice and slow.”

  The warmth spreads with gentle succession up my arms, to my fingertips and my chest. As it reaches my neck, then my cheeks, my vision begins to darken. I release a small breath. My consciousness floats from reality.

  The cold, forceful wind blows with a heavy rain stinging my skin. Dark clouds roll swiftly towards the mountainside of The Keep. We stand as one along The Common. Griffins at our back, on the face of the mountain, screech in warning. As the clouds near, the movement within them gives away their true form. The Fallen legion approaching causes my heart to thunder in my chest.

  I nod once to Solas, on my left, and he sends a thought to Telly for me. The Griffins fall silent, leaving the feral waves, crashing against the rocks below, to count down the attack. Jack gives me his million dollar smile from my right, “Let’s fuck some shit up.” He charges with Solas and a hoard of others from the frontlines. The Griffin triplets, in their angelic form, remain as the second line of attack with me.

  The sound of automatic gunfire echoes in the distance, and chaos ensues. I take to the stormy sky, three Griffins following my lead. The Triplets zig and zag, pushing us through the throngs of angelic beings. A Fallen warrior dives for me, one of Telly’s gun’s in his hands. I gasp as he aims for me and pulls the trigger. Beck rolls into the bullet’s trajectory to save me. His shriek dissipates as he falls, and the Fallen warrior collides with me.

  My world trembles.

  Solas shakes me from the vision. “Ivy. That’s enough.”

  I feel weak and tired, but focus on his bright eyes to remain lucid. Blood drips from my nose and bottom lip. I swipe it away with the back of my hand. My words come mumbled, “I know what I have to do now.”

  Chapter 23

  Solas rushes to the bathroom, returning just as quickly. My mind’s in a fog, my body lifeless and my eyes unblinking as he strokes my lips with a damp washcloth to clean the blood away. He apologizes, “I’m sorry. I tried to pull you out as soon as I saw the Fallen coming for you, but you wouldn’t release the vision.”

  I whisper, “Beck,” and my eyes fall shut.

  Solas continues to erase the blood from my face. “Hey.” I refocus on his hopeful gaze. “Now, we know. Stay on the ground when Telly leads the first assault. Keep the Griffins with you.”

  Still weak and tired, I feel my mind come back around. “Maybe we shouldn’t use the Kapet. Anything could go wrong. What if it falls into the wrong hands?”

  His touch leaves me, “It’s a concern, but it’s the only thing to give us the advantage over their numbers.”

  “There were so many,” I note.

  He implores, “What did you mean by what you have to do now?”

  “I had a dream. It wasn’t a vision, but an omen. I’ve had it before. I thought it meant something else, yet it’s been changing, becoming more clear. I believe it’s telling me to take command of The Keep. With the vision… for us to win the war… I think it’s critical.”

  Taking my cold hands in his, they burn with his warmth. “You’re ready. I know you are.”

  I nod. “Let me get cleaned up, and I’ll let you know when to gather everyone in the Throne Room.”

  He kisses my forehead. “As you wish, princess.”

  Solas leaves to notify Alice, Eric, and the Griffins. It’s not long before Jack knocks on my door. I know his presence from the pull of our bond before I answer, “Just a minute!” Jack enters as I’m wrapping a towel around my body. I roll my eyes, “I said, ‘Just a minute’.”

  He doesn’t excuse himself. “I spoke with Ezra. He thinks it would be a great advantage if he can lead a group of Griffins to the coast and take Lucian and Lilith’s legion out from behind. It’ll cut down their numbers.”

  I dwell on my vision, knowing their numbers are countless. I approve, “Ok. Let Solas know the plan and ask him to make arrangements with Theodora if he agrees.”

  Jack’s arms fold over his chest, his stance widening. “So, he’s agreed to be your Chief Commander?”

  I nod, “Yes.”

  He berates, “Why don’t I just take Ezra to speak with Thea?”

  My hands find my waist as I cock my hip out and slightly tilt my head at him. “Because he’s the Chief. He needs to know what’s going on. He will make the final decision on whether he believes it’s a strategy worth using.” I turn and walk away from him, retrieving a white dress—Alice bought, but I’ve never worn—from the bathroom.

  Standing in front of the mirror, the dress slides over my head. Jack appears in the reflection, leaning against the doorframe. “You can tell him.”

  I plait my hair over my shoulder as I regard him in our reflection, “No. There’s something I have to do.” I spin on him, “You guys need to work your shit out. I can’t deal with you fighting. It’s putting a void between the family, and now I have to fix it.”

  “You can’t expect me to welcome him with open arms,” he frowns.

  My hands fist at my sides. “I expect you to be civil. Show each other the respect you both deserve.”

  “And if he doesn’t.”

  “He will.”

  Jack rolls his eyes, pushing away from the doorframe with a sigh in a single movement as he mutters something under his breath.

  “What’s that?”

  He doesn’t answer at first, then his eyes rove over me with a feeling of intense attraction. Jack’s tone deflates when he speaks again, “You look beautiful.”

  I find myself stepping closer to him, “Thank you.”

  His palm caresses my cheek. An ache in my chest flutters. His voice is honeyed, “I’m going to kiss you.”

  I take a step away, but Jack follows, turning us around. Our gazes lock on each other. On the verge of pulling back, I falter when he backs me into the wall. “Jack…” I want him to touch me, needing his hands on my body. My heart pounds in my chest as a passion for him takes over me.

  His wings bud from behind him, then curve around us in a cocoon of desire. Jack’s body leans into me. He kisses my cheek. His mouth trails down my neck, behind my ear. My eyes pop open, trying to regain my swaying balance. He moves to kiss my lips. A darkness catches my attention, pulling me from my wavering state of mind.

  I push him back, “Jack?”


  “What’s wrong with your wings?”

  Jack becomes rigid. His wings slowly release us, folding behind him. “It’s nothing.”

  All of a sudden, I feel different. A realization hits me. I scowl, “Did you just use your abilities on me?” He doesn’t answer, his face becoming expressionless. “Get out,” I grit through my teeth. His face falls, and I erupt in fury, pointing to the door, “Get out!”

  Jack marches past me, pulling his wings inside himself. I glimpse patches of black feathers throughout his wings. The door slams behind him. What’s going on with you?

  Composing myself again, I decide, I can’t deal with this right now. I’ll talk to Eric later. Maybe he knows what’s going on. The white dress gives me a sense of being naked, but maybe that’s the point; to bare myself to the legion. I study myself in the mirror, fortifying my emotions, and blocking everything out before I make my way down the corridors.

  The corridors are lined with torches, its stone walls glowing softly. Recalling my omen, I take note of the torch I held and choose one from the wall. The Throne Room is cold and barren when I arrive. As I shut the doors behind me, they boom a definite promise of change in my path. Torches on the far walls and behind the throne illuminate every inch of the grand hall. I hesitate at the doors, staring at the black throne in the distance. I know I
’m ready. I only hope it goes the way I plan.

  I open my mind to Solas, I’m ready. I’ll be waiting in the Throne Room for everyone to arrive.

  He replies, “I’ll send word and join you shortly.”

  Solas is the first to arrive. My nerves shoot through the roof. He must see it written all over me, because he uses his ability to calm me down. “You will be fine. You’re ready. The Fallen of The Keep need you for what’s to come, just as you need them.”

  I know.

  He nods just as others begin to arrive. My family lines the front of the crowd, and I’m glad to see there’s not a pool of tar in the room. They all appear confused, so I imagine Solas didn’t explain to them what I was doing. I don’t look to Jack at first, afraid my anger with him will show, yet I find myself gazing at him anyways. His eyes lock onto me with a pleading sorrow. I can’t understand why he would behave the way he has. Is it just Solas? Is that what’s making him erratic?

  There’s chatter among everyone. I hear whispers of excitement as well as fear that I’ll be making them leave The Keep. Once everyone has arrived, one of the Griffins in the back of the crowd closes the doors. They can’t be heard over the constant gossip.

  Solas urges me, “Use your wings to get their attention.”

  I take a slow, deep breath. My wings surge from beneath my shoulder blades with a crack in the air as they reach their full extent. I preserve my unrevealing countenance, not wanting to show the fear I truly have in taking command. The room falls silent, followed by a burst of thunder as each being releases their own wings and folds them behind their backs. I’m surprised to see not only Griffins, but Fallen warriors as well within the cluster. Colors mix before me—brown, black, blue, purple, and green.

  Solas tells me, “They’re ready now.”

  I think of Sheol and how much Lucian and Lilith have put me through. I could only imagine what these beings would face if I fail them. I refuse to let that happen.

  My voice carries throughout the grand hall, “I know you’re all curious as to why I’ve summoned you here. I’ll try to make this quick.” All stand quietly in observation, waiting for me to elaborate. “As most of you know, I have the ability of Second Sight. I’ve had a vision of war upon The Keep. The Queen and Prince of Sheol know I’m here, and they’re coming for me with their legions.”


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