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Stallion of Ash and Flame (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 17

by Savanna Kougar

  “Yes, Seneca.”

  She digested his words, her body utterly still. “To protect me?”

  Her calmly spoken words blanketed a firestorm of emotion he sensed and easily inhaled inside his nostrils.

  “It was the only way to keep a strong mental connection with you.”

  Her breath exploded outward and she sat back, the chair holding her up. Her eyelids closed delicately. “I suppose because of what kind of danger I was in from the Fire Starters.”

  “From all our enemies, yours and mine.”

  “Oh, God.” Her tone held a moan, and not from carnal ecstasy. “So, how is it undone?”

  Trail gulped down his first response, covering it by taking sips of his coffee. The stallion raged with protest. “It can’t be undone, to my knowledge.”

  “Can’t be undone.” Her words were stretched above her inner hysteria. “With all your world’s advanced genetics and have a portal, for god’s sake. Why can’t it be undone?”

  “Probably because there’s never been a request for a mating to be reversed.”

  “Never?” Her shrill voice quavered at the end.

  Trail carefully shook his head no, while observing her closely. Her thoughts raced as if chased by a fanged predator. “Don’t you want it undone? I mean, I know you said there could be a way for you to go home, but what if there isn’t?”

  Reaction had set in. Now that they had escaped the current danger, she was faced with the totality of what he’d done to her, and all the ramifications.

  “Seneca, I love you.”

  She reared back against the chair, her eyes enormous. “You can’t. I know I said that before when you said that. But I don’t understand.”

  “I’ve loved you from afar for a long time. Yes,” he answered her look of skepticism. “I thought it was only ball-busting lust.”

  “But you never—” She let her words hang.

  “You’re not a one-night-stand woman. I kept my distance.”

  She clutched her mug, obviously wanting anything to cling to. “Why can’t you go home, if you can’t?”

  “In my world a human woman is not an acceptable mate.”

  “Why not?”

  He watched her sense of fairness rise like wildfire in her eyes.

  “In the past it caused problems. Since we’re shifters, stallions and mares enjoy mating with each other.”

  “Oh.” She huffed her breath in and out. “Well, that’s understandable.” Folding her arms, she scrutinized him. “Wouldn’t that be a major problem for you?”

  Trail figured she wouldn’t believe him, but he said it anyway. “No.”

  “Why not?” She pinned him with her gaze.

  “I don’t miss it here.” He kept his own gaze unrelenting, gave a slight shrug, and hoped she believed him.

  “That doesn’t sound possible.”

  “The truth, Seneca. Yes, I’ve had my fair share of equine trysts at home.”

  “More than your share,” she muttered, interrupting.

  Inside he grinned, not letting it show. “Sometimes there’s a genetic anomaly. I thought my lack of interest here was due to focusing on my mission.” He paused. “And because there were enough one night stands.”

  “Paula,” she stabbed.

  He lost himself in the blaze of her blue-sky eyes and reared high inside. His mare displayed her jealousy. “I realize,” he continued, “I have that anomaly.”

  “I damn bet you it’s rare.”

  Despite his attempt at control, the corner of his mouth lifted in a grin. “It is. My great grandfather is the same way. He’s an ambassador to many humanoid worlds for that reason.”

  “Your great grandfather is still an ambassador?”

  Trail whirled in his mind as if he avoided an ambush. “Our race is longer-lived than Earth humans. It won’t be a problem,” he forestalled. “Life extension is easy.”

  She gaped at him for an instant. “Is it?”

  “You’ve already done research on White Powder of Gold and the claims it extends life. It does, if created properly.”

  She tossed her hair, her tension showing. “Well, don’t you have all the answers?”

  “I don’t have this answer. How to convince you to kiss me and say how much you want me between those gorgeous thighs of yours.”

  She started a bit, her eyes flaring with surprise. He swallowed down his coffee and watched her ponder as she slowly drained her mug of hot chocolate.

  “What’s your idea for being able to go home?”

  “You have one key, Seneca, the Hauloquine device. The Council of Elders in my world will be impressed that you were chosen as its Keeper, since it can open our portal.”

  Unfastening her gaze from him, she pressed her hand against her pocket, her expression relieved as she felt the device’s outline.

  “There’s something else.” He sat forward, capturing her direct gaze.

  “Epona,” she whispered.

  “Yes, since you are sprung from the ancient loins of Epona, as we would speak it, there is a good chance you will be accepted as the exception. Epona’s horses are our ancient ancestors. It will be seen as the force of destiny. Our destiny to be together won’t be ignored.”

  “This is all too weird,” she murmured. “Yet, at the same time, it does make sense as destiny. Especially the way the pieces all fit together. What are the odds?”

  Resting against the back of the chair, she propped her leg up, her expression contemplative. “Truth, I’ve always felt a strong sense of destiny. Though I’ve never understood what that destiny was, or how it would eventually show up.” Her face and her eyes softened, appearing dreamy. “Actually, it’s been rough going. I’ve been down several,” she gazed at him, “false trails.”

  “No false Trail here,” he lightly bantered.

  “Yeah, yeah,” she sang. “Course all those false trails weren’t nearly as Relic Hunter adventurous. Wow, I had no idea I could be that fast-thinking or that tough. It was like watching another person at times.” Her gaze sought his, glints of amusement deep in her eyes. “Can I tell you a you’ve probably already figured out?”

  “I’m your man.” He grinned.

  She scowled briefly at his double meaning. “It was fun, terrifying, but also fun. Don’t get me wrong, I was scared out of my...well, I’ve never been that frightened of anything. Especially when that horrible commander grabbed me. Still,” she paused and a tiny gleam shone in her eyes, “there was a part of me that knew what to do. There was a part of me that sizzled with the thrill of it. Like a thrill-seeker, I guess.”

  Trail considered first, then spoke. “More adventures and thrills to come, my brave woman. But not for awhile.”

  “Because of who you are.”

  “Because of who I am. And because we’ve both been chosen by destiny.”

  She gave a little nod and thought for a few moments.

  “Seneca, most of my days are fairly routine. Just like yours.”

  “Sure.” She drew the word out.

  “Okay, you got me,” he teased. “Yep, there’s the constant scouting for enemies and devouring forest fires that endanger the portal. Other than that, I’m your man.”

  “So, what now? We get married, put up the white picket fence. You gallop the pasture with the other horses, protect your portal while avoiding the Alien get the picture. Oh, god...children.”

  Trail placed his hand on the table, palm up, inviting her to join hands with him. Trepidation deep in her eyes, she locked her gaze with his and probed his eyes. Finally, softly, she laid her hand on top of his, lacing her fingers with his.

  “Do you want to get married?” he asked gently.

  “Not really,” she admitted. “Not now, anyway.”

  “Do you want a white picket fence?”

  She smiled, amused. “There are some fences that need fixing. A white picket fence around my kitchen garden might be nice.”

  “Consider it do

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep. You might need to go charging off to devour a forest fire.” Her entire face glowed. “That was fantastically amazing, by the way, alien stud. It almost makes me want to start a fire just to watch you again.”

  Trail pranced inside. He was her stallion of flame. “I’ll get it done between saving the portal and stopping all the nearby fires.” He gradually smiled, then used his gaze to suggest what else they’d be doing.

  “Oh, you think it’s all that simple. Well, it may be destiny. That I’ll buy. But that doesn’t mean I’m just yours for the taking.”

  “We are mates. You want me.”

  “So, the truth emerges. It wasn’t only substances to connect our minds, it was hormone-connecting passionate chemistry for real.”

  “It was me wanting you. Choosing you.”

  “To protect me.”

  He watched her struggle to wrap her mind around what he’d told her so far.

  “A stallion will always protect the mare he loves, no matter what else occurs. That’s what happened, Seneca. I chose you as my mate. I know that doesn’t seem fair, but, you won’t regret it.”

  She trembled, her hand shaking like a trapped butterfly against his. “I hope not,” she whispered. “My heart has been through enough battles.”

  “I had no way of knowing it, until now. You were made for me, Seneca. And I was made for you.”

  Her tremors halted and she smiled weakly. “How will I ever explain you as one of my horses? Unless it doesn’t work that way. How does it work, shifting? How often do you...”

  Chapter Twelve

  The Love of a Good Horse Shifter

  “So far, I’ve been able to shift enough when I absorb the firestorms. By Earth time, once a week is all I need.”

  “Is that all you need for your horse spirit? I mean, don’t you need, or want, to run free and fast?”

  “Wild horse herds are a thrill to go galloping with, if the stallion doesn’t object. When I race through the forest it’s a powerful sweetness to my equine blood.”

  “What about home? Don’t you run there?”

  “There are extraordinary land vistas of many types to walk and gallop through as a horse. It’s similar to going on a hike through the wild natural areas on Earth.”

  “I’d like to visit your world.” Her words were hesitant, yet sincere. Trail embraced her hand between both of his.

  “I have a feeling that will happen. It’s more important we build our life together here.”

  “This is all so sudden,” she joked, her tone ironic, yet tremulous. She shivered again, and watched uncertainty grip her.

  “We can do it, Seneca. First, I’m your hired hand. Next, your boyfriend.”

  “My live-in lover. Great, what am I going to tell Rory? More to the point, how am I going to tell him?”

  “Don’t tell Rory anything for now. Wait until he heals completely. We’ll figure it out, how to handle everything.” He caressed the top of her hand, wanting her to continue trusting him, just enough. Ultimately, he wanted her to trust her own inner knowing about him.

  “Well, I guess I could claim you’re a friend’s stallion staying with me. You could run the pastures.”

  “When I do gallop the pastures I want you astride me, my Seneca.”

  She rolled her eyes a little, but flipped him a little smile. “You are an incredible ride, and I mean as a horse.” She frowned minimally at his ‘I want to ride you look.’ “What about Ignition? He will be so jealous.”

  “I’ll have a stallion meeting of the minds with him. He’ll understand.”

  Doubt clouded her sky eyes, but she said nothing. Instead, she reached out with her other hand and grasped his, stroking. Seeing their hands united, he surged inside with happiness. “Okay, you win. I’ll give it a try. As if I really have a choice with everything that’s happened, that is. Who can fight destiny, right?”

  Trail thought his heart would burst apart with joy, but he merely gave her a lopsided grin. “You’ll like having me around, my beautiful woman.”

  “Oh God, I hope so. I really do. My past experiences with having men around haven’t turned out all that wonderful. Of course, they were merely human.”

  “Every mare needs the stallion who not only loves her, but knows how to handle her with the right persuasions.”

  She cocked her head, her chin defiant. Challenge glinted in her eyes. “Is that so?”

  Trail didn’t regret his words, but his mate expected an answer, proof for what he’d just claimed. Letting his passion ignite, he started with her face, then scorched his gaze downward in a deliberate perusal of her body. He did what he’d wanted to do every time he’d seen her, let her know how alluring and sexy he found her. Let her know he was ready to mount her until she begged for mercy, or for more.

  “Oh God,” she breathlessly burst out. Squirming, she gripped his hands hard. Her heated sex scent swirled around him, capturing his heavy balls, and causing his shaft to threaten the strength of his zipper.

  Slowly, Trail grinned, his gaze feasting on her mouth. Her eyelids closed in surrender, and she made a tiny mew of need.

  “Come here,” he growled the command, firmly pulling on her hands.

  “Dammit, bossy stud.” Standing shakily, she moved around the table to him, following the guidance of his grip.

  The moon-round beauty of her breasts, swollen with desire, thrust against her t-shirt, her nipples ready to be suckled. Raising her hands to his lips, he placed reverent, yet demanding kisses on top of her strong little hands.

  “Trail,” she whimpered, her carnal ache music to his ears and to his cock.

  Easing his hands from hers, he claimed the sacred shape of her waist and caressed. With possessive languid strokes, he molded her ribcage and her back, a harmony of fragility and strength beneath his palms. “Seneca.” He nuzzled teases between her breasts.

  She leaned forward, arching her luscious teats to him. Her palms ran over the entire width of his shoulders, her touch so soft, it burned a wild pleasure through him. Using his teeth, he repeatedly nipped the inner swells of her breasts through her t-shirt.

  She moaned, her hands sweeping from the top of his shoulders to the hard planes of his back. His thumbs caught the plush curves of her tits as he rapidly circled his palms over her back.

  “Stud,” she encouraged. Her breasts heaved with each of her rapid breathy pants. Her scent bloomed around him, riper and fierce with her arousal. After nuzzling the exquisite heaviness of her breast, he nipped and tugged on her taut nipple, his teeth scraping. “Oh God, yes. Hurt me, please.”

  Grabbing her tits, he shaped them to his hands. Her plump teat pushed farther inside his mouth. He sucked the stiff bud, then bit down, hearing her ecstatic cries and feeling her fingernails sink into his shoulders. His woman would soon crave what he did to her as much as he craved her every touch, soft or savage.

  Gradually, he worked his clamped teeth down her elongated nipple. She desperately moaned with bliss and wiggled, trying to force her other teat to his mouth. Abandoning her nipple to her clinging wet t-shirt, he sharply bit down on her other thickly engorged bud.

  She whimpered with pleasure and he also heard her anticipation of more pleasure. It hitched his cock and his primal need for her twisted a smoldering path through his loins. He tormented her teat without mercy. “Oh, Trail, I love what you do to me. Please,” she begged for more.

  Utterly impassioned, she stroked up his neck, threading her fingers in his hair, and pressing his head strongly to her. He suckled her irresistible nipple, alternately nipping roughly and laving her teat with his tongue. Her moans of primitive bliss filled his ears.

  For her, his blood roared through his veins and moved like fiery streams of lava. If he hadn’t been so carnally bewitched by her breasts and by her need to have them lustily used, he couldn’t have stopped himself from pumping his cock inside her blistering sheath.

His name was a plea. She dove her hands to the front of her jeans.

  “No,” he rasped. “I want it this way.”

  He seized her hands, stopping her. Desperately, she cried out, straining her hips toward him. Gripping her jeans, he unsnapped them. With deliberate control, he eased the zipper down.

  “Bossy stud,” she breathlessly complained.

  Trail punished her teat with his teeth, then nuzzled the peak of her breast as he pulled down her jeans so the waistband pressed against the bottom of her ass.

  “Oh damn, my clit is going crazy, jerking for you. God.”

  His shaft bucked, refusing the restriction of his jeans as he unzipped himself, then sprang free. Intentionally, he kept his balls imprisoned, wanting to possess her for a long time. He palmed her butt cheeks, trapping them as he lifted her off the ground. His cock stood tall and aching, ready to mate her. Her hands hit his shoulders, gripping in reflex as he brought her higher.

  “Wrap your legs around me, mare. Open to me.”

  She keened a whimper of raw need, her sheath’s entrance softening and widening. He knew because he smelled her dripping rich juices. Lowering her, he stabbed his cock’s head inside the steamy slick opening of her hiarrus and halted.

  Moaning sharply, she positioned her body so he could slide his shaft inside her and drive to her woman’s core. “Talk about stallion-size,” she praised.

  Her lips caught his forehead with a kiss as he let her gradually sink onto his starved cock, desperate to mate her. When she whimpered with pain, he paused, a groan escaping his lips.

  “Please, it’s okay,” she whispered, hugging his neck. “I want to feel all of your stud cock.”

  Nuzzling the side of her delectable neck, he indulged in the perfume of her feminine passion. “My woman.” His lips moved against her heated sensitive skin.

  She pressed her nose to his forehead, intimately caressing him. Trail forced his shaft through the tight scalding walls of her hiarrus, his entire body basking in the ruthless flames inside him, ignited by her.

  “Oh, God, yes, make me take you.”


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