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Jude's Law

Page 16

by Lori Foster

  “No shit. One look at that black and blue face, and anyone can see you don’t know squat about defending yourself.”

  “There were two of them.”

  “Could be a crowd often, and you can bet Jude’d come out looking better than the rest. But yeah, he’s good. Better’n most.”

  Jude, Jude, Jude. Tim was about sick of hearing him heralded.

  Denny studied him. “Thing is, a really bitchin’ tattoo would add some menace to your otherwise yellow skin.” Laughing, he swatted Tim on the back, making him gasp in pain, then stretched back to his feet. “If you’d learn to carry yourself a little better, maybe get some confidence, you could pull it off. And then you wouldn’t be such an easy mark for a beating, you know?”

  Trying to stifle his groans, Tim lumbered to his feet and quickly wrapped the towel around his naked waist. “Are we done?”

  “Quit asking me that. I’ll tell you when we’re done.”

  He groaned. “So what now?”

  “We’ll hit the sauna. You’ll love it. In fact, I’ll join you. I could use a good sweat.” Catching the hem of his shirt, Denny pulled it up and over his head. As he walked away, he began unfastening his slacks.

  In awe, Tim stared at his back. Atop the thick layers of muscles, Denny had a web of scars from surgeries and wounds alike, including what looked like a bullet hole.

  Forgetting his own aches and pains, Tim awkwardly trotted to catch up. “Were you shot?”

  “More’n once.” Denny paused to kick off his shoes and peel away his socks. And just like that, he shoved down his slacks and underwear. “But that was during my misspent youth, before I started fighting for money instead of pigheadedness.”

  Intrigued, Tim followed on Denny’s heels into the sauna and choked on the thick-as-butter steam. After he caught his breath again, he asked, “Is there much money in fighting?”

  “Depends on whether or not you’re any good. The purse can be a pittance, meaning you’re fighting just for the experience and exposure, and maybe just because it’s fun. Or it can be a fortune.”


  “Damn right. I love it. And truth, is, I did all right. Supported myself and packed away some savings. Now Jude, he raked in the dough. He has a knack for being the best at whatever he does.”

  Tim did not want to talk about Jude. The bastard had money falling out his ears, and a blind man would know he wanted May. But what did that get Tim? A lousy loan.

  Denny threw a couple of towels onto the redwood benches. “Take a load off.”

  His mood spoiled, Tim wiped the sweat from his face and rolled his knotted shoulders. “It’s so damn hot in here, I can barely breathe.”

  “It’s good for you. Relieves stress and loosens up those damaged muscles.” Buck naked, Denny sat on his towel and stretched out his legs. The fronts of his thighs had more scars and a really nasty, jagged white line ran from his knee to midway down his calf. “Now sit.”

  Tim sat. But after a minute, the silence got to him. “So tell me about some of your fights.”

  Denny’s eyes didn’t open and his head didn’t move, but a smile curved his hard mouth. “My favorite was when I knocked a guy out in fifteen seconds. He’d been shooting off his mouth, saying he’d make me tap out.”

  “Tap out?”

  Green eyes opened the tiniest bit. “Don’t tell me you’ve never watched an SBC fight?”

  Did he have to make that sound like a cardinal sin? “No.”

  “Huh.” And then, with more interest, “I know what we’ll be doing the rest of the day.”



  The voice came to her from far away, disturbing the cozy, safe peace of her dreams. More relaxed than she could remember being in years, she sighed, then nestled further into the comforter.

  “May,” the voice said again, this time in a singsong, teasing way.

  She roused enough to open her eyes a little. She saw murky darkness and blurry images, but she breathed in the most delicious scent imaginable. The air on her face felt cool, while a cocoon of warmth held her body. She closed her eyes again,

  “Wake up, honey.”

  She realized that she had her nose buried in Jude’s chest hair, and that her cheek rested on him. Her glasses were gone, so Jude must have removed them for her. “Why?”

  Strong fingers tunneled through her hair, massaged her scalp. “Because I’m going to make love to you, and I don’t want to be accused of taking advantage of your unconscious state.”

  Make love? That sounded promising. After a luxurious little stretch that slid flesh along flesh in a most tantalizing way, she asked, “What time is it?”

  “Maybe five o’clock.”

  “Mmmm. It seems dark.”

  “I closed the drapes.” His hand trailed along her spine to her behind and further down, until she froze in surprise. “I wouldn’t wake you, except that Denny will have dinner ready soon, and anyway, I don’t think I can wait much longer.”

  She tipped her head up to see him, but without her glasses, his expression remained a mystery. “I’m usually an insomniac.”

  “Maybe I’ve found a cure.”

  A little embarrassed, she said, “I can’t believe I passed out like that.”

  His fingers continued to touch and explore, smoothing along her cheek, her upper thigh. He dipped lower—and touched her vulva from behind. “I thought it was nice,” he said in a voice gone deep and smoky. “So don’t expect me to complain.”

  A rush of heat and intensified feeling swelled inside her. Holding a rational thought became a challenge, but she didn’t want him to know he could turn her to mush so easily. “Passed out women turn you on, huh?”

  “You turn me on.” He insinuated the tip of one finger past her lips, barely teasing, rasping slick, sensitized flesh.

  Oh God. She needed two deep breaths before she could ask, “Did I snore?”

  Ducking his head down, he kissed her softly. “I don’t know. I fell asleep, too.” His mouth touched hers again. “I don’t usually sleep with women. Sleep, I mean.”

  “I know what you mean.”

  He turned his head, deepening the kiss and twining his tongue with hers for a long time. “I liked holding you, May,” he said against her mouth. “You’re warm.”

  More like red-hot.

  Pressing closer to her, he said, “And now you’re finally awake.” The kiss that followed left her clutching at him, practically crawling on top of him.

  A loud rap sounded at the door, startling a yelp out of her.

  “Sorry, May,” came Denny’s booming voice, “but Jude has a call.”

  Jude lifted his head enough to say, “Take a message,” as if he expected her to carry on with Denny looming right outside the room.

  She gave him a shove that sent him to his back while she scrambled to get under the covers.

  Jude whispered, “Calm down.”

  Without her glasses she could barely see, but they were both naked. In bed together. And now Denny knew exactly what they were doing. She pulled the comforter over her head.

  Jude fell to his back with a curse. “Go away, Denny.”

  “It’s your rep.”

  “Tell him to fuck off.”

  Denny laughed.

  May groaned.

  “He wants to know if you have a statement about the movie deal you were offered. Everyone’s hounding him to find out if you’re going to agree to that action flick or not.”

  Jude muttered, “Shit,” and then, a little louder, “tell him I’ll call him back in an hour.”

  “You got calls from your publicist, too. Oh, and Uma Thurman wants to chat about a birthday bash in Santa Monica next month, and someone from People magazine is requesting an interview.”

  Speechless, May stayed under the covers. She was shocked down to the tips of her toes. Her stomach twisted into a knot. Dumb, dumb, dumb. For a little while there, she’d forgotten that Jude was a bona fide celebrity. A movie
star. A man recognized by everyone.

  He wasn’t a mere denizen of Stillbrook.

  He wasn’t for her.

  Jude tried to pull the covers away from her, and May choked out, “Don’t.”

  Sighing, he called out, “Denny, no disrespect intended, but if you don’t take a hike, I’m going to kick your ass.”

  Denny laughed again. “Okay, but dinner’ll be done in twenty.”

  “Thanks. We’ll be down soon.”

  The second Denny moved away from the closed door, Jude whipped the covers off May, leaving her completely bare. Her mind immediately did a comparison of Uma’s slender, toned body. Her blond hair. Her poise and sophistication and stunning good looks.

  In every way, May came out lacking.

  For once, she was glad she couldn’t see without her glasses. Jude’s telling silence was humiliation enough.

  To her surprise, he settled himself close beside her. One hand covered her belly, and she felt his breath on her cheek when he said, “Now, where were we?”

  He couldn’t be serious. “This is a mistake.”

  Damp lips trailed up her throat to her ear. His tongue teased, dipping inside, before his lips nibbled on her earlobe.

  When she trembled, he began another trek, leaving small, warm kisses along her tingling skin until he reached her mouth.

  He touched his nose to hers. “You mean then or now? Because, woman, you’re about two seconds away from being laid. Again.”

  He rolled atop her, easily nudged open her thighs, and somehow, maybe because she didn’t do much resisting, slid into her with one long, deep thrust. “See?”

  She couldn’t think. Much. “What… What about protection?”

  “Took care of it while you were cowering under the blankets.”

  Even though she couldn’t see him well, she glared into his face. “I do not cower.”

  He kissed her, a lingering, tender kiss that somehow made her feel less foolish. “Prove it.”

  “How?” Okay, so he was a celebrity. So the beautiful and talented Uma Thurman had called him. So what?

  Right now, for this instant in time, he was hers.

  “You can start by telling me what you like.”

  Sliding her arms around his neck, she gave in to the delicious rhythm he initiated. “All right.” When he hooked her knees, lifting her legs high to penetrate deeper, she moaned,” That.” Oh God. “I like that.”

  Jude said, “Yeah?”

  “Yeah.” She gasped. “Oh, and that, too.” With a husky laugh, he teased, “And this?” Lord have mercy. “Ummm… Oh! Sure.” Feeling the start of her orgasm, May panted, squeezed tight, and just barely managed to whisper, “Why not?”


  “Damn,” Jude said, his breathing still harsh, his body damp with sweat. “I had twenty minutes and only used ten. I suck.”

  Heart pounding a furious beat, May said, “No, you were fabulous.”

  Jude grunted. “So speaks a woman who doesn’t yet know fabulous. But tonight I’ll get it right.”

  On her side, one leg over Jude’s lap, her head again tucked against his shoulder, May asked, “Does that mean I’m to sleep with you tonight?”

  “Every night.” Jude stiffened. “Is that a problem?”

  Not for her, but then why had he given her a room of her own? She said only, “I don’t want to intrude.”

  His laugh dwindled into a groan. “I like the way you intrude. Feel free to keep it up.”

  Since he seemed to be in such a mellow, easy mood, and the dinner hour drew near, May worked up her nerve and said, “Jude?”


  He’d returned his hand to her backside. The man did have a preoccupation with her posterior, and it wasn’t conducive to calm discussion. “Can you stop that just a second?”

  “No.” He patted, stroked. “It’s irresistible. Sorry.”

  Of all the idiotic… she let that go. “You had several stipulations that you expected me to agree to.”

  “Right.” This time he gave her backside an affectionate squeeze. “I can’t wait to show off this sexy bod in the right clothes.”

  His idea of “right clothes” was bound to differ from hers. But she’d have to tackle that hideous idea later. Right now, the thought of him drinking wine with dinner had her on edge. Knowing how dumb it was didn’t help her to deal with it.

  She girded herself, then blurted, “Well, I have a stipulation, too.”

  As if she’d goosed him hard, Jude flinched, then turned still as stone. One second later, he raised his head to glare down at her. “You don’t get stipulations.”

  Of all the unfair baloney! “I insist that I do.”


  His dark frown and obvious suspicion unnerved her, but May held her ground. “If you expect me to abide by your rules, you’ll have to abide by one of mine.”

  In a sudden rush, Jude shoved himself away from her to sit at the side of the bed. Elbows on his naked knees, head in his hands, he stewed.

  His reaction might have bothered her more, but she was too busy appreciating the sight of his long, muscled back and taut flesh, all naked, and for the moment, all hers. Unable to help herself, she reached out and trailed her fingers down his spine.

  Jude jerked around to stare at her. “All right, let’s hear it.”

  His tone and attitude hit her the wrong way. “You don’t have to be surly about it.”

  “Surly!” In a quick turnabout, he loomed over her, so close she could see the whiskers in his five o’clock shadow. “You’re laying out ground rules?”

  “So? You did the same.”

  Teeth locked, Jude said, “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you to give up drinking.”

  His expression went comically blank. He blinked, studied her face. “Come again?”

  In a burst of passionate expression, May came up to her elbows, forcing him to move back so they wouldn’t clunk heads. “I’m sorry, but I hate it.”


  Just thinking of it made her shudder, and she wrinkled her nose. “The awful smell, the sight, everything about it. Wine, beer, hard liquor, it all makes me ill. Literally. It makes my stomach churn. If you want me to stay here, if you want to continue with our…” She gestured at the bed.

  Slowly, eyes piercing and direct, Jude closed the scant space between them, forcing her down again until his body squashed hers deliciously.

  Her breasts flattened on the hard planes of his chest. One of his muscular thighs wedged between hers. His forearms framed her shoulders, his fists at either side of her head. Jaw tight, he said, “It’s called a relationship.”

  She sniffed. “Is it?”

  “Damn right.” He looked livid again.

  “Well, I wasn’t sure. I haven’t had that many intimate experiences.”

  If anything, that fired him up more. His nose touched hers. “The males in this area must be total buffoons for ignoring you.”

  His insinuation insulted her. “I haven’t been ignored. I’ve been asked plenty of times, but I usually say no. I don’t like smoking or drinking, and then, there’s my family…”

  “Everyone has family, May. Don’t try to use them to send me packing.”

  Shock dropped her mouth open. “I wasn’t!” Good God, didn’t he realize just how imposing and impossible her family could be? He’d met Tim, for crying out loud. That should give him a clue.

  “Good. Because you and I have something going on here.”

  Feeling her own dose of annoyance, May tried to shove him away. But like most stubborn mules, he didn’t budge. “I need my glasses, damn it.”


  “Because I want to see you clearly while you say stupid things.”

  He hesitated, but then stretched until he could reach her glasses on the nightstand. “You’re the only woman I know who seems to enjoy insulting me.”

  She took the glasses from him and slid them on. Looking into his gorgeous
face, she said, “You’re the one who claimed to just want in my pants.”

  “Yeah, so?” As defensive as a sinner, he added, “Now I’ve been in your pants, and I like it there. I want to get in your pants a whole lot more.”

  “Jude,” she growled, warning him to knock it off.

  He grinned. “Sorry. I like teasing you. I like being with you.” He pressed his hips in, moving against her. “I like touching you and laughing with you. And I love making love to you. I don’t want to stop doing any of the above any time soon.”


  “Can I get an amen?”

  He’d sing a different tune once he met her folks, so why force the issue now? It’d be taken out of her hands soon enough. Why not keep the moment as pleasant as possible until then?

  Pretending an indifference no sane woman would feel, May rolled her shoulder. “Sure.”

  Chastising her, he shook his head. “Gee, May, don’t get all giddy or anything. I mean, I know you’re enthusiastic, but let’s don’t go overboard.”

  The sarcasm annoyed her. What did he want—for her to jump up and down? For her to leave her heart exposed so he could trample it? “I wasn’t expecting a relationship. I’m sorry. I’m not sure how to react.”

  With droll wit, Jude said, “I’m really not all that conceited, you know. You don’t have to work on breaking down my male ego.”

  He wasn’t conceited at all. Temperamental, sure. He had more mood swings than a premenstrual girl the night of the prom. But he was also protective and often patient, and so incredibly generous.

  “In everyway that counts,” she told him, “you’re exceptional.”

  For an extended time, their gazes held. Then Jude cupped her face, kissed her softly, and said, “So I can’t drink. Anything else I can’t do?”

  “Badger me.”

  His grin went crooked. “I’ll try. What else?”

  “You don’t smoke, do you?”

  “God no.”

  She’d already known that but asked just for the heck of it. As a fighter, Jude was too into health to drag smoke into his lungs. “Will you mind giving up alcohol?”


  He said it too fast for her peace of mind. “You’re sure?”

  “I’m not an alcoholic, May. I can take it or leave it, and if it’s that important to you, then it’s important to me.”


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