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The Hard Way

Page 8

by Austin Bates

  Noah was left out of the guffaw shared between Rhonda and Hugh. “There aren’t any cubicles on the second floor. You’ll have a private office, but they will not be nearly as nice as the offices that our attorneys on the first floor work out of. There will be a generous bump in your salary, a $10,000 increase on your yearly take-home pay. Does that sound agreeable?”

  Noah raised his eyebrows. “Does it sound agreeable? Sir, I will go set up my new work space right now.”

  Rhonda clapped her hands together and giggled. “Wonderful! Let’s get you upstairs and situated!”

  Hugh stood up and extended his hand to Noah. “You’re going to love the second floor, Counselor Wilson!”

  Noah grinned, a new light emerging from behind his coffee-colored eyes. “I’m sure I will, sir.”


  The rubber cork popped off of the narrow neck of the champagne bottle. A river of bubbling champagne came flowing out of the bottle. The champagne ran over Noah’s hands as he poured a cup into Issac and Madeline’s glasses. Madeline grinned and poured sparkling apple cider into Jade’s plastic cup.

  “Congratulations, son.” She cheered and Jade crashed her hands together.

  “Thank you, Mom,” Noah said, taking a long sip of champagne.

  “Thank you for letting me celebrate with you guys,” Issac said, knocking his glass against Noah’s.

  “Of course!” Madeline said, passing some of the take-out sushi that they ordered over to Issac.

  “We’re happy to have you, Issac. It’s so great to celebrate Noah’s news and meet his boyfriend in the same night. I was convinced that he didn’t even have a life outside of the office.”

  “Mom,” Noah said, sharing a piece of his California roll with Jade.

  Madeline held up her hands in a defensive gesture. “I’m just excited that all of these good things are happening for you.”

  “It’s okay, Madeline. I didn’t think that he had very much of a personal life either. It’s all of that hard work that’s gotten him to the second floor in six months,” Issac said.

  Jade tapped Issac on the knee and he focused on her. Noah’s little girl is way cuter than I imagined. Her hair had been parted into two braided pigtails, and two bright pink bows stood out against the dark color of her hair. Her eyes, which were the size of saucers, were a deep cerulean color.

  Cullen must have blue eyes, Issac thought, and leaned over to Jade. “Yes?”

  “Are you my daddy’s Andrew?” she blurted. Madeline fought off a giggle as she refilled her glass. Noah swatted Madeline on the knee and Issac chuckled. I’ve never seen this side of Noah before. He’s so normal with his family, even their bickering seems so warm.

  “Andrew? Is that Cullen’s partner?”

  “Yes. However, that’s not the best way to ask that question, Jade,” Noah said. “Issac isn’t an Andrew. Issac is Issac. He’s our Issac,” Noah said, reaching across the table and gripping Issac’s hand.

  While Madeline swooned, Jade said, “I don’t think that Daddy likes Andrew very much. He never stays and has hot chocolate with us when Andrew asks.”

  You’re laying on the uncomfortable topics pretty thick tonight, Jade. Noah laughed facetiously and passed more edamame over to Jade. “Here’s some of those peas you like, sweetheart.”

  Madeline handed a plate of spicy tuna rolls over to Issac. “So, Issac, how do you like working for Hugh Walsh?”

  Issac shrugged. “Well, you know, working with Hugh is an honor. My dad went to high school with him back in the day, so once I started law school, I never stopped hearing about the guy. I just had to try my luck to see if he would hire me when I graduated.”

  Madeline nodded. “Mm hm, and how’s it going so far? We know that things are going well for Noah, but have you had as much luck with your cases?”

  Noah sent an icy glare over to Madeline’s side of the table. “Mom, he just answered your question. He thought Hugh was this great businessman and he’s grown up around great men like his father—”

  At this, Issac snorted.

  “—and he wanted to try working for him.”

  “It's okay, Madeline. Noah is trying to spare my feelings when he doesn’t have to. No, I’m not doing as well as Noah. My win ratio is a bit smaller, maybe just below average. However, it’s a privilege to work with your son and get to know him outside of work to find out how I can be just as great.”

  He’s been listening to his trophy wife mother give answers like this his whole life. He hasn’t broken a sweat, Noah noted, feeling a small rush of gratitude for Issac’s patience.

  Madeline relented. “I see. Would you like some more champagne, Issac? It’s an oldie but goodie from 1970 that I wanted to save for a special occasion. I’m sure you’re familiar with fine wines, given your background and all.”

  “I’ll have another glass, don’t be shy—fill it to the top.”

  Chapter 18

  Issac withheld a groan and remembered to use his best smile as Hugh said, “Really, Mr. Fitzgerald. How do you expect to achieve greatness if you’re only grabbing at the small fish?”

  “Well, sir, I don’t want to overshoot my abilities. I’ve been taking smaller cases to bring less losses back to the firm so that the larger cases can go to those that are better equipped to deal with them,” Issac stated as Hugh leaned back in his chair and half rotated.

  “Let’s be frank. You have been here for nine months now, and while you’ve won some cases that were very important to me, I know that you could be doing so much more for the firm.”

  “Why is that, sir?”

  Rhonda, who had been sorting through Issac’s file to the right of Hugh, spoke up for the first time during their meeting. “Because you’ve had the best resources to be successful here and we feel that you’re not taking advantage of them.”

  “Is this about my relationship with Noah? What are you guys expecting from him? To write my courts statements?”

  Hugh rolled his eyes, having hinted on more than one occasion that Noah was out of Issac’s league. The two had gone public two months prior, and were met with mostly sly smiles and ‘you make a handsome couple’ from the rest of the lawyers in the firm. “This isn’t about your relationship. Here’s the bottom line: I need you to do a whole hell of a lot better than you are right now. I’m going to give you a big opportunity, and it’s in your very best interest not to blow it.” He reached into his desk and handed Issac a solid black portfolio.

  Issac grasped it and undid the clasp on the outside of it.

  “In this portfolio is a big case. We are representing Cullen Weiss, an administrator for the Baltimore school system. It recently came to light that Cullen is gay, engaged, and has a child from his previous relationship with a man, and the Baltimore school system suspended him when his partner stopped by to deliver some lunch. Apparently, one of the students in Cullen’s class complained to his father, who happens to be a generous donor for the private school. They have suspended Cullen indefinitely.”

  “That’s abhorrent,” Issac said.

  “It is,” Rhonda chimed in. “However, we think that you could prepare this case and win your first big one on your own. I mean, how much more information do you need for the perfect statement to make to the judge? They’re violating his rights and screwing him out of a job.”

  “They are. Okay, I accept the case. I will win this one for us.”

  Hugh looked over to Rhonda and they both nodded. “Wonderful. I’m looking forward to hearing about how you progress. You can follow up with Rhonda at the end of each week and she’ll keep me updated. Have a great weekend, Mr. Fitzgerald.”

  Issac rose to his feet. I guess I’m being dismissed now. “Have a great weekend, Mr. Walsh. Rhonda.”

  “Take Noah out on an expensive date. That man’s earned it for how hard he’s been working this week!” Rhonda called out to him as he shut the door behind him.

  Issac clenched his fists as he began his
trek through the stairwell. I just don’t have the stomach for the office today, he thought as he found himself on the second floor landing. He hesitated, the bolded number two on the door in front of him presented an opportunity. He looked towards the staircase next to him that would deliver him to the third floor.

  He twisted the knob on the second door floor and stepped out into a hallway with deep green carpeting. It was dimly lit, and the cacophony of phones ringing and fingers slamming down on keyboards could be heard from the entrance all the way to the very end of the hall.

  Issac walked down the hall, the last name of each lawyer was printed in bold, black letters. GRAYSON, COLE, HEWITT, HUTCHINSON, WILSON.

  Issac stopped at Wilson, and tapped it twice with his knuckles. The typing from behind the door ceased, and Noah pulled it open, stepping aside as Issac walked in.

  Noah closed the door and asked, “What's up?”

  “Hugh just ripped me a new one.”

  Noah moved to his desk and leaned against it. “Yeah? About what?”

  “Well, he gave me this case,” Issac said, holding the portfolio up.

  Noah held his hand out and Issac handed it off to him.

  “He thinks that I could be doing ‘far better’ and this is his and Rhonda’s way of letting me know that I’m on thin ice.”


  “I get it. I don’t have a perfect record here but he could cut me some slack. I’m certainly not the worst lawyer.”

  “Issac?” Noah repeated, more insistent this time.

  “Why does he have to feel like he’s making an example out of the privileged rich—”

  “Issac!” Noah hissed, and Issac paused.

  “What? What is it?”

  With a grave expression, Noah said, “This is Cullen’s case.”

  Issac shrugged. “Yeah, I know, this guy named Cullen got suspended—”

  “He got suspended from the school district essentially for being gay. Issac, this is my Cullen. I didn’t think that he’d come here to find someone to represent his case. Why didn’t he ask me?”

  Issac threw his hands up in the air and walked over to the desk. He leaned against it inches from Noah. “I don’t know, but Hugh has to be assigning this case to me to fuck with me.”

  Noah shook his head. “No one here knows about Cullen. I didn’t mention what was going on with him to you before because it just seemed so private—you’re going to be representing my ex.”

  Noah eyebrows were furrowed, and he crossed his arms over his chest. “This is insane, it’s going to be so insanely weird—”

  Issac waved him off. “No, it’s not. I will represent Cullen and I’ll win this case. Things could take a really bad turn if Cullen loses that job. We have to think about Jade.”

  Noah grinned and ran his hands along Issac’s back. “Thank you. You’re right. I’m overthinking this. I know you’ll knock this one out. Let me know if you need any help.”

  Issac smirked. “Well, I could use help in another department.”

  Noah scoffed and peeked out of the only window in his office. “Here? Seriously? You’re insatiable,” he said, recalling the time that they’d had together last night. Noah had decided to show up at Issac’s with food and expensive wine.

  “We don’t have any condoms,” Noah whispered.

  Issac chuckled and walked around Noah’s desk to the open window. He shut out the sunlight as he pulled the curtains closed. “You are underestimating how long I’ve been having sex for. I’ll pull out. Do you have a box of kleenex?”

  “You’re so crass.”

  Issac walked back over to Noah and pushed him against the desk. “It’s part of my charm. I hope that you don’t have anything too important on this desk.”

  Issac lifted Noah’s suit jacket from around his shoulders and tossed it to the floor. Noah’s eyes followed him as Issac tossed his own suit jacket on top of it.

  “Take off your pants,” Issac instructed, and when Noah hesitated, Issac kissed him on the lips. Noah licked his lips as Issac pulled away and dropped to his knees. There was a tug on his belt, and it took Issac no time to have Noah’s pants and underwear around his ankles. Noah shook his pants and briefs off of his feet and Issac pumped his mouth over Noah’s cock.

  Issac paused and rose to his feet; he spun Noah around. “Bend over.”

  Noah bent over the desk and Issac smacked and pinched the soft and hot skin on Noah’s ass. He spread him open, a moan starting up from deep within his chest. Issac reached around and gripped Noah’s rock hard cock tightly. Noah sucked in some air as Issac slid inside of him. Both men groaned and Issac fought to keep his voice down as Noah tightened around him.

  “You like it when I fuck you at work?” Issac rocked his hips, holding onto Noah’s lower back as he grinded his dick into Noah’s tight asshole. His hand came down hard onto Noah’s ass as he repeated, “Do you like it when I fuck you at work?”

  “Yes!” Noah gasped, and Issac’s hand came down on Noah’s bright red cheeks. Noah groaned as his asshole swelled and his own orgasm had begun to rise to the surface. Issac stroked him, his hand was covered in Noah’s sticky pre-come.

  They both groaned as they came. Noah’s come shot out onto a small scatter of papers on his desk. Issac’s eyes widened as the euphoria began to work its way out of his sex-clouded mind. I forgot to pull out.

  “Noah?” Issac said, running his hand along the fabric of Noah’s sweat-soaked shirt.


  “You might want to head to the bathroom, and then you might want to head home to change.”

  Noah looked over his shoulder and asked, “Why?”

  “I forgot to pull out—no big deal, this has happened to me before.”

  “What?! What do you mean no big deal, Issac?!” Noah said, as he snatched his pants and underwear off of the ground.

  “You just need to go sit on the toilet and clean up, it’ll be fine. Look, I’m going to head out and see if I can schedule a meeting with Cullen to get this case on the road. Will I see you at dinner tonight?” Issac asked, buckling his belt.

  “Damn it, Issac. I cannot afford another child right now! I can’t believe you.”

  “We will not have one. I know how you are about timing and stuff, and it will not happen. I gotta go.” He kissed Noah on the forehead and left his office.

  Noah sighed as he pulled his pants on. We don’t know that for sure.

  Chapter 19

  The keys clattered into Issac’s key bowl as he shut the door behind him. He rolled his shoulders back and kicked his shoes off. Alright, time to clean up for dinner tonight, he thought as he made his way down the hall and stripped as he went.

  He found his phone in the back pocket of his discarded jeans. He sent a text to Noah: I thought that we might get some Italian food tonight. Something romantic before we dive into round two!

  Issac hopped in the shower for a long, steamy session. It was closer to seven by the time he pulled his pruned body out of the shower. He slipped into a new pair of boxer briefs, and spritzed his neck with his special occasion bottle of cologne. May as well smell nice to soften him up, just in case he’s still angry about earlier. Although, I’m sure everything is fine. No one is that fertile. He pressed a towel to his dripping hair and picked up his phone. A glowing message from Noah was on the screen:

  Jade did a great job of telling me that this Friday is opening night for her play, not next Friday as I was led to believe. I’ll have to take a rain check on that dinner. See you Monday!

  Issac tossed his phone onto the sofa. Well, shit. He went back into his bedroom and pulled on a pair of blue jeans and a button-up shirt. I’m just going to spend the weekend here? He’s going to spend all weekend with Jade and Madeline?

  His nostrils flared as he set his feet on top of the coffee table. You’ve gotta be kidding me. Who needs that much time with their family? Correction. What young person needs that much time with their family?

  He frowned. Althou
gh, not everyone is dysfunctional like my family. Some people actually enjoy their family’s company. I don’t even know how Tristan is doing. I wonder how Mom is doing. His fingers danced over to his phone and he dragged his thumb across the screen. The lock screen gave way to his wallpaper and apps, and he tapped on his browser icon. He typed Charlene Fitzgerald into his social media page and felt a small pang of loss as hundreds of pictures of his mother flashed across his screen. Some of them were with his father, others were with Tristan. The last photo that Issac was in was his graduation from law school.

  It’s like I’ve been erased from their lives. We’ve just continued on like there’s nothing wrong. Issac had to question how badly he even wanted his mother and father in his life. Did he want them around so that they could be a family or because maybe he craved the normalcy and ease that Noah had when it came down to his family?

  The only thing that I have going for me right now is Noah. If Noah ever leaves… His mind teased him with repetitions of their conversation from this afternoon. He desperately doesn’t want to have a baby with me. Not that I want one right now, but this really could be just fun to him. He shook his head and hopped to his feet. He wandered over to his wine collection and plucked the neck of a bottle of strong red wine out of the cabinet.


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