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The Traitor's Daughter

Page 13

by Mary Goldberger

  “Artur it will take time for the dough and we do not know what everyone would like on their pie,” Grace argued as he parked, and he only gave her a look before exiting the car. Grace frowned, but followed as he started for the entrance.

  “Then we buy a little of everything, and it is only noon so the dough should be no problem. Besides,” Artur said wrapping an arm around her waist, “you are more comfortable in the kitchen.”

  Grace shook her head as she realized Artur wanted her to find a safe, comfortable place for herself so that she could be herself even though she was dreading going to the pack house.

  “Let’s go shopping,” Grace said with a slanted look at Artur.

  Neither was aware of a pair of hard eyes that watched them, and how those eyes flared with emotion as Grace’s violet eyes flashed with laughter.

  Thirty minutes later, Artur and Grace were walking into the house carrying groceries.

  Susan was coming down the stairs and she cried out, “Grace!” as she ran down the rest of them.

  “Hi, Susan,” Grace said with a smile as Susan reached them.

  Susan looked at the bags and at them with a raised eyebrow, and Grace grimaced as she told her, “I promised Artur I would make pizza this week so…”

  “I love you,” Susan said reaching over to give her a hug, and Grace’s eyes widened in astonishment as she looked at Artur who only laughed and shook his head.

  “I love Amy,” Susan was telling her as she stepped back taking a few of the bags from her, “but she cannot cook for anything.”

  “I heard that,” Amy said as she headed out of a hallway along the staircase. “Unfortunately, Susan is right,” she admitted with a grimace.

  “Hmm,” Grace said thoughtfully before she added, “So that is why Artur wanted me to cook dinner tonight.”

  Amy’s narrowed green eyes went to Artur who said easily, “I will take this to the kitchen and then go back to get Grace’s overnight bag.”

  He headed for the kitchen after his statement knowing that it would distract Amy from what Grace had said, and he was right when he heard their voices rise in excitement.

  Grace gave him a knowing glare a few minutes later when they finally walked into the kitchen, and he smiled giving her a wink before he walked out heading back to his car. He gave a mental groan when Sandy’s car pulled up behind his, and she stepped out as he reached into the backseat for Grace’s duffle bag.

  “Hello, Sandy,” he said politely heading back inside with the duffle in his hands.

  “Going somewhere?” She asked with a pout hooking an arm through his, and he gritted his teeth at the touch.

  “No,” he said as they entered the house, and he politely shook her off. “Amy and the others are in the kitchen.”

  She pursued blood red lips at him as she placed a hand on one hip, “I did not come to talk with them, Artur baby.”

  Artur mentally flinched at the term as Susan came out of the living room, and distracted Sandy.

  “Hi, Sandy,” she said giving her a speaking glance. “What do we owe this visit?”

  Sandy laughed giving Artur an inviting look as she said, “I just thought I would come over to see how everyone is doing.”

  Bullshit, Artur’s wolf snarled as Susan said, “How nice of you, Sandy, but as you can see we are doing well.”

  Just then Sandy’s phone went off and she pulled it out of her purse looking at it for a second before she said, “I am needed somewhere else, but I will be back later, Artur baby. Maybe we can go grab a bite to eat before we get to dessert?”

  Her laugh was low and husky after she asked this, and she sent him a kiss before walking out of the house.

  “I really dislike that woman,” Susan muttered, and Artur was not going to admit aloud that he did too.

  “So how is Grace doing?” Artur asked switching her duffle bag to his other hand.

  Susan laughed as she told him, “Grace is already getting started on dinner as she said the dough needs some time before it will be ready.”

  Artur nodded his head as Ace and Kale came through the door, and Susan turned to them asking, “What do you like on your pizza, guys?”

  Artur saw their eyes widen in confusion as he headed up to his room, and he shook his head as a smug smile crossed his face.

  A few hours later, Grace was in the kitchen with Amy and Susan starting on the pizzas for the pack members who were going out. Grace learned that Steve was not going to keep them tied to the pack house, but he asked that they stay alert and if any trouble occurred to inform them right away.

  Grace was cleaning up from those pizzas when her wolf suddenly start to snarl although Grace kept her face indifferent as she looked up at the sound of footsteps and then suddenly a beautiful blonde woman stood in the doorway.

  “Good afternoon,” she said in a soft voice.

  “Hello, Sandy,” Amy said as Ashley and Susan nodded their heads. “Grace, this Sandy Atkinson, a new member of the Rain Cloud Pack, and Sandy, this is Grace Hawkins.”

  “Grace…Hawkins,” Sandy said slowly, but they all heard the note of sarcasm in her voice as she said her name.

  “Hello,” Grace said politely as she wiped down the counter.

  Sandy’s eyes scanned the counter noting the dough and the pizza pans before she said sharply, “So I see you fixed the dinner problem.” At their bewildered looks, she told them, “Rob told me that you were having problem with dinner for this evening.”

  She tossed her hair over her shoulder as she told them, “Well, you will have one less person to worry about as Artur will be eating with me. That is why I am here.”

  “Um…Sandy,” Ashley started looking at the others before turning back to her. “I doubt Artur is going anywhere because at this moment, he is in a meeting with Steve and a few others. They probably will not be done for another hour at the least.”

  Sandy’s eyes narrowed slightly before she asked, “So I guess we will be eating here before we head out.” She turned and walked out of the room as Ashley, Susan, and Amy stared after her in surprise.

  “Really,” Susan mumbled.

  “Grace, what are you going to do?” Ashley asked with a worried look on her face.

  “What exactly should I do?” Grace asked as she leaned a hip against the counter giving them a thoughtful look. “I mean, my wolf wants to tear her into shreds, but that really does not solve the problem, and besides, I know that Artur is not interested in her.”

  They gave her astonished looks before they noticed something else, and they all smiled before they started a discussion on what they think the meeting was going to be about tomorrow.

  An hour later, Sandy strolled back into the kitchen with a satisfied smile and she said airily giving Grace a challenging look, “I think I will share Artur’s everything pizza with him, if that is okay with you?”

  “Sure, no problem,” Grace stated with a shrug of shoulders as Amy gave her a nod that indicated the meeting was almost over.

  Grace started sliding pizzas in the oven as Sandy went over to seat at the table, and Ashley gave her a glare which Sandy just ignored tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder.

  The first two pizzas were coming out, and Grace was putting in two more when the men came into the kitchen including Rob who had joined the meeting a little late.

  “Well, finally,” Susan said with a sarcastically, but Ace only smiled and winked at her as the others merely laughed.

  “Is dinner almost done?” Steve asked as he settled in the seat next to Amy.

  Grace came over with the two finished pies thumping them on the table as she said good- naturedly, “So what am I, the maid?”

  Steve laughed as the others glared at him, and Artur only shook his head as he said, “Grace already knows that she was asked to cook because Amy is not so good at it.”

  Amy glared at them all, and she smiled embarrassingly at Grace, “Sorry.”

  Grace shrugged as she kept her eyes on the timers and the pi
zzas “Don’t be. I enjoy cooking, and it was fun cooking for so many even if there were some weird ones in the group,” and the women laughed as they saw her grimace.

  At their mates confused looks, they explained what some of the others had wanted on their pizzas as Grace started taking the pizzas out of the oven putting in the last two pizzas. She cut the ones she just took out before carrying them over to the table placing them in the middle.

  She went back and started getting drinks only to have Artur get up to help her, and she smiled at him.

  “So where do you want to go after this, Artur?” Sandy asked as the others began to eat except for Artur and Rob.

  Artur looked at her in confusion, but before he could say anything, Steve intervened, “We have a meeting tomorrow with Alpha Tomas and his pack so I requested of these men” indicating the men around the table, “to stay at the pack house for the night.”

  Sandy pouted as the oven went off and Grace went to go get the last pies, but she heard Sandy offer, “Then I will stay here tonight with you, Artur, so you will not get lonely.”

  Grace’s hands clenched around the pizza pans but she drew in a deep breath and released it relaxing herself although her wolf was going crazy ready to attack the woman.

  After cutting the last two pies, she took them to the table setting them down in the middle before taking her seat.

  Artur sat next to her as Rob settled next to Sandy, and Sandy frowned as Artur grabbed a two slices of pineapple and pepperoni for himself.

  “What…” Sandy started in confusion, and Artur turned to look at her as the others looked at him.

  “We thought you liked everything on your pizza,” Ashley said with a frown.

  “Who told you that?” He asked in bewilderment, and they all looked at Grace.

  Grace was taking a sip of her drink and she responded after she swallowed, “I never said he liked the supreme pizza; I merely told Sandy that it was okay for her to have it if that is what she wanted.”

  Artur hid his laughter as he explained, “Grace has already made pizza for me, and she knows that I am not crazy about mushrooms and a few other things.”

  Sandy’s face went red with anger as she pushed away her half-eaten slice, and said with a snarl, “You tricked me.”

  Grace lifted an eyebrow as she stated, “I did not, and you assumed that Artur’s pizza was the supreme. I merely told you that it was no problem for you to eat what you wanted.”

  Sandy pushed away from the table and stood up angrily, “Well, it tastes terrible.”

  The room went silent at her insult until Rob broke it telling Grace, “This is one of the best pizzas I have ever tasted.”

  Grace smiled as she told him, “Thank you, Rob.” She turned to Sandy and told her politely, “I am sorry that you do not like it, Sandy. Would you like me to fix you something different?”

  “Don’t both. I will go buy me something else,” Sandy remarked with a smirk. She turned to Artur with a seductive look in her eyes and told him, “I am sorry about tonight, but maybe we can meet up tomorrow after the meeting. I hope that you will not be so lonely tonight.”

  She walked around the table and gave Artur a deep, passionate kiss before pulling away. She gave Grace a triumphant look before she strolled out of the kitchen calling out, “Ciao.”

  “Grace,” he said wiping his mouth with his hand before grabbing her hand, and he heard his wolf she kisses me again I will kill her.

  No, you will not for that is my job, Grace’s wolf responded back, and Artur’s eyes widened as Grace looked at him, her violet eyes were dark with anger.

  “Why the hell does she keep coming here?” Susan uttered in the silence.

  Rob looked uncomfortable for a moment then he answered, “I invited her.” He looked at Grace with embarrassment as he apologized, “I am sorry about last time. I was upset that she was quick to go after him, and I took some of my frustrations out on Artur. He has not given her any encouragement but she is obsessed with him.”

  Grace nodded her head as she said, “She is obsessed with his power.”

  Everyone looked at her, and she smiled, “Come on, you mean to tell me that he doesn’t frighten the hell out of you when he gets angry.”

  Artur snorted, “I do not frighten you.”

  Grace smiled at him as she finished her drink, “Why, do you want to?”

  He just shook his head as he thought about the other day when he blew up at her, and she matched him with her own temper. That led to a very intense and passionate make-up before they finished the chore they were doing.

  He smiled at the memory, and the others at the table turned back to their pizza, as his look was a very private one.

  The men cleaned up since the girls cooked although there was not much too clean up for Grace cleaned up as she cooked. They all settled down to watch a movie except for Rob who was going out, and Amy and Steve was going out to spend some time together. They watched the movie “Con Air”, and then headed to bed.

  As they were getting ready for bed, Artur asked, “So was it as bad as you thought?”

  Grace laughed as she pulled on her nightclothes, “No, actually I had fun.”

  “Good,” Artur whispered as he pulled her into his arms, and they tumbled onto the bed. She giggled as he tickled her, but soon her giggles turned into moans.

  “It is already planned,” the voice said, “we are taking her in three days time.”

  “She is at the Moon Star Pack house at the moment,” another voice said. There was silence as the leader stood there in thought before he smiled his eyes gleaming as he started talking.

  “That is even better as she will have her guard down,” the first voice said, “we will move up the date, and we attack tomorrow for you said that there is a huge pack meeting at the pack house so I doubt that they will take any females especially her. It will be the perfect opportunity.”

  “Just make sure that you get it done. I need her gone if I am going to get my life back.”

  “Don’t worry, it will be done.” Then there was laughter before each individual hung up his or her phones. In the darkness, the wind howled then dropped to a whisper as if preparing itself for a battle.

  The windows of Artur’s room were open, and the wind drifted slightly over the two bodies entangled on the bed. It hovered for a moment that created a chill, and it sighed gently in satisfaction as the woman snuggled closer to the man, and he encased her tighter in his arms. Then the wind flew out the window, the way it entered.

  Chapter 16

  The next morning arrived quickly, but Grace was up and downstairs before anyone woke up including Artur.

  “You should have waked me,” he accused striding into the kitchen in a pair of black jeans and a nice button up shirt leaving the two top buttons open.

  “You were sleeping,” Grace told him as she sipped at her coffee cup leaning against the counter nibbling on a piece of toast.

  Artur frowned as he stepped toward her, “Is that all you are going to eat?”

  “Probably,” she admitted, and Artur shook her head as he kissed her forehead before going over to the refrigerator and opening it.

  Grace hid her smug smile as Artur started to fix breakfast because she enjoyed when he made it for her. He started making breakfast for her the second day he stayed in her house after he realized that she rarely ate breakfast in the morning except for a piece of toast.

  He had everything almost done when other pack members begin to come into the kitchen from the smell.

  “Artur,” Steve asked in surprise as he walked in with Amy and Susan.

  “Man, you have not made breakfast since Lana was killed,” Kale said entering behind them with Ace and Ashley.

  Artur shrugged his shoulders as he made a small plate indicating the rest as free game before telling them, “Grace is not really a breakfast person so I make sure that she eats something before her day begins.” Then he smiled as he put the plate down in front of her and he whisper
ed, “Although I know that you do this on purpose so I will make breakfast.”

  Grace pouted slightly as she took a bite of the bacon, “I guess I cannot play this trick anymore.”

  “I will cook breakfast if you make sure to cook me dinner every night,” Artur responded back causing Grace’s eyes to widen before they shimmered with delight although there was a touch of wariness there too.

  “Deal,” whispered Grace her heart beating fast as her wolf jumped up and down in victory.

  “Really weird,” Ace murmured as Steve said, “You already marked her as your mate so I doubt she will be going anywhere unless it is with you.”

  “True,” Artur said his eyes not leaving Grace. “I like saying it aloud, though, and I figure Grace likes hearing it.”

  “Of course,” Grace said as she ate her last piece of bacon before starting on her eggs.

  Artur chuckled as the others laughed and filled their own plates. After breakfast, pack members began to head out to jobs and school leaving Kale, Ashley, Ace, Susan, Amy, Steve, Artur, and Grace the last ones in the house.

  Steve sighed as he looked at his watch, “We need to get going so we can make sure that we are there on time.”

  Amy laughed as she said, “Steve, honey, we do not live that far away from the house.”

  “I know,” Steve said with a slight frown on his face. “Just being cautious, sweetheart, that is all.”

  Grace nodded her head as she began to gather the dishes and take them to the sink. “It is better to be cautious when dealing with the Rain Cloud Pack, and Amy’s know that just as much as I do,” she added looking at Amy.

  Amy grimaced as the smile left her face, and she admitted in a low voice, “Unfortunately, I do.”

  Steve gave her kiss and told her, “I do not know how long this meeting will last so…”

  “Just let us know when you are on your way home,” Amy suggested getting the others nodded of agreement.

  The men left shortly after, and Grace cleaned up the kitchen with the aid of Amy and the others.


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