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The Traitor's Daughter

Page 18

by Mary Goldberger

  “Your birthday is next week,” Ted reminded her, and Grace fiddled with the bottle as she said indifferently, “So it is.”

  “Grace, it is your 22nd birthday,” Ted admonished her.

  “Uncle Ted, you know I really do not do birthdays not since my last one,” Grace told him turning slightly and tilting her head back to look up into the blue sky.

  “Grace, you need to at least tell them it is coming,” Ted said softly as Amy, Susan, and Ashley reached them.

  “What are you two talking about over here so quietly?” Susan asked as Amy looked at them thoughtfully before she gasped loudly.

  “Amy, what is wrong?” Ashley asked looking at her oddly.

  Amy did not notice as she said, “You have a birthday coming up, Grace.”

  “Exactly what I said,” Ted told her throwing Amy a grateful smile. “But to Grace, it is just another day.”

  “Grace,” three voices chorused in anger and frustration.

  “Now what is wrong?” Artur asked as he strolled over to them snatching Grace’s water bottle from her hand and taking a long swallow.

  “Grace’s birthday is coming up, and she does not want to celebrate it,” Amy told him in an angry voice.

  Artur turned to Grace who sighed and ran a hand through her sweat-soaked hair, “I am going to be 22 years old, and it is just another day. I think I am going inside to take a shower.”

  She hurried inside before anyone could stop her, and Ted said sadly, “I wanted to give her a birthday party a few years back, but she threatened to not even show up for work if I did so. Besides, she did not believe anyone would come although I know a few who would have shown up, but Grace has not celebrated her birth since her parents died.”

  “This year we will,” Artur told him his eyes still fixed on the house.

  “I doubt you will get Grace to come,” Ted told him standing up from the chair.

  “You let us worry about that, sir,” Ashley said giving a grin to Amy and Susan who immediately sat down and started putting a plan together.

  “She will celebrate her birthday this year,” Artur promised him, and Ted smiled as he shook his head before they drew him into their plans.

  Grace looked at Artur suspiciously later that evening when he did not mention her birthday or ask any questions, and she wished she could take it that he was respecting her wishes, but something told her that was not it all.

  Grace, as your wolf speaking, let them plan a birthday party for you. Enjoy your birthday as your parents would have wanted you, too, her wolf told her.

  Grace sighed as she buried her head in the pillow as Artur slid into bed next to her.

  “Are you okay?” He asked putting an around her waist and curling up against her.

  “Yeah,” she said although the pillow muffled it, but she knew Artur heard her when he nodded his head and settled his lean body against hers as his warmth seeped into her body lulling her to sleep.

  Chapter 21

  Almost a week later, on her birthday, Grace stood on the back porch with a cup of coffee and watched as the sun rose up in the sky.

  As the sun shined down on the dewy grass and trees as it rained the night before, Grace lifted her coffee cup and said a low voice, “Happy birthday, Grace Hawkins.”

  She took a sip as the wind blew around her and then a voice said quietly, “I was looking for you, Grace.”

  Grace did not turn around as Artur’s arm slid around her and settled against her back as she told him softly, “It has become a habit on my birthdays to get up early and watch the sun rise, and afterward wishing myself a happy birthday.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me? I would have joined you,” Artur whispered feathering a kiss on the top of her head.

  “I thought about it, but I remembered that you came to bed late last night and I did not want to wake you up early especially as I know that you and Steve are going over to Alpha Tomas’ later this morning,” Grace told him snuggling back against him.

  Artur shook his head as he said, “Always thinking about me, so when are you going to start thinking about yourself?”

  “Hmm,” Grace said tilting her head back on his shoulder as she lowered her eyelashes and peeked at him through them. “Do you think we can go back to bed?”

  “Grace,” Artur said with a frown, “it is getting late and…” his voice dead off as Grace revealed her violet eyes full of passion.

  “You said I should think of myself,” she murmured as she reached behind her to put down her coffee cup before wrapping her arms around his neck. “I am thinking of myself, and you, in some very interesting positions.”

  Artur groaned as he lifted her into his arms and went back inside heading up the stairs in a hurry, and Grace’s laughter rang down the hallway as pack members began to stir awake.

  A few hours later, Grace walked into the kitchen and ignoring the smiles went over to the refrigerator and grabbed the carton of orange juice.

  “Good morning, Grace,” Susan said giving her as sly smile.

  “Good morning, Susan,” Grace said pouring her a glass of juice before she replaced the carton.

  She stood at the counter drinking the juice as Amy came dancing into the kitchen singing, “Happy birthday, Grace.”

  Grace flinched slightly, but she nodded her head and said a polite, “Thank you, Amy.”

  “I have a present for you,” Amy said with a smile, and Grace froze as she looked at her.

  “Amy…” Grace began only to be cutoff as Steve and the others came into the kitchen.

  “We are about to head over to the pack house,” Steve told them with a slight frown.

  Artur came over and gave Grace a kiss on forehead as she sipped her juice.

  “We will be back later,” he said quietly, and he kissed her softly before he and Steve headed out for the other pack house.

  “Come on,” Amy said grabbing Grace by the arm causing Grace to look at her in surprise.

  “Where are we going, Amy?” Grace said as she put down her glass before she dropped it, and she allowed Amy to pull her out of the room and upstairs.

  Amy pulled her into another room, and her eyes widened when a few minutes later, Susan and Ashley joined them.

  “Why do I have a bad feeling about this?” Grace said with a scowl, and they all laughed at her as Amy pushed her down into a chair that sat in the middle of the room.

  A few hours later, Grace and the other women were in the living room listening to music when the men returned.

  “Hey,” Amy called out as they came into the room.

  “Hello, lovely,” Steve said as he smiled at her, and Amy giggled at the endearment.

  Grace looked over at Artur who was frowning slightly, but he smiled when he saw Grace.

  “Hey, did it go okay?” She asked as he walked over to her and pulled her into a hug.

  “I like what you did to your hair,” he said running a hand through the curls that Amy and the others did with her hair.

  She grimaced as she admitted, “Amy and the others did it. They thought I needed a change.”

  “Well, I like it,” Artur replied with a grin, and a wink that caused Grace to blush although she was laughing.

  “So are we ready?” Kale asked an arm around Ashley’s waist.

  “Yes,” Steve answered as Amy nodded her head, and Grace narrowed her eyes on them.

  “What are we ready for?” Grace asked, but nobody answered her as Artur put an arm around her waist and guided her out of the house to his car as the others filed into theirs.

  “Artur, what is going on?” Grace asked in a suspicious voice.

  “Grace, honey, please just go with it for me,” Artur asked giving her a pleading look that had Grace laughing.

  “Please, Artur, do not ever do that again,” she asked, and he chuckled at her as he followed the others.

  They did not drive far as they pulled into the parking lot of Ted’s restaurant, and Grace sighed softly as suddenly things fell into pla

  “Artur,” she said softly with a slight plea.

  “It will be okay, Grace,” Artur said giving her hand a squeeze as he parked and got out before going around to help her out.

  Grace clutched at his hand as they followed behind the others and as they walked in everyone shouted, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRACE!”

  Grace’s violet eyes widened at the number of people who were in the restaurant and her eyes filled with tears as they went farther into the restaurant, and her smile brightened as the night went on.

  Artur watched as Grace’s eyes lit up with excitement when it was time for presents, and he could tell that she loved each one from the small drawing that Samantha gave her to the pair of earrings that Steve and Amy gave her.

  There was laughter and joking for the next few hours, and Grace was having a good time as Artur slid both arms around her waist and she leaned back against him with a deep sigh.

  “Thank you,” she whispered a slight tremor in her voice, and Artur tightened his arms as the others came over to him.

  “So did you enjoy your party?” Amy asked a worried look in her eyes.

  Grace shook her head as she chuckled, “It was one of the best I ever attended.”

  Everyone laughed at her subtle joke, and Amy mocking glared at her as she leaned over and gave her hug although Artur hindered that by not releasing her.

  The party broke up around midnight although a few had left before then, and Ted sighed in contentment as Grace walked over to him.

  “Thank you, Uncle Ted,” she said giving a hug.

  “It was not my idea, but I am glad that you finally decided to celebrate your birthday,” he told her with a grin.

  She laughed, but nodded her head in agreement, as she started to help cleaning up until Amy and Susan came over.

  “No, you don’t. It is your birthday so let us help him,” Susan said taking the plates from her before she tilted her head to Artur.

  Artur smiled and crooked her finger at her, and Grace giggled as she walked over to him.

  “Come on,” Artur said grabbing her hand and pulling her to the front door as he called a ‘goodbye’ over his shoulder.

  “Where are we going now, Artur?” Grace said as he pulled her to the car.

  “Grace, just roll with it,” Artur told her as he leaned down and kissed her roughly before helping her into the car.

  Grace shook her head as she watched Artur walk around the car and decided as she leaned back in the seat, she would do as he requested and roll with it.

  For the rest of the night, they merely drove around laughing and listening to music, which in the early morning light as they pulled up to the pack house seemed a little childish, but it was the best night that Grace ever had in the last six years.

  Grace and Artur were downstairs later than usual the following day, and they heard the chuckles but no one said a word.

  “We are going to have a training session,” Steve told them as they headed outside, and Grace frowned slightly before she followed Amy out as Susan and Ashley had gone out earlier to the stores.

  Grace did not participate in this training as she and Amy sat on the bench. Amy was frowning as she looked over some paperwork, and Grace offered to help. Soon they were focused on the paperwork and barely paying attention to what the men were doing unaware of the visitor they were about to get.

  Sandy walked into the pack house looking around with a slight frown before she headed to the kitchen and she smiled when she heard the voices in the backyard. She stepped out on to the back porch as she watched the men training her eyes fixed on one male in particular, and her smile widened as she noted the smile that curved his mouth as his Alpha said something to him. Finally, she said to herself, as she hurried across the grass throwing her body at him.

  “Artur,” she gushed as she wrapped her arms around him and started to kiss him.

  Artur pushed away from her as Steve said, “Hello, Sandy. How are you doing today?”

  “I am doing fine,” Sandy said with a toss of her hair sending Artur an inviting smile, and she licked her lips. “So Artur are you ready for a continuation of our game from the other day?”

  Artur stopped himself from saying anything impolite as he said, “I am busy at the moment, Sandy.”

  “I am sure that your Alpha would let you take some time off to play,” she pouted prettily settling a manicured hand on one hip.

  “Even if his Alpha did, his mate would have a problem with it,” another voice said sweetly, and Sandy turned her head as Grace stepped forward.

  “Maybe his mate would, but I doubt Artur would,” Sandy said throwing Grace a triumphant look before she turned back to Artur.

  Artur watched as Grace’s eyes went a deep violet with anger as Sandy stepped closer to him and ran a hand down his chest with a throaty laugh as she said, “You are sweaty, which I think it a real turn on, but if you would like to take a shower first then go ahead and I will wait.”

  Before Artur could say anything, Grace grabbed Sandy’s hand pulling it away from his chest.

  “You know, Sandy, I can tolerate so much,” Grace warned her as she stepped in front of Artur. “Touch my mate again in any way; I will kick your ass.”

  Sandy laughed as she stepped back and then she swung her fist at Grace’s face only to have her hand caught in a tight grip.

  “Do not test me, Sandy,” Grace said holding her hand tighter as Sandy tried to pull away.

  Finally, Grace released her and Sandy stumbled back before she came back at Grace again only this time, Grace caught her hand and twisted it behind her back. She yanked up on it causing Sandy to cry out in pain.

  “I warned you, Sandy,” Grace told her before she let go pushing her suddenly that Sandy lost her balance and fell to the ground.

  Grace frowned and her eyes narrowed into mere slits as she headed inside and Artur watched her leave with exasperation on his face.

  “Artur,” Sandy cried out.

  Artur looked down at her and said in a cold voice, “You are not welcomed here anymore, Sandy.”

  He did not say another word as he hurried inside after Grace and Sandy watched him with stunned disbelief on her face.

  “You heard our Beta,” a voice rang out, and Sandy came to her feet clumsily.

  “Alpha…” she said with a beguiling look.

  Steve did not even flinch as he told her, “Goodbye, Sandy.”

  His word was final as Alpha, and Sandy’s face turned ugly with rage as she turned around and stalked out.

  “She is not going to let this slide,” Amy said quietly, and Steve had a bad feeling that Amy was right about this as they heard the squeal of tires heading away from the house.

  Upstairs in their room, Artur held Grace as she said, “I should have kept a hold on my temper because Sandy is going to use that against me.”

  Artur frowned as he drew back slightly to look down at her, and Grace sighed before she concluded, “Within a few days, I am betting that I will be called to the pack house for assault.”

  Artur’s lips thinned as he said, “We shall see about that” as he pulled her back into his arms, and Grace laid her head on his chest.

  Grace knew that her worse fear was about to come true because it was a foregone conclusion that Alpha Tomas was going to learn about her and Sandy's altercation, which for an shunned member as herself, it is more or less an attack on the pack.

  “Grace,” Artur whispered. “Do not worry about it because even if they do call you to the pack house, I will be right by your side.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered as tears slid silently down her cheeks.

  “No thanks necessary,” he told her as he kissed the top of her head as they sat there on the bed merely holding each other in comfort.

  Chapter 22

  As Grace thought, by the end of the week, Alpha Tomas ordered her to appear at the Rain Cloud Pack house in three days time.

  Steve had delivered the news as he had a meeting with
Alpha Tomas and when he came back, everyone could tell that he was upset.

  “I was told to deliver Grace to the pack house by this Friday,” he told them in a cold voice.

  Grace was standing by the window and she flinched mentally at the coldness before she turned to him and said, “I am sorry, Alpha Steve for putting you and your pack in the middle of this.” She gave a bow of her head showing respect before she headed out of the room and up to the bedroom that she shared with Artur.

  We both knew it was going to happen someday, her wolf told her silently.

  True, unofficially I have not been a part of the pack in six years and now officially they will banish me, Grace told her as she sunk down onto the rug in front of the bed.

  The door opened a few minutes later admitting Susan and Ashley, and as Grace looked at them Susan remarked, “Amy will be up in a minute as she is talking with Steve and Artur.”

  Grace nodded her head before she leaned her head back against the edge of the bed and commented quietly, “They finally decided to kick me out.”

  Susan and Ashley looked at each other before coming over to sit next to her on either side.

  “Why did they wait until now, Grace?” Ashley asked folding her arms over her knees and resting her chin on them.

  Grace shrugged her shoulders before saying, “Because they never had a real reason to until now. I stayed to myself even when I went to school; I ignored the remarks and bullying because something told me that if I did not then I would not have a place to call home. It was easier to merely put up with it then having to worry about where I would be living if I did react to it.”

  “They never tried to take your house away from you?” Susan asked, and Grace frowned lightly before responding.

  “I think they tried once, but my father and mother had everything drawn up correctly, and not with anyone from the pack. In addition, I think Alpha Tomas as much as he disliked my presence he was compassionate enough not to take everything from me, but that is hypothetical at best. It is possible they just did not want to bother with me at all, and it was easier for them to just let me be and wait while I destroyed myself.”


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