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Blinding Trust

Page 21

by Jennifer Foor

  I bit down on my lip. “Mmm, that’s the point.”

  He growled and came forward quickly, catching me off guard. I lost my balance and tumbled back onto the wet ground. Colt came down beside me, making sure his weight didn’t land on top of me. I backed away, letting my hands fill with mud as I shimmied out of his reach. “Savanna..”

  We were acting like teenagers and I loved it. Colt kept laughing, while trying to finally grab me. I managed to stand up and start running away from him. This whole game was about the chase. The closer I got to that west field, the stronger the storm was getting. “Lose the clothes, cowboy!”

  The rain was pouring down over us and all I cared about was getting naked and being with my sexy man. I started tugging down my shorts as we walked. I knew he was gaining on me again, in fact, I wanted him to. We were getting closer to the combine. I could see it every time the lightening flashed. I felt my shorts and panties fall down to my ankles and I stepped out of them.

  When I turned around to tease him, he stopped dead in his tracks. A large flash of lightening filled the sky. It was now raining so heavy that it was hard to see each other, even though we were only a few feet away. “You’re beautiful.”


  This time he yelled. “I said you’re beautiful.” I watched his shirt come off his body in record time. His cargo shorts followed as I got closer. I wanted to feel his breath on my skin. His lips needed to be on mine.

  He grabbed me by the hands and pulled me into his hard chest, wasting no time planting his first kiss over my lips. I could taste the rain on his mouth and tongue. The smell of the fresh tilled dirt filled the air. We crouched down to our knees, letting our bodies sit down on the warm soaked ground. Colt took my legs and pulled them so they straddled where his hard cock sat. He growled when he felt my naked body slap against his. “Say it again.” I licked his bottom lip.

  He reached his hands up and ran them down my arms. “You’re so damn beautiful.” I felt his stubby face rubbing against my neck, before his wet tongue slid up to my ear. “We ain’t makin’ it to the combine.”

  I swayed my hips, creating the friction against his hard cock to drive him mad. My lips brushed over his. “I know.”

  He grabbed me from underneath my arms and pulled us both down. I was on top of him, while he lay on the muddy ground. I could feel him kicking his shorts off the rest of way, so it was easier to move his legs.

  I sat up, cupping my breasts with my hands, because I just felt uncomfortable. Colt took one hand and pulled my right hand away, then he slowly repeated the process on my injured breast. He fingertips traced over my nipples and with the rain falling down, it was slippery and tantalizing. I leaned my head back, letting it fall down right on my face, while Colt’s magic hands took care of my hunger.

  I could feel it pressing against my leg, just sitting there ready to enter me. Each time I moved my hips, Colt would move his to let me know he was prepared. I reached down between my legs and took him into my hand. His length still made me tremble when it first penetrated me. This time was no different, except for the fact that we’d gone so long without being intimate.

  Colt was fueled by a need and as much as he wanted to be gentle, nothing was gentle about it. Once my hand had him in position, he forcefully thrusted himself inside of me. I gasped and screamed out into the dark night. He thrusted again, this time grunted as he did it. His hands were dug into my arms and he was almost shoving me down to fill me completely. “Is this what you want?” He asked.

  I closed my eyes and felt his lips savagely kissing me. Our tongues brushed and our teeth collided, but we were too caught up to feel the pain of it all. It was exactly what I wanted and I wasn’t about to let it stop. I gritted my teeth as I answered, “Oh yeah, Colt. I want it like that night.”

  He pumped harder, sometimes even grunting as he moved up and down. My body was bouncing all around and all I could do was hold on and enjoy the ride. I sat up, and shook out my wet hair, before grabbing it with both hands and moving it out of my face. Colt reached up and grabbed at my shoulders. He pulled down on them, making us almost slap together. I bounced faster, riding him as if he were a mechanical bull. The rougher it was, the more turned on I became. A tingling sensation overwhelmed me and I cried out in ecstasy.

  As my pace slowed, Colt picked his up. I dug my nails into the sides of his abdomen, pinching his skin. The more pain I gave the more pleasure he seemed to get. He stopped, but only to flip me around. With my ass in the air, he slapped it before positioning himself right behind me. I was only empty for seconds, but when he went back inside of me, I could feel myself losing control again.

  “You like it when I fuck you?” He never talked like that anymore. It was freaking hot. The ground was filthy and starting to get cold. My hands were tangled up in roots and mud and I dug in more, trying to control my being overcome with sexual release. I felt dizzy, like I was literally seeing stars. “Yes!” I screamed and cried at the same time. My body was his and he could do whatever he wanted to it. This was even better than when we were younger. This was fueled by insatiable desire and pent up tension. We both needed to do this, to feel this.

  We needed to feel alive.

  Colt grabbed my hips and moved quickly. He slapped his body into my wet ass and it was loud, but not as loud as my screams. I wasn’t in pain. It was all euphoric. My stomach was filled with butterflies, while my legs felt like butter. I could feel Colt running his hands over the wet skin of my ass. He squeezed one cheek, making sure I could feel his hand sliding around my anus. I pulled away, not willing to let him finish without looking at me. My muddy hands reached around his neck as I sat right over his hard erection, letting it get right back to where it was before I interrupted.

  I ran my hands across his cheek, spreading a trail of dirt everywhere I touched. Mud ran down his chest and as the lightning continued to strike, I could see just how dirty he was. I dug into his hair and pulled his lips against mine. We savored another kiss, before I pulled him away from my mouth by his hair. He licked his lips and stared right at me. I grinded myself into him, in a circular motion. My hips were swaying and I leaned back, running my muddy hands over my bouncing breasts. “Look at me, Colt. I want you watching me.”

  He nodded as I grinded even faster. When his eyes started rolling back, I knew he was losing control. He looked right at me and squinted as his body began to tighten beneath me. “Oh, God!” His body shook a few times before his head fell against my shoulder.

  We should have gotten up and found cover.

  We really should have.

  Except, nothing mattered to us.

  We were so caught up in what we’d just experienced that neither of us moved. He held me tight, kissing me frequently.

  When the storm finally passed and the night sky cleared, Colt stood up, pulling me with him. He laughed, noticing just how filthy we both were. “What the hell just happened? I mean, did we really just fuck in a damn cornfield, for the second time?”

  I laughed with him. “Yeah, we did. Maybe it’s our thing.”

  He grabbed my clothes off the ground. They were too disgusting to put back on, but I at least needed a bra and panties. Colt helped me get them on. “I like it when you get like this.”


  He shook his head. “No! Carefree. I love it when you let go, Savanna. It drives me wild.”

  We started walking back hand in hand. “You know what I want?”

  “Ice cream?”

  I shook my head and stood in front of him. “No. I want to make love to you every time it rains.”

  “I got news for you darlin’. That there had nothin’ to do with love and you know it.”

  I backed away from him and giggled. “Fine. If you want to get all technical on me. I want you to fuck me every time it rains, Colt Mitchell.”

  His eyes got huge and a wicked smile formed in the corner of his mouth. “I think we can work somethin’ out.”

  Chapter 30r />

  I think my hands were still shaking when we got back to Ty’s house. We were covered from head to toe in mud and had no explanation for our actions.

  I had just opened the door, when Miranda and Ty stood in the kitchen with their mouths dropped. “You two should be ashamed of yourselves!” Ty scorned like he was a parent. He held up a finger and ran toward the back of the house. He came back with two towels and a bar of soap. “The pigs bathe out back at the hose!”

  He shut the door right in my face.

  Savanna started to giggle. “It’s better than his official walk of shame.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  The hose water came from a well, which meant it was colder than a hairless cat in the snow. Savanna screamed when I squirted her for the first time. After what we’d just done in the field, it sure was a buzz kill. We rinsed off enough mud to be able to walk into the warm house and not track any in. Our first step was to get a real shower. I had dirt in crevices of my body that even I couldn’t see.

  Ty and Miranda were still in the kitchen when we came back in. He had her pinned against the counter and they were talking quietly amongst themselves. They turned to see us walking in. “We made up the guest room, but if you’d rather sleep out in the barn, that can be arranged.”

  I flipped him the middle finger and walked right through the living room, with my wife in tow.

  The warm shower was nice, and it was even nicer because I wasn’t in it alone. Savanna wrapped her arms around me as I washed her hair and placed kisses on her forehead. We’d just done something so out of our norm, but for some reason, it made me feel closer to her.

  We stayed in the shower until the hot water started fading. The best part about that was knowing Ty still had to get a shower and it would be a cold one. After drying us both off, we went into the guest room and put on our pajamas. I had to admit, it was nice of Ty to bring our bags to his house, otherwise, we’d be wearing some crazy ass shit of his. The last time I’d borrowed something, he’d purposely given me all NCU printed clothing to be a prick. For Christmas, Savanna and I had bought him a Kentucky State hoodie. During one of their visits, he conveniently left it at our house.

  Ty and Miranda were in the living room when we finally came out. They were staring at the television watching a murder mystery. When the music got intense, he jumped up and shook her, causing her to scream out loud. She smacked him. “Stop it! I hate that!”

  Savanna sat down next to Ty and he scooted away from her. “I can still smell the sex on you two.”

  She patted him on the leg as I sat down beside her. “Are you jealous?”


  Miranda giggled.

  “So, how about we talk about somethin’ else,” I suggested.

  “Dude, what else is there to talk about? Our kids aren’t bothering us and I can’t wait to crawl into bed with her fine ass.” He grabbed Miranda’s thigh and squeezed it.

  “I want to hear about Van’s surgery.” Miranda turned her attention to my wife. She sat Indian style and leaned back against her annoying husband.

  “Well, it isn’t happening until after the round of radiation is complete. We wanted to make sure I was perfectly healthy before I underwent another surgical procedure. The doctor is going to remove both breasts and then reconstruct new ones to take their place.”

  “That’s where the tattoos come in, babe.” Ty added.

  Savanna laughed. “Yeah, my nipples will be removed and so they tattoo new ones on to look like normal ones. Of course they don’t have a point to them, but they look real enough. Besides, nobody sees them except Colt.”

  Ty started waving his hands around. “Hold on, now! I think that I should be allowed a thirty second peek at what the new nipples look like, just because I think they are fucking cool as shit.”

  I cleared my throat. He was going to shit himself when he heard this. “If Savanna wants to show you, I will allow thirty seconds, from a distance of course.”

  He got a sad face. “How will I see the detail if I have to be far away?”

  Miranda smacked him. “Shut up! This is serious.”

  “I know. I’m being very serious. It’s my life’s mission to see Van’s new tits. It’s only fair since I’ve seen her current ones.”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “You know that line that you’re always crossin’?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll shut up.”

  We started watching the movie and the room got quiet, but every so often Ty would ask some bazaar question.

  “Are you going to go bigger? If I had a penis replacement, I’d go huge.”

  Savanna burst into laughter. “You need to!”

  “Hey now! Leave my little pecker out of this! Not everyone was born with a trunk like he was.” He pointed at me.

  “It’s not little. It’s perfect if you ask me.” Miranda was trying to make him feel better.

  Ty pretended to cry. “I’ll have you know that the average penis is five inches. I have at least two and a half inches on that. We can’t all be born with a horse cock.”

  “My brother has a horse cock, too. Well, that’s what Amy says. It must be from the mother’s side of the family.” Miranda informed us.

  Ty stood up and put his hands on his hips. “That’s it! Me and my above average penis are going to bed!”

  We all waved as he pouted his way out of the room.

  The next morning, we woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking. Noah and Bella were sitting at the kitchen table across from Jake and Jax eating pancakes and bacon. Ty saw me walking in and handed me a plate of food. I looked down at my plate and then back up to Ty, who was all smiles. “Is there a reason all my pancakes look like a penis?”

  Ty held up Miranda’s plate. She had the same thing. “They’re penis cakes, dude. If you don’t want them, then I’ll feed them to the dog. I worked extra hard on them, you know.”

  I rolled one up with some butter and shoved it in my mouth. He watched me chew it up and swallow. “As much as I hate sayin’ this, I appreciate you takin’ care of my wife when I wasn’t there.”

  “So, let me get this straight. You finally realized that I wasn’t trying to sleep with her?”

  I looked at Miranda, who had her hands on her hips, waiting for an explanation. “Well?”

  “I was wrong, alright. You need to put yourself in my shoes. It looked bad and you know it.” I heard the door shut and noticed the kids were gone. “Listen, I may have overreacted, but I had every right to suspect somethin’ was goin’ on. She was keepin’ things from me and ya’ll were actin’ weird.”

  Savanna came into the room. “Enough, you two. I haven’t had my coffee and we are past this discussion. Let it go.”

  We both turned and started eating our food.

  My wife sat down with Miranda and they planned out the rest of our visit. She had been so excited about coming that she didn’t care if we all just sat around and did nothing the whole weekend.

  We ended up setting up tents in Conner’s yard and letting the kids camp. Of course, us guys were chosen to sleep in the tents with the kids. We had three tents. One for the girls and one for the boys and one for us adults. That lasted a good ten minutes. The girls started crying and the boys started fighting. We ended up taking our own kids in a tent and sleeping that way.

  While we babysat, the girls got to stay in the cool house and relax. I would have complained more, but Savanna deserved it.

  By the time Sunday night came around, and we’d had another family meal, we hit the road for our long drive home. Savanna finally seemed relaxed. She played with my hand while I drove and gave me looks like she was content with the world. It made me happy to see her so calm.

  We still had more ahead of us, but were hopeful that everything was really going to be okay.

  The kids were so tired from playing, that they all fell asleep on the way home. Even Noah only lasted the first hour. He was soon asleep with ear buds stuck in his ears.

  We didn’t get home until midnight that night. Savanna was tired and I was exhausted from driving. I couldn’t wait to climb into our soft bed and cuddle up next to her. She knew what my motives were. We helped all three children up to their rooms and got them tucked in before meeting in our room.

  Savanna wrapped her arms around me. “Thanks for this weekend.”

  I kissed her nose. “The trip, or what we did in the field?”

  She giggled. “Both.”

  I wiped her hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ears. “Are you tired?”

  She shrugged. “A little.”

  I tugged at her shirt and lifted it over her head. She stood there in her bra, looking up at me. I reached down and tugged on her pants, pulling them and her underwear down at the same time. I leaned in and kissed the base of her pussy, while looking up at her watching me. I could tell she was more tired than she was admitting to, so I stood up and removed her bra and then pulled her nightgown over her head.

  Savanna looked at me like she was confused.

  “Darlin’, I just want to hold you in my arms and go to sleep. If that’s alright with you, of course. I mean, if you want me to kiss it again, I won’t complain.”

  She placed her hands on my chest and moved them up and down. “I love you.”

  “And I love you.”

  Savanna walked toward the bed, leading me by the hand. When we got to her side, she wrapped her arms around me and held me there. “Colt, I’m scared. I don’t want to get sick. It’s going to scare Noah and the girls and I can’t have them fearing me. I don’t want them seeing me weak.”

  “You’re goin’ to be fine. You heard the doctor. He said that the radiation is going to be mild. You probably won’t get sick at all. Darlin’ I get that you’re worried, but the kids are goin’ to want their mother around. They ain’t goin’ to care if you got sick a couple of days to do it.”


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