Book Read Free


Page 6

by Victoria Ashley

  “Yeah . . . and what did you tell him?”

  “I told him that you were both in good hands and that I’ve been keeping a close eye on you. Then he sent me some knife emojis. Not sure how he got that shit, because they’re not on my phone. Not those specific ones at least.”

  I can’t help but to laugh at the face that Micah makes while glancing back down at his phone when it vibrates.

  He holds it ups. “He sent another knife emoji for good measure.”

  “I’m sure he’s kidding,” I say with a slight laugh. “Maybe. Most likely.”

  “He’s not. Trust me. I know him when it comes to you. He’s been talking about you for the last five years and how protective he gets when it comes to you. You’re still his little sister; doesn’t matter that you’re not so little anymore. He’d kill anyone who hurts you.”

  “You headed to the bar soon?”

  It’s best to change the subject. I’m sure it’s getting uncomfortable for him, because I’ve seen Xan go off on more than one jerk in the past who’s broke my heart and I’ve never seen him look more lethal. I don’t want to see that happen to Micah . . . especially with how close they are.

  He presses against me, pinning me against the counter as he reaches into the drawer next to me and pulls out a fork. His lips brush against my ear, sending chills up and down my body. “I’m heading there in a few.”

  I release a breath as he walks away and starts forking the chicken. “Yeah, well I might stop by after I get back from lunch to get some writing in before it gets too crowded.”

  He begins flipping the chicken with one hand and preparing the tortilla shell with the other. “Who are you going out to lunch with?”

  “Xan.” I toss him the cheese and then search through the cupboards for plates. “We’re going as soon as he gets back.”

  Releasing a slow breath, he turns to face me. “About what happened last night . . .”

  “Don’t worry. Xan doesn’t need to know you even set foot into my room. I’m not trying to come between you guys, and he definitely doesn’t need to know what happens in the privacy of my bedroom.”

  He quickly looks me over, his eyes landing on my lips, before he turns away and flips the chicken again. “Good. The last thing I need is Alexander on my ass. That’s the only reason I chose not to use my tongue last night instead. I don’t want one of those knives through my chest.”

  I swallow hard as my body heats up with need from his words. There’s so many things I want to say to that, but choose not to. Nothing good can come from it.

  When he’s done cooking the chicken, he makes one quesadilla and throws it on a plate for me. “I need to get out of here. I’m running late. Tell Alexander I’ll catch him later.”

  I look down at the plate and smile. “Why didn’t you say something? You didn’t have to cook my food.”

  “I know.” With that, he disappears around the corner, most likely headed back downstairs to get ready.

  My mind stays stuck on Micah the whole time I’m eating. For some reason I want another glimpse of him before he leaves for Vortex. I shouldn’t, but I do. Despite my brother warning us to stay away from each other, we both seem to be fighting it.

  By the time I’m finished eating and throwing the dishes into the dishwasher, I realize that Micah must’ve left out of the backdoor.

  It’s probably best if we don’t get any more alone time before Xan gets home anyway. I guess Micah feels the same way.

  Either that or he’s actually scared of the knives that Xan probably has hidden to cut his throat out with if he betrays him.

  I told Xan that I would just meet him at Villy’s because there was no way I was going to jump onto the back of his bike and look like a dork behind my brother.

  He used to ride me around everywhere as kids. In the beginning it was on his bicycle and then later on his first motorcycle. I felt cool back then, hanging with my big brother and all. Now . . . not so much.

  When I walk in, I spot Xan in a booth at the back of the diner with two Pepsi’s already ordered for us.

  I smile and slide into the booth across from him. “What makes you so sure that I still drink Pepsi when I go out to eat, Xan?”

  He gives me that look, as if I’ve lost my damn mind. “Because you’re my baby sister. And no one knows you better than I do. Not even our parents.”

  “Thanks for that.” I give him an appreciative smile and grab my drink. “And for always being nice to me. Not a lot of younger siblings had it as good as I did growing up. You’ve always looked out for me.”

  He smirks. “I had my moments. Not all of them good, but I tried.”

  “I know. That’s exactly why I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I’ve missed you too and you know that. I tried getting our parents to let you come and visit me sooner, but they wouldn’t budge.”

  “Because they’re too set in their ways. Especially Mom.” I take a sip of my Pepsi. “But I’m here now and I’m loving it so far. The bar, the beach, you and Jamie . . . I can’t stop smiling.”

  He smiles, as if it makes him happy to hear how happy I am. “Good. I knew you’d fall in love with this place. But I don’t want you getting too attached to being here if you promised our parents you wouldn’t move yet. Remember that.”

  I nod. “I know.”

  We continue talking for a good ten minutes, catching up on things, before the waitress comes over and quickly takes our order.

  We’re close to finishing our lunch and not a single word has come up about Micah yet. He keeps giving me this look, as if he’s waiting on me to confess or to tell him something before he brings it up.

  I won’t do it. I won’t do it.

  “How was your trip?” I ask instead.

  He sets his fork down and begins stacking up the dirty plates. “Pretty good. Had a couple of late nights, but business got done.”

  I watch him as he reaches for his wallet and begins pulling out bills. “Want me to get the tip at least?”

  “No. A man always pays for a woman’s meal. Relationship type doesn’t matter. That’s how I was raised and you know that, so don’t ask that shit again.”

  “Just seeing if living here has changed the sweet boy who practically raised me.”

  He stands up and gives me a confident smile. “Some things have changed, but things you don’t need to know about.”

  “Ugh! Yes, I’m guessing not. Especially since I see the women practically throwing themselves at your feet at the bar. It’s disgusting.”

  “None of them are the one. Might as well have a little fun while waiting for her to show up.” He gives me a hard look when I smile at the memory of Micah and the excitement from last night. “That doesn’t mean I want you doing the same. You’re a girl. Which reminds me . . .”

  He holds the door open for me. I quickly walk outside and over to my car as if I’m in a hurry. This will at least give me a few seconds to compose myself and pretend that what happened last night wasn’t breaking the rules.

  But even the reminder has me all hot and bothered.

  “Hold on a sec.” He grabs my arm and stops me from opening my car door. “Did Micah try anything with you when I was gone? Don’t lie either. You know how I feel about that. I can’t tell from his texts.”

  “He didn’t lay a finger on me,” I lie. Well, it’s sort of a lie. His finger didn’t do the touching that got me off at least. I’m doing my best to convince myself that I didn’t just betray my brother’s trust.

  He looks me over. “Good. I’d hate to have to kick his ass before I even have time to settle back in. He knows the rules.” He kisses me on the top of the head and then backs up to his motorcycle.

  “Where’s your luggage?”

  “With a friend of mine at the airport. They’re dropping it off for me later.”

  I watch as he hops on and straddles his shiny, black Harley. His muscles flex as he grips the handles and looks back at me. “Where are you headed?” I ask.

  He winks and revs the engine. “Don’t ask me a question when you don’t want to know the answer.”

  “Eww. Well, I’ll be at Vortex for a few hours, writing out back. Find me when you show up.”

  “Text me if you need me before that. Just not within the next two hours.”

  I roll my eyes and open the door to Jamie’s car. She’s letting me borrow it while she’s at work. “I won’t. I’m a big girl. Stop worrying. And don’t ever tell me how long you will take. Shit, Xan.”

  He waits and watches me pull off, before he finally speeds out of the parking lot and past me, in a hurry to get to this chick’s house.

  “Shit,” I mumble to myself, feeling my stomach knot up.

  Why the hell do I feel so guilty?

  I’M TRYING MY BEST TO keep my shit together now that Alexander is back from his business trip, but I’m feeling especially on edge today.

  He warned me to keep my hands off his little sister, and even though I technically didn’t lay a finger on her, I gave her probably one of the best orgasms of her life; at least that’s the way it appeared.

  Not to mention the fact that after I watched her come for me I went downstairs and jerked my shit, not once, but twice.

  I have no doubt his threats were real and that he’d pull one of those knife emojis straight from his damn phone just to cut my heart out if he ever found out I was in her room, let alone what he’d do if he discovered what I did.

  It’s Alexander, so I’m sure he could find something worse to do to me.

  Then, to top it all off, I got lost in her and almost kissed her, when kissing isn’t something I’m usually into. It’s always seemed too intimate for me.

  But when she talks, I can’t stop looking at her damn lips, wanting a taste.

  “Boss . . . want anything else from me before I head out for the day?” Ryan is in the middle of slipping back into his shirt as he stops in the doorway of my office.

  “Are all the tables clean enough that you’d lick them like you’d lick your girl’s pussy? If not then I need you back downstairs.” I look down at my watch to see that it’s a little past five. His shift ended less than two minutes ago. “And while you’re down there I need you to take drink orders if the guys have more than three people waiting at any time. Think you can handle that?”

  He nods and yanks his shirt off over his head, getting back into the required work attire, which isn’t much. “Sure thing.”

  “And Ry . . .”

  He’s just about to walk away, but stops and pokes his head back into my office. “Yes, sir?”

  I grind my jaw at him calling me sir. I don’t know how many times I have to tell the guys not to call me that. “If I catch you serving drinks to Dave, Kyle, Nate or any other name that underage kid comes in here with on his damn ID . . .” I steel my jaw at the thought and slam the paperwork down on my desk. “I’ll fire you on the fucking spot and personally escort you out. Got it?”

  He swallows nervously and nods his head, before walking away.

  I’ve already given his giant ass two chances and that’s all anyone will ever get from me. It won’t be hard to find a replacement for his incompetent ass.

  There’s a stack of at least three hundred applications in the drawer next to me and I’ll go through every single one if I have to in order to find someone that can be trusted.

  Releasing a frustrated breath, I spin the chair around to check the monitors. You can only leave these guys unattended for a brief time or else they think they can get away with anything and everything.

  Too bad for them I’m not in the mood to let things slide today.

  The traffic is beginning to pick up. I sit back and watch the guys for a bit to make sure they’re on their game so I don’t have to strip my shirt off and jump behind the bar to show them how it’s done.

  It happens often, but today I hope that it doesn’t, because my mind is all over the damn place right now. I need some time to get my thoughts in check and learn some restraint when it comes to a certain person.

  It’s never been hard doing what my best friend has asked of me, until now. If I lose his trust, I could be losing one of the only people I trust, and on top of that, this job.

  I’m still not quite where I need to be to open Express, so if I fuck things up with Alexander, I fuck up everything I’ve been working hard for over the last four years.

  I switch my view to the outside bar to check on Colby, and that’s when I notice Tegan sitting alone at one of the tables.

  She has her laptop all set up and she seems to still be working, completely ignoring everyone around her.

  Knowing that she’s here has me not giving a shit if the guys need help or not. I’m going to help no matter what now.

  So much for restraint.

  Standing up, I exit my office and make my way downstairs, through the crowd of people and out back to where Colby has four women lining up for drinks.

  Without wasting time, I unbutton my shirt and strip it off; smiling as whistles and screams come from all around as I join Colby behind the bar.

  Even though I jump right into taking orders, I can’t help but to notice Tegan looking my way occasionally, watching me when she thinks I’m not paying attention.

  What she doesn’t realize is that I’m always paying attention when it comes to her. It’s kind of become my job.

  “Over here, gorgeous!” One of the girls at the front waves her money at me to get my attention. “I’ll take two Martinis and you in my bed.” She winks and leans over the bar to watch me as I reach for two glasses and begin fulfilling her order.

  “I think that might cost you more than that twenty you have in your hand.” I look up at the sound of Tegan’s voice. “Micah is expensive when it comes to the bedroom, and last time I had to ask for a refund. Totally wasn’t worth what I paid. Just a heads up.”

  My lip quirks into a half grin as the girl’s face drops with disappointment. “You’re telling me a man who looks like that is bad in bed. Well, that’s a dream killer.”

  “Tell me about it,” Tegan mumbles. “Biggest disappointment of my life.”

  Just to see if Tegan badmouthing me has worked, I set blondie’s drinks down in front of her and give her a charming smile. “Sixteen for the drinks . . .” I lean in closer and whisper. “And five hundred for me in your bed.”

  The girl gives me a sympathetic smile and throws down a twenty. “Keep the change you poor, unfortunate soul.”

  I arch a brow and watch as she walks away as if she can’t get away from me fast enough.

  “You’re welcome . . .” Tegan laughs, clearly amused.

  “What makes you so sure that I’m thankful you got rid of her? She was damn sexy and it’s been days since I’ve gotten laid. Ever since you showed up, actually.”

  “Are you blaming the fact that your penis hasn’t had any action for oh . . . what . . . five days now, on me?” She reaches for the beer that I slide in front of her. “That’s pathetic, Micah.”

  Before I can say anything, she tosses a rolled-up bill at my forehead and disappears through the crowd and back over to the table to pack up her things.

  I make the next drink as quickly as possible and escape from behind the bar as soon as I get the chance. I snatch my shirt from my back pocket and slip it on, not bothering to button it up as I rush over to the table she’s at.

  “How is my book coming along?”

  She gives me an annoyed look and guards her computer, as if I’m going to open it up and start reading her work out loud. “It’s not about you. Trust me on that. My character isn’t a cocky, arrogant asshole who sleeps with a different girl each week.”

  “Why not?” Moving in close behind her, I lean into her ear. “You do know that’s what sells, right?”

  “I happen to like my character. If I make him into you then there’s a good chance I’ll gag at every scene I write. But thanks for the pointer.”

  “Alright. Well, at least tell m
e this . . .” I move around to the front of her and give her a cocky little smirk when I notice her eyes roaming over my chest as expected. “Does your character get his body from me? Because I’ve been seeing you check it out an awful lot since you’ve been here. I’m pretty sure every inch of it is etched into your mind now. Plus, the picture of me on your phone helps.”

  She’s in the middle of taking a drink of her beer, but spits it out all over my neck and chest.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” Keeping my eyes on her, I slowly take my shirt off and reach for the glass of water that’s sitting next to her computer and pour it over my chest to clean off. “Did you do that on purpose just to see me wet?”

  “Oh my God! You’re so damn full of yourself and it’s sickening. You’re nice for a few minutes then go right back to your cocky self-absorbed self as if you just can’t handle it. You never quit, do you?”

  “Honestly, no. I don’t believe in quitting.”

  “No. No, he doesn’t.” Alexander’s voice comes from behind me, causing me to take a step back from his little sister before I lose a body part. “It’s part of the reason I’ve trusted him with this place. Don’t give me a reason to change my mind about that.”

  I know what he’s getting at without even saying it. And I have a feeling Tegan does too because she tilts back her drink, not stopping for a good minute. “Alright, well, you boys have fun.” She tosses her empty beer into the nearby trash and clutches her laptop to her chest. “I’ve got some promoting to do on this upcoming release and I can’t concentrate now that more people are coming in. See you guys back at the house.”

  She barely even offers me a glance as she takes off in a hurry.

  That’s probably a good thing, because the last thing we need is Alexander having any more reason to be suspicious of us.

  He waits until his sister is gone before he turns to me and crosses his arms. “How was she when I was gone? Any of the assholes here mess with her?”

  “Nope,” I lie, because I’m included in one of those assholes. “She was fine, I guess. She spent most of her time writing as usual.” I know I should mention the party to him, but I leave that little detail out. “Are you good here if I take off and head to my place for the night? I’ve got a lot of work to do there still.”


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