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Raining Light (Fate's Intent Book 5)

Page 5

by Bowles, April

  Adele’s eyes were looking off to where Trever disappeared and she slowly started to smile. “You kind of have a point but no. We’re not going to wait. In fact—” She got right up to her feet with a plan. “We’re going to rudely interrupt their so-called night of fun and get on with this trip.”

  “Really?” Ruby wondered, not sounding at all enthused about the idea.

  “Yes, really! They know something they’re not telling us by giving us tiny facts that only make us more curious and if we let them walk all over us, they’ll do it until we get into Seni.”

  “Why just until we get into Seni?” I asked.

  “Because that’s where the chain of command changes. It’s your home and I can’t wait to see their faces when you let them know it.”

  Zayden smiled and pulled her down in his lap. “Don’t you worry about that. You’ll get to.”

  “Good. So, who’s in? We go now, remind them of our mission and push it so we spend as little time possible resting on this side of the border. We’ll have to at least have one night here since we’re days away and Ruby’s probably hoping that’s soon. She looks about ready to fall asleep already.”

  I looked at her and Ruby had her eyes closed while her head was laying against Darius. “I am sleeping. Leave me alone.”

  It seemed so easy how Adele got away from what we’ve just seen in front of us a moment ago but it was better that they didn’t even go on about it like they didn’t care. Not telling them just got easier.

  “So, when do we go?” Jaylyn asked.

  “Right now. We’ll pack our gear on the horses first. It will give Trever a nice good head start so we don’t catch up to him.”

  We got up, going over to the horses and we saddled them and packed up all of our gear so nothing was left behind.

  “Jaylyn, ride ahead.” Adele said. “Make sure they stay unknowing to our arrival. I want to surprise them with our demands.”

  Jaylyn nodded as she started turning on her horse to the east but met my gaze. I was in complete wonderment as to why she had to go and a part of me didn’t want her to. She must have felt it but simply just blew me a kiss without a word and rode off into the darkness.

  My eyes followed her just to make sure she’d stay safe and I felt like I was in my own world but at least it was next to her.


  Adele’s voice startled me and I instantly lost sight of Jaylyn when I turned my head. “What?”

  “Stop doing that. I hate it when people do that.”

  “Do what? What am I doing?”

  “Forgetting who we are. She’ll be fine.”

  “But why send her ahead?”

  Ruby laughed. “With all the respects possible, your white horses may be beautiful and a sight to see for sure but Roslyn and Rajet, no other horse could match their speed. Like Adele said, she’ll be fine and safely waiting for us when we get there. So relax. A few minutes without her won’t kill you.”

  “You never know.”

  I didn’t want her out of my sight for a second. I was starting to become like Zayden. I could feel it. I saw the son we would share and I was hopeful. I remember saying that I just wanted it to be us for a while but something about actually seeing him changed that and I wouldn’t be upset if it happened a little earlier than I planned.

  Chapter 9


  I knew he didn’t want me to leave but Adele was right. There was no point in prolonging this trip, especially their way. I wanted it to go on. I saw my son; my future. He was amazing and if that meant having him sooner by doing this, I had to.

  I rode fast to the east with the others far behind, getting farther from my senses until I could no longer feel them. It only took a minute but I already missed the sound of Troy’s steady heart.

  I focused myself on getting to the crossroads and trying to keep a low profile until they were able to catch up. While I rode on the back of Rajet, who showed no signs of wearing out, I hoped that Trever was moving just as fast so he could get his precious drink or I would be liable to catch up to him at this speed; something I really didn’t want to happen. We’d have nothing to talk about except all the things he can’t tell me.

  My eyes fought from looking behind me, knowing I wouldn’t be able to see them yet and reality came to me that I was alone. The night only grew darker around me and I tried listening to the sound of Rajet running hard against the dirt road over the simple loneliness that came with the silence of night.

  With the wind in my face, I felt like I was flying. It’s been what seemed like forever that I’ve been able to take Rajet out on a run like this. He was enjoying it. Running was a passion to him, something he and I shared as a bond. It was always only us. Nothing else could dream to keep up and it was as if we were one; body and soul tied together, making the world seem insignificant and small.

  It never lasted as long as we both would have hoped. A glow started to appear through the trees ahead and I knew I was getting close to the town that settled on the crossroads.

  “Come on, boy. Almost there.”

  Rajet picked up the pace to my request and we were insight of the town but something quickly slowed me down before I was to officially make it inside the limits.

  My breath filled my lungs and I pulled back on the reins to get Rajet to stop. Aleksander, Trever, Ryon and Kole were all lined up in the middle of the street, facing my direction.

  “See? I knew they’d send her out to keep an eye on us.” Kole smiled.

  I wasn’t smiling. “What’s going on?” My voice almost stuttering to see them there with the big question of why consuming my mind. They had to be planning something.

  “We’re glad you could join us.” Aleksander said. “Adele’s plan is indeed a good one but that won’t be necessary now. We never really planned to distract ourselves from our mission.”

  “You planned this?”

  “Oh, seriously, Jay!” Trever laughed. “Did you really think you knew what was really happening?”

  “And everything else?” I was very vague so I wouldn’t mention what he showed us. He said Aleksander didn’t like him doing it.

  “Oh, that has nothing to do with this.”

  “And what about the whole let’s go waste our money on a bunch of meaningless whores? Just an excuse to get away?”

  “We needed to so we could talk about some things.” Aleksander said. “And then we needed you to come here.”

  I laughed, showing my frustration. “That’s great! Adele’s going to be—you are so—she’s just going to—”

  “We’re quite aware of that, Jaylyn but they are following you. It shouldn’t be long.”

  “Why? Why did we have to come here?”

  “Tonight is still going to be fun for us.” Kole replied with a joking smile that only annoyed me more. “There’s some—things that need to be heard before we’re able to continue this mission. None of you realize how dangerous it really is.”

  “Oh, please. We’ve got in before, we can do it again.”

  Ryon and Kole both laughed too hard that they couldn’t speak.

  “This is different, Jay.” Trever said. “Just the word of this task will bring about unseen things. We need you all to be prepared. That’s why we brought you here. It wasn’t safe to speak of it as out in the open as we once were.”

  “And now? You’re talking about it now.”

  “We’re not exactly speaking of it but we will in a more secure setting. When the others arrive meet us in the house farthest out from town on the northern road, the west side. We’ll be waiting for you there.”

  One-by-one, they started turning on their horses and road up the street through town.

  I stayed right where I was and let out a long sigh. I knew Adele was not going to like this, never mind what everyone else would think. Having us go on this goose chase after them instead of just suggesting to rest in town was pointless and there wouldn’t be anyone else who thought of it any different.
r />   Yet, I waited. While Rajet rested from his ride, I turned him so I was facing the west and stayed there in the street to greet them just as I have previously been greeted.

  Chapter 10


  “Jaylyn?” I saw her standing in the street as we approached town but she didn’t look excited about what we were about to do. Something had to be wrong. “Everything all right?”


  “You didn’t actually see them with a whore, did you?” Ruby asked, feeling bad for her already.

  “No but things changed. We’re not going to be able to ruin their night like we planned.”

  “Why not?” Zayden asked.

  “Because they’re going to ruin ours.”

  “Jaylyn, what’s going on? Where are they?” I demanded.

  “We’re to meet them in a house outside of town. They wanted us to come here, to follow them and they waited. They were standing just like this when I showed up.”

  “Why?” Troy asked. “They couldn’t just say that?”

  “Apparently not but they said there are some things we need to hear.”

  “About the thing Kole mentioned?” Ruby asked.

  “I don’t know. They wouldn’t say but I can about tell you that I’m sick of their little game.”

  “They are so going to pay for this.” I raged, trying to keep my voice quiet so I wouldn’t draw attention to us. “How do they expect us to be together if they don’t just tell us everything?!”

  “Because, it’s how they’re staying in control.”

  “Well, no more.” I moved my horse down the street with the others following right behind me. “New plan. We’re going to go to them like they want but we are going to stay there until they tell us every last little thing they’re keeping from us and then we’ll see who’s going to be in control.”

  “I like it.” Darius said. “But can that be by force or strictly knowledge?”

  I laughed just to his expression. “Sorry but I’m not encouraging fighting. If this stuff they’re going to tell us actually involves us and is basically up to us to finish then we’ll definitely get to take over. I mean, I don’t see why we shouldn’t.”

  “And then what?” Ruby asked. “We basically get our way? And what way is that exactly?”

  “However we want it to be.”

  “Yeah, good luck.”

  I was jolted by another voice and Ryon was standing on the side of the street and started walking in the direction we were going like he had just come out of a shop.

  “What are you doing here?” Jaylyn snatched. “Thought we were supposed to meet you.”

  “Me? No. Not me. Aleks and Trever will be taking care of that.”

  “What about Kole?” I asked.

  “He’s there now but won’t stay, I’m sure.”

  “What’s his problem?” I continued with my questions while I walked at his pace on my horse and it was like no one else was with us.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He hates me. Trever knows why but won’t say anything and I think you know too.”

  Ryon smiled for a moment and tried to keep his gaze away from me like maybe he was just watching the path in front of him. “Ah—he’s just—not happy about my choice.”

  “Your choice?”

  “Yeah. He doesn’t want to be angry at me. He just needs someone to blame.”

  I looked back at everyone behind me quickly and they encouraged me to go on with the questions so maybe we could find out something. “What was your choice?”

  Ryon smiled and glanced back to see the others with curious eyes. “It’s not a big deal. I’m just going away for a while when this is all done.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know, like a vacation.”

  “Why would he be mad about that? When will you be back?”

  He laughed but didn’t look at me while he answered. “Ah, that’s the thing. I’m—” He paused but kept his tone normal by laughing it off. “Why are you caring?”

  “Stop it. You know I love you.”

  Hearing me say it made Ruby almost choke. “Sorry. I think I just swallowed a bug.”

  “You sound surprised.” Ryon smiled.

  “We don’t need to talk about it.” Ruby replied, glancing at Zayden.

  “Who cares?” I said, sighing again. “Just tell me.”

  “I don’t think I will.”


  I was almost begging him now but Ryon did all he could to keep his eyes off me. “Why don’t you stop it?”

  “Stop what?”

  “I already told you I’m not doing this with you.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m not going to be your little pet you can take out of a cage to play with every time you get bored.”

  “Where did that come from? I’m only asking you why Kole would be mad at you. That’s not a big deal. Are you not letting him go with you on this vacation?”

  “No, he wouldn’t be able to come with me.”

  “When are you coming back?”

  “I won’t be coming back. Ever.”

  I paused there and just tried comprehending what he was saying. “What do you mean? Why?”

  “It’s just something I have to do. Don’t worry. It won’t affect you at all. You won’t even notice.”

  “Of course I’ll notice! How can you even say that to me?!”

  “Because you won’t. You already know what you’re going to do. I shouldn’t have to tell you.”

  “I won’t be gone forever. My father will still live here. I’m not always going to make him come see me.”

  “I’m not going to be here either, Adele.”

  “Then where?”

  “Can’t tell you.”

  “Can’t or don’t want to?”


  I glanced ahead for just a moment and saw the secluded house we were headed to with three horses around the back. “We’re not done talking about this.”

  “Yes we are. I already told you it can’t be changed. Not even you can do that.”

  “We’ll see about that, won’t we?”

  Ryon laughed. “Yeah, I’ll look forward to it then.”

  “Are you coming in with us?”

  “Not yet. This is most likely going to turn into an all-nighter so I will at some point.”


  “Bring your horses around back and oh, yeah, one more thing. Take off your shoes before you go in.”

  “Why?” Jaylyn wondered. I’ll admit the request sounded unusual coming from him.

  Ryon moved his eyes around with a serious tone to match. “I don’t like dirt on my rugs. They’re expensive.”

  “This is your house?” Ruby wondered.

  “I remember saying I have one that’s not in the city.”

  “It’s nice.” Jaylyn said.

  “There is way too many secrets going on here. It scares me to think of how many of them are going to be relevant.” I said.

  “Well, time to go find out.” Zayden got down off his horse first and took the reins of mine from me. “We’ll take care of them. You can go ask your father why it was necessary to start this trip off with games.”

  “Oh, believe me. I will.”

  Chapter 11


  “Don’t even think about leaving.” I said just as Ryon was ready to turn from the house entirely.

  He sighed loudly and looked at me. “What?”

  “You knew.”

  “Can you be more specific?”

  “You knew this whole time that my mother was alive.”

  “Are we really talking about this now?”


  “Well, how about this? Let’s not, you go inside and let them shock your brain and then maybe I’ll get to it.”

  “You’re just trying to get out of it.”

  “No, really. They’ll insist on this first. What you want to hear from me wi
ll only distract you from it.”

  I watched him walk away in silence then led the horses around into the corral with the others.

  “So—” Troy said. “That was—weird.”

  “He’s right, I guess. Let’s go inside and see what the fuck is going on.”

  Thankfully, they didn’t say anything else and we headed for the house.

  “You think the shoe thing was serious?” Darius asked, looking down at his feet before he stepped inside.

  “Well, Adele didn’t want fighting.”

  I took my boots off just to make her happy and we walked inside. They were already sitting on a couch across from Aleksander, Trever and Kole.

  “Good. Come. Sit.” Aleksander said, holding his hand out to the empty spaces next to the girls. “I’m sorry about having to drag everything out like this.”

  “I’m sure you’re not.” I said. “But you have our full attention.” Darius and Troy sat down with me and there was a pause.

  “Cigar?” Trever slid a box across the table.

  “They won’t do it.” Kole whispered loudly. “Fun is outside of their limits.”

  I tried not to take offend to it and Aleksander slid the matches to us. “Something tells me not to believe that.”

  He was right to because we each took one.

  “Leccans?” I held the cigar under my nose, smelling its strong aroma. “How did you manage to get your hands on these?”

  “You’re familiar with them?” Aleksander asked.

  “Not our first time.” I lit mine and inhaled the first breath then exhaled.

  “I’ve never seen you smoke before.” Adele said, watching me.

  “We haven’t really had a peaceful time since we’ve been with you.”

  “Ooh.” Aleksander, Trever and Kole reacted at the same time as quietly as they could.


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