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Raining Light (Fate's Intent Book 5)

Page 10

by Bowles, April

“Yes, please.” Kole perked right up.

  “What? You’re kidding, right?”

  “It’s not like it’s unfamiliar territory.”

  I paused from eating and everyone reacted with a quick intake of air or holding back a cough so they didn’t choke on their food.

  Jaylyn saw it and just tried to laugh it off like a joke. “Ah—yeah. Okay. I’ll just do that.”

  Troy returned the laugh from hearing her nervous voice trying to be covered by sarcasm. “What? Do you want me with you?”

  Jaylyn’s smile faded from her face from the shock and her eyes traced around at us.

  “This is the part where you say yes.” Ruby whispered.


  “He just offered to be involved. You have to take that.”

  “Ruby, please.” I cut in. “It doesn’t mean he’d participate.”

  “I will if she wants me to.” Troy said, looking back towards Jaylyn while he said it.

  “Really?” Jaylyn asked, sounding on the verge of actually accepting this awful plan. “It doesn’t seem weird at all?”


  “Weird for you?” Jaylyn turned her head to Kole but he looked more like the answer should have been obvious.

  “No. Why? Are you actually considering it?” He perked his whole body up this time, anticipating her answer.

  “I don’t know.” She was obviously showing that she was nervous and I couldn’t believe she was even considering it.

  “Come on, Jay. We’ll make it worth it and—” He leaned into her ear and whispered softly to her only.

  Her facial expression changed to a lightened state of desire. “Okay but you have to—”


  “And I want—”

  “I know.” Kole smiled as he started to get to his feet. “Come on. We’re on a time schedule here.”

  Jaylyn nodded again and looked over at Troy. “Are you sure you were serious?”

  “As long as you are, I can’t argue.”

  I sighed loudly. “I don’t believe this. There’s something wrong with you.”

  Jaylyn just smiled and stood up, taking Troy’s hand to make him stand up with her. “Well, see you in the morning, everyone.”

  “Don’t worry.” Kole said. “You won’t hear a thing.”

  I rolled my eyes and Ruby laughed while watching them go into a room together. Kole even sealed the door so no one could open it to check on them or stop this from happening at all.

  “Why don’t you look the least bit shocked?” I asked Ryon next to me.

  “Should I be?”

  “Ah, yeah.”

  “Not really. Kole’s been wanting to double-team her for years but I wouldn’t do it, Trever definitely wouldn’t do it and she wouldn’t let it be a stranger so—”

  “I didn’t mean about Kole! That was not the Jaylyn we know.”

  “Oh, yes. Well, you’re right about that. It wasn’t her at all.”

  I understood instantly and immediately looked over at Ruby. Our minds were like we were having a conversation without speaking and we both knew exactly what he meant. Our reaction to it was the same. We both turned our heads back to one of the other rooms and yelled at the top of our lungs. “Trever!”

  Ryon laughed. “Too late.”

  “What?” Trever stepped out of the room quickly from the urgency that was on our voices.

  “Kole used compulsion on Jaylyn!”


  “They’re in there right now.” I said, pointing back to the room they went into.

  Trever seemed a little confused and looked around. “Well, where’s Troy?”

  “He’s with them.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “You know she wouldn’t have agreed! Do something!”

  “There’s not much I can do now. You should just get some sleep and not worry about it.”

  “So, you’re just going to let him take advantage of her?”

  “He’s been doing it for years. How is this any different?”

  “I think she means because she’s with Troy.” Ryon said. “But I can tell you, Adele, Kole did not use his compulsion skill on him. That was a complete willing and truthful suggestion.”

  “Still. It’s wrong.”

  “Just get some sleep.” Trever said as he started to turn. “By morning, you’ll forget all about it.”

  “Doubtfully but fine.” I rose to my feet and turned in front of Zayden. “Come on.” Zayden nodded and began to get up with me. “And you.” I turned to Ryon. “Stay out of trouble, would you and get to bed at a reasonable hour.”

  Ryon just smiled and leaned his head back restfully to look up at me. “Yes, madam. I’ll surely do that.”

  I sighed and hit his leg with my hand. “Just get to bed. That means you too.”

  Ruby smiled and leaned over Darius more, taking a seat right in his lap. “Don’t have to tell us twice! Take me away!”

  “With pleasure.” Darius got his hands around her and effortlessly stood up, wrapping her legs around him.

  “Do it without the show please. Thank you and goodnight.”

  “Oh, it will be. Goodnight.”

  I sighed as they went into a room of their own and I turned to Zayden with no enthusiasm on my voice. “Ready?”


  I started to smile a little from seeing his and looked over at Ryon again. “Get some rest and make sure Trever and my father do too. Don’t even suggest Kole’s idea about taking Roslyn and Rajet anywhere because we don’t have time for it.”

  Ryon laughed. “We weren’t even serious the last time, Adele. They had the whole night planned.”

  “Yeah, well, still. Don’t put it in his head.”

  “Okay, I won’t.”

  “Well, what are you waiting for?”

  “Nothing. I’m staying right here.”

  “All night?”

  “Yes. I’m not trying to keep you here. Go have fun. I’ll be right here when you get up.”

  “Okay. Goodnight.”

  Ryon left it with a nod and I turned first, pulling Zayden along with me.

  “I am so tired after this.”

  Zayden laughed. “Then it’s best to put it behind us.”

  “How are you? I know I really didn’t get the chance to ask without everyone else nosing in.”

  “I’m fine, Love. The news isn’t going to drastically change my life but looking at all the clues, I should have known sooner.”

  “I’m sure it still wouldn’t have changed anything.”

  “I don’t hate him, okay. I never really felt the hate except for in the beginning but it started to ease when I knew he was keeping something from me.”

  “You felt connected?”

  “Somehow but I couldn’t figure it out.”

  “What about now?”

  “Let’s just get to bed and forget about it.”

  “Are you sure?” I backed away so I could look up at his face and make absolutely sure he didn’t need to talk to someone.

  “Yeah.” He moved me so he could kiss my lips. “It’s not something we should be worrying about now.”


  We kissed again and it lasted seconds longer than before. I didn’t want to be the one to pull away and our love for each other became as clear as the sky that night.

  We rested as best we could while being in each other’s company. Sleep was the last thing on our minds as we spent our time cuddled up in bed, becoming reacquainted with the other’s skin, touching and caressing softly while exchanging even softer words.

  I loved how he was solely focused on me. I laid still, my body overtaken by desire as I watched him move kisses up my arm and soon to my body. I changed my position slowly so I was laying flat and let him climb over me completely.

  Watching his lips touch my skin and gently pull away with threads of his sweet saliva following, I longed to taste it for myself and sat up more eagerly. I pulled his head
towards mine and locked our lips together with an intense craving for the feel of pleasure. It was just how I remembered it. His tender lips fit perfectly to mine and our dancing tongues moved with a subtle grace and a hunger to keep going.

  There was no need to part from it now. Our lips remained compressed as I moved my legs out around him and gripped the firm muscles of his back as a gesture to get closer. No words had to be spoken about it and Zayden did just that. Our bodies became one and our night of relaxing ended peacefully with our shadows caught in a rhythmic dance on the walls around us. It made the days of travel seem to just disappear and we were ready to begin days more come morning. A part of me just hoped Kole was going to allow this kind of rest for Jaylyn. We were not going to stay another night here because they’ve been aggressive all night. We needed to get on with this trip.

  Chapter 17


  I was glad when I sealed the door. I didn’t care to hear about Adele’s complaints but when I turned, Jay was acting really nervous like she didn’t really want to do this. I had to shed some light on a few things and hopefully get her back in the mood.

  “Having second thoughts already?”

  She looked at me and I could tell she was filling with some kind of doubt. “I don’t know. Maybe. It’s just that I—”


  “I just don’t want things to get weird and I don’t mean physically weird because Troy was right and I’m used to you. I know that’s your thing. I just don’t want things to get emotionally weird and I know you probably think that’s stupid because you’re incapable of feeling anything but I do and I know somehow being with you again is going to affect me.”

  She was rambling and I was beginning to find her worry amusing. I couldn’t hold back this laugh that was building up but of course she didn’t take light to it.

  “Kole! It’s not funny!”

  “I’m sorry but look, Jay. It’s not that big of a deal just like we were saying in front of them out there. It’s just sex. That’s it. No attachments. No jealousy. We know each other. Shit, we’ve been together more than you and Troy have.”


  I didn’t mean to make him suddenly get defensive but they both knew I was right. “I’m just trying to prove a point, okay. We’ve always known how to handle us. How is this any different?”

  “I can think of a difference.” Jay stepped closer and took Troy’s arm.

  Of course I knew of that difference but she was so concerned with this that she wasn’t fully getting the point.

  “Jay, I don’t know how else to explain this. It won’t be a big deal. I know you love him and I’m not asking to be a part of that. All I’m asking for is your cooperation and your body.”

  She sighed like suddenly Adele had appeared in the room and my words sickened her. “That’s nice, Kole.”

  “Well? Isn’t it true? That’s why we’re all in this room right now. Troy, come on. You agreed to this. Help me out here.”

  He smiled and took Jay’s hand from his arm while turning completely to her to do this face to face. “You seemed fine before we got in here. What’s really the problem?”

  She had her focus on him entirely and tried talking as if just to him but let’s be honest, I was only feet away and of course I could hear everything. “I love you and I don’t want you to think—”

  “I won’t think anything like that. I agreed to this.”

  I was starting to figure out her true worry and couldn’t stay quiet. “She’s not really afraid of the emotional aspect, Troy. She’s afraid of showing you how she reacts to me.”

  He looked down at her but she wasn’t protesting like I she usually would. “Is that the problem? I know you’re going to like it, Jaylyn. That’s not going to make me feel insignificant in any way to watch you react pleasantly to someone else.”

  “It will still feel wrong to. Kole is usually greedy and selfish.” It was really hard to stay silent about those traits but if it was being talked out, I had to force myself not to reply. “But when he’s not, he can make is so different and meaningful. I used to see it as the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I don’t want to feel that again.”

  I laughed. It couldn’t be held back. “You’re afraid I’ll be better than him? Can you even hear yourself, Jay? That’s ridiculous. With you and him, it’s all lovey and heartfelt but with the two of us here, I can easily make it not about that. I can happily become that selfish greedy person you love.”

  I at least got a smile out of her and she playfully pushed me. “And whoever said I loved that?”

  “Come on. You know you do. Everyone always sees you so graceful and sweet. I know you like to get away from that sometimes and show that more wild side that I bring out in you. We could even teach Troy a thing or two.”

  “Troy doesn’t need to learn anything and I love the way he treats me.”

  “Maybe but you miss the way I treated you.”

  She still had this very enticing smile and I knew that even my selfish charm was getting to her in the good way I’ve been waiting for. “Oh, really?”

  “Really and we can start off with me being selfless for a moment because I know a moment is all it’ll take. Troy, first lesson, if you ever want Jay in her wild mood, you start by getting her off in under a minute. This ignites her greedy side and she won’t want to stop.”

  “I’m still in.”

  “Of course you are. Well, soon anyway.” I pulled off my shirt, ready to go.

  “Are you still okay with this?” Troy asked Jay.

  She nodded, still seeming a bit nervous but we’d be gentle with her. My goal wasn’t actually to bring about one of those fears and have her think I’m better. I just wanted to be with her one last time and I knew this was going to be it so I had to make it memorable.

  Chapter 18


  I pulled my shirt off after Kole when I knew Jaylyn was still truly agreeing to this. I just wanted her to be more relaxed around him than what she has been since I’ve known her. She was going to lose him soon and I didn’t want her to feel hate anymore. I know she cared and it was why I was letting this happen. It would be a good way for her to say goodbye even if she didn’t know she was.

  I pushed all of those thoughts aside for a time so I would be more focused on this but I still sensed her nervousness. Having us standing in front of her must have made her feel intimidated but I knew just how to ease her passed it.

  I took the first step forward and took her hand. “It’s all right. This will be fun. We won’t do anything you don’t want to. Right?”

  I glanced at Kole and he agreed with a smile, taking her other hand. “Of course. So don’t envision us as sexual predators.” His other hand went to her waist and he pulled her closer to him, kissing the side of her neck.

  I watched her eyes close like she enjoyed the gentle touch and she squeezed my hand while looking back at me.

  “It’s okay.” I reminded her, getting closer as well. “Whatever you say goes, all right?”

  She nodded and brought her lips towards me. I kissed her while Kole still had her other hand and he turned her chin towards him so she would kiss him next. She did without hesitation or showing her worry and I was glad she was beginning to become more eased.

  “Let’s start with it being about you.” Kole slid his hand from hers and lowered it to the waist of her pants. She almost seemed anxious now and let him do it while bringing my hand to her top. Of course I was willing to remove it as requested and we were both undressing her.

  She was naked in front of us and it was hard to deny that is was a complete turn on to see her comfortable around the two of us.

  Kole was still on his knees from removing her pants at her feet and he slid both hand up her legs, grasping her ass. “Shit, I’ve missed this body.”

  He kissed her hip right below her mark and Jaylyn bit her lip while placing her hand on his head to guide him. She looked at me next and pulled my nec
k down into her so our lips would meet. It was a great feeling and I rubbed her right breast while doing it, soon bringing my kisses to it.

  She let out her first soft moan and Kole backed away to look up. “I’ve missed that sound too. What do you think, Troy? Should we get her to do it some more?”

  I pulled my lips from her breast but continued to rub where I was kissing. “It is my favorite sound.”

  “Ever heard it like this?” He moistened his index finger and rubbed it between her legs gently at first but then more aggressive for two seconds.

  Jaylyn moaned for it and was starting to become weak standing on her feet. “Kole.”

  “I’m on it, Jay. Don’t worry.”

  She stepped back to sit on the bed and Kole pulled her hips towards the edge of it, making her lay back. He moved in closer and began to lick her.

  Watching her react to it was incredible. I rubbed my hands along her leg and was becoming aroused just by all the sounds she was making. I’ve heard it before but usually I was the one doing the work. I didn’t mind at all that it wasn’t me because watching this was worth it and he really did get her off in under a minute.

  “That’s it.” Kole placed a finger inside her while she was probably still throbbing with pleasure but it was only a means to ease the quickness of it. “Soak it all up. They’ll be more where that came from.”

  “I really hate you sometimes.”

  Her voice was almost panting and Kole laughed while getting up to lean over her. “Why?”

  “Because you’re right. It always makes me want more.”

  She pulled him down to kiss her but it only lasted a moment before Kole stood fully. “Don’t worry. You’ll get it. Troy, you in first?”

  Just the idea of it gave me shivers. “I definitely want to but—”

  I only had to glance down. I know I enjoyed seeing it but I wasn’t really involved so I wasn’t fully ready.

  “I can fix that.” Jaylyn sat up in a hurry and kissed just above the waistline of my pants, pulling on them to get them to open then put all of me in her mouth.

  I had to close my eyes from the sudden pleasure and let out a moan of my own.


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