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The Asking Price of Stars

Page 2

by John Baeyertz

  If she was so damn good, then why was she out of job? Nira took stock of herself. She was the best PA in the fleet. It was said if you came in dead Nirabella could walk you out. She was thirty years old, short, fewer than 125 cm tall. However, she had a beautiful face with green eyes framed by light brown hair. Nirabella had the soft curves seen on vid actresses. She just had too many curves; about 20 kilos too many.

  It was on the Last 3rd watch on board the heavy cruiser Republican Lady, when Doctor Tommy revealed what a scum bag son of a bitch he is. Tom and Nirabella had been lovers for the last year. She worshipped him and did everything in bed and out for his love. During the 3rd watch the sex was wild and uninhibited. Just as they awoke for the first watch, Tom told her he was transferring her off the Republican Lady.

  While I spent nights in his bed, the pig bastard worked out my transfer! Nirabella thought.

  Tommy unceremoniously told her, “I am deeply in love with my third wife and she will be the new PA on board. It would be best if you left quickly.”

  During last 3rd watch Doctor Tommy even had the crew pack her gear while he and Nirabella had uninhibited sex in his bed. She was sick to her stomach. Next, he told her, “You have to find a new ship on your own.” He had not even bothered to arrange even that much for her. She hit the ‘pig’ and kept hitting him until some of the crew came in and pulled her off.

  Chief Sergeant Cici De Santis told the ship Commander, “I am going with Nirabella, shoot me if you don’t like it.” The Colonel avowed she was not about to shoot the best supply sergeant in the fleet. An hour later Nira and Cici were onboard a lifter on their way down from orbit to the ground base.

  Nirabella looked at her friend. Cici was tall with black hair forming a close cap to her head. Somehow, she was both very muscular and feminine at the same time. Her eyes were black and sexy. Cici’s nose was straight and her face was eye-catching. She possessed a white skin tone that Nirabella rarely saw.

  Chapter Four

  –New Haven Port, the Planet Freehome, 06-16-517

  ‘Light’ watched the space man pull himself out of the cot. He walked into what passed for a bathroom and pissed. He then took a long drink from the only water faucet in the ramshackle apartment. At least he was clean. Yesterday she washed him in the makeshift shower. ‘Light’ and her twin brother Shadow built it out of scrap metal and plastic sheets. A sun tank on the roof provided warm water via a hose. After the shower the space man slept twenty hours except for getting up to piss blood.

  The space man was a fine-looking man, young, handsome, muscular, with black hair and eyes like black diamonds. Light guessed he was 180 cm tall. Great purple and blue marks covered him, he was badly bruised. His un-bruised skin was a light tan except the white scars of four holes which laced his chest and back. Light thought these appeared as possible rocket pistol hits from years ago.

  She asked, “What is your name space boy?”

  He responded, “It’s Shane, but those close to me use my middle name, Kat. What’s your name and where in all the hells am I?”

  “My name is Light. You are in my brother’s and my apartment in the Space Port District. As you know, it’s the poorest damn area of the city. We live above the Summerfield’s. They run a clean building and keep the rats and motans down. We have power and water most days.”

  Kat nodded. Light instructed, “Kat please look at the two sets of clean clothing on the table by the wall.”

  Kat looked blankly at the clothing. One was a set of civilian work clothes and the other was a near new full set of Space Force utilities with cap, socks, and under garments. The boots were old but clean and polished. To top it off, all the insignia taken from his destroyed dress uniform were correctly placed on the utilities.

  “Try to focus!” Light instructed. “Ms. Summerfield and I worked very hard to tailor that uniform. You will need it to get back on to the Space Force base tomorrow.”

  Kat muttered, “Without my data pack I can’t get past the guards. They will want the details of how and where I lost it. Colonel Brashear’s staff will check every aspect of my story. The Colonel will find out I was out drinking again and that will be the end my career.”

  Light tossed him a data pack. He turned it on and found it was his pack. “It’s mine,” he answered.

  Light responded, “That's right, it’s your pack. To get it back cost Shadow two first-rate rocket pistols and 100 rounds of rockets. You will find all your money is gone. What little the thieves didn’t get, we spent on your uniform.”

  Kat asked, “Who in the hells is Shadow and why are you doing all this?”

  Light replied, “We shall trade!”


  It had been ten days, one week, since the man his twin sister called ‘Kat’ had left. Kat said he would meet them within a standard ten-day week. Shadow sat at the only table in their apartment recalling that Kat said he would return within a standard ten-day week. Across the table were two empty chairs that Shadow had bought at a used yard instead of stealing them. Kat instructed them not to steal and to quit working as a bar girl. Shadow and Light did as Kat asked. Light even had saved funds for the trade ‘plan’ so they could live for months. Shadow was not sure if this trade plan would work. Maybe he and Light were riding a hopeless dream. He mused.

  The door buzzer announced someone downstairs. A minute later Kat, clean, neat, and sober, walked through the door with a lady on his arm. Shadow thought, not another person in on the trade. The lady on his arm was old, close to 45 standard years. She had space cut short white hair. She was trim and in good shape for a woman that old. She must have been a beauty in her youth. Kat introduced her, “I would like you to meet your aunt, Ms. Tara Vesta Freeborn. Auntie Tara will be helping us with your project.”

  Auntie Tara said, “My dearest niece and nephew, it’s been years since we were together! In fact, I can’t remember the last time I saw you two.”

  A few minutes later they all sat drinking tea while seated at the table. Auntie Tara continued, “In the notebooks before you, there are three documents; two are tests which you will take today and one is a history you will read tonight.”

  Shadow spoke up, “I’m not much on tests or history. Furthermore, our mother never had a sister as elegant as you or as well spoken. Our mother was a space port whore who was knifed by a customer when we were ten. Light and I have been on our own for the last six years.”

  “Dear Shadow, I am terribly disappointed that the only memory of your history is the story you just related. My memory is far different,” Auntie Tara said. “Let’s move ahead. We only have seven weeks for this phase of the plan and Kat and I feel it is important that we set a baseline of where we start. The tests will help set that baseline. I am also most disappointed dear nephew that you don’t want to read the history of your Freeborn Family. The history contains information any member of the family would know. It has maps and descriptions of The Planet Vista and of Freeborn Farm, which I am sure you “know” is located on Vista. If you remember, you were both born at the farm. You really should know the family history and the layout of the farm before a visit. Shadow, my dearest you need to clearly remember your mother died at the farm giving birth to you two dear children. Now shall we begin the tests?” Auntie Tara concluded as she handed them test tablets.

  Four hours later Shadow and Light finished the tests and a half hour later Auntie and Kat finished scoring them. Auntie Tara spoke first, “The negative news is that you each lack almost any of the required formal education. On the positive side, you both have exceptional scores in raw intelligence. I now believe phase one may just be possible.”

  Kat continued, “You leave here early tomorrow. Please bring only clothing for a week, the history note book, and a few personal items. Box up all the guns, drugs, and anything that was stolen and bring the box. It should look like you are travelling for a week or so. We have paid your landlords a year’s rent in advance. However, I don’t believe you will ever come back he
re. Finally, say no goodbyes to friends. Also, you must burn all the tests and scoring sheets tonight.”

  Light was quick to ask, “Auntie Tara why are you doing this? It will cost much more than the money we saved. We sincerely thank you both, but how can we pay for it?”

  Auntie Tara responded, “The Space Force Commanding General and I have a tad of history together. It is going to be fun to put one over on my old friend and help two young people who deserve a better life. Be ready for the hardest seven weeks of your lives!”

  Kat only said, “A trade is a trade.”

  Chapter Five

  - Officer Training School on Freehome, 06-26-517

  The clerk announced, “Lieutenant Tracey Mills-Watkins, General Bridgeford will see you now.”

  Tracey rose and walked into the inner office. She hoped that wearing her new dress uniform she at least looked the part of an officer and a lady. The light gray blouse, with her six-pointed lieutenant’s star pinned to it, trim cut dark black pants and fitted short black jacket, cost all four of her parents a month of savings. Her two dress uniforms were the minimum an officer needed.

  Graduation was completed and the colonels and generals were using borrowed offices all over the school to interview the new Lieutenants assigned to them. The man behind the desk rose and motioned her to one of two chairs in front of the desk. They had talked briefly at the celebration after graduation, but this was their first formal meeting. He was a striking man, tall, thin, with short cut gray hair. His handsome face was narrow with cold blue eyes. On his right chest, a fleet general’s red round “saw blade” marked his rank. The red twelve pointed star was pinned through a green ribbon.

  “Welcome to Green Fleet Ms. Mills-Watkins. I hope you were not too disappointed in this assignment. I asked for you specifically. I believe your talents will fit Green Fleet’s unique roll,” the

  General said.

  Tracey thought, It sure in all the hells is not my first choice, it’s really only half a fleet. But the gods know I’m glad to be going to any fleet even the Green Fleet.

  The clerk entered with ice tea and served them each a cold glass. General Bridgeford sipped his tea and asked, “Do you know why the school encourages the flying of gliders, light aircraft, and mini-lifters?”

  “Sir, I believe it’s to improve our coordination and give us a feel for working in three dimensions,” she responded.

  The General asked another question, “Why do you think the school also encourages competition in Field Ball?”

  “Sir, I believe the game is played to develop strong bodies, quick reactions, and teach working together in an ever-changing environment,” Tracey responded.

  “One final question, Lieutenant,” he said. “How many cadets were killed during your three years at OTS?”

  It was a strange question, she thought.

  Tracey answered, “Four died and a half dozen were so badly crippled they could not continue at OTS.”

  Trace thought, all died flying or playing Field Ball except Raj who died climbing in the high mountains east of the school.

  The General called the clerk, “Please send in the other new Lieutenant, perhaps he knows why the school allows Cadets to dance on the edge of death.”

  Tracey was totally shocked as she turned to see the new Lieutenant.

  The General said, “Lieutenant Mills-Watkins I believe you know Lieutenant Peter Guderian.”

  Tracey’s mind raced erratically, what in the hells was Peter doing here? He is a hopeless disaster! Peter is not in the top 60 graduates. Short and ugly, he somehow makes his new uniform look disheveled. I know it was hand tailored by the finest military tailors on Freehome. Why is he getting a fleet posting? Did his Stepfather buy him the posting? The Guderian family is powerful and rich. They own more than 100,000 hectares of land on Freehome alone. Also, they own trading companies throughout The League of Free Stars and even within the Empire. Why did Bridgeford select this half Troc?

  The General interrupted her thoughts, “No, I did not accept a bribe to post Peter to Green Fleet. In fact, his Mother and Stepfather don’t know yet about his appointment. I chose Peter because, like you, his talents fit Green Fleet’s unique role.”

  The General spent an hour explaining Green Fleet's operation and what was expected of them. He then ended the meeting and asked Tracey to stay for a moment. Peter excused himself.

  After Peter left, the general continued, “I selected Peter because he never, never ever gives up. He may have wrecked two gliders, a light aircraft, and a mini lifter, but he learned to fly. Peter spent hours each week until he mastered flight. He will never be a great pilot, but he is a fair pilot.” Bridgeford continued, “He also never gave up on sports. Each year he tried out for every sport offered at Officer Training School. He finally made the field ball D team in his third year.”

  “When Raj fell up on the mountain and all you heroes were up on top trying to find him and the lifters could not fly in the blinding snow storms, who made trip after trip up the mountain carrying supplies to high camp? Your search efforts would have come to a quick stop without the food, fuel, and equipment Peter packed up to your rescue team. Ms. Watkins, did he even get a thank you?”

  Tracey stared mutely at her hands folded in her lap.

  Chapter Six

  – Freehome and onboard the ship Blue Lightning. 06-27-517

  The trip from Freehome to Vista was both intimidating and spectacular. Auntie Tara picked up Light and Shadow in an unmarked electro van. She told the driver to destroy everything they left in the van including the box with the guns and drugs. Light and Shadow kept only their few personal items. Auntie then provided both of them with new clothing and a completely loaded travel kit. Next, she gave them each a new data pack. For the first time in their lives they had last names; they were now known as Light and Shadow Freeborn.

  The space lifter ride to the station was amazing. The surface of Freehome spread out below, white clouds, blue seas and green and brown land masses. The orbiting station was even more amazing. At 20% of standard gravity they walked and skipped through vast spaces with Auntie. The other travelers never gave them a second glance. In their new clothing, the Freeborn twins now looked the part of the high-middle class. Time wave travel was extremely expensive and only the wealthy and well-to-do could afford commercial travel.

  They arrived at docking port 27. Light and Shadow looked outward at the space liner which would take them to Vista. The spherical ball of the Blue Lightning floated outside the grand observation window. Shadow exclaimed, “It must be over 100 meters in diameter.”

  The ship was a silver ball with many hatches and small projections for antennas, sensors, and control jets. The aft was covered 25% by the smooth black surface of the Time Wave Drive (TWD). The TWD surface was only pierced by a circular hole at the exact center of the back of the sphere. Two long tubes projected through the hole, each covered by a myriad of piping and armored control wiring. These were the nozzles for the main plasma and dark matter engines. At the center of the front of the ship was a clear bubble some twenty meters in diameter. This was the Navigation and Control Center and an observation area for the passengers.

  Many power cables and lines attached the Blue Lightning to the dock. Two large transparent tubes also ran from the station to the ship. Shadow could see the lower tube was being used to load cargo containers. The crews on the dock guided passengers into the smaller tube to board the ship. Each person became weightless as soon as they left the station’s gravity field until they reached the ship and its gravity field. Crew members stationed along the tube helped anyone who was not accustomed to weightlessness.

  Light noted, Auntie Tara appears to have spent considerable time weightless.

  Once aboard a steward welcomed them, checked them in and said, “I see all three of you are returning home to Vista.” Next, she updated their data packs with a full set of ship information.

  Light wondered, by all the gods, how did Auntie get
the records changed so Shadow and me are now citizens of Vista? She must have major pull with someone in the government.

  Auntie Tara led Light and Shadow to their undersized suite. The suite contained a small bedroom, a living room with a foldout bunk and a tiny bathroom. Auntie Tara and Light were assigned the two bunks in the bedroom. Shadow got the foldout. Their baggage was already in place in the suite. Light declared, “This is the nicest place I have ever lived in, it’s beautiful!”


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