The Asking Price of Stars
Page 21
Count Markiii launched sixteen heavy X1 Troc missiles in response. Before Artystaar and Niikia could Track them, their attention was grabbed by the sensor display. The destroyer Frozen Blood was so busy firing at the F1 missiles, they made no effort track the third F2 missile launched by the egg. It ran behind the remaining spread of missiles launched by Bridgeford. The weapons officer on the egg had programmed in a last second change. The missile shifted course. It hit the FrozenBlood’s missile bay. The sensor image became many, and then the Frozen Blood was gone. In a flash, Niikia knew the egg was in fact the Outcast Lady and the infamous Peter was the missile officer. She would see them all dead and in the tenth hell.
Artystaar and Niikia saw that seven of the incoming Space Force F1 missiles survived. Artystaar launched two more missiles. They watched on sensor screens as five more missiles from the Delapasse were destroyed by other pirate ship's missiles and rail guns. Next the rapid-fire rail guns from the Hammer cut down one more. A single missile got through and hit one of the Hammer's Time Wave Drive pods. Artystaar knew that it would mean little in a battle fought at sub light speed. They watched as the Delapasse fired a salvo of F2 missiles to intercept the sixteen X1 missiles from the Hammer. Then Delapasse slowed matching speed with the troop ships.
Aboard the Outcast Lady Tracey told Spider, "Vector to incept the missiles from Hammer. Peter, launch at will. Cici, fire rail guns as soon as we are in range. Bridgeford is using his F2 missiles and rapid fire rail guns to take out Troc missiles. He is launching his F1 missiles to target the closest of the troop transport."
The crew in the Control Center watched as Peter launched four F2 missiles. Tracey began counting off the distance to the incoming X1 missiles. 100 hundred clicks, then 90,80,70,60 - Cici began firing the two rail guns’ turrets that could be brought to bear. A cheer went up as they watched their missiles hit three X1 missiles. The F2 missiles from the Delapasse took out six more. But seven of the big X1 were still on course. Even at this distance Cici's rail gun fire got one. Bridgeford, using small rapid fire rail guns took out three more. Next the last three were destroyed by a spread of F2 missiles from Gold Arrow. The Battlecruiser Delapasse was safe for only a moment.
They watched as a pirate vessel closed on Delapasse. She was a Trocnavar built escort. She accelerated as the Lady slowed. The Fire Control Computer identified the ship as Dark Song. The information in Lord Markiii’s data pack and the information tortured out of him was damn useful, how else would the computer know. Tracey thought you two Troc bitches did survive. "Spider reset our vector to put between Delapasse and Dark Song."
Fidelity called out, " Spider, Tracey, these maneuvers are pushing the control jets beyond the max. Don't know if they can hold together."
Peter sent a message to all their screens: “On my signal I will drop two missiles. We are now switching to the last of Troc X2 missiles we got when purchased the Lady”
Three minutes later Peter called, "Drop NOW!"
In the Missile Bay Light and Shadow watched air jets push the two missiles out of the bay. Their engines fired driving the missiles outward toward the Dark Song. Shadow held up two fingers signaling two missiles in his rack. Light held up three. Just five missiles left.
Niikia could not believe their luck; the course setting put them in direct conflict with Outcast Lady. Behind the Song the pirate cruiser Death Kiss - who was in fact, the Imperial heavy cruiser Blue Countess with a pirate paint job - would blast the Delapasse and also destroy Kat and his ship.
Artystaar called out, "Two missiles from Outcast tracking us. But the electronic signature is of a Trocnavar X2.”
"Confirm Identification," Niikia said.
“Still Tracking us," The Com Officer called out.
Artystaar yelled, “Launching two missiles, power up all rail guns."
Over the com link Tracey said, "Peter, change the missile's course. The heavy cruiser behind Song is the real target. Spider, vector for the big cruiser. Damn, I have should have seen it! The Troc plan is to keep us busy with the escorts then slip the big cruiser in to destroy Delapasse while Bridgeford battles the Hammer."
"Done," said Peter. "I should tell everyone that the first three missiles we launched were F2s, after that we used the converted Troc X2s we got when we bought the Lady. I kept the Troc identification codes and can switch the code when needed. I used the codes when we destroyed the Frozen Blood. It confused them just long enough.”
Cici said, "All rail guns ready, targeting the incoming missiles.”
Fidelity said, "Lost one control jet in sector one. Others may fail at any time."
“Fidelity, just hold us together," Tracey lamented.
Cici broke in, "Firing bearing rail guns’ turrets number one and two and the rear gun”
Within a minute the com line carried a quick message. "We have a jam on turret number two. This is Gun Captain Shamir." Like larger war ships escorts had a gun crew in a compartment just below each turret. The leader, a Gun Captain and three other crew members were expected to clear jams and fix any other problems.
"Centari, this is Cici. Are both guns jammed?”
"Yes, it must be the ammo feed. We are cycling the airlock. Cici, are both guns powered down?"
"Both are powered down. Capacitors fully discharged.”
Spider said, "Rolling ship to bring turrets one and three to bear.”
Centari looked around as her team slipped out of the airlock and into the turret. Behind her two young crewmen emerged with a tool box as big as an ox head and a third with a new drive belt. Centari called Cici on the com, "We are in and starting."
Tracey thought, by the gods how far has Centari come, from refugee to gun captain. Now fighting to save a planet that treated young ones as disposable labor. How far all of us have come!
“This is Centari, the ammo feed belt came apart and jammed into the gears. The cover is mangled.”
Pulling out a cutting laser, Maxwell, one kids from the Lost group, said, "I'm cutting the cover off. We should be able to free the steel drive belt."
Centari unboxed the massive drive belt. She felt shocks as the two other turrets and single rear gun fired projectiles one after another. If they did not get the rapid fire dual turret up soon they all could be dead. In Turret two they cut the cover off, pried the ruined belt out of the gears and installed the new belt. There was no time remaining for a new cover.
As the Centari’s crew worked to finish repairing Turret Two, the single mount rear gun in an open barbette got one of the two missiles. Tracey said, “Cici and Spider nice shooting; one incoming missile is gone." Gun Captain Czajka and crew, my thanks. An open barbette is tough place to be.” Tracey knew it was the pilot, weapons officer and the gun crews working together that made it all operate.
“Gun Team dropping through the airlock, fire when ready," Centari signaled. The two repaired rail guns began firing. With a key control jet down, Spider fought to roll the Lady to bring the rapid-fire guns to bear. Decelerating the Lady slowed to match the speed of the Death Kiss and the Dark Song. As the three ships closed in on each other, Tracey knew the escort Song would do anything to protect the cruiser. The two escorts began a dance of death. Spider rolled to starboard and Cici, using the rapid-fire guns, sent wall of projectiles into path of the second missile.
Niikia, on the com line said, "The scum got both our missiles. Launch two more."
"Acknowledge," Brains replied. With Artystaar fully occupied piloting, he took over missile control.
Within limits of orbital mechanics, Artystaar turned the Song into the course nearest to Outcast. The two would pass within two clicks of each other. As she watched the two incoming missiles, Dark Song shifted course a few degrees and headed for the big cruiser. Niikia ordered, “Brains retarget our last two missiles. Target the two missiles they launched. Artystaar, take us as close
as possible. Damn, Kat is targeting the cruiser not us.”
"It's not Kat commanding!" their com officer yelled over the com. "I picked up a tight beam intercept. Watkins is commanding.”
Niikia yelled, “What the hell! A new grad from the League's Officer Training School is commanding? We will cut the bitch to pieces.”
The whole Control Room on the Lady watched as two X2 missiles from the Dark Song collided the two sham X2 Peter targeted for the Kiss. "OK everyone, were down to five missiles, let's make them count,” Tracey said over ships com. By the gods could I have said anything more trite? "Cici, keep up the rail gun fire at the Song and any missiles she launches at the Delapasse. Peter, launch our missiles only at the Kiss. Use your best judgment on timing. Fidelity, keep us ahead of Delapasse. We must arrive first at the Kiss. Spider, get us in closer. Missile Drop Bay, are you ready? Light and Shadow? Gun Captains, you all ready?"
All replied, “Yes!”
Tracey watched the sensor screens as Fidelity cut back on plasma drive slowing the rate of deceleration. They dashed toward the Cruiser and Dark Song. Tracey saw that they would pass Dark Song within ten minutes. Peter launched three of the missiles and they dropped heading toward the Kiss. Each missile was masquerading as Troc controlled X2s.
Artystaar felt the missiles rather than heard the light rail bolts hitting the outer hull. So far, the armor held. However, soon the larger rail run bolts would hit and break through the hull. She spun the Song moving her out of the path of oncoming bolts. She also wanted to give the Assistant Weapons Officer a clear shot at the Outcast.
Niikia said, "Three missiles launched by Outcast all vectored for the Kiss. Launch four to intercept.”
"Launching four," the weapons officer responded. “That will only leave us six missiles."
Niikia scanned sensor screens then roared, "Damn Commander Friisiek! He’s not taking any actions to stop the incoming missiles." She punched the ship to ship com line. "This Niikia Kaiii-var Commander of Dark Song we are tacking three missiles on course to hit you.”
"This is First Officer Heciir Saiitiagi, why are you bothering us? They are Imperial X2s. Now get off this com line and find some real enemy missiles." The line clicked dead.
Niikia said to the Com Officer, “Send this text to Saiitiagi: Urgent! They are X2s but are targeted and controlled by Green Fleet. Niikia tracked the three missiles Outcast had launched and also the four Dark Song had launched.
Tracey watched, as the three missiles they launched and the four missiles from the Song closed on each other.
Peter asked, "Free Hand?”
Tracey said, "Yes!"
Peter turned one of the missiles toward the oncoming missiles from Song. The missile raced toward the group of four Troc missiles Song had launched. Just before it hit, Peter detonated his missile. This sent a spray of fragments into the group of missiles. Three of the four went off course. The last Troc missile hit one of their two remaining missiles. Tracey watched as the Troc missile turned to follow Peters' fakes.
"Cici, keep up with all guns as long as we have the Song in range. Fidelity, reduce deceleration. We are going to blast past her and go in for the kill of Death Kiss." They all watched as Peter’s final missile vector honed in on the target. The Death Kiss launched no counter missiles or rail gun fire. The missile blasted Death Kiss’s port side main turret. The turret exploded. Wreckage and one of rail guns flew into space as the other gun was disabled. But, the heavy armor of the cruiser held and the hull was not breached. She was still a powerful warship.
"You dumb colorless idiot Saiitiagi! Now will you believe us about the missiles? Send the following text: Enemy ship Outcast Lady is launching "real" X2 Trocnavar missiles. Commanding Officer Niikia Kaiii-var."
"Outcast is cutting deceleration and they will flash past us quickly at twice our speed. Launch all six missiles at Outcast Lady, two in a first group and a second group of four thirty seconds behind. We are going to overload their defenses. Max rail gun fire until the ship is destroyed."
Artystaar watched as the Outcast spiraled on a path taking them past Song. Whoever the pilot was, he or she was doing one hell of a job keeping Outcast out of the path of the mass of rail gun projectiles. Then the sensor screens showed a bright flash. Their human weapons officer got at least one hit in. She called, "Good hit, but you better get more, you crazy human bastard."
The shock of the rail gun hit reverberated through the ship. Tracey thought, thank the gods we are ready. "This is Tracey. Damage reports as soon possible. Tell us what you need."
"Erica Nguyen Damage Control reporting. Major hit to the mess deck. I can seal the entrance hole, but the exit hole is a full meter across. Air tight doors closed to hanger and missiles deck below and to crew quarters above. We need at least two three people from engineering to help.”
"Fidelity reporting, all communications and controls to aft sections intact."
"Nirabella reporting, in air lock to mess deck. Expect losses and injured.”
"Mark Bittman, reporting engineering has no damage."
"Shadow reporting, the two missiles and launch gear undamaged."
"Cici reporting, all rail guns functioning”
"This is Tracey ----”
Peter interrupted. "We have six missiles coming at us and only two left in our racks. Holding them."
"Good. Peter go to the Plan."
Quietly Spider moaned, "Oh gods, not that".
While others were fighting the enemy, Nirabella was fighting for the lives of the crew. The one good thing was at Full Battle Alert almost none of the crew was stationed on the Mess Deck. As soon as she and her assistant Rhonda Santacruz were out the airlock she understood she would be blessed to find any of the crew alive. On com Erica Nguyen told her that she believed nine crew members were on the Mess Deck when the hit happened. Anna Morgan and an unnamed crew person were sucked out the exit hole. Both were in spacesuits. The two might survive if picked up quickly after the battle, but the odds were small for a rescue.
Nirabella found two more the crew dead, spacesuits ripped open by shrapnel. Five were alive, one with a broken leg inside an intact spacesuit, four were in damaged spacesuits and slipping fast. Rhonda and she slapped temp patches over the holes. But they all had leaked too much air for suits to remain safe. The air gages showed air supply near an end. If she did not get into the airlock soon they would die.
Niikia and Artystaar watched the sensor display. Tracey did not launch the remaining missiles at the six Niikia had just fired. Yet Tracey rushed onward toward the six. Blinding flashes sent all the sensors into over load. At least four missiles appeared to come out of nowhere. There were no ships and no orbiting launch platform. The missiles raced toward the six missiles blasting the six missiles and sending a wall of shrapnel back toward Dark Song. Artystaar turned and rolled the ship in a mad attempt turn her away from the oncoming shrapnel.
"This is Commander Niikia; prepare to take major damage in 90 seconds." Metal and plasticine chunks slammed into Dark Song ripping holes in her hull, blasting away turrets, and cutting an unarmed missile in half inside the missile bay. Artystaar's roll kept the ship from being totally destroyed.
"This is Commander Niikia. Damage reports now. We are no longer a fighting ship. Prepare to ram Outcast Lady."
Tracey watched her sensor displays and said, “Drift missiles always are a bitch. Prepare to hit Dark Song with all rail gun fire. Peter, you did great job of calculating where the drift missiles were orbiting.”
"Where in all the hells did the drift missiles come from?" Fidelity shouted.
Tracey answered, "Delivered by dead heroes. The two old Pangerbar destroyers we thought were fleeing the space station were in fact dropping these old drift missiles. The Pangerbar Space Force salvaged them after our first battle
with the pirates. Both the destroyers were blasted into space dust, but not before they released a dozen missiles running dark and powered down. They were launched into orbit where the Pirate Fleet was expected. Peter picked up a tight beam communication telling us their orbits."
A sudden shift in the gravity field occurred as Spider spun the Lady onto a new course. She yelled, "They are going try to ram us!”
Tracey opened the ship’s com and calmly said, "Cici, fire all rail guns at will. Give our gun crews your full support. Everyone stay steady. If we get passed Dark Song, we will attack Death Kiss. If we can disable her, the Lady Delapasse can fight the Troc battle cruiser Death’s Hammer one on one. Ax will win that match."
Chapter Fifty-Six