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Dark Throne, The

Page 9

by Raven Willow-Wood

  The stalls weren't tables with plastic-wrap roofs selling cheap wares. But small pods with black tiles on the roof and something she could only liken to stuccoed walls. There was an oval opening with a surface loaded down with items. From rolls of fabric to jewels.

  It was a scene that could occur in any small town on Earth and only the colors made the difference.

  In many ways, that calmed her. Yes, she might have to walk around with her ass hanging out of her pants or baring a tit, but apart from that, it seemed relatively normal. It wasn't completely alien. People still bought stuff. Behind the pods, were houses. Strangely shaped houses, for sure. But still, people lived in shelters, be they square houses as she was used to, or the cylindrical dwellings that were here.

  Inhaling deeply, Heather curled upright from her cross-legged position. She'd been seated there for so long that she stumbled a little as her left foot had decided to go to sleep and her right calf had cramped. She hobbled about a bit, her feet shuffling against the carpeted hallway as she tried to improve the circulation in her lower body. When she ceased walking like an idiot, she closed the door and quickly opened it again. When the market scene remained unimpeded, she closed it once more, sure now that it wouldn't disappear, and moved towards the bedroom.

  Her watch indicated the time was still early- almost four in the morning. Fade would undoubtedly be asleep. If that were the case, she'd let him rest and she'd try to fall asleep too. Her body would need the extra hours of relaxation, before the mating heat hit her, full blast, in the face.

  It was coming. She knew it. Could feel it slide sluggishly through her veins. What was controlling it, currently, she wasn't entirely sure. Perhaps the dazed shock at seeing her world, the world she'd always belonged to, even if it was unknowingly. She'd had to absorb a lot of information in a minute space of time, in many ways, it was no wonder her body was moving on auto-pilot.

  The bedroom was quiet. Outside the window, a street lamp shone its glow into the bedroom and she could see Fade was turned on his side with his front to the wall. The only space for her was at his back and knowing that Fade would probably have viewed her earlier behavior in a negative light, she moved towards his front and even though it would undoubtedly disturb him, she prodded and maneuvered until there was small space for her to lay.

  She held her breath as she almost rolled onto the bed and settled beside him.

  "Do you know how many wars I've been involved in?"

  The question jolted her. Whatever she'd expected him to say, it hadn't been that. In the quiet of the room, Heather kept her voice down to a whisper. "I don't know. Two?"

  "More like thirty. Even asleep, I'm an inch away from wakefulness. So, there's no way you couldn't have awoken me.”

  "If that's the case. . . .” Heather pushed him back a bit more and snuggled down into the mattress so that she had more space and was a lot more comfortable. That the move had her butt laying flush against his groin was an advantage.

  A silence settled between them and she knew her actions had confused him. For whatever reason, Heather knew it took a lot to confound Fade. She felt rather proud that within a few hours, she'd completely disturbed Fade.

  "I thought you were revolted.”

  The chill in his words would have frozen a liquid ice pop solid.

  "More like freaked out.”

  "Freaked out?"

  "Trust that to be one of the words that doesn't translate.” He couldn't see her, but she rolled her eyes. "Disturbed, I guess is another way of describing it.” When he stiffened, she tutted. "Not by you. Christ, you're so touchy.”

  "I am not thin-skinned. Nor am I in anyway delicate.”

  She snorted. "You are where those wings of yours are concerned. You were asleep, you didn't know what was happening. I panicked.” His silence indicated that she was correct. "Your smell. . . . it did something to me,” Heather admitted gruffly. She reached for his arm and lifted it over her. When it rested close to her belly, she crossed her fingers with his.

  "And it was my scent that disturbed you?"

  "Not in a you-need-to-shower way. But in a my-pussy-is-hotter-than-hell kind of way.”


  "Oh, for God's sake, does that mean none of my curses will translate?"

  He shrugged. "We have our own curses. You will learn them in time.”

  The scene she'd just viewed made her think that Mearth was far more old-fashioned than modern Earth. It surprised her that he didn't chide or reprimand her for swearing. "You'll have to teach me them.”

  A slight chuckle whispered across her ear as he finally unbent enough to relax into her and rest his head beside hers. "I'll enjoy that. A cursing Queen. Jender won't know what's hit them. But, you were saying. What is this pussy?"

  Nerves suddenly settled in Heather's belly as the only way she could explain was to show him. Not once did it cross her mind that she could describe what or where a pussy was. Her brain was on one track but what a way to go.

  Heather separated their bridged fingers and held his so that his hand was beneath hers. She guided their hands down and as she moved, Heather separated her legs, eventually settling his palm between her thighs.

  He'd stiffened. In more ways than one. His body had been the first to react and then his cock decided to prod her butt. Had her pussy not already been molten with need, it would have just ratcheted up another dozen degrees or so.

  Even in the throes of anal sex or of a boyfriend going down on her, she'd never felt this desperation. It simmered beneath the surface and only the situation, the strangeness of it all, enabled her to push it to the back of her mind. She could only imagine the power of an orgasm with Fade. With her tendency to already do so, this time, passing out would be for all the right reasons.

  His fingers flattened out against the gusset of her short shorts and she felt the brush all the way through the material. One long digit slid down the curve of her pussy and a low whimper escaped her throat as she turned her face into the pillow and moaned into the soft cushion. She let her hand drop to the mattress, when he gently tugged away from her grip and pressed her forehead a little harder into the pillow, when his fingers slipped beneath the waistband to her shorts and to her panties. She sucked in her breath to ease his access and shuddered as his hand touched bare skin. She was always neat down there, with only a small patch of hair on her pubis, more out of cleanliness than anything else. And now, with her nerves screaming, she was glad of it.

  His fingers slid further down and another shiver racked her frame as almost as soon as Fade touched intimate flesh, they grew moist with her need. For a moment, embarrassment scorched her and then, he said something that made her snort with amusement.

  "Ah, we call this a quim.”

  Being a fan of historical romance with an edge of erotica, that wasn't the first time Heather had learned of that word. It was the first time she'd ever heard it uttered. "Quim? Seriously?"

  "Yes. You know of this word in your own tongue?"

  She nodded. "I-I've read it in a book.” Sucking in a breath, because it was hard to concentrate with his hand stuck down her panties. "I found an entry into Mearth, Fade.” When he stiffened and started to pull away from her, she grabbed his wrist and tried to urge it into staying there. "Is everything so old-fashioned?"

  He desisted with the tug o' war over his fingers but his voice was cool, as he said, "In comparison to this society, perhaps. But in many ways, we will be more advanced. We rely on magic rather than the burning of natural fuels to provide us with energy.”

  She'd explained how electricity worked earlier, when he'd seemed engrossed with the bathroom light switch. Heather had winced at the idea of a world without power, but had sucked it up. No TVs or computers. No game consoles and no internet. Her left eye had started to twitch, wondering what the hell people got up to without that kind of entertainment. But, having spied the Mearthen idea of a feminine wardrobe, she could pretty much guess what got up.

  "It's the
way they do things here. I'm looking forward to seeing Mearth and noting the differences between here and there. But I'm glad I'll be with you and I'm glad I'll be with my mom and dad. Otherwise I'd be as scared as all hell.”

  "I'm a stranger to you. Why should I bring you any comfort?"

  She frowned. "Fade, my mom and dad are strangers to me. You, at this moment and with your hands down my panties, are not a stranger. There's a connection between us. I can feel it.” Heather hesitated, suddenly feeling very vulnerable. "Can't you?"

  He was quiet for so long that Heather's insecurities trebled. She'd never felt so much, so fast for anyone. And it wasn't that she was head over heels in love with Fade. It was that something inside her responded to him as though she'd known him since the beginning of time. While she chose to be antisocial, Heather could make friends easily. When she wanted one, she'd never been short of a boyfriend either. But with them all, there was that gradual process of becoming comfortable with them. A time when she ceased to feel embarrassed, when discussing certain things.

  With Fade, there had been no embarrassment.

  At first, she'd been scared and then, reading her mother's note, that fear had switched off and been replaced with security. She felt safe with him. She could rail at him, scream at him and know that he'd never hurt her. She knew it like she knew the face that stared back at her in the mirror.

  There was some freaky ass connection between them and having viewed this new world she was about to tumble into, she was damned glad he was coming with her.

  "Yes. I feel it.”

  "Boy, you sound real happy about that.”

  "Firstly, I'm not a boy. Secondly, if this is peculiar to you, then it is even more so to me. I never expected to mate. My wings repulse too many females- especially those whom are royals. The princesses tend to have a more delicate constitution. This comes as a great shock to me. I was close to my mother. I can't understand why she didn't share this with me.”

  "Would you have been happier knowing that you had a mate?"

  He shrugged. "I don't know. Are you ready to consummate this relationship between us?"

  "No.” She sucked in a breath and reaching behind her, grabbed his head and turning it so that when she twisted her neck, her lips brushed his ear. "Fade. You'll be careful, won't you?"

  "Ah. You have virginal fears.” She felt his eyelashes brush the upper curve of her cheekbone.


  He exhaled smoothly. "That I can understand. We can wait. If you wish. A few more days here on Earth will do neither of us any harm.”

  Heather swallowed back the protest her pussy shot to her brain. Carefully, she shook her head. "You know my mother said you'd be hit with a mating heat? Have you?"

  "No. But it's beneath the surface. I could probably wait a few days until you have been gentled.”

  Despite the need throttling her by the throat, she managed a snort. "If you're not a boy then I'm not a horse. I don't need to be gentled. And this mating heat. . . . well, I have it.”

  "I doubt it, Heather.”

  "My last three boyfriends have all accused me of being frigid, Fade. I've known you, what? A day? And your hand is where it is. Not because I'm forcing it. Not because I'll meet my family as soon as we fuck. But because. . . . because. . . .” She gasped as his finger began to move. "Because I feel like I'll die if you don't fuck me.”

  "You're very wet,” he murmured in an almost clinical tone. One that seemed to measure the depth of her need. The digit slipped down and ran along the small canal that led to the entrance of her body. The tip dipped inwards and rimmed the tight hole. "Very wet. And tight.”

  "I know. And it aches, Fade. It's almost. . . .” Her gasp swallowed the last word. Painful.

  He nuzzled his face against her cheek. "We shall make it better for you.”

  "We will?" Her words throbbed with relief and while she ought to have felt annoyed at his chuckle, she didn't. Her hand grabbed his wrist to keep it right where it was.

  "Yes.” Even in its state of overload, Heather's brain heard Fade's purr and responded accordingly. His fingers were bathed in more of her honey and he chuckled again, before turning ominously silent.

  Ominous because his hand also ceased movement.

  She wriggled her form against him and felt his erection. In fact, it seemed like a larger lump than before. Harder. His free hand clamped down and he gritted out, "Stop.”

  "What's wrong?" she cried.

  "The mating heat. It has started for me, too. Shit.” He muttered the curse under his breath and sucked in a long, harsh breath.

  Despite the depth of her need, Heather took umbrage. "And that's a problem, why?"

  Apparently realizing he'd said the wrong thing, Fade nuzzled his jaw against hers again. "It will make me more aggressive. I wanted to take you gently. For the first time.”

  Oh. Well, that was fine by Heather and she was quick to say so. "I don't care how you do it, just do it soon. Dear God.” She began to writhe on the bed. It was like a fever. It burned from the inside out, travelled through her blood, scorching everything in its path until her brain could think of nothing, could imagine nothing outside of Fade's cock piercing her and fucking her.

  Fade murmured, "I know, sweetling.” He sucked in another breath. "I know. Thanks be to Mother Mearth that you are wet.”

  That said, Fade turned her on her back, settled between her thighs, did some rearranging with the odd loincloth she'd noticed earlier and pushed in.

  Wet was an understatement.

  She could feel her pussy juices literally flooding Fade. Felt them as they curled into droplets and coursed between her thighs to moisten the sheet beneath her.

  She felt no pain. The hymen that ought to have caused her at least a twinge of an ache, disappeared in the blink of an eye and Fade was right where she needed him to be.

  A shudder racked her frame. She wasn't sure how, but Fade's pre-cum had made the situation ten times worse. Her pussy demanded more, which in turn had her blood growing ever hotter. For a moment, she thought she was going to pass out before it even got to the good stuff. But despite the white noise bursting through her ear drums and the blindness of her eyes, she managed to contain herself, simply by refusing to miss out on this, her first ever vaginal orgasm.

  And boy, was it going to be a banger.

  She shuddered at the thought and while Fade had kept as still as possible, obviously wanting her to adjust, he took that involuntary reaction of hers and began to pump into her.

  It was only as he moved, as his cock dragged against virginal tissues that began to cry out the Hallelujah chorus as he passed, that she realized how huge he was.

  She thanked God for the mating heat, which had drenched her pussy, because if it hadn't been for that, he would have split her in two.

  Every part of that empty passage was filled up. To the brim. When he moved out, his hips jerking backwards, her pussy wept at the loss and then, when he thrust, it began to choke at being so god damned full.

  She moved her legs and gripped him about the waist. The angle arched her hips and incredibly, his cock worked its way deeper into her pussy.

  They both cried out, their shouts blending as they reveled in each other.

  Her blood had settled down to a raging simmer. It no longer scorched as it worked its way through her veins and arteries. It simply sizzled. And with each pump of his cock, with each inch of her pussy that was forever declared his, that weird hunger inside her abated. She needed to cum. Desperately. She needed it more than she needed her next breath, but that weird thing, which could only be the mating heat, purred with satisfaction.

  She'd been claimed. And as soon as Fade's cum bathed her pussy, then it would be official.

  The thought was a catalyst. The idea of Fade's sperm potentially melding with one of her eggs to create a baby didn't freak her out, as it would have done. She'd never considered herself mother material, but now, the idea turned her on. The idea of Fade and her bein
g tied together in such a way seemed so right. It was meant to be and whether it would occur now or however much time passed down the line, it would happen. And she knew that like she knew Fade was hers, as she was his.

  The burst of arousal thoughts of procreating inspired had her hands clawing at Fade's arms. She wanted to claw at his back, use her nails to scratch him but with his wings in the way, she couldn't.

  He'd been concentrating on thrusting into her. In the dim light of the street lamp, she'd spied his intent expression and knew that he'd been focusing on not cumming too quickly. At her movement, his eyes jerked to hers and a splash of sweat that had once dotted his brow dropped on to her skin. It seemed to sizzle there for a moment, branding her with heat and a whimper urged its way free from her throat.

  He grunted as her pussy clenched about his dick and she watched as his wings suddenly burst open so that they arched above them. With that one action came that scent, that pervading scent which had so affected her earlier. It filled her nostrils, permeated her senses until all she inhaled was Fade.

  In that scent alone, she could feel the good he'd done in his life. As well as the bad. The acts he was ashamed of and the acts that many considered wrong but had been done in good faith. She didn't know the details, but through it all, she sensed that this man was good. He was pure of heart and that she was lucky to be his.

  Even as her mind was dealing with the sheer pleasure of being possessed by him, Heather hoped to God that he felt lucky to have her.

  His wings scooped down until she was covered in a cocoon again. His essence, as well as the smells of their bodies and their sexual joining added another notch into the atmosphere. If it had been hot before, it was hotter now. Sweat beaded from his body and melded into the perspiration on hers. And with each move he made, his cock furrowing deeper into her, the heat exploded. From the inside out.


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