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Dark Throne, The

Page 13

by Raven Willow-Wood

  What the hell would her parents' suite be like?

  "You'll get used to it. Royalty has to display their wealth in these ways. And Jender is richer than most. Mother Mearth has granted many bounties upon its soil. The harvests here are never afflicted. There are great caverns of ore beneath the ground. It is why, now your father is old and without a direct heir, that other kingdoms are looking to attack.”

  She stood beside the bed, looking at his glowing face against the crisp white pillows. Even fatigued, he was a dish. And despite her own tiredness, she could have fucked him raw. Instead, she said, "You'll protect them, won't you, Fade?"

  "Of course. You need not fear for them, dearling.”

  "Is my father really one hundred and fifty years old?"

  "Thereabouts, I believe. We age differently here. The average life span is two hundred, two-twenty. But Kings your father's age tend to abdicate to allow fresh blood to reign especially in times of strife.” He sighed. "Are you coming to bed? Or are you going to stand there all night?"

  Rather than reply, she climbed in and lay stiffly beside him, unsure of what to do. She wanted to crawl over him and lay atop him like she had this morning. But he was tired. He needed rest.

  When he reached for her, she didn't argue and let him arrange her, how he wanted, because she was relieved he'd taken control of the situation and he was taking her where she wanted to be. Surrounded by his scent, the very essence of him.

  Her bra was promptly removed and her panties were torn away. He ignored her grunt and his fingers soon swept between her legs.

  She was ashamed that it took three rubs, two pinches and the insertion of one thick finger to make her cum. His movements were almost clinical as he inserted his cock inside her and rested her atop him. By the time she realized he wasn't thrusting, she'd ceased panting from the pleasure he'd just given her and saw that he was asleep.

  That slight smile once again adorning his mouth.

  That swept any desire to argue, or any desire to tease him by riding him to an orgasm of his own away.

  As she settled down and snuggled against him, finding a comfortable position for her neck and face, Heather had a premonition.

  Thirty years down the line, thirty years of experience and three decades of having lived with the bond, they would still sleep this way. Every night. The thought soothed her, calmed and reassured her and with that image emblazoned behind her eyes, she fell asleep.

  A large yawn whistled past his ear and Fade grinned as his mate sleepily wiggled her hips and inadvertently impaled herself a little deeper on to his cock.

  "Good morning, Fade,” she whispered drowsily, her hips bucking up and down as though she were intent on riding him in her state of half-wakefulness.

  He gripped her waist to stop her. His cock was hard, but his body was still tired. To feel her surrounding him was quite ample for the moment. Especially as the day ahead of them heralded a lot of emotion and political debate.

  The pair of them needed to shore up their reserves and Fade had quickly learned that by simply being with Heather, he was energized.

  He doubted he'd have been able to abide such strenuous activity yesterday had it not been for her presence and the knowledge that he had to get her to safety.

  He wasn't sure how long he'd been gone, but he'd noticed a lot of worrying signs. He'd passed through four kingdoms yesterday. Halstor, Pynn, Ravint and Erryhn. All of them had been militarized and obviously gearing up for some major action.

  As he'd passed each land, he'd promised himself that he'd let them rest and then he'd spy more soldiers, see more troops and he knew that the only safety for his new mate was with her own kind.

  And so, he'd nearly killed himself.

  The last time he'd actually flown anywhere had been as a child. As an adult, he'd learned to keep his wings banded to his back.

  With no training, what he'd done yesterday was both a miracle and incredibly stupid. However, with such touching faith in his abilities, his pride had forced him to act, lest he disappoint his mate.

  He had seen how fascinating his wings were to her, also the way they aroused her, but he had not realized that she felt no shame in them. To have her ask him why they weren't flying, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. . . . it had nearly made him weep.

  Such trust. Such acceptance.

  He had not felt the like since the loss of his mother.

  "Hush, my sweetling. Just rest.”

  "Don't want to.”

  He heard her pout and grinned. She would be good for him, his mate. Never had he smiled or grinned or laughed as much. Not even with close and trusted friends.

  "Tough. My cock is hard because it adores your quim, not because it has any desire to spill seed.”

  That had her head rearing back. And as she'd done often yesterday, she glared at him. "Well, charming.” He grinned again and saw her glare disappear. "You know I can't stay mad at you, when you smile like that.”

  He hadn't known that, but he made sure to make a note of it. It would undoubtedly come of use in the decades ahead.

  He'd noticed her protectiveness towards him and while he didn't need it, he was still charmed. Her words about his sun-kissed face. . . . her desire to rub salve on it. . . . He was a fortunate man.

  She would soon learn that the sun cosseted the elfen, bestowing upon the receiver more energy and vitality. Without the 'sunburn' as she'd called it, he doubted he'd have made it to Jender yesterday. No matter his desire to take her somewhere safe and sound. The body could only take so much and the sun had replenished his depleted resources.

  He made another mental note, to give an offering to Mother Mearth in thanks.

  Fade felt sure Heather would enjoy watching the ritual.

  "I'm tired, dearling.” It was the truth. He'd awoken earlier than he'd wanted to, but that came from years of being at war. Of living on a battle field and taking the minimum amount of sleep the body required to return to the battle.

  "Let's go back to sleep, then.”

  "Your parents will call on us soon. Don't you want to see them?"

  She bit her lip in a way that made his cock twitch. Her distraction was complete, for she failed to crow over his primal reaction to such a gesture. "I do. But I need you to be okay more. Does that make sense?" she questioned, nibbling at the choice morsel of plump lower lip again.

  "It does.”


  "Mates become everything to the other, Heather. Our hearts and lungs already move as one. Imagine what will occur after decades have passed.”

  She smiled, the expression almost dreamy, for she was obviously content at the idea of their being even closer.

  He couldn't deny that the idea pleased him also. All of his adult life, he'd been alone. Now, he was one half of a pair. Incredible.

  "I want to see them, but if you need to sleep and need me with you, then they'll just have to wait.”

  Her selflessness tugged at him. How had he lived without her? How, in such a few days time, had she come to represent the sun, the moons and the stars?

  "No, dearling. We shall meet with them together. Tonight, we shall adjourn early. We are newly mated so they will not be too angry with us for such a social faux pas.”

  She blushed. "They'll think we're. . . .?" At his nod, she grimaced. "I take it they're very active in that department. . . . from what you said last night, that is?"

  He grinned at her embarrassment. "Yes. Their love for another is renowned around the seven kingdoms.”

  "Well, that's nice.” With a pensive frown on her face, she trailed the hair that curled about his nipples. "Will they like me, Fade? I'm not what they're expecting. I'm not the little girl I was. I'm an adult now and I'm different. I'm used to Earth, to my old life. I don't like all of this bowing and scraping. I probably won't know which forks to use at the table or which glass to drink from. . . . I'm just a girl from New York State. A simple one at that. I'm used to staying motels the size of
this room, than suites like this.”

  He reached for her hand to still it and lifted it to his mouth, where he bestowed a kiss upon it. "You're much more than that, dearling. You are a girl of royal blood, who has not been trained. That is all. Forks and glasses matter not. To some, I can't deny that yes, such knowledge is of the utmost importance. But if your mother is bothered about such nonsense, then you can learn to please her if you want, or don't have to bother if you don't. I doubt she will care. She will be so relieved to see you. To set her eyes upon you after such a length of time.

  "Without knowing of this nation's mourning of your loss, the guards' reactions to your presence said enough. This entire kingdom grieved for you, because their beloved King and Queen did. For such a sentiment to pass down through the ranks to the everyday elfen. . . . it speaks louder than words, my sweetling.”

  A watery smile graced her lips. "Thank you, Fade.”

  "There is nothing to thank me for, Heather. It is the truth.”

  She sighed. "What's wrong with Jender, Fade? Why is it in danger? Why did I have to be sent to Earth?"

  "You know as little as I do, my heart. Your father has never liked war. As such, he tends to use words as a weapon. This does work, but for those kingdoms who prefer to fight with swords, it does create a problem. From what I've managed to discern, you were in danger because of this. If memory serves, Jender was at war with Erryhn when I was nearing my sixteenth year. They almost lost, but Halstor joined with Jender and defeated Erryhn. If I recall, Erryhn's Crown Prince was a pederast.”

  "A what?"

  Fade grimaced. "It is a distasteful subject. But even amongst the elfen, there are those who have perverted souls. He liked children.”


  "Yes. Undoubtedly, had his nation defeated yours, then he would have taken you to wife regardless of your age.”

  "But wouldn't that have been illegal?"

  "In the ancient years, children married adults. They only consummated the marriage once they had reached adulthood themselves. Boys married female Princesses, girls married Kings. Is Earth history not similar to this?"

  "Yes. In the Middle Ages, that used to happen. To bind two countries together if I can remember fourth grade history.”

  Fade nodded. "This is a long time ago, but the laws still stand. They're rarely repealed. He would have married you under the protection of that law, but would have ignored the ruling that protects the younger spouse. He would have defiled you and because of our mate bond, you would have suffered more than most.”

  "What do you mean?"

  "Your body was meant for my seed. Regardless of the other trauma he put you through, your body would have rejected his seed and thus, made you ill. You disappeared long before Halstor joined forces with Jender, as such, your parents must have feared for your innocence and your wellbeing.

  "To protect you, to keep you pure and free from defilement and such perversions, they sent you to safety.”

  "That's so sad.”

  "Yes. A great sacrifice. For they knew you lived, but could not protect you. Whereas you knew not that they still existed and believed them to be dead. The war with Erryhn lasted a long time. It decimated that kingdom and there was a rebellion. A new reigning family resides upon the nation now. Jender was fortunate. As I say, Mother Mearth has bestowed many gifts upon them and she is never kind to those who attempt to take those gifts for themselves.”

  "Why didn't they come for me, when the war had ended?"

  "A shaman must have warned them against it. Our meeting the way we did was undoubtedly fated. It was our destiny to meet on Earth. To change that would have changed our lives forever. And not in a good way.”

  "You are surprisingly insightful, Fade of Haden.”

  The sound jarred a shriek out of Heather, who inadvertently elbowed Fade in her haste to un-impale herself from his cock and to cover herself with the sheets. "Who the hell is that, Fade?"

  His already aching body had another ache added to it and he rubbed at his belly, as he stared up the Queen of Jender.

  "Is it a Jenderian custom to walk in on a mated pair, when they spend the night in your Palace, your Highness?"

  He was pissed off and diplomacy be damned.

  No one, not even her mother, would embarrass his mate.

  "No. It is not a custom,” Setta bit out. "But I was angry. My staff should have awoken me last night.”

  Heather's head was still under the cover as she said, "I-I, we were both really tired. I asked them if we could just go to bed.”

  Fade watched Setta's face soften as she looked at the lump under the covers that was her daughter. The love there touched him. She would not hurt his mate, he felt sure of that.

  "No, I can understand that, my daughter. But I should have been informed. Instead, that pompous Palace Guardian told me this morning over my glass of papely juice. You would have thought he was royalty and not I.”

  "He is pompous, isn't he?" Heather agreed and Fade realized that inch by inch, she was letting the covers fall away.

  "Dreadfully. Unfortunately, he's been with your father's family since time began - or so Henrik would have me believe. Plus, the foreign dignitaries appreciate his smarminess, although only Mother Mearth knows why.” She sighed gruffly. "I shall be in the outer chamber. Please, take your time. I've waited twenty years to see you, another hour won't kill me.”

  Fade watched as Setta steamed out of the room, every inch a mother dying to see her daughter, the Queen nowhere in sight.

  He could well understand why his own mama would have befriended that woman. They were very similar. Uncaring of propriety. Uncaring of the rules, for they were made to be broken. He had a feeling a friendship could form between them, at least, he hoped so for both his mate's sake and also, in his own mama's memory. She would have liked that.

  "Has she gone?" Heather squeaked, her head popping out from underneath the thick sheet. Her hair was mussed, her skin flushed and she had never looked more adorable to him than at that moment.


  At his words, she jumped out of the bed and ran to all of the doors in the bedroom save the one they'd entered through the night before. He watched with pleasure as her arse jiggled and her breasts shook as she ran. He took enjoyment out of the taut length of her legs as she sought. . . . only Mother Mearth knew what.

  Eventually, after the third door, he asked, "What are you looking for?"

  "A shower? Clothes.”

  He pointed to the door beside their bed. "In there.”

  She beamed at him and rushed to it. He grabbed her hand as she passed and jumped out of bed himself. Together, they entered the bathing chamber and readied themselves for the day.

  Even though there was a definite haste to their movements, the pair of them watched the other wash. Her eyes were glued to his chin as he shaved away the growth. His were fixated upon the sway of her breasts as she soaped them.

  They'd cleansed themselves, dried off and dressed within twenty-five minutes and entered the ante-chamber in clothing that decried their state.

  The seamstresses must have been working all night. For Heather's gown was a mixture of Jenderian blue and Haden black. Setta saw this and bit her lip.

  Without her uttering a word, he understood her pain. She had regained her daughter, only to lose her to a mate and to another kingdom. That is if discussions didn't go smoothly between him and the royal pair.

  Setta did not know that he would do anything, move heathen and Mearth to ensure that Heather was happy.

  This room was as large as their sleeping quarters and was made up of many seating areas. Setta was seated on a sofa and hoping to soothe her discontent, he strode over to his mate's mother and in the Haden way, stepped down on to one knee and lowered his head. "Your majesty.”

  She pressed a hand to his shoulder. "Thank you, Fade of Haden. Such a gesture is appreciated but unnecessary. We are equals, you and I. Indeed, you are King and above me in stature. I should curtsy t
o you.”

  "Such politics are not required in our private chambers,” he murmured smoothly and stared directly into her eyes, hoping to impress his good intentions upon her.

  A frown puckered between her brows, but a smile slowly grew upon her lips. She reached for his hand and squeezed it, silently offering him her thanks.

  She turned to Heather and sighed. "You are so beautiful, my daughter. You are a sight for any proud mama's eyes.” She sucked in a shaky breath. "I had thought the day would never come, when you returned home.” Fade retreated to the seat on the sofa opposite Setta and allowed Heather to make her own introductions without his intrusion.

  "It is strange to think of you as being here,” Heather admitted with a smile, her eyes obviously eating up every inch of her mother. "And I look like you. Auntie May said I did, but we never had any photos or anything to compare.”

  "Photos?" Setta asked.

  "Yes.” She opened her mouth to explain, but waved a hand as though it were of no import. "It doesn't matter.”

  "I felt the moment May left our plane. She was at peace, daughter?"

  Tears gathered in his mate's eyes and while Fade longed to brush them away, he forced himself to remain on the sofa. "Yes. She was hurting so it was a relief for her to go, but still, it was a really difficult time for me.” She smiled bravely and took another step forward to take the seat beside her mother. "She spoke of you during those last few months. But it was all a garble. I didn't really understand. Only now I know your name does it make any headway. She told me you were called Etta. That was your name as I was raised. But as she was dying, she called for Setta. I wondered at the difference, but now it makes sense.”

  "She sacrificed her position for our family, Heather. She was a princess in her own right. She could have married any of the Crown Princes to one day become Queen.”

  "That wasn't Aunty May's way though. She was happy. Honestly. . . ., mother. Life was so exciting to her and I guess I understand why now, because it was all so alien. But, everything thrilled her. Where we lived, it was a huge city. Huge. And no matter what part we visited together, be it the poorer areas or the more affluent, someone knew her. Someone asked about her health or offered her a cup of coffee or whatever. She was one loved lady.”


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