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Dark Throne, The

Page 16

by Raven Willow-Wood

  Through the thin breeches that he’d taken to wearing about the palace, she felt moisture dot the groin. She’d never been that big a fan of her naked body, but it would seem that her mate was definitely up for buying season tickets. She grinned at the thought and spread her hand along the thick length of his cock. Before he could react, before he could tug her into the bedroom, she smoothly rolled down to her knees before him.

  His hands came out to cup her face and he guided her line of sight upwards so that their eyes could meet. What he saw there must have pleased and reassured him, for a lascivious grin curled about his lips. Excitement throbbed through his body and Heather felt an answering pulse in her own.

  The last thing she wanted was to tumble on to the bed, but she desperately needed to give Fade pleasure. Fade was her only stability in this world and despite the vulnerabilities that that caused, Heather knew she would have it no other way. From Miss. Independent to Miss. Dependent. She wasn’t entirely sure what she was becoming, but she was transmogrifying in ways she’d never imagined. And while she’d never been a feminist, never burnt her bra for a cause, at the same time, she’d always done her own thing and danced to her own tune.

  To suddenly be so reliant upon this man was alien to her nature. And again, she felt no shame for that.

  She loved this man.

  And he reciprocated those feelings.

  She had no doubt that if one day, she was aroused and he wasn’t, that he would act upon her needs just as she was about to do for him. Their bodies were as one.

  Tugging down his breeches, she studied the hard length of his erection. She’d watched a fair bit of porn back on Earth and had seen some real ‘third leg’ dicks. Cocks that had made her eyes water and the unlucky female porn star’s too. He wasn’t the largest and yet he filled her perfectly. Every inch scorched along the passage of her pussy. Claiming it as his and only his, because it was and she was glad that she’d waited for him.

  The eight inches she had in her grip twitched as her fingers began to stroke along the vein underneath his shaft. One slipped down to his balls and she massaged them in her palm. Jerking his cock up, she lathed her tongue along the sac and felt him shudder. Working her mouth so it was moist, she popped one of his balls inside and suckled hard. The hands on her face gripped her tightly and jolted his hips towards her, they began a pulsing motion, rolling to a beat of his own that sang of the depth of his arousal.

  Transferring the one in her mouth carefully from the orifice, making sure that she didn’t nick the sensitive flesh with her teeth, she popped the other one inside. She pressed down hard as she might have done a Popsicle. The suction was so hard that when she freed it from her mouth, there was a slight snap.

  Having held his cock against his taut belly so that she had free access to his balls, she jerked her head up and out of his grasp and with the flat side of his tongue, dragged it along the throbbing vein. It pulsed against her tongue and liquid seeped from the tip. The flavor was pure Fade. His essence burst into her mouth and filled all of her senses. An answering hum quickened through her own body but she ignored it, content to focus on her man. Once she reached the glans with the tip of her tongue, she prodded at the small opening and lapped and suckled and sipped at the seed that escaped.

  The crystal clear liquid oozed out and for every bead that escaped, she savored each burst of flavor that was him.

  Her efforts had been concentrated on the purple head and it beat and twitched angrily. His hands fisted and gripped at his hips as though longing to once again grab her by the hair and force her on to his shaft. Pleasure at his patience had her obeying his silent command and she opened her mouth and took half of his cock between her teeth, careful to rake them gently at that throbbing vein. At his shudder, she knew she had but a few moments left of his control. Heather pulled in her cheeks and suckled the first four inches of his dick and heard his answering grunt as he conceded defeat, pulled her by the hair and nearly shoved his cock down her throat. As soon as he did it, his hands jerked back, as though realizing what he’d done. “Oh, God. Heather. I’m so, sorry… S-sorry.”

  But rather than reply to him, she gripped him by the butt and dug her nails in, forcing him closer. She’d never been all that good at deep throating. Her gag reflex had always kicked in, making it more messy than sexy. Coughing and spluttering with tear-drenched eyes… well, they were hardly the best looks in the world during coitus. But with Fade, as with everything, it was different. The very flavor of his pre-cum seemed to open her body to him, just like her quim welcomed his cock, so did her mouth and throat. It was one of the strangest situations she’d ever encountered.

  Hell, it was more than strange, it was downright freaky. But at the same time, she wasn’t complaining. If it pleasured Fade then it pleasured her. With the head of his cock rammed down her throat, riding her mouth, she merely maintained the suction and allowed his pumping hips to do the rest.

  When the saliva in her mouth pooled, she swallowed and felt him shudder. Making sure that she swallowed often, she alternated between that and deep sucks and within seconds, his cum shot down her throat.

  But she didn’t let him go. She continued to tug at him and suckle him. Lathe the underside of his softening dick with her tongue. She refused to let go until every ounce of his cum had been dragged from his body. And as soon as his seed had made its first appearance, the dynamics of the encounter altered.

  Her fingers slipped between her legs and she began to rub viciously at her clit, needing the friction, needing the fierce touch. Using all four fingers of her right hand, she jerked off.

  And only when Fade’s groans alerted her of his sensitivity, as his hands pulled at her hair to beg for release, she refused and he had to literally drag himself from her hold.

  The shift in momentum had her falling forwards and she saved herself with a free hand. Bent over, in a position that, had he not just cum, would have dared him to mount her, she continued to touch herself. Only ceasing as pleasure shot through her. As quake after quake of earth shattering sensation flushed through her bloodstream. Gently, she lowered herself to the floor, pressing her forehead against the rug and she continued to ride her hand, ensuring her clit bumped against her fingers. It was too sensitive to be comfortable, but the sharp jolts of sensation were worth it.

  When she came down from the high, their pants and groans filled the room. She grinned to herself and slowly worked her way back into a kneeling position. Her knees ached like a bitch and she knew she’d have faint rug burn there later.

  Hands moved beneath her armpits and lifted her upright. When her length was pressed flush against his, she shuddered and mewled slightly as his fingers kneaded along her spine and buttocks. His nose nuzzled against the side of her face and she reveled in the affection he showered on her.

  Aunt May had loved her and frequently shown her that love, but she’d never been all that affectionate. Even though she’d only known her father for seven days, the differences between her parents were quite remarkable. And she’d asked Fade about it. He’d told her that Halstorian nobles could be cold fish. Whereas their Jenderian counterparts were affectionate creatures.

  She supposed it was just their way. Just like in the Deep South, the men still had their own customs, as did the women. There was still a gentlemanly air about southern men, whereas those in New York were more metrosexual- she likened the cultural differences to that. For the most part, she was relieved that her mother wasn’t all that clingy. She felt guilty for thinking that but it was the truth. The way Setta made her feel at times, if the other woman had come to her for a hug, Heather would have no choice but to push her away.

  With her father, a cuddle came easy. He’d press a kiss to her forehead and she’d smile and offer one in return. But with her mother, it was a different kettle of fish and she didn’t know why. Refusing to harbor such thoughts after such a delicious interlude, she tightened her own arms about Fade’s waist and whispered, “Can we have a nap?”

  He chuckled. “Of course. We can do whatever the hell we want.”

  Heather hid a grin at the Earth colloquialism. He’d taken to stealing some of them and every time she heard them, she had to hide her amusement. In a way, she thought he did it on purpose. Trying to relax and settle her.

  Just like with everything else, it didn’t seem to bother him that she was backwards with the customs. It didn’t seem to faze him that she’d almost used a knife on some holy bird. He was content to let her be and in a way, she knew it was thanks to all the years of being alone, the years of solitude that had made him so content to simply have her by her side regardless of her lack of knowledge of the customs.

  Slowly, so that their hold on one another was retained, they wandered from the dressing room, through the connecting bathroom and into the sleeping quarters they’d shared for the last week. Once settled upon the mattress, Heather cuddled into his side and pressed her face against his throat, where his essence was so strong that it permeated her being.

  Every woman should have this, she thought. Her mind dazed by Fade’s power over her body.

  When Aunt May had died, the doctor had prescribed some antidepressants. She’d only taken a few, not liking the effect on her body. But in a way, that was how she reacted to Fade’s scent.

  It soothed her mind, calmed her. Dulled her anxieties, took them away and placed them into perspective. Made her grateful that she had him by her side.

  Her entire body still quivered with the aftershocks with her surprise climax and it was a supremely relaxed and felinely contented Heather that drifted to sleep tucked in her mate’s arms.

  “Henrik, you’re going to have to do something about Setta.”

  Rather than deny his words or outright reject them, Henrik sighed. The sound was filled with weariness. Behind his desk, the huge expanse of hilken wood, almost three times the size of the man, which made it worthy of a giant, Henrik settled in his chair, ignoring the squeak. He drummed his fingers against the surface of the desk, the beats so strong that a few of the papers littering the desk, twitched and shuffled about.

  Jenderians were known for the bear-like characteristics in their men. The women were less so, but by nature they were beefy and large. Whereas those from Haden tended to be slender and of medium height.

  Each of the realms within Mearth, within the Elfen territory, had their own characteristics native to each segment of the world.

  Here, they were strong. For underneath the ground, there were mines in need of digging.

  Haden, on the other hand, was surrounded by water. As such, the slenderness of the population was suited to fishing and swimming.

  Mother Mearth had made it this way. Had made each creature suitable for their abode.

  “There’s nothing I can do, Fade. Setta won’t relent. She isn’t confident enough to teach Heather the ways of the nobility and so, she merely chides her.” Henrik grimaced.

  “You’re going to have to talk to her. You should have seen Heather this morning, Henrik. You don’t want to know how I know, but she’s lost at least twelve steins. Minimum.”

  “Twelve steins?” the King grunted and lifted his hands to cover his eyes. “When we were first wed, Setta had her ways even then and because of the change in her situation, she had to control everything. Within those first months, the palace had been completely transformed. Before Setta, no Queen had dared to touch the stronghold outside of the private suites, but not so with my wife. I’m afraid this is another example of that part of her nature coming out.”

  “It’s for her own good if you do talk to her. She’s pushing Heather away. Mother Mearth, I’m not the most emotional of men, or even that aware of this kind of thing, but even I can see that Setta is completely annihilating any chances she has of propagating a relationship with her daughter. And after such a long time, it seems such a shame.”

  Henrik’s voice was hoarse as he whispered, “It would kill her to lose Heather again.”

  “I know. It would kill me, that’s the way of the mate bond. So I understand. But you must also understand. You have to change the way that Setta is before she destroys any hopes of a relationship with her daughter.”

  “How can I tell her she’s pushing Heather away?”

  “I don’t know, but I won’t have Heather losing any more weight.” The few women Fade had had over his lifetime had been from foreign soils. As such, he was accustomed to rounder women. To him, Heather was perfect. Her slenderness heralded delights of their own, especially when taking the curvaciousness of her bottom half into consideration.

  However, he would not have her losing weight, because her mother was placing her under such pressure and so needlessly.

  He said as much to Henrik who just shook his head.

  “You either do something, or I’ll take Heather to Haden. For Mother Mearth’s sake, Setta is endangering her daughter’s health. I will not have it, do you hear me?” The words hissed from between his teeth.

  Both men were aware of the lack of graciousness of his words and while Fade had yet to be declared King of his own nation, regardless of his rank, he should never have spoken to Henrik in such a way. But where Heather was concerned, Fade lost any of his niceties, the few that remained from his mother’s teaching were sparse but ordinarily, he was as diplomatic as he could be.

  With a father who had trigger-happily ignited wars over words, Fade had learned to guard his tongue but not where the health of his mate was concerned.

  “You can’t return to Haden, not until your bond is cemented.”

  “We are bound in more ways than you know, Henrik. My heart, my lungs, my body is attuned to hers. One cannot be more bound than that.”

  “In the eyes of Mearth,” Henrik countered. “Your bond is indeed enough. But not in the eyes of royalty. You must wed Heather before you leave the palace. She cannot leave Jenderian soil without the ties of marriage between you.”

  “You would put her through a state ceremony?” Fade gritted out, shaking his head in irritation.

  “It is not I who has made these rules.” For a moment, Henrik looked sad. “As is the way of royalty, we have little choice where matters of state are concerned. No matter how much the idea of a huge ceremony pains me, it is for Heather’s protection.

  “There are those who wish to steal the gifts Mother Mearth bestowed upon Jender. Without the ties of marriage, an abduction could occur to force Jender into uniting with another nation, thanks to the ties of a coerced marriage. Mate bonds are renowned, but they are rare. Their powers are not always believed. The average man finds it impossible to imagine that mate bonds still occur. If one has not touched it, how can one believe it exists?

  “Heather’s life is in as much danger as it was, when we sent her to Earth. Something I only did, because May had a vision.” He closed his eyes. “Had she not come to me with that vision, Heather would have been raised on Mearthen soil and I would have protected this castle with my last breath. Preferring to die than to let her be taken from her family.”

  “What vision was it?” Fade asked, voice soft, curious as to the reason why her family had sent her to another dimension for protection.

  “Something that undoubtedly scarred May for life. She said it was far too detailed for us not to take heed. That Mother Mearth had granted us this boon to protect Heather. When I think of it, even now, it repulses me and makes me nauseous. She was but a child and there was a man who…” He shook his head. “There are sick men amongst us, Fade and I will not have Heather thrown to the wolves simply because she isn’t accustomed to her ways. You may break it to her gently but I will not let you leave the palace nor exit the borders without a state ceremony. She can hate me and her mother as much as she wishes. Her health and welfare are, and have always been, my sole concern.”

  While Fade didn’t appreciate the idea of having to wait, of having to go through the rigmarole of a state wedding, he understood her father’s position. “It is strange how you feel that
way Henrik and yet you will not speak to Setta about this. If Heather loses anymore weight… Her health will start to deteriorate.” He grimaced. “She does not know this yet for I have not told her, but she is with child. She cannot afford to lose any more steins. Indeed she must regain the ones she has lost for the sake of the babe. ”

  “We are to be grandparents so soon.” Henrik shook his head, obviously dazed at the prospect but a grin soon creased his jaw. His eyes caught Fade’s and a smile passed between them. “I shall speak to Setta. Although it will not be an enjoyable conversation of that I can assure you.” He shook his head. “I do not wish to lose my daughter to Haden as soon as we have recovered her. I understand that my wife must be made to see the error of her ways. But you must also inform Heather of the state ceremony and of what it entails. She will have to prepare herself for it.

  “I understand that Haden is still in uproar. One of my scouts sent information today… there is some peculiar tug of war over the Dark Throne. Between an advisor and a pretender… this shaman. I understand that needs must you return. As such, it need not be such a large wedding, but it must still occur.”

  Fade nodded and without another word, retreated from the study. In a way, he was glad to have the choice taken from him. The prospect of a state ceremony filled him with dread but if he had no say in the matter, then he would simply have to comply with Henrik’s wishes.

  And with Heather’s ears now fully developed, the long spindles now clasped with a few cuffs, there was no reason to tarry. Her Elfen blood had shone through and the ceremony would find no delays in that regard. Unfortunately.

  As soon as Fade entered their suite, he continued his path through the rooms and towards the sleeping chamber where he knew his mate still slept.

  In a side of his brain that he had never known existed, he could sense that her body was still in slumber. Fade was not sure if Heather shared this trait of sensing his body’s status as it were, for he believed it to be a part and parcel of the talents Mother Mearth had bestowed upon him.


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