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John (BBW Country Music Bear Shifter Romance) (Bearly Saints Book 4)

Page 18

by Becca Fanning

  Suddenly Tyler swept her up in his arms. “Any game,” he said and kissed her.

  It was a long kiss that drove everything from Willow’s mind. Everything but her hunger for him. She needed Tyler like a junkie needs a fix. Before she knew what was going on, she was pulling his Tee over his head. He grinned at her and began to kiss her neck his hands running over her skin under her shirt, her bra. She began to throb between her legs, wishing his hands would travel down her body.

  Her world contracted until it was just Tyler and her. All she could see was him, all she could feel was his skin on hers and all she could smell was the intense scent of him. He excited her so, that she wanted him now, all of him. She wanted to devour him whole, and come back for more.

  Suddenly she was on her back on the rug in the living room. It was soft and furry. Tyler pulled her shirt off and she removed her bra, tossing it away from her. Tyler grabbed her breasts in his hands and licked both her nipples, sucking first one and then the other. Willow moaned and ran her hands over his perfect body, up into his hair and down to the button on his jeans.

  With a fumble and a strain, she undid the button and then the zipper. He had to help pull them off and soon he was naked sitting in front of her.

  “Your turn,’ he said his voice husky.

  Willow smirked, sat up and coyly undid her jeans, pulling them off.

  Tyler stopped her at her underwear. He kissed her and gently pushed her backwards making her lie down again. His tongue ran along her neck, down in between her breasts, down over her stomach and when it reached her panties, he gripped them in his teeth and drew them off.

  Willow felt his hands run up her thighs. He squeezed them and ran his thumb through her pubic hair. In a moment he slipped two fingers inside her. She groaned and pushed down on his hand, wishing it was all of him. He worked her somehow knowing exactly what would drive her wild. Willow arched her back, and ran her fingers through his hair feeling him grow against her leg. After a while she couldn’t take it anymore and she reached down and took his penis in her hand. He was so hard and big. Willow longed to suck him. So she moved and withdrew his fingers, took him in her mouth and began to massage him. Tyler moaned and knotted his fingers in her hair, rocking gently with the pleasure of her touch.

  Gently he moved her, taking himself out of her mouth. He held Willow to him and kissed her neck. He sat up and drew her onto his lap. Willow straddled him and slowly sat down. As he slipped inside her Willow bit her lip. It was so intense just having him inside her, she thought she might climax right there and then. But then he shifted and she shifted and they were rocking to and fro, clinging to each other. His hands ran down her back and cupped her backside as she rode him.

  It was all coming too fast. Willow wanted it to last and last, so she pulled him out of her and moved away from him panting. She looked at him longingly and crooked a finger at him. Tyler crawled to her and as he reached her she turned around. She looked at him over her shoulder. Tyler smiled. He took her from behind, sliding in with ease. It was a rush. He was so deep, so in her that Willow could only gasp. The pleasure threatened to come and break the spell, letting the world back in again, so once again, Willow moved away. This time she lay down in the soft fibres of the mat and Tyler crawled over her. He started at her toes and licked and kissed his way up her legs. Then he inserted a finger into her vagina and licked and sucked his way around it, working her until Willow pulled him up to her and kissed him deeply.

  Now the game began in earnest. They started slow, the rhythm taking time to build. With each thrust Willow felt herself losing control more and more. Soon there would be nothing left of her, just a whisper on his lips. But Tyler thrust again and again, and soon Willow was a screaming animal, pulling him further and further into her.

  Her orgasm was so intense that she couldn’t do more than make the smallest of sounds, lest she take her attention away from the warm delight that spread through her. Tyler groaned and stiffened and in a moment he was lying next to her. He held her close, nestled his face in her hair and kissed her neck.

  “I think I’ll have to keep you around,” he said.

  “What?” Willow asked breathless and laughing.

  “Well, then we can do that over, and over, and over,” Tyler said.

  “Speaking of doing it over, let me know when you’re up for seconds,” Willow smiled.

  Tyler kissed her then, and the world melted away.


  Bearly Saints II


  Becca Fanning

  Addy Spencer stared at the neatly typed letter and felt her stomach drop to her toes.

  …The members of one of the bands we represent, The Four Saints, are very much interested in recording and performing the song you sent—or any other material you might have—and would like to begin negotiations for the rights to do so, if that would be agreeable to you. I can be reached at the address and telephone above, or, if you prefer, we could set up a face-to-face meeting, either here in Nashville or at a place of your choosing.

  Thank you for submitting your song to us. I look forward to hearing from you.


  Melinda Darling

  Konstantine Talent Agency

  Nashville, Tennessee

  “I can’t believe you sent them my song, Granny,” Addy said, fighting to keep her voice calm, though she could not stop the tremor in it. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because you’ve been hiding your God-given talent under a bushel for far too many years, darlin,’ and it’s time for you to come out and sing to the world.”

  Addy turned abruptly to face her grandmother, who stood at the kitchen table, steadily kneading a mound of fragrant bread dough with her small, strong hands.


  “I’m not gettin’ any younger, Addy, and I can’t stand the thought of you holed up here in the hills all by yourself for the rest of your life.”

  “Don’t talk like that,” Addy said. “It’ll be a long time before I’m havin’ to live alone up here. And anyhow, I like bein’ alone.”

  Granny Spencer sighed, because she knew the latter to be true. “I’m almost eighty-four years old, Adelaide Ann, and you know as well as I do that the only guarantee we have in this life is it’s gonna end, sooner or later. And bein’ alone ain’t the way we’re meant to live, girl.

  “You know that, too,” she added for good measure as she patted the mound of dough and turned it back into a greased bowl for its second rising. Granny then draped a clean towel over the bowl and set it on top of the warm stove.

  “I can’t do this, Granny,” Addy said, tears in her voice now, as she held the scrunched letter up in her fisted hand. “You know I can’t.”

  Granny sighed, wiped her hands on another towel then crossed the small room to reach out and take hold of Addy’s shoulders.

  “I know you think you cain’t,” the old lady said, her voice kind but firm. “But Addy, darlin’, how you gonna ever know for certain, iffen you don’t at least try?”

  Addy dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around her grandmother’s waist, hugging her close as she had since she was a little girl. Addy had shot up to be a good head taller than her elderly grandmother during her teen years, and she’d been bigger and stronger than the old lady for the past decade, but she felt small at this moment, and her beloved granny hugged her back.

  “I know you’re scared, darlin’,” she murmured, petting Addy’s thick, soft, sandy-blond hair. Addy had cut it herself again, and it was a shaggy mess, but she couldn’t make herself sit still long enough for Granny to cut it for her.

  When Granny pulled back and lifted Addy’s face to hers, her light green eyes met Addy’s deep golden ones, and Addy felt her grandmother’s frustration.

  “Fate wasn’t kind when it took your ma and daddy away,” she whispered. “You weren’t even old enough for them to know what you’d become, and your daddy never had the chance to teach you what you needed to kn

  “Whenever I’m around strangers, I’m so afraid, Granny,” Addy whispered. “It seems like it’s only a matter of when, not if, this thing happens to me. I can’t control it. I can’t even predict it. How am I supposed to go to Nashville, if I can’t even be certain I’ll be me when I get there?”

  Granny sighed and pulled Addy to her once more. “I cain’t answer that, child,” she said. “I just know somethin’s gotta change, or you’re gonna just shrivel up and die all alone, and I just cain’t stand the thought of that happenin’ to my precious grandbaby.”

  They stood that way for a long moment, before Granny finally released her again.

  “Just promise me you’ll think about it. All right?”

  Addy sighed. “All right. I promise. I’ll think about it.”

  Granny smiled and gave her a quick kiss on her brow before turning back to the kitchen.

  “I need to get the soup on, iffen we’re gonna have it today. Why don’t you fetch your guitar and sing to me while I chop the veggies?”

  “I ought to help you chop the veggies, Granny.”

  “Nah. I can still chop just fine. And I do love to hear your music.”

  Addy sighed and headed for her room. Their log cabin was small by any standards, with one great room, that included the kitchen and living area, two tiny bedrooms, and a miniscule bath. When her parents had been alive, they had used the bedroom she used now. If they had not lost their lives in a freak accident—the mountain road they’d been traveling on had collapsed following heavy rains, sending their car to the bottom of a deep ravine—then Addy would have been living in the loft over the kitchen. From what Granny had told her, there had been talk of a new addition in the event of more children, but Addy hadn’t been quite two when her parents had died, so there had been no need for more space.

  The sun was streaming in through her window when she stepped into her bedroom. She loved sleeping on the eastern side of the house, so the sun could greet her when she awakened in the morning. As autumn deepened, she found herself rising before the sun, just as Granny did. They invariably shared their morning cup of tea in near darkness, out on the front porch in good weather, or sitting near the kitchen stove, as the kindling caught flame and crackled a cheerful greeting when it was cold outside.

  She reached for her guitar, which rested in its old, battered case in one corner of the crowded room. Her twin-size bed was neatly made, covered in one of Granny’s colorful quilts. A teddy bear she’d had since birth sat proudly in front of the pillow. Her small desk was littered with sheet music and scraps of paper holding promising scraps of song lyrics. Surrounding the small desk were bookshelves loaded with volumes on everything from Plato’s philosophy to Appalachian wildlife. Most of them had belonged to her parents before her, and she had read every one of them at least once.

  Setting the guitar on the bed, she opened the case and reached for her best friend. The Gibson had belonged to her grandfather, Granny’s husband, who had gotten it from his father, who had accepted it in trade for some labor he had provided for a man in town in the early 1930s. Even scratched and worn as the finish was, it was the most beautiful thing she had ever owned, and her greatest joy was losing herself in the music it produced.

  Addy had been home-schooled, because by the time she was five, things had gotten to the point at which she couldn’t safely mix with other people at all. Her family’s books had provided her with plenty of reading material, though, and Granny had proved to be an excellent teacher. When she’d been fifteen, Addy had managed to take and pass her GED exams at the local library, which had gotten the state off their backs about Addy not attending public school. Nine years later, she knew Granny was right: As much as Addy hated to even think about it, she was going to have to figure out what her future was going to be. Loving the farm wasn’t enough. Yes, she could manage to feed herself, but there were times when one woman couldn’t do for herself. She and Granny managed together, because Granny could call on the extended family for help, if they needed a strong back.

  Would they come if I asked them to?

  Addy frowned. When Granny died, their extended family—most of whom had never hesitated to treat Addy as an oddity at best and a complete freak at worst—would nevertheless probably insist she come live and work on one of their farms, leaving this one to be swallowed up by the woods. She hated the thought of Granny’s farm dying that way, but she wouldn’t have the money to keep it up, unless…

  Addy looked over at the crumpled letter she had dropped in the middle of her desk, and sighed. Sinking to the edge of the bed, she began tuning her guitar. Someone wanted to buy one of her songs. She couldn’t imagine it, but if they did, what might that mean for her income? She hated the thought of actually selling her songs—it was too much like selling a part of herself—but maybe, if the band really appreciated them, maybe then it would be okay?

  Shaking her head in annoyance at her own indecision, Addy left the letter where it sat, and taking up her guitar, headed for the front room, muttering to herself. She had reread Gone with the Wind recently, and Margaret Mitchell’s Scarlet O’Hara had it right. “‘I can’t think about that right now. If I do, I’ll go crazy. I’ll think about that tomorrow.’”

  Addy settled on the small couch, leaning back and allowing her fingers to wander over the strings of her beloved guitar. She was self-taught, having used an old chord chart she had found in the guitar case to get her started. Later she’d found chords of her own, the actual names of which she didn’t know, but they worked with her melodies. As she played, she began to relax, and soon the agency’s letter and any thoughts of the future were swept away in the music.

  Overnight temperatures had left frost on the ground, and Addy welcomed the fresh, crisp fall air into her lungs as she stepped out of the chicken coop early the next morning. The chickens had been in fine form, and there would be enough eggs to take some to the market. She was glad, because she had spied a used rhyming dictionary at the thrift shop earlier in the week, and she would now be able to buy it, if no one else had snatched it up. She scanned the hills and marveled, as she always did, at the beauty of the countryside. The drop in nighttime temperatures had begun to paint the forestland in a wash of yellow and red.

  The sound of a car making its way up their long drive brought her attention back to the present. Addy moved quickly to take the eggs into the cabin as a mid-sized SUV drove into the clearing.

  “Granny, someone’s here,” she called out.

  “I hear ’em,” Granny said, coming in from her bedroom, where she had been sorting linens. “Who is it?”

  “I don’t know,” Addy said, setting her basket on the counter and reaching into a cabinet for the cardboard egg cartons the market provided for their eggs. She would wash the eggs and let Granny take care of whoever had come to call.

  “Aren’t you even interested?” Granny asked, reaching for her shawl.


  Granny shook her head and muttering, went to see who it might be.

  “Good morning, ma’am,” the stranger said when Granny opened the door.

  “Well, good morning, young man,” Granny replied.

  Addy thought she detected approval in her grandmother’s voice and braced herself, knowing the polite “young man” would be asked in for tea.

  “Is this the Spencer place?” he asked.

  “It is. May I ask who’d like to know?”

  “The name’s Saint, ma’am,” the stranger said. “Mark Saint. I’m here about a letter sent to you by Melinda Darlin’ concernin’ a song?”

  At least Granny sighed before she opened the door wider in invitation. “Of course you are. Come on in.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.”

  Addy paused then carefully placed the egg she’d just washed and dried into the waiting carton. She turned to the newcomer—it would have been unforgivably rude not to—but she was careful to keep back in the shadows of the kitchen.

  “This is
my granddaughter, Adelaide,” Granny said, moving toward the kitchen. “Can we interest you in a cup of tea, Mr. Saint?”

  “Thank you kindly, ma’am. I would enjoy that.”

  “Where did you come from this morning, Mr. Saint?” Granny asked, reaching for the tea kettle, which was already simmering on the stove. “Good, heavens, you didn’t drive all the way from Nashville this mornin’, did you?” she added, with a quick glance over her shoulder.

  “Oh, no, ma’am. I drove across state yesterday and stayed with my folks last night.”

  “So you don’t live around here, then?”

  “Well, we—my brothers and me—we have a place in Nashville, now, but the family still lives up in Clayton Hollow. That’s near Thorn Hill.”

  “I know of it. You still have some family in these parts, then.”

  “Well, you could say that, ma’am,” he said, grinning. “Our pa was one of ten and our ma one of eight, so I’d guess that qualifies as ‘some.”’


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