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Page 12

by Sandra Sookoo

Willa’s fingers drifted to his head, holding him closer, skimming over the smooth surface of his skull. Stratton grunted and brought the nipple farther into his mouth, sucking hard. She cried out, her body sagging in his direction. When he released her in order to push her back against the tiles, she didn’t protest. She couldn’t. Think, Willa. Don’t let him win. “We’re getting out of the water.” As she moved, he held her still with a large hand on her stomach. The heat from his skin branded her.

  “No, we’ll stay here, and you’ll get wetter.”

  “I’m not kidding around, Stratton.” She squirmed, but he dropped to his knees, still keeping her pinned to the wall. If she struggled hard enough, she could get away. They both knew it, but curiosity rooted her to the floor. He ignored protests. Instead, he pressed a line of quick kisses to the soft swell of her belly. He traced a meandering path around her naval, and she jerked when the tip of his tongue investigated her bellybutton before lapping at the beads of water on her skin. Her breath stalled, lodged in her throat as he dragged his naughty tongue lower, stopping at the thatch of curls covering her sex. “Stratton?” She had no idea if she inquired as to why he’d stopped or if he’d continue.

  “Say the word, kita. What do you want me to do?” His strong fingers played up and down the length of her legs and sent goose bumps sailing over her skin.

  If they went into the bedroom, would the walls start to close in on her? She forced her eyes all the way open and stared down into his face. Kept in the tiny wash area, she felt safe. Even though she was naked in front of Stratton, the safety morphed into something more powerful she didn’t want to analyze. Anything to keep the claustrophobia at bay. “Continue.” She purposely mimicked his previous command. “It’ll make being your racemate worthwhile.”

  “Yeah, like you’re a party on your own.” Annoyance filled his tone, but he winked just before he dipped his head and kissed her curls. “Let’s see if this will get your attention. Spread your legs for me.” His hand dropped to her left thigh and gently eased them apart.

  “I—” She had enough time to allow her gaze to linger on his wide shoulders, noting a few freckles near one collarbone, before he slid his hand between her thighs, so close to her throbbing heat she let out a muffled moan.

  “Ah, have I found your weakness?” He stroked a finger along her cunt. Willa’s knees trembled. “You were holding out on me, hiding this little jewel.” He flicked her swollen clit with his forefinger, laughing when she squirmed. Her thighs quivered from the strain. “Your father was right to protect you. You’re way too tempting to be traipsing the galaxy alone.”

  She couldn’t think while he tormented her sex, first with slow swipes, then rubbing with increased friction. Pressure flooded her insides, swirling, coiling into bands that promised pleasure if only she’d allow them freedom. Willa bore down and denied the release. Not yet. Make him work for her. Harder. “My father doesn’t dictate my life.”

  “Maybe not, but you act like he’s the center of your universe.”

  “You don’t dictate it either.”

  “For the moment, I think I do.” Stratton glanced up at her. Moisture clung to his lashes. She licked her lips, desperate not to give in. “Live for yourself, Willa. You control your destiny.”

  “I get along just fine.” When he parted her lower lips to tease her clit with his tongue, her knees weakened a bit more, and she sagged against the wall, held up now by his grip on her hips. A low moan escaped her throat as delicious heat swept over her.

  He didn’t answer but continued to torment her. She held his head to her body as he worked to claim all that she was. Still, she clamped down on the need to explode. His tongue manipulated her clit. He nipped and nibbled, coaxing moisture from her core, sucking on the swollen nubbin. Pinpricks of light danced in her vision. “No.” The shower covered the word. He needed to learn he didn’t command her body. No one did. She got to call the shots and set the time for orgasm.

  He growled, and the sound vibrated against her skin. “Give in.”

  Gritting her teeth against the exquisite bliss, she repeated, “No.”

  “Yes.” Stratton wrenched his head up. “Damn it, Willa, let go! For once in your life, give in to something beyond your control. Take what another person wants to give.”

  “I can’t.” Her pulse pounded in her ears, and she glanced away, unable to bear the angry frustration in his dark eyes. “If I do, you win. If I do, I’m no better than the whores you’ve been with.” Her breath came in short pants while his fingers strummed her flesh. Pressure continued to build inside. Soon it would have no place to go. Tremors filled her core. “I can’t earn your respect if I’m an easy lay.”

  “Hell, you’re definitely not easy.” Abruptly, he pulled away and shot to his feet. “I’ve never worked so hard to get a woman off in my life.” Catching her chin in his hand, he commanded her attention. “You don’t need to earn my respect, Willa! And you damn well don’t need to chase anyone else’s. If they can’t see what a special woman you are, they don’t deserve you. Why can’t you get that through your stubborn brain?”

  “I…” She wrenched from his hold. “Why can’t you understand why I need to?” It wasn’t as if she could drop a lifetime of learned behavior simply because he demanded it.

  A muscle in Stratton’s jaw twitched. “Your damned control.” He grabbed her wrist, easily encircling it with his fingers. “You’ll break, and you’ll do it now. You need to, and not only for your body, but for your mental health.” Ignoring her protest, he punched the Off button. The shower water immediately ceased. Stratton dragged her into the bedroom. “On the bed. At least in this you’ll get your way.”

  The authority in his voice brooked no argument. Her limbs shaking as if they were made of rubber, she crawled onto the bed. The cool fabric bunched and wrinkled beneath her wet skin. She settled onto her back, waiting. The attention he’d given her minutes ago still lay coiled, ready to snap, and if he didn’t get on with it, she’d scream in frustration. “Will you finish this, or do I need to get busy with my fingers?”

  He growled while his face twisted into a mask of anger and stark need. “One of these days you’ll push someone too far.” As he dropped to the mattress beside her, the old familiar alarm and doubts came rushing back.

  “Are you at that point?” Had he reached his limit in patience?

  “Not yet.” With his hands on her waist, he flipped her until she lay on her stomach, despite her squeak of surprise. “Since you’re such a stubborn bitch, we’re going to do this fast so you’ll have no question as to who’s in charge.”

  She pushed herself up on her hands as he spread her legs wide. “Stratton, if you’ll let me—” The rest of her protest faded into a low scream when he thrust into her passage with no further warning. “Oh…”

  He grasped her hips, hoisting her onto her knees as he withdrew only to slam back inside her pussy with more force. Deeply embedded, his rigid cock hit every pleasure point all the way to her core, teasing, tempting, then ebbing away as he withdrew again. He struck a quick rhythm. Willa couldn’t do anything but hang on to fistfuls of sheets and push backward against him, meeting his thrusts as best she could.

  The frantic coupling taxed her joints. Her nipples scraped the bedding. Blissful shockwaves hummed over her body and pulsed upward from her core. Stratton’s hips pistoned. The slap of flesh filled her ears. When he reached one hand around to fondle her clit, her sanity, held together by mere threads, cracked. She bit her bottom lip so hard she was surprised it didn’t draw blood.

  But she maintained control. She couldn’t give in. Not now. Not like this. Even so, she trusted him. That, coupled with curiosity, heightened the pleasure swirling inside.

  Stratton groaned. “Willa, let go.” He dropped a light slap on her ass, slowing his movements. “You need it. Grab the release.”

  Her inner muscles clenched around him. They throbbed in need, desperate to end the torment. “Why should I?” Oh, she wanted to
give in, wanted to claim the energy building inside her, but to do so would hand him the power she’d worked so hard to sustain.

  “You deserve it.” He shoved in deep, his balls hitting her sensitive flesh, and the sensations almost broke her. “Let me send you over.” Another thrust, and her body began to shudder. “You don’t have to be strong for the next few minutes. Let go and enjoy the ride for once in your life, because you’re worth it. Men should be begging for your attention, not the other way around.”

  “Damn it.” Why’d he have to say that and make her believe it?

  Stratton rammed one last time while her heart lurched from his words. Her world shattered. Pleasure and wonder consumed her body as if she were being burned from the inside out. Willa screamed, let out her aggravation and made peace with her surrender. Her pussy milked his cock. Seconds later, he fell into his own release and collapsed onto her back.

  She sucked in a deep breath and let it ease out between her lips as her heartbeat slowed to normal levels. Still shaking, she sagged onto the mattress under his weight and sighed. Never would she admit it was the greatest orgasm she’d had in years. Of course, he probably already knew, aggravating man.

  Twisting around, she punched his shoulder. “I think I might hate you.” Especially now that he could command her body with little effort, and she’d let him.

  He grunted and rolled over, taking her with him and tucking her into his side. “The feeling might be mutual, kita. I guess we’re even. Now hush. I need my sleep. I worked my ass off tonight.”

  Willa snorted and let her eyes drift closed. Men might suck, but they are useful for some things.

  Chapter Nine

  Willa’s whole body jerked as she awoke the next morning snuggled against Stratton’s side. He winked, looking as fresh as if he’d been awake for a while. Murmuring a few nonsensical words, she struggled out of the bed and stumbled into the tiny bathroom with Stratton two steps behind. When he crowded her at the door, she threw both sets of damp race suits at him, followed by their wet boots and belts, then slid the door shut and locked it behind her. She’d had downright dirty sex with a guy she’d despised at the start of the race. And, damn his eyes, it had wiped away the lingering cobwebs and stress she’d carried around since they’d met. No way would she let on that he’d actually done her a favor.

  She ignored the tickle in her stomach and turned the shower water on. If he thought there would be a repeat of that coupling, he was even more arrogant than she’d previously imagined. Despite her teasing about another time, their coming together had been nothing more than a weak moment on her part, an exercise in reducing stress and working out the tension in her body and clearing her mind. That was it.

  Retreating to the far wall, out of the view of the frosted-glass door, she slumped against the tiles, just beneath the water. Grateful for the steady warmth of the shower, she closed her eyes and offered her face to the stream. What the hell had she done? The last flutters of delight fled as the reality of the situation weighed down her shoulders.

  I slept with Stratton Sinnet last night.

  She tried to ignore a tickle of smug pride. Think, Willa. It doesn’t mean anything. One round of sex didn’t change who she was—who he was. People had sex every day. She nodded and slicked her hair back from her face. It was a basic human need, especially since it hadn’t been that intimate. Taken from behind, never given the opportunity to see his face or connect with him on a level that wasn’t submissive, she didn’t feel she owed him—or herself—more.

  I used him to tame the tension. We both know it.

  She mentally cursed herself. Yes, she’d taken advantage of him, and in the process, she’d forgotten the claustrophobia. Well, he wouldn’t get a thank-you for that either. She sighed. If she was honest with herself, it had felt good to lose control, to let someone else make decisions for her. Though they argued at every turn, there was something about Stratton that made her want to trust him—with everything.

  Willa brushed water droplets off her face. She couldn’t undo the act, didn’t regret it, but would tuck it away to remember later. Starting now, she’d put the incident behind her and continue on as if it hadn’t occurred. They had one more checkpoint to make before the end leg. No more of this interpersonal relationship stuff. Strictly business.

  At the end, she and Stratton would go their separate ways and she’d be fine with that. That was the only way it could be. Concentrate, Willa. They’d had a run of bad luck with the thieves. No problem. Sex with him had been the manifestation of that stress. It happened. Time to move on and reclaim her original goal of winning the Nebulon Trike—not for her father, but for herself.

  She wanted it for her, damn it, so she could move on. Of course, seeing the irritated look on Stratton’s face would be nice too.

  Inhaling deeply, she let the breath ease from between her lips, then pressed a chrome button near one of the sprayers. Fluffy, fragrant suds dispensed from a jet in the wall, and she quickly lathered her hair, enjoying the purely physical act of washing the grit and grime away.

  Not able to stay in the shower any longer, she pressed the shutoff button, wrung the excess water from her hair and slid the door open. A low-pitched hum filled the room. “What’s that buzzing?” Willa glanced at Stratton. He sat on the bed, still naked. His only covering was the datapad on his lap. Sin, personified and dangerous. Her legs felt like rubber, while her libido roared to life.

  Stratton gave her a shrug that lifted one shoulder. “Found a dehumidifier on the control panel. It should dry out our clothes and boots in a half hour or so.”

  “Great.” She stood in the door frame, uncertainty roiling in her stomach, but her anxiety was unfounded since he didn’t look up. A tiny thread of annoyance slid down her spine. Of course the man wouldn’t pay her any mind now that he’d gotten what he wanted. “Did you happen to locate towels in this room?”

  Remnants of food littered a plate next to him on the bed. Bastard. He must have replicated a meal, never asking her if she was hungry. She narrowed her eyes as he kept his attention trained on the datapad on his lap.

  “Found ’em when I showered earlier.”

  “And you got back into bed after that? Why?”

  “You looked all soft and cuddly in the sheets, no prickles visible. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see what that Willa would be like.”

  Did the man have to be a jerk every time he opened his mouth? Yet it pleased her he’d returned to the bed—and her. “Where are the towels?”

  “There’s a cabinet near the door.” A smug grin lifted the corners of his mouth. “Help yourself. I’m not your servant or your father, but I am the guy who rocked your world.”

  “Go fuck yourself.” She wrenched open the cabinet. Her shoulders sagged in relief when there really was a stack of towels inside. Grabbing one, she wrapped it around her body and tucked in the ends.

  “No can do. I’d rather play another round with you.” Finally, he peered at her, and his eyes were hard and flat. “Let’s get a few things out of the way first thing this morning.”

  “All right.” Since their overnight bags were on the ship taken by the thieves, she began finger-combing her hair.

  “I don’t need you thinking you’re in love with me now that I banged you.” He crossed his legs at the ankles. As he shifted, his half-erect cock bumped against the datapad. Her belly twinged. “Most of the women do, but I expect better things from you.”

  What a conceited man. “It’s a good thing you’re into yourself, since every person you’ve ever known leaves you. Think about that for a second.” Despite his being a jerk, curiosity about his past drew her in. She wanted to keep him talking; otherwise, she’d have nothing to focus on but the enclosed room while the claustrophobia returned. “Here’s a cold, hard fact for you. We’re stuck in this room until the door opens at our departure time. Since I’ve shared about my life, or had it dragged from me, I think you should return the favor. Why is the great Stratton Si
nnet so messed up?”

  “That depends on how you look at the situation.” He laid the datapad aside and wrapped one of the sheets around his waist. “Personally, I think I’m well adjusted.”

  “Are you? Let’s do a quick recap.” She perched on the edge of the mattress. “You said your parents were killed when you were young, and no particular family wanted to keep you. That had to make an impression on you.”

  “What’s your point? We have a course to plot.” Unidentified emotion roughened his voice until it matched his eyes—cold, hard and angry.

  She raised an eyebrow. How far could she push before he went over the edge he presumably couldn’t see? He deserved payback. “Here’s how I see it. You tripped around this galaxy and the next, taking odd jobs, hooking up with random women in an effort to guard yourself against getting too close or hurt. All short-term. No need to worry past a few weeks or a month. How’s that working for you now?”

  Stratton’s lips disappeared into a thin line as fire burned deep within his eyes. “My life was fine until I got paired with you at the start of this damned race.”

  “Ah, so it’s my fault you’re probably feeling disconnected from life or that loneliness is biting at your heels.” She ran a fingertip along the hem of her towel, feeling each square of the waffle pattern. She wanted to break him, make him as miserable as he’d made her, until he cried for mercy or owned up to his feelings. “You’re, what, in your late thirties? I’ll bet you’re longing for a stable home. You want someplace to call your own and connect to or put down roots. Am I right?”

  “My life is not up for discussion.” He wriggled off the bed and began to pace the small expanse of floor. His knuckles turned white as he clutched the sheet. “I enjoy chasing a bounty. I enjoy women. As long as I’m happy, what difference does everything else make? It’s more than what you have.” Anger rolled off him so powerfully, Willa felt its hot energy from where she sat. The room filled with his presence, pulsing, seeking and looking for a new victim to consume.


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