Kate (The Dimarco Series Book 5)

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Kate (The Dimarco Series Book 5) Page 4

by Jennifer Hanks

  I leaned across and grabbed a few empty pitchers, putting them on my tray when one of the guys spoke up. “Just refill those, sweetheart.”

  Four pitchers. They wanted me to refill four pitchers, which meant they weren’t leaving any time soon. I held back my groan and pasted on my fakest smile. “Sure. I’ll be right back.”

  I moved slower than usual, hoping maybe if I was a bad enough waitress, they’d leave. I stood at the corner and waited for Tucker to see me, which didn’t take long before he was making his way down the bar. He gestured towards the back table. “They giving you trouble?”

  I shook my head. “No, just annoying the hell out of me.”

  His expression grew serious. “I’m trying to keep an eye on them, but we’re getting busier, so if they are bothering you, Kate, you’re going to need to speak up.”

  I smirked, knowing I already have the reputation to not speak up and just deal with it on my own. “Okay.”

  He shot me a grin and turned to fill four new pitchers for me. I took a minute and looked around the bar, noting the increase in women now lining up at the bar and smiled to myself. Logan and Tucker both bartended on some nights, but definitely Friday and Saturday and they always brought in a crowd of women. If I was being honest, they’re both pretty hot, so it wasn’t a big surprise.

  My head snapped away from the bar when I felt someone’s eyes on me and I looked around, my eyes finding him standing just inside the door. Luke. A shiver ran through my body by only looking at him and I cursed at myself. I did not need to be attracted to Luke, he was sex and trouble in one very hot package.

  After Saturday at the party for his family, I assumed I’d never see him again, after all I hadn’t really given off a friendly vibe either of the two times we’d met, but Sunday night he showed up and stuck around until my shift ended, talking to me every time I made my way to the bar to fill an order. I could feel his eyes on me all night, but he never did more than touch my waist or lean in close when he spoke to me, and every damn time, my body responded.

  I watched him grin and move through the crowd easier than I had, although I assumed his broad shoulders and height were most of the reason. I took a deep breath, having never been attracted so physically to someone. I never put much emphasis on someones appearance, preferring instead to spend time with someone I could talk to, someone interesting, someone with personality.

  He moved confidently until he was right beside me, ignoring all the stares from the women he passed like he hadn’t even seen them. I knew better than to believe that.

  His eyes roamed over my face before lazily making their way back to stare in to mine. “You good?”

  I cocked my head to the side. “Why?”

  “You don’t look good.”

  I rolled my eyes, trying to convince myself I didn’t care what Luke Dimarco thought of me. I was doing a shitty job. “Charming, aren’t you?”

  He lifted his hand and wrapped it around the back of my neck, causing me to jerk back, but he held tight and leaned down, his face coming close to mine. “I meant you look tired or pissed. I can’t tell since I don’t know you all that well.” His eyes flicked between mine and a small grin graced his beautiful lips. “Yet.”

  “Think again.” I said snottily.

  I grabbed my now full tray and pulled away from Luke, not even glancing his way, needing as much space as I could manage between us. Walking slowly, I made my way back to the bachelor’s, thinking they were safer than being around Luke, at least for me.

  “Here you go.” I placed each pitcher on the table. “Anything else?”

  I flinched when I felt a warm palm wrap around the back of my thigh. Blinking slowly, I reached around and pulled his hand from my leg. I attempted to step back, but he put his hand back against my thigh, his fingers stretching to settle on my inner thigh.

  I grabbed his hand and shoved it down. “Knock it off.” I hissed.

  He wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled hard forcing me to lose my balance and fall on to his lap, facing the table, my thighs straddling his. I gagged when his hot, disgusting breath fanned my ear. “I’ve been waiting all night, but I’m running out of patience.”

  I struggled to stand, knowing in my position Pike couldn’t see me and two of his guys were already escorting some drunks out, so I was basically on my own. He wrapped his hand around my thigh again and ground his obvious erection against my ass. I slammed my foot down on his causing his grip to loosen enough that I could stand, but he grabbed my leg again. I looked around the table and noticed the other guys laughing and encouraging him.

  I leaned over, prying his hands off my leg, which was probably the reason I hadn’t seen anyone approach, but I jumped when his head slammed forward on to the table. I stepped back and with wide eyes, watched as Luke leaned down beside his ear and whispered something, still holding his head tight against the table top with only his hand around his neck.

  His friends started to stand, I guess to defend him, but Pike came to the table and in a tone of voice I’d never heard him use before that was frightening, he spoke. “Out. Now.”

  I knew they saw the size of Pike and the other two bouncers making their way to stand behind him, not to mention Luke had a man pinned to the table with nothing more than his hand. These guys didn’t stand a chance against men like Luke and Pike.

  Luke yanked the man from his chair, his hand still around his neck and he faced me. “Apologize.”

  Luke’s low growl caused my heart to race even more than it was.

  “Whatever.” The guy rolled his eyes. “Sorry. It’s my last night out before I get married. Just trying to have some fun.”

  Luke started to move him away, but I put my hand on the guys chest. “You’re the one getting married tomorrow?”

  My face heated when he smirked and the only excuse for my behavior was I didn’t think, I only reacted. Maybe it was because I was cheated on by a douche like him or maybe it was for touching me without permission, but all I know was when my fist hit the side of his face, I felt nothing but pleasure.

  Luke’s eyes widened almost comically when the guy’s head twisted to the side and he screamed, throwing his hands up to cover his nose. “Bitch! I think you broke my nose.”

  Luke grabbed his arms when I leaned forward placing my face close to his. “What’s her name?”

  I felt a sick satisfaction when blood trickled down, landing on his top lip. His lips twisted in a snarl. “Whose name?”

  I ran my eyes over his face in disgust. “The unlucky girl who’s going to marry you tomorrow.”

  His eyes widened. “You’re crazy bitch! I’m not giving you her name.”

  I shook my head while narrowing my eyes. “Why? Because you don’t want her to know you’re a cheating pig?” I lowered my voice. “I hope she catches you and cuts your dick off when you’re sleeping.”

  His face paled and apparently he smartened up, deciding he was better off keeping his mouth shut. But I wasn’t done. I may not know her name, but I could still help her by doing something he wouldn’t forget. I backed up slightly and his face relaxed, bringing a small smile to my face. He’s dumber than I initially assumed, if he thought I was finished. I moved quickly so he wouldn’t have time to protect himself, threw my hands on his shoulders, brought my knee up and slammed it as hard as I could into his crotch. He screamed out and Luke released him so he could drop to his knees.

  I smiled down at the pathetic excuse for a man lying at my feet and leaned over so he could hear me clearly. “That was for her.”

  I stood up and grabbed my tray from the table, spun on my heel and headed for the bar, not looking back. I switched the tray to my left hand and shook out my right. I’d never actually hit a person before and it hurt. A lot. Definitely more than I thought it would, but it was worth it. I hope I did break the bastard’s nose.

  In my mind, I knew my actions were fueled by my ex-husband, Kurt, because I’d let him use me and walk away with no consequence.<
br />
  I’ll never make that mistake again.



  “What the fuck was that?”

  I glanced at Pike, who was doing a shitty job of hiding his smile. We were standing outside where we’d brought everyone after I peeled the dickhead off the floor. Jesus, I hadn’t expected her to do that. When I saw his hands on Kate and her struggling to get away, I moved fast across the bar, shoving people out of the way, my blood roaring loudly in my ears and slammed his head against the table. It was mild compared to what I’d wanted to do to him. I had to be careful being on the police force, using my training to hurt someone, possibly putting him in the hospital like I was imagining, could ruin my career. I still considered it.

  Turns out Kate did it for me.

  I ran my hand along the back of my neck. “I have no idea.”

  Pike snorted and I couldn’t hold back the chuckle any longer. “I did not see that coming.” He cocked his head. “Although, I’ve seen that fire in her eyes before when she was dealing with a crappy waitress Henry hired a while back.”

  I turned to face him fully and grinned. “Yeah, well she’s a handful.”

  Pike slapped his hand against my shoulder. “Good luck, brother.”

  I dropped my head for a moment before lifting it and looking towards Pike’s bouncers standing like sentries on either side of the group of men who were waiting for their ride. I nodded towards them. “You think they’re good?”

  Pike nodded. “Yeah, my boys won’t let them back in. They have instructions to wait here until they’re long gone.” He turned to walk back inside the bar, holding the door open, gesturing for me to go in before him and then made his way towards Tucker who was still pouring drinks like nothing had happened.

  I shook my head and followed him into the bar, my eyes scanning the area, but not seeing Kate. “Where’s Kate?”

  Tucker’s face broke out in a wide smile when he saw us. “I sent her in the back to ice her hand. Logan’s helping Bella on the floor while she’s back there.”

  Pike moved behind the bar and I knew he’d step in and serve drinks, replacing Logan. “Go take care of her, we’ve got this.”

  I tapped my hand on the bar top and grinned before moving around the side and back the short hallway towards the office. I took a deep breath before pushing the door open and stepping in. Looking towards the small couch against the back wall across from the large desk, I saw Kate sitting with an ice pack pressed to the knuckles of her right hand.

  Closing the door, I walked to the couch and sat on the cushion right beside her, lifting the ice pack to inspect her knuckles. “How’s your hand?”

  She shrugged. “Okay.”

  I ran my fingers over her knuckles and shook my head before placing the ice back on her hand gently. “That’s going to bruise and probably hurt worse tomorrow.”

  I looked up when she shrugged again, her face pointed down to stare at her hand. “It’ll be fine.”

  I ran my hand down my face. “What the hell were you thinking?”

  Her head snapped up and her eyes narrowed. “What?”

  I let my eyes wander over her face before landing on her bright green eyes. “You don’t fuck around with men like that, especially when they’ve been drinking and are looking for pussy.”

  She stood quickly, her eyes full of fire and yelled. “What!”

  I stood slowly, trying to stay calm, but the idea of what could’ve happened if she’d reacted like that and I wasn’t around was fueling me. “Kate—”

  “Are you actually implying that what happened out there,” She gestured towards the door. “was in any way my fault?”

  I opened my mouth to respond, but she continued. “I didn’t ask for them to harass me and I certainly didn’t encourage it. As a matter of fact, I tried to avoid it and told them to knock it off.” She pushed up on her toes putting her closer to my face and hissed. “And I certainly didn’t ask him to shove his hand up my thigh, trying to get under my shorts.”

  My face flamed with heat, my body felt like it was short circuiting at the thought of his hands on her. I leaned in, closing the distance between our faces, my patience gone and I roared. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell Pike?” I threw my hands out to the sides and went on. “Or come get me? Any fucking one, Kate!”

  Her eyes narrowed and she bit out her words. “I. Was. Handling. It.”

  “You weren’t fucking handling it!” I backed up and turned away, running my hand through my hair, trying to calm down, but failing. I turned back around to see she wasn’t either. “What the fuck do you think would’ve happened if I hadn’t come over when I did?”

  She threw her hands out to the sides and replied sarcastically. “Oh, well, thank god the all mighty Luke came to my rescue! What a hero!” She stomped by me, heading for the door, but I wrapped my hand around her bicep, pulling her to a stop beside me.

  I gritted my teeth. “I was helping you, not being a hero.”

  She jerked her arm free. “I don’t want or need your help, Luke.”

  I took a deep breath. “Everybody needs help sometimes, Kate.” I watched some of the fight drain from her and lowered my voice. “You just need to trust me to help you.”

  “I’ve learned the hard way what happens when you trust someone.” She confessed, before lowering her head.

  “That’s not everyone, Kate.” I lifted my hand to wrap it around the back of her neck causing her to lift her eyes to mine and I took a step closer until I was right up against her. “Some of us would value that trust, hold it close, be careful with it.” I tilted my head down. “You just have to let us in.”

  She inhaled deeply, her tongue darting out to lick her lips and my eyes lingered there. I squeezed the back of her neck gently and wrapped my other arm around her waist, breathing in her light, flowery scent. I dropped my head when it felt too heavy to hold up any longer and pressed my lips against the sensitive spot between her neck and her chin. Her body shivered, encouraging me, knowing even if her mind was fighting our attraction, her body wasn’t. I dragged my nose along her neck until my lips were against her ear. “I know you feel this.” I pulled her earlobe into my mouth and sucked gently, squeezing her waist while pulling her tight up against me.

  Her hands resting on my biceps, squeezed gently before pushing me back. “I’m sorry, Luke, but I can’t do this.” She gestured to the door. “I need to get back out there.”

  Recognizing I wasn’t going to get through to her tonight, I moved on. “Why don’t you go home for the night? Carrying your tray is going to be hard.”

  “I’ll be fine.” She walked backward to the door. “I can’t afford to miss a night.”

  I stepped forward. “I’ll pay you what you’d normally make the rest of the night if you just go home and rest your hand.”

  She huffed. “I’m not a charity case, Luke.”

  I sighed. “I didn’t say you were, Kate. I’m just trying to help.”

  She blinked slowly and when she started to speak, she sounded defeated. “Look, you seem like a nice guy and I really do appreciate that you stepped in tonight and helped me out. I should’ve asked for help before it got that far, but I didn’t and that’s on me.” She looked down at her feet before raising her gaze to mine again. “I don’t believe anyone helps anyone else without wanting something in return.” She smiled sadly. “I used to, but I learned.” She took a few steps back, putting her right beside the door. “And I’m not capable of giving anything in return, Luke. It’s just not in me anymore.”

  She was out the door before I could respond, but maybe that was for the best. I didn’t even know how to respond to that shit. I moved to sit on the couch and laid my head back, flinging my arm across my forehead, not looking up even when I heard the door open and close. I knew it wasn’t Kate. I have no doubt I would’ve instinctively known if she was near me.

  I felt the couch depress on the other side and cracked open one eye to see a bottle being held
out to me. I tilted my chin up in appreciation at Pike before taking the bottle from his hand. I took a long drink, almost finishing it all in one swallow.

  “How’d that go?” Pike lifted his bottle to his lips.

  “How do you think?” I answered sarcastically.

  “Well,” He took a deep breath before releasing it. “by the look on your face, just about the way I assumed it would.” He scratched the short beard on his face. “Although, I had high hopes for you, brother. Thought maybe you’d break through with her. Lord knows, none of us have.”

  I scoffed, gesturing to the wall behind him. “I’d have more luck getting through to that fucking wall.”

  He chuckled. “She’s stubborn.”

  I breathed deeply. “She takes stubborn to a whole new level, man.”

  He frowned. “She’s been hurt, I think more than I originally thought. She’s not letting anyone close, not even Bella.

  I nodded because he was right. I’d already guessed she’d been hurt, but it almost seems like she’s been broken. I’m usually pretty calm, most would probably describe me as even-tempered, but after talking to her tonight and hearing the defeat in her voice, I knew without a doubt that if the fucker who caused her that much pain was standing in front of me, I’d take him out.

  I took another long drink before balancing the bottle on my knee. “How’d you do it with Bella?”

  He shook his head. “Bella and I were both a fucking mess, honestly. She had to work just as hard to get to me as I did with her, but I guess what really worked was showing her that she could trust me, that she could love me and I wouldn’t fucking leave.” He ran his hand along his beard. “Hell, I needed the same from her.”

  He’d had a hard life, I already knew that from my brother Cam, who served with him in the Marines and helped him grieve the loss of his sister, the only sister he knew until recently when he found out he has another. I also knew he did a lot of shit he isn’t proud of, but he did it to protect the people he loves, the ones he had left. I could’ve put him in jail a year ago because I knew without a doubt that he’d killed the man we were investigating, but I stepped back, making the decision that in this case, there was no black and white, and I was honestly happy to see the bastard dead.


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