Kate (The Dimarco Series Book 5)

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Kate (The Dimarco Series Book 5) Page 5

by Jennifer Hanks

  “How are things now?” I asked.

  His face softened and he smiled. “She’s everything man. I can’t imagine living without her now that I have her.” His eyes brightened. “And having Savannah with us is like the icing on the fucking cake. I won’t lie, I was shocked as shit that my mom had another baby, that I have another sister, but I was more than happy to step up and raise her. The fact that Bella is on board proves she’s the only woman for me. Not too many would want to take all that on.”

  I nodded. “Happy for you, brother.”

  He leaned forward, elbows on his knees, bottle hanging between his spread legs and looked over at me. “I’m going to say something that’s probably going to piss you off, but I feel like I need to. I feel protective of Kate.”

  I tilted my head to the side, confused, but gestured for him to continue.

  He took a minute, gathering his thoughts, I assumed, before he continued. “You’re one of the most honorable men I’ve ever met, respected, loyal, and—” something flashed in his eyes, “—forgiving, but…”

  “But…” I rolled my hand gesturing for him to continue.

  He looked down at the bottle in his hands. “She’s a single mom, man.”

  I cocked my head. He wasn’t telling me anything I didn’t already know. “I know that Pike.”

  “Right. I guess what I’m trying to say is be careful with her.” His eyes met mine once again. “She’s not going to trust easily, but if you manage to get her to trust you, you can’t do anything to break that. If she lets you in, she’s trusting you with her and her son. That’s huge. I just want to make sure you’re ready for it and if you’re not, then step back now.”

  I nodded. “I hear you, man, but it’s already too late for me to step back. I’ve wanted her since the day I saw her drive by me. I can’t get her out of my fucking head and I don’t want to.”

  He smirked. “Okay then, I wish you luck because she is a handful and she’s not going to make it easy.”

  I grinned. “I know that and I’m fine with working hard to get what I want. I won’t bother trying to convince her she can trust me, I’ll show her.” I balanced the bottle on my knee. “Besides, I’ve always loved a challenge.”

  Pike snorted and stood. “I need to get back out there. I’m assuming you’re staying to follow her home, to make sure none of those boys took it too personally and wind up at her house.”

  I leaned back against the couch. “You’re assuming right.”

  He chuckled. “That’s what I thought.” He pulled open the door but glanced back. “One more word of advice?”

  I widened my eyes in expectation, encouraging him to continue, which he did.

  “Don’t piss her off. She’s obviously not afraid to retaliate.” He left the room laughing and I cringed, imagining the agony that guy was in after she kneed him in the balls.

  But then I smiled, so fucking proud of my girl.



  Rubbing my hand over my forehead, I closed my eyes briefly behind my sunglasses and sighed. I knew nothing about baseball, but I was pretty sure that Andy was not supposed to be watching an airplane fly over head while his team is down by five and the other team’s up to bat. I dropped my hand and cringed when pain shot through my knuckles. Ice and ibuprofen have only helped so much.

  “Wanna scoot down darlin’?”

  My head snapped to the right when I heard the familiar booming voice. “Jack? You actually came?”

  He smiled wide. “Told you I like baseball. Thought we’d come watch your boy play.”

  He motioned for me to move down the bleacher and I shifted, making room for him and a woman behind him. I smiled when she held out her hand for me to shake and introduced herself as Anna, Jack’s wife. I shook her hand, trying to hide the pain that small touch caused.

  “Now where’s your boy?” Jack asked, holding his hand over his eyes to shield them from the sun.

  “Umm…he’s the one in the outfield, number six.” I sighed, a little embarrassed. “The one not paying attention.”

  Jack’s head turned suddenly to the right. “Hey boys.”

  I followed his gaze and my eyebrows hit my hairline. Why were there more Dimarco’s coming my way? I felt a blush crawl up my neck when my gaze landed on Luke and my pulse sped up. What was it about him? My eyes flicked down over his tight blue t-shirt and jeans, admitting to myself I’d never seen a man look hotter or met one who could turn me on with nothing more than a grin.

  “Hey Pop.” A few of them called out, but I still wasn’t sure I knew who was who. When all but Luke filed on to the bleacher behind me, I turned my head and smiled slowly.

  “Hey Kate.” I recognized the girl talking as Lanie from the first night I’d met this crazy family and sitting on her lap was the cutest little boy. She hugged him to her chest with a huge smiling gracing her face. “This is Braydon.”

  I waved at Braydon who smiled at me shyly. “Hi Braydon.”

  Lanie’s voice brought my attention back to her. “Syd’s on her way, she was at the coffee shop she owns this morning, so she was going to swing by and pick up Bella to come hang out too. Pike has to work, something about security from last night.”

  I nodded, but felt my face flame, and was happy when I heard Luke’s voice. “Yeah, there was a fight last night. He said he planned to watch the video, try to figure out who they were, if he’s seen them before, so he can keep them out.”

  “You were there too, Luke?” Lanie asked.

  “Yeah, he was there.” My eyes shifted down the bleachers, landing on one of the twins in the family, but I had no idea which one he was. They were that identical. Then his words sunk in and the way he said them forcing me to twist my neck back around so I could glare at Luke, still standing beside the bleachers.

  He held his hands up, palms out, trying to look innocent. “Pike and I talked this morning and decided to share with Cam in case he presses charges.”

  “Presses charges?” Anna asked. “Who’s pressing charges and for what?”

  “Kate punched a guy and kicked him in the nuts when he tried to grope her.” Jake announced and I spun my head back around to glare at him.

  My jaw dropped. “How do you know that?”

  Jake gestured beside him. “Cam told me.”

  I looked between Cam and Jake who were sitting side-by-side. “Why would you tell him?”

  Cam smiled wide. “Sweetheart, that shit was too awesome not to share.”

  “Good girl.” Anna’s voice brought my attention back to her. She winked and smiled. “We girls have to protect ourselves.”

  “That’s right Kate.” Lanie announced, causing me to look over at her sitting on the other side of Jake and grinning. “I just wish I’d been there to see it.”

  “You and me both, baby.” Jake snorted. “Hell, I would’ve paid to watch.”

  That caused a chuckle to ensue through the family and for the first time since it happened, I actually felt pride and less embarrassment.

  “Lanie punched Jake in the face.” Cam said, causing me to shift my attention again. “When they were in the shower.” He winked. “True story.”

  His family laughed harder, including Anna and Jack which I thought was a little weird. I don’t think I’d ever feel comfortable talking about showering with my boyfriend in front of my parents.

  I glanced at Lanie. “Why?”

  She shrugged like it was no big deal. “He snuck in and scared me.”

  I nodded like that made perfect sense, but I knew I was missing major parts of their story, although from watching them last Saturday at the bar, they did seem to be very physical. Well Jake was and he didn’t seem to care who was watching.

  “Hey Kate. What position does Andy play?” Cam was squinting in the sun, his eyes on the field.

  “He’s an outfielder.”

  “I pay.” Braydon said, pointing his thumb into his chest and I couldn’t help but smile.

can’t play yet Bray, you’re not big enough.” Lanie said softly.

  He looked insulted. “I big nuf.”

  She giggled and Jake leaned down, whispering something to him which seemed to satisfy him enough that he leaned back against Lanie and looked towards the field. I felt my stomach clench when I saw their little family and quickly averted my eyes which landed directly on Luke.

  He shot me a slow smile. “Which one is Andy?”

  I looked towards the field to see he was still staring at the sky. “He’s number six, in the outfield.”

  His head snapped that way and I saw it go back, looking up to the sky before coming back to me. “What’s he looking at?”

  I felt a small twinge of embarrassment that my kid looked completely lost out there. “There was an airplane a minute ago that flew over.”

  “Airplanes used to fuck with my game too when I played.” Jake said and I turned to look at him, wondering if he was serious. His expression told me he was.

  “Also, a true story.” Cam teased earning him a punch to the shoulder from Jake.

  “Jacob.” Anna said from beside Jack, her eyes still on the field. “Language.”

  The crack of the bat brought my attention back to the field to see another ball roll towards Andy’s feet, but he had no idea, he wasn’t even looking towards the batter at this point.

  “Where’s the coach?” Luke asked.

  I turned my head in his direction again before scanning the field until they landed on the coach standing by the fence talking to a woman. “There.” I pointed to him.

  “There.” Luke pointed and scowled when I nodded. “He’s not even watching what’s going on.”

  “He’s only a volunteer. This whole league is made up of people who volunteer to coach.”

  Luke shrugged. “So?”

  “Well,” I chewed on my bottom lip. “I mean, it’s not his job.”

  “He chose to volunteer to teach these kids and from the looks of things the only thing he’s interested in is getting a piece.”

  I shook my head. “A piece of what?”

  Luke’s eyes widened, but then he grinned. “He’s interested in the woman he’s talking too.”

  A piece meant of her. I hated when I was slow to get it. I was the same with jokes. “Her son plays for the other team.” I said, although I had no idea why I thought that was important. “I saw them come in.”

  “He’s talking to the enemy?” Jake whistled. “That shit ain’t right.”

  “Enemy?” I shot a look in Jake’s direction. “This is t-ball.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” Luke spoke up so I turned to him. “He’s not coaching, that’s what matters.”

  Luke turned and walked the few steps down from the bleachers, hitting the grass and turning towards the coach. I jumped up from my seat, my eyes never leaving Luke, ready to follow. Jack grabbed my wrist and tugged gently until I sat again.

  I looked at Jack. “What’s he doing?”

  Jack chuckled. “Just gonna have some words with the coach, that’s all.”

  I moved to stand again but Jack wrapped his arm around my shoulders, essentially holding me in place. “Jack, he cannot get Andy kicked off this team.”

  “Kicked off?” Jack tilted his head. “Darlin’, I can promise he won’t allow Andy to be kicked off this team.”

  Watching from the bleachers, I saw the exact moment the casual conversation became heated, and not by Luke’s body language. No, he remained cool, but the coach started to talk loudly, his face getting red before he threw a clipboard against Luke’s chest and walked out around him.

  Luke turned and made his way back to where we were sitting. “Jake, come on, you played longer than I did.”

  Jake stood. “What’s up?”

  Luke grinned. “We’re coaching now.”

  “Fuck, yeah.” Jake shouted.

  “Jake!” Anna said, but rolled her eyes at me when Jake stopped beside her and kissed her on the cheek.

  I stood up, my eyes locked on Luke. “You’re coaching?”

  Luke nodded. “Yep.”


  “Because I want to and because they deserve a coach who gives a damn.”

  I leaned forward and lowered my voice causing him to lean across his parents since he was standing on their other side. We were essentially having a conversation over their heads. “Luke, Andy needs this team. He doesn’t know anyone around here yet.”

  His face became serious. “Kate, I will make sure Andy has a spot on this team and spends time meeting other kids. You’re just going to have to trust me.”

  He turned and jogged down the stairs, meeting Jake at the bottom. I sat down and whispered. “What just happened?”

  “Luke took care of it.” Jack patted my knee. “See darlin’, I told you it would be fine.”

  I watched in disbelief as Luke and Jake hollered for the kids to gather around after talking to the coach of the other team who nodded and smiled, patting Luke on the shoulder. I felt movement behind me but didn’t take my eyes off the team of small boys all eagerly listening to whatever Luke and Jake were telling them. They were both down on one knee and talking quietly. I even saw a few kids talking to them, but not Andy. He stood off to the side of the group. I closed my eyes, feeling sadness creep in. He has no idea where he fits, he hasn’t made many friends and I was hoping that joining this team would change that, but it hasn’t.

  I opened my eyes in time to see Luke motion for Andy to come near and he started talking to him. Andy seemed interested, even leaning in further and nodding, smiling wide when Luke rubbed the top of Andy’s hat with his hand. The boys all dispersed into the outfield again, but this time were smiling. Jake jogged to the outfield and planted himself well within shouting distance of Andy, while Luke stayed near the bases.

  I watched play after play, saying hello to both Sydney and Bella when they took their seats behind me, but unable to take my eyes off the game. I stood when a ball bounced and rolled past the first base towards Andy and saw his head turn slightly towards Jake before he nodded and ran for it, picked it up and threw it to the boy standing on second. I cheered like he’d just gotten a homerun and he looked up towards the bleachers and waved at me.

  I sat back down when the game continued and felt Jack wrap his arm around my shoulders, but we didn’t say anything. I couldn’t explain how I was feeling so I didn’t even try. I watched as Andy took an interest in the game, constantly looking towards Jake for confirmation. When it was time to switch and Andy’s team was up to bat, I watched in fascination as Luke talked each boy through his turn and if I wasn’t just imagining it, he took a little extra time with Andy until he eventually got the ball off the tee. It didn’t go far and he was out by the time he reached first base, but that was better than the last game and he was smiling, so I considered it a victory.

  When the game ended only a short time later, we’d still lost, but the boys had looked a lot more interested than ever before. I listened to everyone talking around me, but my eyes were glued to the field while Jake and Luke, again down on one knee, talked to the boys and then gave each one a high five before sending them off to their parents.

  I squeezed past both Jack and Anna when I saw Andy running my way and met him at the bottom of the bleachers. He threw his arms around my waist and smiled huge before talking excitedly. “Did you see me mom?” I nodded and he continued. “I almost made it to the base and I threw that ball to second base!”

  I squatted down. “I know, I saw.” I said, excitement in my voice. “You did so great!”

  I saw a hand land on the top of Andy’s hat and looked up to see Luke smiling down at us. “He did do great.”

  “And mom,” I shifted my attention back to Andy. “Luke says he’s your friend and our new coach. Jake too! So we might win now!”

  I couldn’t help it, seeing him so excited brought tears to my eyes and I was thankful I still had on my sunglasses while I swallowed them back. “That’s great Andy.�

  I stood when Jack stepped down from the bleachers and smiled. “Andy, this is Jack, he’s Luke and Jake’s dad.”

  Andy’s head went way back to look up at Jack who was as tall as his sons, which is pretty damn tall. “Hi.”

  “Good game Andy.”

  He smiled, the space where his one front tooth was missing causing me to smile right along with him, like it always did. “Thanks.”

  Feeling the others surrounding me, I introduced everyone to Andy. When we got to Cam, he squatted down and held out his fist. “Good game kid.”

  Andy just stared for a minute, but then he smirked and bumped his fist against Cams. “Thanks.”

  “Well,” Jack rubbed his hands together. “who wants ice cream?”

  “I do!” Bray, who was now in Jake’s arms, yelled loudly.

  “Can we mom?” Andy asked, his face full of hope.

  I glanced at my watch, but saw I only had an hour until I had to be at work and I still needed to get ready. “Sorry, honey, but I need to get to work soon and that means getting you to the babysitter.”

  He dropped his head. “Okay.”

  I let out a deep breath and racked my brain trying to think of a way to give him what he wants and still make it to work on time when I felt Luke come to stand beside me. “How about we go for ice cream and I’ll keep Andy with me today?”

  My head snapped his way. “What?”

  Luke shrugged. “Yeah, I’m not working today and he and I can work more on his batting.”

  I shook my head. “No, I can’t ask you—”

  “Mom, please!” Andy begged. “I don’t want to go to Cary’s today.”

  I frowned. “I thought you liked Cary.”

  He shrugged. “She’s okay, but her boyfriend always comes over and they tell me to go watch T.V.”


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