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Kate (The Dimarco Series Book 5)

Page 12

by Jennifer Hanks

  We all laughed, nodding in agreement because I had no doubt we’d all do the same if our women were working in a bar. Hell, when Gia worked here, Brody used to sit his ass on a stool the nights she worked and glare at everyone. “Brody did the same.”

  “I think Brody’s going to keep getting Gia pregnant so she won’t have enough energy to come back to work.” Ben laughed.

  I tilted my bottle in his direction, laughing with the others. “I think you’re probably right, brother.”

  “So, uh, how are things with Kate?” Ben asked, almost hesitantly, his gaze meeting Jake’s before coming to mine.

  I cocked my head. “Okay. Why?”

  Ben shrugged and Jake spoke up. “Are you dating?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “We’re taking things slow.” I sat up straight when Jake and Ben shared a look. “What the fuck’s going on you two?” When they both took a drink from their bottles, I looked at Pike. “Pike?”

  Pike moved his stare from me to Jake and nodded. Jake ran a hand through his short brown hair. It was shorter than it had been, but I knew he always cut it in the summer because it’s so damn hot working outside. “Damn it, I think this was a bad idea.”


  “You know it wasn’t.” Ben spoke up.

  I pushed from my stool, needing to stand, and leaned against the bar. “I’m going to ask you two one more time, what the fuck is going on before I call Lanie.”

  Jake’s head popped up. “Why would you call Lanie?”

  “Because you said it was something she said, so I’m assuming she knows what the fuck is wrong with you.”

  “Shit.” Jake swore. “I forgot I said that.” He took a deep breath and released it. “Alright, man, I don’t know the details, but when I called Lanie on the way home from work today, she told me something that I think you deserve to know.” His blue eyes landed on mine. “She’s pissed right now that I’m telling you because she thinks I’m overreacting.” He rubbed his hand along his neck. “Hell, maybe I am.”

  My senses heightened, I knew in my gut what I was about to hear wasn’t going to be something I wanted to hear. “What is it?”

  Jake sighed. “When Kate came today to pick up Andy, Lanie found out she was meeting a friend for dinner, well her and Andy were.”

  I raised my eyebrows, confused as to why they seemed so concerned about something like that. I was thrilled Kate was starting to make friends and making time to do things for herself. “And?”

  Jake looked up at the ceiling. “Fuck man, I hate telling you this shit.”

  “Just tell me Jake.” I said, losing patience with this whole damn conversation.

  “She went out with a guy.” Ben blurted out.

  My eyes flicked past Jake to Ben, and I was sure I’d heard him wrong until I saw the look on his face. I hardly recognized my voice when I spoke in a low growl. “Who?”

  “I don’t know. That’s all I fucking know.” Jake stood from his stool, standing behind it. “Brother, I wouldn’t normally get involved, but I’m starting to think you may be feeling shit she isn’t, and I don’t want you getting jerked around.”

  I gritted my teeth. “She’s not jerking me around.”

  “Luke, man—”

  Ben started, but I interrupted. “She’s not. She’s been honest from the day we met, always saying she’s not interested in dating, doesn’t have time.” I pointed back at myself. “I’ve been the one pushing her out of her comfort zone.”

  “Then why is she on a date tonight?” Ben asked.

  “We don’t know it’s a date.” Jake rested his hands on his hips. “Lanie said she was going out with a friend.”

  I grabbed some cash from my pocket and threw it on the bar, my eyes raising to meet Pike’s and he frowned. “You agree with them?”

  He sighed. “I don’t know Luke. She’s a tough one to figure out, keeps everything to herself. Bella’s getting her to open up some, but not much.” He placed his palms on the bar and leaned forward. “I agree with your brothers though, man, if she is jerking you around, then you need to move on. Nobody wants to see you caught up in that.”

  I nodded and turned, heading for the door, only stopping when Jake spoke up. “Don’t do anything stupid man.”

  I dropped my head for a minute before nodding and continuing to the door, out to my SUV, started it up and pulled out on to the road. I shouldn’t go to her house, I shouldn’t ask her, it can only blow up in my face. I should be smart, play it cool, let her come to me.

  Too bad I’ve never been all that smart.



  I finished Andy’s story and looked down to see my little guy was out. I knew a day with Braydon was exhausting for him, more exhausting than his regular sitter and her little girl, but going to the Burger Joint probably finished him off. I moved from his bed and laid my hand on Cookie who was snuggled in tight against Andy, his body growing, no longer a small puppy, but a big puppy. Soon they wouldn’t both fit in his twin bed.

  I left the door open a crack and went to my bedroom, throwing on a tank top and shorts that would be cool enough to sleep in. It was too hot to sleep in more clothes than this because my little window air conditioners didn’t cool the house all that much, but they were better than nothing. It was July and it was sweltering. I was afraid of what August would bring.

  I made my way to the kitchen and poured a glass of cold water, looking at the clock on the microwave and wondered if eight o’clock was too early for bed. Sitting down on the stool at my counter I thought back to my night and my stomach clenched. Aaron was nice, really nice, and I felt terrible that I’d sent him the wrong message somehow. I hated telling him I didn’t see myself in a relationship and I didn’t have time for casual dating. He told me he was disappointed, but he understood and he’d give me time to get settled. Then he’d walked us to my car and after I had Andy all buckled in, he stood beside my car with me, bent in and kissed my cheek telling me he’d be around and if I changed my mind, he would always be willing.

  That made me feel worse, especially when thoughts of Luke passed through my mind. They were similar and both great to my kid, but only Luke made me hot and anxious, feeling like I could give myself easily to him, but knowing he’d break me when he left.

  I was not looking forward to work tomorrow, although if I had to guess, Aaron would behave perfectly normal, only I would be anxious.

  My head turned sharply when a light knock sounded at my front door. I moved from the kitchen and into the small entranceway, going up on my toes to look through the small piece of glass on the top. My breath caught when I saw Aaron standing on the other side. What was he doing here?

  I unlocked the deadbolt on the door and swung it open. “Aaron?”

  “Sorry Kate.” He grinned shyly. “I know it’s getting late.”

  I shook my head. “No, that’s okay.” I stepped back. “Come on in.”

  He stepped through and I led him into my small living room, gesturing to the couch. “Do you want to sit down?”

  He smiled. “Sure.”

  He sat on one end and I sat on the other, picking a piece of non-existent lint from my shorts, confused as to why he was here and having no idea what to say.

  He leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees. “This is what I was afraid of.” He murmured.

  My eyes snapped to him. “What?”

  He sat up straight and angled his body towards me, stretching his long legs out in front of him. I noticed he was in jeans now and a t-shirt, he must’ve gone home to change. “I was afraid the way we left things would make it awkward.”

  He looked past me and I cringed, remembering my earlier thoughts and being afraid of the same thing. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  “I don’t want that, Kate.”

  I met his gaze and smiled sincerely, liking Aaron, but not in the way he wanted. “I don’t want that either.”

  “I don’t stand a chance, do I?” He ran
his hand through his hair. “Against whoever Luke is.”

  I exhaled heavily. “I don’t know what I’m doing, Aaron. I honestly don’t. But I do know that right now in my life, I need friends more than I need a relationship.”

  He smiled and reached out taking my hand in his and squeezing. “You’ve already got that, Kate, no matter what else happens.”

  “You’re so nice.”

  He snorted. “Yeah, I’ve been told that before. I’m probably too nice.”

  “That’s not true, I mean you are really nice and understanding, but I’ll bet when you find the one you want, you won’t take no for an answer.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Are you telling me not to take no for an answer?”

  I laughed when I recognized the teasing glint in his eyes and he joined in. I looked towards the door when I heard knocking again. “Who’s here now?”

  “I’ll bet I can guess.” He murmured.

  I felt him stand when I did, but he stood still when I walked to the door and once again, stood up on my toes to see out the glass. This time my breath just didn’t hitch, my stomach rolled and I felt my skin flush. Damn Luke.

  I let out a long breath before pulling the door open and meeting very pissed off blue eyes. He stood with his hands propped on top of my door frame, the muscles bulging in his arms. His eyes scanned down over me and he scowled. “What the fuck are you wearing?”

  I looked down, having forgotten that I’d changed into my pajamas, including no bra. I closed my eyes, embarrassed for a minute that I’d sat with Aaron and had next to nothing on, but I was surprised to see him and never gave it a thought. Again, not used to company, and especially not male company.

  “Pajamas.” I said quietly.

  He leaned forward. “Who’s here, Kate?”

  I swallowed hard, my breathing picking up at his nearness. “My friend.”

  He stood tall and looked over my shoulder, his eyes flashing. I turned and saw Aaron had moved to stand in my small foyer, a little behind me. He moved a few steps and stood beside me, holding out his hand for Luke. “Hey, man, I’m Aaron. I’m guessing you’re Luke.”

  Luke looked down at his outstretched hand before flicking his eyes back to Aaron. He took his hand and shook it. “You’d be right.”

  They both dropped their hands and seemed to have a conversation with no words before Aaron smiled down at me. “I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”

  “Okay, Aaron.” I breathed out, relieved he was leaving. I had no idea what would happen if he didn’t. “Thanks again.”

  He smiled and winked before moving past Luke who had stepped to the side. “Nice to meet you Luke.”

  Luke didn’t answer, which I thought was rude and I felt a little anger bubble to the surface. Aaron had been nice to him, he deserved the same in return. Luke stood in the open doorway until Aaron backed out and headed down the street, then he grabbed my hand and pulled me out on to the small porch, pulling the door closed behind us. I stood still when he dropped my hand and walked to stand at the top of the few stairs leading down to the sidewalk, putting both of his hands on top of his head and staring towards the street.

  “You didn’t have to be rude to Aaron.”

  I saw his body stiffen before he turned to face me with a look on his face I’d never seen before. “Are you fucking kidding me Kate?”

  I stood tall. “No, I’m not kidding you. You had no reason to be so rude. You don’t even know him.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “What I know, is I show up at your house, after hearing from my brothers that you’re on a fucking date and you’re dressed like that,” He flung his hand out towards my body, “with another man in your house.” He stepped closer and lowered his voice to a growl. “You’re lucky I didn’t knock him the hell out, Kate.”

  I leaned forward and got in his face. “He’s my friend.”

  “He’s not your friend!” He shouted and then shoved his hand through his hair, lowering his voice. “How naïve are you?”

  I straightened my back. “I’m not naïve.”

  He threw his hands on his hips. “I hope you are naïve, otherwise my brothers are right and you are jerking me around.”

  I took a step back. “Your brothers think I’m jerking you around?” I whispered.

  He sighed loudly. “My brothers are watching out for me, that’s all.”

  “Did you tell your brothers that I’ve been pretty clear from the beginning? That I told you I didn’t want anything? That you’re too damn full of yourself to believe a woman wouldn’t want you, wouldn’t fall at your feet if you offered yourself to her.”

  I’d taken that too far and I knew it. I was embarrassed his family thought that of me and if I was being honest, a little hurt.

  He rolled his lips together, anger sparking in his eyes while he moved towards me, but I stood my ground, flicking my eyes up to meet his when he positioned himself right up against me. “You’re not going to intimidate me.”

  He shook his head, the anger fading and confusion taking its place. “What the fuck did he do to you?”

  I swallowed hard, hating the tears that immediately filled my eyes and I kept my mouth shut. He reached up and ran his thumb along my collarbone, his face concentrating on the path his thumb was taking. When his gaze came back to me and I still hadn’t answered he continued. “How bad was he Kate?” I held his stare and my tongue. “How long did it take him to convince you that nobody would want you?” I swallowed hard against the lump in my throat, rolling my lips to keep them from quivering. I would not cry in front of him. “That nobody would fight for you?” He wrapped his hand around the side of my neck and tilted my head back. “That nobody could love you?”

  I stood tall and took a deep breath, backing away, causing his hand to fall and finally found my voice. “I want you to leave.”

  “I know that.” He shook his head. “But that’s not what you need.”

  “You don’t know what I need, Luke!” I shouted, welcoming the anger as a replacement for the sadness.

  He was on me faster than I could blink, had me backed up against the door and his mouth close to mine. I tried to control my breathing, but he was too damn close. “I know you’re scared, so fucking scared.” He ran his nose along the side of mine, his lips coming back to mine, but not kissing me, just being still. “I thought I was doing this right, going slow, being patient, but now I think that was the wrong way.”

  He rested both of his palms against my neck and squeezed gently, rubbing his thumbs along my throat bending down enough to lay his lips against mine, kissing me slowly, like a whisper before he was gone and had pushed my door open behind me. He placed his hand on my stomach and pushed me backwards until I stood just inside the doorway.

  I was confused when he backed away, a grin playing around his mouth. “Lock up Kate.”

  “What?” I shook my head. “What did you mean you did it the wrong way.”

  He grinned and winked before turning and walking down the stairs.

  “Luke!” I called out, but he just kept walking until he reached his SUV, got in and started it up.

  He waited and I knew he would until I went in the house and locked up, so I backed up and closed the door, sighing when I heard him pull out.



  I swung my head to the right when I heard voices from around the side of my house. I stood from my position with my elbows on the deck rail and made my way to that side of the deck, fucking shocked when I saw not one of my brothers, but all of them walking my way. Jake opened the gate on the fence and they all made their way through, a case of beer hanging from Ben’s hand.

  “Hey brother.” Brody said, making his way onto my deck first and slapping his hand against my shoulder.

  My eyes flicked over all six of my brothers. “What the hell’s going on?”

  “Just thought we’d come have a beer.” Ben announced. “Haven’t done it in a while.”

  “I just saw you tw
o last night.” I reminded Jake and Ben who were busy handing out beers from the case now sitting on the table.

  “The rest of us couldn’t make it last night, so we thought we’d come tonight.” Cam said, holding a beer out to me.

  I grabbed it from him, but narrowed my eyes. “Is this about the shit from last night?”

  “Did you talk to her?” Jake asked.

  “What the hell do you think?” I snapped.

  I saw the surprise on all their faces when I snapped at them, that wasn’t my style. I wasn’t a hot-head, wasn’t impulsive, I was cool, calm, and controlled.

  Until Kate anyway.

  “Look, we know you’re pissed we said anything, but brother what would you have done?” Jake said.

  I exhaled heavily. “I don’t know.”

  Jax took a drink from his bottle. “Yes, you do.”

  “What’d she say?” Ben asked.

  “She said it wasn’t a date and honestly, I didn’t get that vibe when I met him.”

  Cam’s eyes widened. “You met him?”

  I nodded and took a long drink of the cold beer. “Yep.”

  “When?” Cam asked.

  I rolled my lips together. “He was at Kate’s when I showed up.”

  “Fuck.” Brody whispered.

  “It wasn’t like that.” I muttered.


  Chris started, but I interrupted him. “It wasn’t.” I shot them all a look. “She’s not dating him, hell she’s not dating anyone. Including me.” I leaned my elbows to the railing again and stared into the back yard, taking another drink, the quiet surrounding us. It lasted for a while before Brody spoke up.

  “Do you guys remember Sally Lawson?” Brody asked and we all groaned.

  I dropped my head and grinned. “She was like our fucking kryptonite.”

  “First girl we all had a crush on.” Jax smiled. “Thought I was gonna have to beat all your asses to get to her.”

  I laughed. “If I remember right, you actually said you’d beat all our asses to get her.”


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