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Kate (The Dimarco Series Book 5)

Page 23

by Jennifer Hanks

  I looked at Luke beside me. “What is this place?”

  Luke shrugged. “I don’t know. Cam told me about it. I guess he and Syd come here a lot to watch bands, but he said the atmosphere is really cool and the food’s good.”

  I flicked my eyes around the room and nodded. “This place is cool.”

  There was really no way to describe the décor except maybe, vintage. I was glad I wore the dress I chose because it wasn’t too fancy, but it definitely fit in with this place. I flipped open my menu and scanned it, the same as Luke, and ordered when the waitress came to our table. Sitting back, I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders, but I didn’t tense up, I allowed my body to sink into his side.

  He ran his fingers through my hair, playing with the ends, facing the band when they started playing a song. It wasn’t one I recognized, but it was a beautiful song and I was having a good time tucked in tight against Luke’s side and listening. I dropped my head to his shoulder and listened while they played a few more.

  We slid apart when our food came, both of us digging in, talking about the restaurant. I decided it was a good time to talk about our living situation while the vibe of the room was relaxed.

  “So,” I started, setting my fork down beside my plate. “I wanted to talk to you about our living situation.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Our living situation?”


  He lifted his fork to his mouth. “What about it?”

  “Well, I just wanted you to know,” I looked down at my plate. “I’m going to start looking for places for Andy and I.”

  When he didn’t answer, I looked up surprised to see his face was blank. I really thought he’d have some emotion about us moving. “Where do you plan to look?”

  I cleared my throat, trying to squash my unreasonable feelings of disappointment. Why wasn’t he arguing with me? “I was thinking close to the school if possible or maybe closer to my work.”

  He nodded. “That’s a good idea.”

  I smiled at our mature conversation, even though I was completely confused by this Luke. He smiled and picked up his fork, finishing his dinner, but I only sipped my wine. For some reason, I’d lost my appetite.

  “Hey everyone.”

  I turned my head towards the stage when someone spoke.

  “We’re taking requests if you have any, but other than that, sit back and we hope you enjoy the show.”

  They started playing and I realized the few soft songs they’d played were probably just them warming up because when they got started, they were playing a variety of songs, all different speeds. Keeping my head turned, I watched them do two before I felt myself being tugged back. I looked over my shoulder as Luke moved me to sit right up against him, again tucked into his side, but this time his hand lay on my thigh. I snuggled in, wanting to not only enjoy this night, but memorize it as well. I was afraid it would be both our first and last date.

  We listened to a few songs, and I was so caught up in the music and the feel of Luke tight against my side, that I didn’t even notice our table had been cleared until I heard Luke’s voice order us both another drink. I completely understood the idea of the half-circle booth now that I was in it. It was cozy and the perfect way to watch the band play, sitting close to your date, assuming you wanted to be close, which if I was being honest at least with myself, I absolutely did.

  I tensed when I felt Luke’s hand tighten on my leg, the song shifting from light to something deep and full of bass. I’d realized at some point they were playing their own music which is why I hadn’t recognized any of the songs, but they were good, really good actually. When he lifted his hand, I let out the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding, only to tense again when he shifted my body so he could wrap his arm around my back and curve his body around me, his other hand landing on my thigh.

  High on my thigh.

  A shiver worked through my body at the intimacy of the way we were sitting, completely surrounded by each other, touching every part of our bodies that we could. He rubbed his hand along my thigh, his other arm resting along my waist, his hand playing with my hair. I started to relax again, only to tense when his hand slid under the hem of my dress and ran up my naked thigh. My breathing increased, but couldn’t be heard, only to Luke and I, because of the volume of the music. I glanced around, noting everyone was in their own little world, whispering, holding hands, completely consumed by each other while they listened to the band.

  He ran his fingertips along the side of my panties, up around my thigh and back down, resting once again at the top of my thigh, close to my inner thigh. When his fingers slipped between my thighs and he pulled my leg gently, I must’ve lost my mind because I let him, knowing I didn’t want to stop him, but I also didn’t want to admit that to anyone but myself.

  He rested his hand along my inner thigh, his fingers brushing up against the seam of my panties, but his hand was still, so I let my body relax again and focused on the music. We stayed that way through another song, but as the song played, my body was responding to the nearness of his fingers. If he just moved them a little bit, he’d be touching me in the way I was starting to need him to touch me. I wiggled a little, trying to calm myself down, but I wasn’t having any luck. I wanted his fingers on me, hell I wanted more than that.

  His fingers fluttered and my breath hitched, giving me away, although there was no way he hadn’t already realized he was getting to me. His fingertips flicked along the seam of my wet panties and I released the breath I’d been holding, my stomach clenching, my clit throbbing. He softly ran his fingers up and down my slit, the only thing between us was the thin material of my panties. When he pushed my panties to the side and ran his fingers along my bare slit, I moaned.

  “Shh baby.” His breath fluttered along my ear. I nodded my head sharply, dropping my hand and pushing his fingers tight up against me.

  My body was tight and tense, close to orgasm which was impossible because he’d only been touching me softly, he hadn’t even put his fingers on my clit yet, but my body was responding like I could explode at any moment.

  I scooted my butt forward a little when he pulled my thigh up and over his, opening me completely to him. His fingers trailed up my thigh, landing once again on my center, playing only against my slit, never putting pressure where I needed it. I dropped my hand to his thigh and squeezed, my body tight, my mind focused only on his fingers and what they were doing. I no longer noticed the music or the people, only Luke and his magical fingers.

  He added more pressure, his fingers pushing in further, rubbing harder, his soft touch gone and I needed more. I shifted and buried my head in to his neck, taking a deep breath, getting off on his scent. Who smells this good? If I could, I’d bottle his scent and carry it around with me. When I felt his finger push inside me, I had to press my lips tightly together to keep from moaning again. My breath was coming in short pants and I’d never in my life been happier that the music was loud now, louder than it had been before.

  When he pushed in the second finger and his thumb brushed against my clit, my back arched. He tightened his other hand on my waist, holding me in place while he slowly moved his fingers in and out, only brushing his thumb over my clit every few strokes. I closed my eyes and kept my face buried in his neck, knowing if anyone looked closely they couldn’t mistake what we were doing, but the way we were seated and positioned, how dim the lighting was, I’d be surprised if anyone could really see us.

  Luke’s fingers moved quicker and his thumb rubbed against my clit, but this time he didn’t stop. His fingers were relentless, his thumb flicking faster and faster over my clit. I was lost to the world, my focus only on his fingers, the release I felt coming and man, was it coming. It was going to be big and hard, I could feel it. He must’ve too because seconds before I orgasmed one of the biggest orgasms of my life, he moved his other hand from around my back and ran it up my arm, pulling my face from his neck, and smashed his lips against mine. An
d I came, harder than I’d even thought I would. His fingers never stopped pumping until I was completely spent, his lips never moving from mine, swallowing every sound I made until my body sagged against his side. He pulled his fingers from me and straightened my skirt, moving his mouth from mine and touching his wet fingers to his lips. I felt my body clench at the site, never imagining that would be hot, but damn everything this man does is hot to me.

  He reached down and grabbed my hand. “Grab your purse, baby.”

  His voice was husky, his eyes intense and I nodded, grabbing my purse and moving out of the booth behind him. “Don’t you have to pay?”

  “Already did.”

  How the hell had I missed that? It must’ve been when I was lost in the music, just sitting close before his hand slid under my dress.

  I followed behind him as he pulled me from the restaurant, his direction clear, surprised when I could feel the waves of tension rolling off of his body.



  I didn’t expect to take it that far, but fuck if I could stop when I heard her breath hitch and she buried her face in my neck. Walking quickly to the vehicle, I helped her in and shut the door before moving around the front of my SUV, trying to calm myself down before I got back in to a tight space where all I could see and smell was Kate.

  It was fucking impossible for me to see anyone else.

  Knowing Kate, I was betting she was not only embarrassed, but also regretting what had happened. I’d planned to take her out, listen to music and then take her back to our house and do what we just did in the restaurant, well, that and more, but when she told me she was moving, I saw red. All I could think about was showing her how good we are together and the only way to do that was to actually show her.

  I pulled out of the parking lot and started heading home, knowing no matter what I was not letting her turn this into something bad because it had been fucking amazing. I was also not letting her move. I’d do whatever I could to show her that she and Andy were right where they belong.

  She was quiet for so long that my body jerked when I heard her seat belt click and she turned in her seat, reaching over the center console and resting her hand on my leg. I had no idea what she was doing so I kept my eyes on the road, hoping like hell I was able to concentrate with her hand there or I was pulling over. I saw my chance to avoid traffic and turned onto a back road, still heading home, but on less busy streets.

  She pushed up on to her knees and reached over, placing her mouth by my ear, running her hand up to lay over my rock-hard cock. “Is this okay?”

  Her breath against my ear made me impossibly harder. “Kate.”

  I started my warning, but her hand pressed down, wrapping it around my cock and running her hand up and down slowly. I clenched my jaw, my body responding with my hips jerking forward, pressing even closer to her hand. “Baby, you need to stop so I don’t wreck the fucking car.”

  I felt her smile against my cheek before she ran her lips down over my jaw and pressed her tongue against the side of my throat. My arm moved all on its own across the console and up under her dress, my hand landing directly on her pussy. I ripped her panties to the side and slammed two fingers in deep, pumping hard when she sunk her teeth into the side of my neck and groaned. “Yes.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief when I veered onto our street, speeding up, tires squealing as I turned sharply into the driveway, threw it in park and turned off the engine at the same time I pulled my fingers from her dripping pussy. I ripped the keys from the ignition and wrapped my arms around her waist, yanking her over the console and out the door. She plastered herself to my front while we hauled ass to the door, kissing my throat while I fumbled with the damn keys until I found the right one, shoved it in the lock and pushed the door open. I punched in the alarm code with her lips working their way down my throat, her hands shoving up beneath my shirt. Dropping the keys, I slammed the door and then her body up against it, my mouth crushing hers with the intensity I’d be controlling all night. We tore at each other’s clothes, the sound of ripping material loud, but also a huge fucking turn-on. We had off enough that I could pull her leg up around my hip and slam into her, grunting when she threw her head back and arched her back.

  It was fast, it was hard and rough and it was exactly what we both wanted if the noises in the room were anything to go by. When I couldn’t get deep enough, I pulled out, but kept my mouth on hers and backed us up to the couch before turning her around and pushing her down, face first. Wrapping my hands around her hips, I yanked her ass up and drove my cock back in, both of us groaning loudly at the impact. I moved fast, thrusting harder when she reached around and grabbed my hand pulling it around and slapping my palm against her pussy. I smirked at how demanding she was in bed and loving every minute of it, I put my finger and thumb on her clit and rubbed furiously.

  “Luke.” She moaned long and loud, her pussy squeezing me so goddamn tight from her orgasm she forced my own.

  “Holy Christ.” I groaned, collapsing against her back, my cock still fucking jerking even after there was nothing left. I’ve never had the kinds of orgasms I’ve had with her. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if I blacked out.

  After I caught my breath, I realized I had to be crushing her, so I pulled myself off of her and the couch, reaching down and lifting her to her feet. Grinning at the dazed look on her face, I led her to the bedroom where she immediately crawled onto the bed, laid on her back and flung her arm over her forehead. I grabbed a cloth from the bathroom, ran it under hot water before going back to her and wiping her clean. She groaned when the cloth ran over her pussy and I grinned again, knowing she had to be sensitive.

  I had not been gentle.

  I threw the cloth back into the bathroom and slid into bed, rolling her until I could press my front against her back, wrapping her tightly in my arms. “You okay?”


  I chuckled at her answer or lack of and snuggled her tighter against me. “You and Andy are not moving.”

  She snorted and her shoulders shook, making me laugh right along with her, but she didn’t answer and I was taking that as a good sign. At least she wasn’t arguing with me.

  “You know what I just figured out?”

  “Are you always this chatty after sex?” She giggled quietly.

  I wasn’t, I realized, not usually anyway. “Only with you.” I answered honestly.

  “What did you figure out?” She asked.

  Accepting she was trying to ignore my last comment, I moved on. For now. “I figured out that if I give you enough orgasms, you’re much easier to deal with.”

  I grunted when her elbow jammed back into my stomach, but I heard her giggling. I pulled her close and shoved my leg in between hers, settling in. “Night, baby.”

  She sighed and ran her hand along my arm. “Night, Luke.”

  I fell asleep with a smile on my face, only waking when the light of the sun coming through the bedroom window was strong. Blinking away sleep, I saw we had moved through the night and I ended up on my back with her spread across my chest, her hair everywhere. I rubbed my hand over my face and yawned, wondering how I was going to get out to take a piss without waking her up. Reaching down, I pushed her hair out of her face, watching her for a minute, so fucking in love with her that I couldn’t imagine waking up any other way for the rest of my life.

  I moved easily from under her, trying not to jostle her too much and slid my pillow under her arm, watching her curl her body around it like it was me still lying there. Using the bathroom, I debated waking her up with my mouth between her legs now, or letting her sleep a little longer and then doing it. Either way, that was happening this morning.

  Grabbing my pants from the chair in the corner, I pulled them up before making my way to the kitchen and starting a cup of coffee, deciding to let her sleep a little longer, after all it was only six in the morning. My body lived by its own clock, so no matter what time I went
to bed, my body knew it was time to be up by six. I added some milk to my coffee cup and headed towards the back door, through the kitchen. Pushing open the door, I stepped out onto the deck I’d built almost immediately after moving in and walked over to lean against the top rail, breathing in the warm summer air.

  My head snapped to the right when I heard a sound and smiled at Jake who was standing on his deck, sipping from his own coffee cup.

  He returned my smile. “Morning brother.”


  He took a drink and walked towards the end of his deck closest to mine, so I did the same. “Heard you come home last night.”

  My eyes widened. “You were still up?”

  He snorted out a laugh. “No, we weren’t, not until you pulled in, tires squealing. After that we were up.”

  I tried to feel guilty, but I couldn’t, not after what happened on the way home. Grinning, I shrugged my shoulders, making his smile grow. “Sorry.”

  Jake leaned against the railing and laughed. “You are not fucking sorry.”

  I shook my head. “Nope.”

  “Don’t worry, once we were up we found ways to entertain ourselves.” Jake said.

  I smirked. “Wasn’t worried.”

  He laughed again, but then his face grew serious. “Happy for you, brother.” He pursed his lips, lost in thought before he spoke again. “After what happened—”

  “Don’t go there, man. It’s over, we’re all fine.”

  He nodded and dropped his head. “When I think about how it could’ve ended—”

  “It ended the right way, Jake. We can’t live in the “what-ifs”, we just need to move forward.”

  He faced me again. “You were shot, man, with the help of my ex. That shit will stay with me forever.”

  “You need to let yourself off the hook, brother, they were going to get to me one way or another. This was my doing. I knew what I was doing and I knew what the consequences could be.” I glanced out into the yard before turning my attention back to Jake. “Met with the boys and the MC the other day.”


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