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Death Prophecies 3: The Unknown Enemy Will Kill You

Page 3

by Saxon Andrew

  The manatee moving toward them was a giant; it had to weigh more than three thousand pounds and it was moving directly toward Dillon. It swerved slightly to the left and then back to the right. It finally arrived three feet in front of Dillon and he reached out and scratched the manatee’s face. He pulled John’s arm forward and he began rubbing it as well.

  Suddenly, a small manatee swam around the giant and moved directly in front of Timmy. The manatee had a baby! Timmy looked at Dillon and he nodded. Timmy reached out and rubbed the baby under its neck. It moved closer and Timmy’s smile was huge.

  • • •

  Mrs. Hart stood up and looked where the three had stopped swimming. She stood up on the driver’s chair and saw something huge break the water slightly in front of the three swimmers. Her heart went into her throat and she collapsed into the chair. That thing was huge.

  • • •

  After twenty minutes, Dillon grabbed their arms and backed away from the two manatees. Timmy resisted but only for a moment. They swam back to the boat and Dillon helped them climb on board. The boys took off their snorkels and ran to their mother, “MOM! WE PETTED A MANATEE AND HER BABY!”

  She tried to speak but the two boys were too excited to stop telling her about what happened. Dillon gave them time to talk and he finally pulled up the anchors and started back to the marina. He looked at John, “Do you think you can show me the way back?”

  John picked up the map and sat down beside Dillon. He turned it and pointed to the left, “Head toward that island.”

  “Very good!” Dillon took them back to the dock, where Scott was waiting to tie the boat off.

  Timmy ran up to Dillon, “Will you take us again! Pleeese!”

  Dillon looked at John and saw him staring at him, “If it’s ok with your mother.”

  Mrs. Hart stood up, looked at her boys, and said, “Thank Mr. McCagg and go to the car to take off those wet shirts.” Scott lifted the two boys out of the boat and they ran toward their car. Scott pulled Mrs. Hart up to the dock and she turned and looked at Dillon, “Thank you for taking my sons out. However, they will not be coming back.”

  Dillon’s eyebrows came together, “Why is that, Mrs. Hart?”

  “I don’t allow my boys to associate with anyone in the service. Good day!”

  She walked away and Scott said, “I’m sorry, Dillon. I had no idea she was like that.”

  Dillon nodded, “She does have two good boys, Scott. They’re going to be fine adults one day. I’m going back out.”

  Scott untied the boat and Dillon backed out from the dock. The boys saw their mother staring at the boat as it left and they knew to be quiet. They knew her expressions and this one wasn’t good.

  • • •

  Janell walked into the cafeteria and saw Rowdy sitting at a table. He saw her coming and stood up, “That was a lot longer than five minutes.”

  “You know how personnel can be. By the way, I’ve been thinking about talking with China about allowing me to take her place.”

  “No, I’ll ask her.”

  “It is more appropriate that I talk with her about it. She’ll understand that we’re going to be married soon and will probably accept it better coming from me.”

  “No, Janell. I’ll be the one to ask her.”

  “Why are you so nervous about my talking with her?”

  “I’m not nervous about it. It’s just that it will be a shock and I want to make sure she understands why. Besides, is it a really good idea for a married couple to serve on the same ship?”

  “Are you afraid I might cramp your style?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Does China know we’re engaged?” Rowdy’s expression showed his discomfort. “Does she?”

  “Listen, China has a thing for me and I’ve not told her so things wouldn’t get all emotional and interfere with our working together.”

  Janell pursed her lips, “So China has a thing for you?”

  “She does.”

  “What about Captain Howell? Does she have a thing for you as well?” Rowdy’s expression showed his shock. “Oh, you weren’t going to tell her either?”

  “Who is Captain Howell?”

  Janell lifted her wrist unit and forwarded it to the video of him leaving the ship arm in arm with a tall red headed woman, “That Captain Howell.”

  “Where did you get this?”

  “I tricked China into sharing it with me. You should know that she’s been collecting evidence of your piggish behavior and is going to personnel to get then to reassign her. I suspect your wings are about to be clipped.” Janell picked up Rowdy’s cup of coffee and threw it into his face. She took off her ring and hit him right between the eyes. “I suspect she’s in personnel right now showing them what a pig you are!”

  Janell stood up and stormed out of the cafeteria. Rowdy’s mouth was wide open and he quickly pressed his wrist unit. China appeared and he said through clenched teeth, “What are you doing showing my fiancé recordings about me?!”

  China was shocked by the accusation but then she smiled, “You never mentioned you’re engaged.”

  “That’s none of your business!”

  “Well, I wanted to collect more data on what a pig you are but I guess what I have will have to do. By the way, your fiancé is a pretty smart cookie. She tricked me. However, personnel will like seeing what I’ve collected.”

  The small display went dark and Rowdy panicked. There was no telling what China had collected. He scrolled through his contacts and found the one he was searching for. He pressed the button and a Fleet Commodore appeared, “Yes, Captain Toland. Is there a reason you’ve contacted me without going through channels?”

  Rowdy had stood up and started walking toward his ship. He saw China walking down the hall toward personnel. “Sir, my weapon’s officer has fabricated false information about me in order to damage my career.”

  “Why would she do that, Captain?”

  “She’s angry that I’m engaged. She’s jealous and intends to present false evidence against me.”

  “Please put your charges in writing and if they’re proven to be true, she will be court marshalled.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Rowdy started jumping up and down. He had to get to the ship and erase everything incriminating in the computer’s database. The door finally opened and he ran out of the front entrance toward his ship. He arrived and found two armed marines standing at the port. He started to step by them and one of them said, “That’s far enough, Captain.”


  “Your ship has been impounded pending an investigation. No one but a Fleet Computer Specialist will be allowed on board until the issue is resolved. And Sir, you should change your uniform. You’re a mess.”

  “I’ll go on board and change into a clean one.”

  The marine smiled, “Then it looks like you’ll remain dirty. Go by the store and pick up a new one. No one goes on board until the Admiral Approves it.”


  “Admiral Gomez has personally taken charge of this problem.”

  Rowdy knew he was in serious trouble. He had done exactly what he had accused China of doing. He had made false accusations against her. Once the computer expert went into the database, he would be facing criminal charges. He shook his head and ran toward the front entrance. He rode the elevator up and once again jumped up and down as he pounded the wall, “COME ON!!” The elevator opened and he hoped he wasn’t too late. He sprinted down the hall and saw China and Janell sitting next to each other on a bench outside Fleet Personnel. He ran past them and forced himself to slow down as he approached the front counter. A Fleet Captain walked up and glanced at his uniform and tilted her head back, “How can I help you, Captain?”

  “I need a blank sheet of paper and a pen.” The woman stared at him and reached under the counter and took out a pen and piece of paper. Rowdy quickly began writing and then handed it to her.

  “Are you resigning from the s

  “Effective immediately.” The woman stared at him and passed the piece of paper back to him. “What’s wrong?”

  “You’ll need to sign and date it.” Rowdy started writing and the woman looked at the clock, “Put sixteen hundred and twenty three hours next to today’s date.” Rowdy started writing again and passed it back to the woman. She looked at him and lowered her head, “I’ll need an address to send you separation papers.”

  Rowdy wanted to scream but he took the paper back and wrote his parent’s address on the bottom. The woman looked at the paper and then stared at Rowdy, “Usually when this happens, someone is trying to avoid charges being brought against them.”

  “Are you going to accept the resignation or not!?”

  “Hold on.” The woman walked back to her desk and lifted her communicator. She spoked into it for a few moments and then walked back to the counter. “Your resignation has been accepted by Admiral Gomez. He wants you to know that an investigation will still be done and the results entered in your file just in case you might come back later and try to reenlist.” Rowdy’s eyes closed for a moment. That was exactly what he was going to do. The ship’s next commander would have cleared all the data. The woman smiled at him, “Have a good day, Mr. Toland.” Rowdy winced. She didn’t call him Captain. He turned and walked out the door. He looked at China and Janell as he passed and they saw the hatred in his eyes.

  “What’s going on with him?”

  “I don’t know, China. I’m sorry I tricked you.”

  “You should be an actress; you played that role to perfection. How in six heavens did you ever get tied up to him?”

  “I guess I refused to see the clues. Now I can understand why there were so many times he wasn’t available.”

  “You’re lucky.”

  The female Captain stepped out of the door and said, “Lt. Park.”

  China stood up, “Yes, Sir.”

  “I understand you have some evidence you wish to deliver to us.” China handed her the computer chip and the Captain smiled, “Your ship is currently impounded until a full investigation is completed. Admiral Gomez has asked me to instruct you to take two weeks off until this issue is resolved.”

  “Sir, what was Captain Toland doing?”

  The Captain smiled, “Resigning from the service. Have a nice day.”

  China smiled, “It just got better, Sir.” The captain smiled, winked, and went back through the door.” China looked Janell, “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Look, I’m going to check into the Hyatt in the city. Why don’t you come and stay with me until they resolve your issue. We can go out tonight and celebrate our freedom.”

  Janell smiled, “Thanks, I’ll contact you when they tell me what’s going on.”

  China stood up and hugged Janell, “I’ll see you later.” Janell nodded and sat back down. China was hugging every one she met as she walked down the corridor telling them, “I’m free!” Most were stunned by being hugged by such a beautiful woman.

  Chapter Three

  Dillon entered his room and saw the yellow message lamp on the phone was flashing. He picked up the handset and punched the message button. “Mr. McCagg, will you please call me.” He listened to the number and entered it into his wrist unit. No need to make an outside call when he could make it free on his unit. He pressed it and it buzzed several times before he heard, “Hello.”

  He smiled, “Good evening Mrs. Hart.”

  “Mr. McCagg, I’m hoping that you might take Timmy and John out again tomorrow.”

  “I thought you didn’t want them associating with anyone in the service.”

  “I don’t. But they’re refusing to talk to me.”


  “Oh they answer me when spoken to but that’s the only time they talk to me. Their little trip with you has spoiled them and they aren’t lightening up, even after three days.”

  “Mrs. Hart, I’ll take them out again but only under two conditions.”

  “What are those?”

  “That you will do whatever I ask of you during the trip.”

  “What else?”

  “That you will go in the water with us.”

  “I have absolutely no desire to get close to those beasts!”

  “OK, have it your way.” Dillon hung up and took the hamburger out of the bag he had brought in with him. He took a bite and continued to mentally count. When he reached twenty, the hotel phone rang. He wiped his face with a paper napkin and picked it up, “Hello.”

  “Alright, I’ll do as you ask!”

  “Be here by eight in the morning.” The call abruptly ended and Dillon smiled. Her sons were really strong-willed and he assumed they learned it from their mother. He expected there would be some resistance out of them but not this much. Mrs. Hart was very strong willed and they must have made things really tough on her to get her to agree to his conditions. He finished his meal and called it a day. He suspected his time off was coming to an end shortly and he would leave for the black hole soon. The monster dominated his dreams and it showed up again that night.

  • • •

  Mrs. Hart was furious but she knew her sons. This time they were angry and they wouldn’t let it go. She sighed and went to her dresser. She began pulling clothes out and shook her head. Where was it? After ten minutes, she finally found the old bathing suit she had worn with John and boys the last time they had gone to the beach. She undressed and tried it on. She remembered it being much tighter. She must have lost weight since John…left them. She sat down on the bed and looked up, “I know you are listening. Come in.” Nothing happened and she said, “I said, COME IN!” The door opened and John led Timmy in the room. “Mr. McCagg has agreed to take you out in the morning.” The two boys’ eyes went wide and they ran and threw themselves in their mother’s arms. She hugged them tightly and after a few minutes said, “Both of you should go and get some sleep. We have an early start in the morning.” The boys kissed her on the cheeks and ran out of the room talking excitedly about the next day.

  Mrs. Hart looked at the bathing suit she was wearing and remembered that day on the beach. She threw herself across the bed and wept. “Oh John, why did you have to leave us!” She cried until sleep took her. She neglected to set an alarm.

  • • •

  Steve sat on the boat and looked at his wrist unit. It was eight fifteen and there was no sign of the Harts. Scott looked at him and shrugged, “It looks like she’s changed her mind.”

  Dillon turned the key to start the motor and heard a squeal of tires in the hotel’s parking lot. He turned the motor off and saw the old Nissan come roaring up to the marina. He saw Timmy jump out of the car and he could hear him at the boat, “HE’S STILL HERE, MOM! COME ON!”

  Dillon smiled and nodded to Scott who began putting several long hoses into the boat. The three Harts walked down to the dock and Dillon saw Mrs. Hart still had on the wide brimmed hat she wore the first time along with a long beach dress over her bathing suit. He helped them into the boat as Scott untied it. He and Dillon noticed that Mrs. Hart’s perpetual scowl was still present. Dillon looked at Mrs. Hart and said, “Come and sit here.”


  “You agreed to do what I asked, Mrs. Hart.”

  She rolled her eyes and moved over to the seat behind the steering wheel. Dillon turned the key and the motor started running. “Alright, turn the steering wheel all the way to the left.”

  “I don’t know anything about driving a boat.”

  Dillon tilted his head, “Turn the steering wheel all the way to the left.” She rolled her eyes again and turned the steering wheel. “Now, grip the handle and squeeze it. When you feel it click, pull the handle slowly back.” She blew out a breath and did as he instructed. The pontoon boat backed away from the dock and Dillon said, “Now turn the wheel all the way to the right.” She did as he asked and the boat backed out into the middle of the canal faci
ng toward the canal’s exit. “Now, push the handle forward until it clicks.” She pushed it and heard it click into a slot. “Now squeeze it and move it slightly forward.” The boat started moving away from the marina and Dillon said, “Stay close to the wall all the way around the point to avoid the rocks. John, here’s the map. I want you to trace our route today on it, Ok?”

  John took the map and Dillon stood up, “Ride beside your mother and direct her out of the canal into open water.” John sat down and began telling his mother which way to steer. Dillon sat down in the back of the boat beside Timmy and saw him bobbing up and down. Timmy saw him look at him and he immediately stopped bobbing. Dillon smiled, “Stay calm.” Timmy smiled and nodded.

  “Are we going to see the large mother and her baby?”

  “Her name is Sally and no, we’re not going there today. We’re going to see Jimmy first.”


  “He’s one of the old timers here.” Dillon looked at John, “I have an X with a one beside it drawn on the map, John. Do you see it?” John nodded. “Direct your mother to that location. Mrs. Hart, you can pull the handle some more and pick up some speed. We’ve left the idle zone.” She pulled the handle slowly toward her and Dillon said, “That’s good enough.” He sat back and looked up at the sky and smiled. It was a glorious day.

  Dillon stood up after fifteen minutes and said, “Mrs. Hart, steer for that large yellow ball floating on the water. Pull back on the handle when you get close and approach it slowly.” She did as he instructed and he put his hand on hers and showed her how to put the boat in reverse to stop it. “John, lower the front anchor slowly into the water.” John went forward and Dillon dropped the rear anchor. Dillon walked over and picked up a mask with a hose attached to it. “Each of you take a mask and put it over your faces. Dillon pressed the start button on the tank and the compressor started humming. “What are those?”

  “Timmy, these masks will allow us to talk under water and hear each other. But first I want all of you to get accustomed to breathing with them. Put them on.” Mrs. Hart took off her hat and Dillon was surprised. She had honey blonde hair. She unpinned it and used a hair band to tie it back in a ponytail. She put on the mask with her ever-present scowl. They spent the next fifteen minutes getting accustomed to breathing and talking with the masks on. Then Dillon said, “I’ll go in first, then John, then Mrs. Hart, and finally Timmy.”


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