Book Read Free


Page 9

by Debbie Civil

  Chapter 10

  Today is the best day ever! It is full of rainbows and beautiful flowers. Hell, throw in a few happy, soft, cuddly, kittens. That’s the kind of mood that I awake in. Putting on a blue sun dress, I eat breakfast, which is a gigantic blueberry muffin, courtesy of Amy, and decide on a walk. I have just gotten off the elevator when Grandmother Betty appears in front of me. She is wearing a cotton dress and her gray hair is up in a brutal bun. Otis stands beside her scowling as always. I want to glare at the man, but my mood is that great. Nothing can bring it down! Nothing at all!

  “Otis can’t drive you around anymore,” she says. This woman is seriously an ice queen. There is no emotion or regret in her eyes. She is frigid. That suits her just fine.

  “Yes grandmother,” I say. She sighs and hands a set of keys to me.

  “Happy birthday Chelsea. Here is your present. Peter helped me pick it out. It’s a red convertible. Otis will show you where to go.”

  “Thank you Grandma!” I squeal, clutching the keys to my chest. Having a car means freedom. Otis can’t report where I go anymore. I pause for a moment, realizing that I have just called my grandmother, grandma. The excitement must have gotten to my head.

  Sitting in the driver seat of my new car, I plug my Iphone in, intending on blasting music. But then it occurs to me that I have nowhere to go. Well, this could be remedied.

  “Hi!” Adam sounds excited.

  “Guess who is coming to Elmview,” I say. There is an awkward silence on the line.

  “When will you be here?” Adam asks.

  “Grandma bought me a car for my birthday. I figure that I could stop by and see you,” I say.

  “I’m at work. Can we meet for lunch?” Adam asks.

  “Sure. Where?”

  “Larry’s,” Adam responds and my face lights up.

  It’s fun driving again. It’s nice outside so the top is down. The breeze caresses my face as I drive toward Elmview. When Adam sees the car he’s going to cry with envy. I pull into “Larry’s” and slip out of the car.

  “Chelsea?” Lilly asks as she gets out of a Honda with one of her friends. She stares at me and the car as if not working out why I’m here.

  “Hey,” I say. My heart is pounding. But then, I tell myself to calm down. It’s only Lilly. So what if she tells Peter that Adam and I are eating lunch? Worst comes to worst, I’ll tell him it isn’t true. He won’t believe the girl that hooked up with his best friend. I rush into the cozy restaurant and see Adam sitting in a booth. I join him and grin. He’s already ordered a strawberry lemonade for me.

  “You look beautiful today,” Adam says as he stares at me.

  “I don’t look beautiful every day?” I tease. Adam frowns.

  “Not really. When you wear sweats, you look homeless.” His comment stings. But there is no time to argue with him about it. Joan, our usual waitress comes to take our order.

  “Hi honey. What can I get for you?” she asks Adam.

  “I want a small pepperoni Pizza and Chelsea wants a double cheeseburger with bacon,” Adam responds. Him ordering for me kinds of irks me. How did he know I wanted a cheeseburger? Ok, I love cheeseburgers, but what gives him the right to do that? The memory of Peter and how he lets me order my own meal makes me long for him. It’s strange. But I suddenly don’t want to be here with Adam, the guy who thinks that I look like a bum in sweat pants. I want to be with the guy that thinks that I’m the best thing since sliced bread.

  “What are you thinking about?” Adam asks before taking a sip of my lemonade. He always does that. He can’t make up his mind between sprite and Strawberry lemonade. I order the strawberry lemonade and he gets the sprite. He can just take a sip out of my drink whenever he pleases. I can’t help but think about how things are different with Peter. He always seems to know what he wants. No! Thinking of the boy with the beautiful dark eyes isn’t helping. No matter what feelings you have for him, Adam is what you want. I couldn’t deny that anymore. The beautiful blue eyed boy sitting in front of me is who I want. I vow not to think about Peter again. And that only makes me wonder if Peter is thinking about Ivy. Once that door opens, plenty of insecurities pour out.

  “Do you think Ivy is prettier than me?” I ask, feeling vulnerable. I don't even know why it matters, but I just have to know.

  “No. Chelsea, looks have nothing to do with why I couldn’t leave her alone. It’s just that when you’re so far away, I’m alone. It kills me to be alone. It kills me to be without you. Chelsea, I know that I don’t deserve it. You don’t trust me, I’ve cheated on you, and I haven’t been the kindest to you. Breaking up with me was the best thing you could have done for me. So, will you take me back?” The waitress puts our food in front of us, winks at me, then, heads off. I’ve gotten everything I’ve wanted for my seventeenth birthday, a car, lunch, and Adam.

  “Yes,” I say. Adam smiles.

  “Of course you’re giving me a chance. Chelsea, I am not good enough for you,” Adam admits.

  “Don’t forget it,” I say as I pop a fry into my mouth. The rest of lunch is filled with playful banter. Adam has to go back to the hardware store. He can’t hang tonight because he has something to do with his dad. I’m not disappointed. Maybe the girls and I can grab dinner or something. Adam walks me to the car and plants a gentle kiss on my lips. Kissing him is like a drug. A simple peck just isn’t enough. But, Adam has to go.

  With nowhere to go, I decide to drive to O’Malley’s. Maybe if I buy some stuff, the cook will let me bake. That sounds promising. Being inside the store brings upon a sense of nostalgia. How many times have I went here to find solace, when I got kicked off the squad? When Ivy stole my boyfriend, after Teresa decided hanging with me was pointless and when everyone started treating me horribly. By habit, I go down the junk food aisle. I’m putting a bag of Smart Food in the cart when someone taps me on the shoulder. I spin around to see Peter’s smiling face. Guilt smacks me in the gut, but I don’t let it show on my face. I smile, he smiles, and all appears to be well.

  “Chelsea,” Peter says as he wraps me in a strong embrace. His touch makes nausea invade my stomach. The burger and fries leaves a bad taste in my mouth. After taking is familiar scent in my lungs, the sickness subsides and I cling to him just as tightly. My head rests on his chest and the thump, thump, thump, of his heart is reassuring.

  “Peter, it’s nice to see you,” I say against his chest. Peter brushes his lips against the top of my head and I shiver. He releases me and brushes his lips against my cheek. His lips brand my skin and the feeling makes it difficult to speak.

  “Happy birthday! So, what is the birthday girl in Elmview for?” Peter’s question is playful. It’s also a good opening. Just say it Chelsea. Just say that you got back with Adam. Come on. Don’t be a coward. You have to let Peter know that nothing could ever happen between the two of you.

  “You have a shirt on,” I say instead. Peter stares at me and laughs. His laughter is like a soothing bomb to my heart. His eyes fill with affection for me.

  “Oh Chelsea. Don’t avoid the question,” he says as he taps my nose with his index finger. I can’t do this. Peter will know about Adam. He has to. Hopefully, we can be friends.

  “I had lunch with Adam.” Peter’s face closes up and he sighs.

  “When Lilly told me, I was hoping that it wasn’t true,” he admits.

  “It is. I…”

  “Peter!” Malcolm calls as he rounds the corner, pulling a cart full of groceries. Peter’s brother looks surprised to see me.

  “Oh, hi Chelsea. What brings you here?” Oh great. Malcolm starts to like me when it doesn’t matter anymore. How great.

  “Malcolm, can you give Chelsea and I a minute?” Peter asks.

  “I’ll pay and meet you in the car,” Malcolm says before driving off. I begin walking down the aisle, tossing in whatever I want.

  “Did you get back with him?” Peter asks. I look in his haunted eyes and lie.

  “No. I
t was just lunch,” I say. Wow, so now I have two boyfriends. Not to worry, I’ll dump Adam. He won’t miss me. Note to self, just send him a text breaking it off.

  “Lilly says she saw you two kissing.” Peter tells me.

  “Lilly has quite the imagination,” I laugh, glancing at a pack of gummy worms. Yup, their friendship is over. Peter’s eyes are expressive, and they say Lilly has messed with his life for the last time. I want to tell Peter that his friend is telling the truth. But there’s no way I’m losing him. He makes me happy. Then again, so does Adam. But Adam has Ivy and one touch from Peter makes me shiver. He is kind and Grandmother approves. And most importantly, he helped pick out the car.

  “Chelsea, I trust you. I understand you and Adam have a history. But, next time give me the heads up when you two decide to have lunch. I don’t want to find out through other people,” he says. I nod and kiss his cheek. Peter relaxes and smirks.

  “So, how did you get here?”

  “Otis,” I tease. Peter looks confused. I laugh and say “Grandmother told me you helped pick out the car. Thank you for that.” Peter grins.

  “Like it?” he asks.

  “Yup. Now, I’m going upstairs to the baking aisle and am going to by all the pastry dishes and all of the dough my heart desires,” I say.

  “Happy birthday baby,” Peter says before he kisses my lips. The contact is brief. And let me just say, it isn’t enough. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his mouth to mine and our kiss is long and lingering.

  “Peter, let’s go,” Malcolm hisses. Peter releases me with a joyful look on his face. His happiness warms my heart. Suddenly, I’m glad I didn’t tell Peter about the meaningless kiss. That would have broken his heart.

  After checking out and paying with the credit card that Grandma gave me, I carry my groceries to my car. On the windshield is a note. I pick it up and it has Peter’s name and an address.

  “Come here when you’re done. I want to see you. Peter,” I read aloud. Smirking, I hop into the car and turn on the ignition. Adam needs to be dumped. Maybe going to the hardware store would be the best bet. He hardly ever uses his cell phone. And he is bad at answering texts. When I arrive at the Wilson’s hardware store I groan as I park. I see Lilly leaving the hardware store. She looks agitated. When she spots me, her eyes are filled with contempt. So Peter has confronted her about the kiss. Great. Well, I have two options, ignore her, or pretend that she isn’t staring daggers at me. I smile at lily and approach.

  “You kissed Adam,” Lilly hisses.

  “Not like you think,” I defend.

  “What’s your game Chelsea?” Lilly asks.

  “I don’t have one. I just want my relationship with Peter to work.”

  “If you do, I suggest you stop kissing other men,” Lilly advises. Something inside me breaks. How dare she? Lilly thinks she is all high and mighty. What gives her the right to judge me?

  “How could you do that to Peter? After all he’s been through you hook up with his best friend?” Lilly’s green eyes fill with shame and they lower to the ground. She has nothing to say about that.

  “Chelsea,” Adam calls. He’s jogging toward me, a look of annoyance on his face.

  “Hi Adam,” I say. Lilly walks off.

  “What are you doing here?” Adam hisses. So he’s being his moody self-right now. At least that doesn’t make me feel bad.


  “I told you Chelsea, never visit me at work. Sometimes you can be so stupid.”

  “Goodbye Adam. Lose my number and never call me again. We are over,” I say before going back into my convertible and driving off. Good, now, Peter is my only boyfriend.

  Peter lives in a colonial in a decent side of town. The house is white with gray shingles. The lawn is neatly manicured and there are three cars in the driveway, a Pontiac, Toyota, and a Cadillac. I park in front of the house and get out. The sun is beating on me hard and sweat beads on my forehead. It’s a good thing I’m not wearing any makeup. Peter is in the doorway smiling at me. I run to him and wrap my arms around him.

  “Chelsea,” he says against my hair. I could stay there in his arms forever. Unfortunately, Peter releases me and we enter the house.

  “Hello,” a woman greets. She is tall, round, and very beautiful. Her dark eyes study me.

  “Hi,” I say.

  “Mom, this is Chelsea,” Peter says fondly. His eyes are filled with pride and affection when he introduces us. I shake hands with the woman and Peter walks me through the living room where Malcolm and Danny are watching a movie. Danny smiles at me.

  “Had I known you were going to Elmview, I would have caught a ride with you,” Danny tells me. She looks genuine, so I’m not on the offensive.

  “Want to ride back with me?” I ask, not wanting Otis or Malcolm driving her back.

  “Sure. Maybe we could grab some snacks on the way back. What do you say! A huge movie night for your birthday?” Danny asks. I smile. She’s obviously trying to bridge a gap between us.

  “Sounds fun. I got some junk food at the grocery store. We can sort through it and pick up whatever I missed,” I offer. Danny nods and I follow Malcolm into a carpeted hallway and up the carpeted staircase. There are four doors. We go into the second one on the right.

  “Welcome to my room,” Peter says. His room is immaculate, not a thing out of place. I sit down on the queen sized bed and sigh happily. His comforter smells like him. Without a thought, I kick off my sandals and slip under the comforter. Peter chuckles.

  “You messed up my bed,” he playfully whines.

  “I want to take a nap,” I yawn. Peter takes off his socks and sneakers and joins me.

  “Wake up sleeping beauty,” Danny says. She shakes me and my eyes flutter open.

  “What time is it?” I ask, stifling a yawn.

  “Six O: clock,” she laughs.

  “Where’s Peter?”

  “Downstairs. He let you sleep,” Danny explains as she sits on the edge of the bed. I stretch and sit up.

  “So, are you ready to go?” I ask. Danny shakes her head. “Peter wants to take you out to dinner first,” Danny informs me. That’s exciting. I get out of bed and straighten my dress. My hair is a complete rat’s nest, so I steal the comb that’s lying on the dresser and attempt to drag it through my hair. There is no hope for it. I pull my crazy hair into a bun and make my way to the bathroom. After washing my face and spraying perfume on myself, I go downstairs. Peter is in the kitchen sitting at the island. Lilly and the blond that I saw earlier are both there. The two girls glare at me. Peter follows their looks of hatred and smiles.

  “You’re awake. Ready to go?” Peter asks me.

  “Where are we going?

  “You’ll see. It’s a surprise,” my boyfriend says before standing and leaving the room. Oh great, now I’m alone with Lilly, again. How wonderful!


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